1. RE: board games

>From: david <guest at RapidEuphoria.com>
>Reply-To: EUforum at topica.com
>To: EUforum at topica.com
>Subject: board games
>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:40:32 -0700
>posted by: david <studmeow at hotmail.com>
>So far, several classic games have been covered in Euphoria.
>Othello (Reversi)
>several tile matching examples (including Mahjong)
>I haven't seen solitaire, but the Reaper's engine should help.
>Paper Rock Scissors
>Hexy (if it's the same one, it was once available as a board game)
>Games I'd like to see:

   A very hard game for which to make a computer program. It is said to be=

harder than Chess. You don't see an IBM computer that plays Go because all=

it does is look at all the possible moves and counter-moves. There are
substantially more moves in playing a game of Go. That's not to say there=

aren't any algorithms to play Go, I just haven't looked for them yet.

>Tri-level chess (Star Trek style)

   I'm pretty sure there's a DOS version of this.

>a version of 3-player chess (VERY big in Europe)
>Four Winds version Mahjong

   As in multiplayer? I haven't seen what the already-written versions can=

do yet.

>Hanafuda solitaire & multiplayer versions


>Also, I've acquired some PD source code for a vector graphics engine.
>I'd like someone to port it to Euphoria. Interested parties please email
>me at studmeowAThotmailDOTcom

   What sort of code is it?

~[ WingZone ]~


first two months FREE*.

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2. RE: board games

Sobokan (sic) my bad, lol.

There are several good PC versions at the Home of the Underdogs. Also 
there's an interesting commercial version whose premise is simply, 'Study 
life and death' for those who wish to master it (an oriental thing.) It 
would be interesting to know how their engine is constructed, since those 
who have played it have increased their skill level immeasurably. Unfortu-
nately, I can't remember the name of it.
www.smart-games.com has a few good versions. They also have good versions 
of other board games, like chess & Othello.

Hanafuda is an oriental cardset. The usual standard decks we know have 4 
suits & a rank of 13 cards. A hanafuda deck has only a rank of 4 (for the 
four seasons), but 12 suits for the 12 months of the year. They're often
called the 'flower' cards because of the depictions on the cards.
The Underdogs have two good versions:
Ian Bowes' Hana-fuda (search for it spelled that way or it won't find it)
Scott Kim's Heaven & Earth (a compilation of several original puzzles with
a solitaire game).

What sort of code is it?
I believe it's QuickBasic, because one of the folders is named Qb & the 
code looks somewhat like a dialect of BASIC.
Here's a selection from one of the files.


code32   segment para public use32
         assume cs:code32, ds:code32

use_half_stars  equ no         ; use full stars or half stars. (full=set to no)
perfect_stars   equ no         ; fast star calculation if no, perfect if yes.

         include pmode.ext                  ; protected mode externals
include xmode.ext                  ; include externals for xmode
         include 3d.ext
         include equ.inc
         include macros.inc

         public _star_plot
         public _star_colour
         public _star_halfpoint
         public _star_step

Thanks for responding.

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3. RE: board games

> What sort of code is it?
> I believe it's QuickBasic, because one of the folders is named Qb & the 
> code looks somewhat like a dialect of BASIC.
> Here's a selection from one of the files.
> .386p
>          jumps
> code32   segment para public use32
>          assume cs:code32, ds:code32
> use_half_stars  equ no         ; use full stars or half stars. (full=set to
> no)
> perfect_stars   equ no         ; fast star calculation if no, perfect if yes.
>          include pmode.ext                  ; protected mode externals
>          include xmode.ext                  ; include externals for xmode
>          routines
>          include 3d.ext
>          include equ.inc
>          include macros.inc
>          public _star_plot
>          public _star_colour
>          public _star_halfpoint
>          public _star_step
> Thanks for responding.

This to me is not QB but instead, MASM32 code...



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4. RE: board games

david wrote:


> What sort of code is it?
> I believe it's QuickBasic, because one of the folders is named Qb & the 
> code looks somewhat like a dialect of BASIC.
> Here's a selection from one of the files.
> .386p
>          jumps
> code32   segment para public use32
>          assume cs:code32, ds:code32
> use_half_stars  equ no         ; use full stars or half stars. (full=set to
> no)
> perfect_stars   equ no         ; fast star calculation if no, perfect if yes.
>          include pmode.ext                  ; protected mode externals
>          include xmode.ext                  ; include externals for xmode
>          routines
>          include 3d.ext
>          include equ.inc
>          include macros.inc
>          public _star_plot
>          public _star_colour
>          public _star_halfpoint
>          public _star_step

This is Intel-based assembler code, not BASIC.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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5. RE: board games

Derek Parnell wrote:
> This is Intel-based assembler code, not BASIC.

The majority of the files are written in this form of code. There's some
readme files, and for some reason, a few batch files. Upon reading the 
text, I discovered a few things:

The batch files are setup for input, I think just to show a few examples.
There's three called M1 - M3 respectively. Clicking on the file terminates 
with a screen relaying info about parameters. (I really wish I'd stuck 
with DOS instead of being hooked into Windoze...)

The DXF23DV folder has assorted files & some batch files. Like 'ASM', 
'Example', & a few others.

There's some info about being able to integrate with AutoCAD to create 
vector type graphics. If we can successfully port this to Euphoria, can
we still use AutoCAD, or maybe Exotica?

There are files for keyboard support (of course), as well as mouse &
joystick support.
Of course, there's some contact info, but since this is almost 10 years 
old, the info may no longer be valid.

Thanks for your input.

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