1. Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 15, 2001
I found this puzzle in an example program for a language I downloaded. Can you write a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? A small street has five differently colored houses on it. Five men of different nationalities live in these five houses. Each man has a different profession, each man likes a different drink, and each has a different pet animal. We have the following information: The Englishman lives in the red house. The Spaniard has a dog. The Japanese is a painter. The Italian drinks tea. The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left. The owner of the green house drinks coffee. The green house is on the right of the white house. The sculptor breeds snails. The diplomat lives in the yellow house. They drink milk in the middle house. The Norwegian lives next door to the blue house. The violinist drinks fruit juice. The fox is in the house next to the doctor's. The horse is in the house next to the diplomat's. The question is who has the zebra and who drinks water? Regards, Irv
2. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 15, 2001
Irv, what makes you use EUPHORIA and not Lua? > I found this puzzle in an example program for a language I downloaded. > Can you write a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? I did it! I was able to create a program that I ultimately reduced to about 40 lines. It was brilliant (IIRC). However, I accidentally deleted it and every shred of evidence that it ever existed. And my hard drive crashed. Oh well. Having conquered that mountain, I'm on to the next... I've still got to finish my Cerebral Human Interface Device. -ck, the brilliant but clumsy EUPHORIA programmer
3. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 15, 2001
On Wednesday 15 August 2001 11:54, sephiroth _ wrote: > > how would a computer program solve that, unless you count an AI? > It's not as complicated as you may think - but then, if I hadn't seen the source code, I wouldn't have a clue how to do this, either. Regards, Irv
4. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 15, 2001
On Wednesday 15 August 2001 12:15, C. K. Lester wrote: > > Irv, what makes you use EUPHORIA and not Lua? I only downloaded Lua a couple of days ago, along with a lot of other relatively unknown languages. Some of them look really good, and others.... only a parent could love. Regards, Irv
5. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 15, 2001
On Wednesday 15 August 2001 13:06, sephiroth _ wrote: > > no offense, but your writing the prog and then deleting it and this > cerebral human interface device makes you sound a bit like another MTS > CHID Instruction Manual - Page 1 Rule 1: Don't even THINK about deleting this program! Irv
6. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 15, 2001
Except I'm joking... > no offense, but your writing the prog and then deleting it and this > cerebral human interface device makes you sound a bit like another MTS :) <\<
7. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 15, 2001
> > > > no offense, but your writing the prog and then deleting it and this > > cerebral human interface device makes you sound a bit like another MTS > > > > CHID Instruction Manual - Page 1 > > Rule 1: Don't even THINK about deleting this program! > > Irv LOL! I had to think about this for a second... I thought it was a command, but it's a warning! :)
8. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Dan Moyer <DANIELMOYER at prodigy.net> Aug 15, 2001
Irv, CHID VIRUS ALERT!! A CHID virus has been discovered whereby if you think of a Zebra, you will remember the warning not to think about deleting the program, and that will.... ----- Original Message ----- From: "Irv Mullins" <irvm at ellijay.com> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com> Subject: Re: Need a Challenge? > > On Wednesday 15 August 2001 13:06, sephiroth _ wrote: > > > > no offense, but your writing the prog and then deleting it and this > > cerebral human interface device makes you sound a bit like another MTS > > > > CHID Instruction Manual - Page 1 > > Rule 1: Don't even THINK about deleting this program! > > Irv >
9. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Aug 16, 2001
Irv Mullins wrote: > I found this puzzle in an example program > for a language I downloaded. Can you write > a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? I've included two versions. The first uses some pruning, so it doesn't take forever. It's about 125 lines of code. The second works in theory - I haven't had the patience to run it all the way through. But it's 100 lines long.Basically, it's a brute force approach. 'calc_permutes' pre-calculates all the combinations of {1..5}. 'main' loops through the entire search space, looking for a match. 'test' checks to see if a particular combination matches the criteria. If it does, the program halts. There are some pruning tests to reduce the search space, so the redundant tests in test() are commented out. Otherwise, it would be a *long* time to arrive at the answer. as it is, it takes my P200 about 18 seconds to find the solution. The code could be a lot more efficient, but it would take more lines, and I think it's *sort* of explanatory, even without comments. The answer is: english red snail sculptor milk third spanish white dog violinist juice fifth japanese green zebra painter coffee fourth italian blue horse doctor tea second norwegian yellow fox diplomat water first If you *really* want to speed it up, just change the constants to match the solution.
