1. 2d map system: Request comments!

->    !!!!WARNING!!!!
->    !!!LONG POST!!!
We'll survive :)

-> I am thinking of making a 2d-map-engine. (useful, perhaps, in the
-> games people

<Chopity Chop>

I've been having a quick play with making 2d maps, and found the hardest
thing was making textures that map nicely (ie. the left side of the
texture and the right side of the texture seemlessly join)

The best solution i found was to use random dots for each texture, eg.
random dots of light green, medium green, and dark green for grass.

However, be warned!... the flatter the colouring (the more 'base' colour
there is) the better a texture looks.

Take Warcraft, for example. The snow texture is basicly a plain white
with the odd patch of light gray, and of course every so often a
randomly placed skelleton or other ornamental scenery, and the grass,
ice, and water are basicly all the same.

Hope that helps you! :)

Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at nelsun.gen.nz
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2. Re: 2d map system: Request comments!

Well, since you talk about 2D maps, I thought I could send a little
improved version of the map-generator I sent before. Comments, ideas,
improvements anyone? Nobody said anything about my last attempt, so I guess
you didn't like it.

Einar Mogen
-----------------------------LAND GENERATOR-------------------------------
include image.e

sequence landmass
sequence colors
integer col,row,area
object junk

global function world_gen()
for tl=1 to 30 do
        for t=1 to 2500/area do
                for mm=1 to area do
                        if landmass[row][col]>8 then landmass[row][col]=3 end if
                        if row=0 then row=200
                        elsif row=201 then row=1 end if
                        if col=0 then col=320
                        elsif col=321 then col=1 end if
                end for
        end for
end for
for tl=1 to 200 do
        for t=1 to 320 do
                if landmass[tl][t] then
                end if
        end for
end for
return landmass
end function

if graphics_mode(19) then end if

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3. Re: 2d map system: Request comments!

>Well, since you talk about 2D maps, I thought I could send a little
>improved version of the map-generator I sent before. Comments, ideas,
>improvements anyone? Nobody said anything about my last attempt, so I
>guess you didn't like it.

I wasn't here that last time.. <G>
It's pretty good... Although a larger scale with scrolling capability
would be nicer... (Like Command & Conquer... But random... You could have
it zoomed in more... And have trees and rocks..)

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