RE: board games
- Posted by "Elliott S. de Andrade" <quantum_analyst at> Oct 05, 2004
>From: david <guest at> >Reply-To: EUforum at >To: EUforum at >Subject: board games >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:40:32 -0700 > >posted by: david <studmeow at> > >So far, several classic games have been covered in Euphoria. >Chess/Checkers >Othello (Reversi) >several tile matching examples (including Mahjong) >Sobokan Sokoban? >I haven't seen solitaire, but the Reaper's engine should help. >Paper Rock Scissors >Hexy (if it's the same one, it was once available as a board game) > >Games I'd like to see: >Dominoes/Trionimos >Go A very hard game for which to make a computer program. It is said to be= harder than Chess. You don't see an IBM computer that plays Go because all= it does is look at all the possible moves and counter-moves. There are substantially more moves in playing a game of Go. That's not to say there= aren't any algorithms to play Go, I just haven't looked for them yet. >Tri-level chess (Star Trek style) I'm pretty sure there's a DOS version of this. >a version of 3-player chess (VERY big in Europe) >Four Winds version Mahjong As in multiplayer? I haven't seen what the already-written versions can= do yet. >Hanafuda solitaire & multiplayer versions Hanafuda-what? >BACKGAMMON!!! > >Also, I've acquired some PD source code for a vector graphics engine. >I'd like someone to port it to Euphoria. Interested parties please email >me at studmeowAThotmailDOTcom > What sort of code is it? ~[ WingZone ]~ 34&SU= first two months FREE*.