Re: Video Capture

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Don't know if this relates to what you're trying to do or not, but there are
a bunch of people constructing Personal Video Recorders (Tivo emulator) on
Linux boxes.  Downloadable code, drivers, & links can be found at:

and there's an article talking about it in November Popular Science
Might be an interesting Euphoria / Linux project?

Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "jordah ferguson" <jorfergie03 at>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 3:10 AM
Subject: Video Capture

> Hi All,
> I was doing some simple coding last night and got disappointing
> results, those annoying enuff to make you dump a project. i keep getting
> the message saying my AVI capture driver is poorly installed. i have run
> this same program on my dads computer and it still gives me the same
> result. If the it works on any other systems without erroring out please
> inform me. And if you have any idea how i can properly install a video
> capture driver please inform me.
> The first half of the code is my latest low-level routines include
> file. the real code is at the bottom. Please give me feeback
> Jordah Ferguson
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> --File   : SpyLoJiK ver 0.0.1
> --Version: 0.0.1
> --Date   : 1/10/2002
> --Author : Jordah Ferguson
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> include dll.e
> include msgbox.e
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -- Start of the latest version of llrtns.e By me :)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global constant
>    CHAR     = #01000001,   UCHAR    = #02000001,
>    SHORT    = #01000002,   USHORT   = #02000002,
>    INT      = #01000004,   UINT     = #02000004,
>    LONG     = INT      ,   ULONG    = UINT     ,
>    POINTER  = ULONG    ,   FLOAT    = #03000004,
>    DOUBLE   = #03000008,   BOOL     = CHAR     ,
>    BYTE     = CHAR     ,   WORD     = SHORT    ,
>    UWORD    = USHORT   ,   DWORD    = ULONG    ,
>    PTR      = POINTER  ,   LPSZ     = #04000004,
>    FLOAT32  = FLOAT    ,   FLOAT64  = DOUBLE   ,
> -------------------[ Structure Constants ]-------------------
> constant
>   lladdress = 1,
>   llsize    = 2,
>   llctype   = 3,
>   llevalue  = 4,
>   lloffset  = 5
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> constant kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll"),
>   HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY              = #00000008,
>   HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE             = #00000001,
>   HEAP_GROWABLE                 = #00000002,
> zHeapCreate  = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapCreate", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapAlloc   = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapAlloc", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapFree    = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapFree", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapDestroy = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapDestroy", {C_LONG}, C_LONG),
> zlstrlen     = define_c_func(kernel32, "lstrlenA",{C_POINTER}, C_INT)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> atom InternalHeap
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global type Struct(sequence x)
> if length(x) != 5 then
>   return 0
> else
>   return  atom(x[1])
>   and  integer(x[2])
>   and sequence(x[3])
>   and sequence(x[4])
>   and sequence(x[5])
> end if
> end type
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global type string(sequence s)
> object x
> for i = 1 to length(s) do
>   x = s[i]
>   if integer(x) then
>     if x < 0 or x > #FF then
>       return 0
>     end if
>   else
>     return 0
>   end if
> end for
> return 1
> end type
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global function HeapCreate(integer size)
>   return
> c_func(zHeapCreate,{or_bits(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,HEAP_GROWABLE),size,0})

> zcapGetDriverDescription=
> e_c_func(avicap32,"capGetDriverDescriptionA",{UINT,LONG,LONG,LONG},LONG)
>  ,
> -- Some Constants:
> WM_CREATE            = 1,
> WM_CLOSE             = 16,
> WM_SIZE              = #5,
> WM_USER              = 1024,
> WM_CAP_START         = WM_USER,
> CapWndStyle = or_bits(#10000000,#40000000),
> ProgName    = "AVI Capture Demonstration by Jordah Ferguson 2002",
> ClassName   = "AVI Capture: Lojik Software"
> atom MainWnd,CaptWnd
> MainWnd = 0
> CaptWnd = 0
> -------------------[ WNDCLASSEX STRUCTRURE ]------------
>   WNDCLASSEX = defineStructure({
>   {UINT  ,"cbSize"       },
>   {UINT  ,"style"        },
>   {PTR   ,"lpfnWndProc"  },
>   {INT   ,"cbClsExtra"   },
>   {INT   ,"cbWndExtra"   },
>   {HANDLE,"hInstance"    },
>   {HANDLE,"hIcon"        },
>   {HANDLE,"hCursor"      },
>   {HANDLE,"hbrBackground"},
>   {PTR   ,"lpszMenuName" },
>   {LPSZ  ,"lpszClassName"},
>   {HANDLE,"hIconSm"      }})
>   WNDCLASSEX = AllocateStructure(WNDCLASSEX)
>   -------------------[ POINTAPI Structure ]----------------
>   POINTAPI = defineStructure({
>   {LONG,"x"},
>   {LONG,"y"}})
>   -------------------[ MSG Structure ]-------------------
>   MSG = defineStructure({
>   {HANDLE  ,"hwnd"   },
>   {UINT    ,"message"},
>   {WORD    ,"wParam" },
>   {LONG    ,"lParam" },
>   {DWORD   ,"time"   },
>   {POINTAPI,""       }})
>   MSG = AllocateStructure(MSG)
>   constant MSGPOINTER = addressOf(MSG)
> -------------------[ Error Box: MACRO]
> procedure Error(sequence msg)
>   if message_box(msg,"Spy LoJik 2002",MB_ICONINFORMATION) then end if
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> integer junk,ret
> -- Wrap of the functions
> procedure RegisterClassEx(atom lp)
>   ret = c_func(zRegisterClassEx,{lp})
>   if not ret then
>     Error("Failed to reister class")
>   end if
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function CreateWindowEx(atom ex,sequence lpsz,sequence wndname,atom st,
>                         atom x,atom y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd)
>   atom buffer1,buffer2
>   buffer1 = Alloc(lpsz)
>   buffer2 = Alloc(wndname)
>   ret =
>   if not ret then
>     Error("CreateWindowEx failed")
>   end if
>   Free(buffer1)
>   Free(buffer2)
>    return ret
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function SendMessage(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
>    return c_func(zSendMessage,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function capCreateCaptureWindow(sequence Name,atom ExS,atom x,atom
> y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd,atom cId)
>   atom buffer,ret
>   buffer = Alloc(Name)
>   ret = c_func(zcapCreateCaptureWindow,{buffer,ExS,x,y,cx,cy,pHwnd,cId})
>   if not ret then
>      Error("Failed to create the capture window")
>   end if
>   Free(buffer)
>   return ret
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> procedure GetDriverDescription()
>   atom buffer1,buffer2
>   sequence Desc Desc = {}
>   buffer1 = Alloc(80)
>   buffer2 = Alloc(80)
>   for n = 1 to 10 do
>     junk = c_func(zcapGetDriverDescription,{buffer1,80,buffer2,80})
>     Desc &= PeekString(buffer1)&"   "&PeekString(buffer2) &"\n"
>   end for
>   Error("Device Names: Device Versions\n"&Desc)
>   Free(buffer1)
>   Free(buffer2)
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> ------[ Callack Functions: The real Code at work~ ]------
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function ErrorCallBack(atom hwnd,atom ErrId,atom lp)
>    if hwnd != CaptWnd then
>     return 0
>    elsif not ErrId then
>     return 1
>    else
>     Error(sprintf("Code: %d \nMSG: ",ErrId)&PeekString(lp))
>    end if
>    return 1
> end function
> constant ECB = call_back(routine_id("ErrorCallBack"))
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> atom xPos,yPos
> function WndProc(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
>   if msg = WM_CREATE then
>     CaptWnd =
> capCreateCaptureWindow(ClassName,CapWndStyle,10,10,180,180,hwnd,1)
>     GetDriverDescription()
>     junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERROR,0,ECB)
>     junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT,0,0)
>   elsif msg = WM_SIZE then
>     xPos = LOWORD(lParam)
>     yPos = HIWORD(lParam)
>     junk = c_func(zMoveWindow,{CaptWnd,0,0,xPos,yPos-50,1})
>   elsif msg = WM_CLOSE then
>     if hwnd = MainWnd then
>       c_proc(zPostQuitMessage,{0})
>     end if
>   end if
>    return c_func(zDefWindowProc,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
> end function
> constant lpfnWndProc = call_back(routine_id("WndProc"))
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> procedure WinMain()
> atom size,aWNDCLASSEX,icon,cursor
>   size = sizeOf(WNDCLASSEX)
>   icon = c_func(zLoadIcon,{0,#7F04})
>   cursor = c_func(zLoadCursor,{0,#7F00})
>     Store(WNDCLASSEX,{
>     {"cbSize"       ,size       },
>     {"lpfnWndProc"  ,lpfnWndProc},
>     {"hInstance"    , instance()},
>     {"hIcon"        , icon      },
>     {"hCursor"      , cursor    },
>     {"style"        , #0020     }, -- CS_OWNDC
>     {"hbrBackground", 16        },
>     {"lpszClassName", ClassName }})
>   RegisterClassEx(aWNDCLASSEX)
>   MainWnd = CreateWindowEx(0,ClassName,ProgName,
>             #104F0000,   --or_bits(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,WS_VISIBLE)


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