-- David Cuny -- Version 1 sequence color, job, pet, drink, house, permutes, list constant colors = { "red", "green", "yellow", "white", "blue" }, nations = { "english", "spanish", "japanese", "italian", "norwegian" }, jobs = { "painter", "sculptor", "diplomat", "violinist", "doctor" }, pets = { "dog", "snail", "fox", "horse", "zebra" }, drinks = { "tea", "coffee", "milk", "juice", "water" }, houses = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth" }, country = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Red = 1, Green = 2, Yellow = 3, White = 4, Blue = 5, English = 1, Spaniard = 2, Japanese = 3, Italian = 4, Norwegian = 5, Painter = 1, Sculptor = 2, Diplomat = 3, Violinist = 4, Doctor = 5, Dog = 1, Snail = 2, Fox = 3, Horse = 4, Zebra = 5, Tea = 1, Coffee = 2, Milk = 3, Juice = 4, Water = 5 procedure calc_permutes( integer i, integer j ) if j = 0 then -- initialize permutes = {} list = repeat( 0, i ) calc_permutes( i, j+1 ) elsif j > i then permutes = append( permutes, list ) return else for k = 1 to i do if list[k] = 0 then list[k] = j calc_permutes( i, j+1 ) list[k] = 0 end if end for end if end procedure function both( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at at = find( i1, s1 ) if at then return s2[at] = i2 else return 0 end if end function function nextTo( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at1, at2 at1 = find( i1, s1 ) at2 = find( i2, s2 ) if at1 and at2 then return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 or house[at1] = house[at2]+1 ) else return 0 end if end function function onRight( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at1, at2 at1 = find( i1, s1 ) at2 = find( i2, s2 ) return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 ) end function procedure test() if 1 -- and both( country, English, color, Red ) -- and both( country, Spaniard, pet, Dog ) -- and both( country, Japanese, job, Painter ) -- and both( country, Italian, drink, Tea ) -- and both( country, Norwegian, house, 1 ) and both( color, Green, drink, Coffee ) and onRight( color, Green, color, White ) and both( job, Sculptor, pet, Snail ) and both( job, Diplomat, color, Yellow ) and both( drink, Milk, house, 3 ) and nextTo( country, Norwegian, color, Blue ) and both( job, Violinist, drink, Juice ) and nextTo( pet, Fox, job, Doctor ) and nextTo( pet, Horse, job, Diplomat ) then for i = 1 to 5 do puts( 1, nations[i] & " " & colors[color[i]] & " " & pets[pet[i]] & " " & jobs[job[i]] & " " & drinks[drink[i]] & " " & houses[house[i]] & "\n" ) end for abort(0) end if end procedure procedure main() calc_permutes( 5, 0 ) for colors = 1 to length( permutes ) do color = permutes[colors] if color[English] = Red then for pets = 1 to length( permutes ) do pet = permutes[pets] if pet[Spaniard] = Dog then for jobs = 1 to length( permutes ) do job = permutes[jobs] if job[Japanese] = Painter then for drinks = 1 to length( permutes ) do drink = permutes[drinks] if drink[Italian] = Tea then for houses = 1 to length( permutes ) do house = permutes[houses] if house[Norwegian] = 1 then test() end if end for end if end for end if end for end if end for end if end for end procedure main() -- Version 2: *very* slow sequence color, job, pet, drink, house, permutes, list, matrix constant colors = { "red", "green", "yellow", "white", "blue" }, nations = { "english", "spanish", "japanese", "italian", "norwegian" }, jobs = { "painter", "sculptor", "diplomat", "violinist", "doctor" }, pets = { "dog", "snail", "fox", "horse", "zebra" }, drinks = { "tea", "coffee", "milk", "juice", "water" }, houses = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth" }, country = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Color = 1, Job = 2, Pet = 3, Drink = 4, House = 5, Red = 1, Green = 2, Yellow = 3, White = 4, Blue = 5, English = 1, Spaniard = 2, Japanese = 3, Italian = 4, Norwegian = 5, Painter = 1, Sculptor = 2, Diplomat = 3, Violinist = 4, Doctor = 5, Dog = 1, Snail = 2, Fox = 3, Horse = 4, Zebra = 5, Tea = 1, Coffee = 2, Milk = 3, Juice = 4, Water = 5 procedure calc_permutes( integer i, integer j ) if j > i then permutes = append( permutes, list ) return else for k = 1 to i do if list[k] = 0 then list[k] = j calc_permutes( i, j+1 ) list[k] = 0 end if end for end if end procedure function both( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at at = find( i1, s1 ) if at then return s2[at] = i2 end if return 0 end function function nextTo( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at1, at2 at1 = find( i1, s1 ) at2 = find( i2, s2 ) if at1 and at2 then return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 or house[at1] = house[at2]+1 ) end if return 0 end function function onRight( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 ) integer at1, at2 at1 = find( i1, s1 ) at2 = find( i2, s2 ) return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 ) end function procedure test() if both( country, English, matrix[Color], Red ) and both( country, Spaniard, matrix[Pet], Dog ) and both( country, Japanese, matrix[Job], Painter ) and both( country, Italian, matrix[Drink], Tea ) and both( country, Norwegian, matrix[House], 1 ) and both( matrix[Color], Green, matrix[Drink], Coffee ) and onRight( matrix[Color], Green, matrix[Color], White ) and both( matrix[Job], Sculptor, matrix[Pet], Snail ) and both( matrix[Job], Diplomat, matrix[Color], Yellow ) and both( matrix[Drink], Milk, matrix[House], 3 ) and nextTo( country, Norwegian, matrix[Color], Blue ) and both( matrix[Job], Violinist, matrix[Drink], Juice ) and nextTo( matrix[Pet], Fox, matrix[Job], Doctor ) and nextTo( matrix[Pet], Horse, matrix[Job], Diplomat ) then for i = 1 to 5 do puts( 1, nations[i] & " " & colors[matrix[Color][i]] & " " & pets[matrix[Pet][i]] & " " & jobs[matrix[Job][i]] & " " & drinks[matrix[Drink][i]] & " " & houses[matrix[House][i]] & "\n" ) end for abort(0) end if end procedure procedure search( integer index, integer max ) for i = 1 to length( permutes ) do matrix[index] = permutes[i] if index = max then test() else search( index+1, max ) end if end for end procedure permutes = {} list = repeat( 0, 5 ) calc_permutes( 5, 1 ) matrix = repeat( {}, House ) search( 1, House )
10. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 16, 2001
On Wednesday 15 August 2001 21:50, Dan Moyer wrote: > > Irv, > > CHID VIRUS ALERT!! > > A CHID virus has been discovered whereby if you think of a Zebra, you will > remember the warning not to think about deleting the program, and that > will.... > So, you're saying CK's invention supports recursion? Regards, Irv
11. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 16, 2001
Don't worry, I've reworked the code so that if you think about deleting the program, it at least prompts you to confirm. Just remember to stop thinking about deleting the program right after you dismiss the confirmation dialog. It's easy with practice. > > CHID VIRUS ALERT!! > > > > A CHID virus has been discovered whereby if you think of a Zebra, you will > > remember the warning not to think about deleting the program, and that > > will.... > > > > So, you're saying CK's invention supports recursion?
12. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Aug 16, 2001
On 15 Aug 2001, at 2:33, David Cuny wrote: > > > Irv Mullins wrote: > > > I found this puzzle in an example program > > for a language I downloaded. Can you write > > a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? > > I've included two versions. The first uses some pruning, so it doesn't take > forever. It's about 125 lines of code. The second works in theory - I haven't > had the patience to run it all the way through. But it's 100 lines long.I was going to cheat and include the mesh() function.
13. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> Aug 16, 2001
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_5bf2_3ab5_63e1 I wrote: >The second works in theory - I haven't had the patience to run it all the >way through. But it's 100 lines long. OK, I ran the second version, and fixed a couple of bugs in it - I had forgotten to change house[] to matrix[House][] in some of the tests. It took about 1.3 hours to run, but it works correctly now. -- David Cuny ------=_NextPart_000_5bf2_3ab5_63e1 Content-Type: text/plain; name="puzzle.ex"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
14. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 16, 2001
You should have at least put a "Starting at HH:MM:SS" and finished with an "Finished at HH:MM:SS" to make it easier on us lazy types. Then I'll run it on my PC and see what happens. > OK, I ran the second version, and fixed a couple of bugs in it - I had > forgotten to change house[] to matrix[House][] in some of the tests. It took > about 1.3 hours to run, but it works correctly now.
15. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 16, 2001
On Thursday 16 August 2001 16:00, David Cuny wrote: > OK, I ran the second version, and fixed a couple of bugs in it - I had > forgotten to change house[] to matrix[House][] in some of the tests. It > took about 1.3 hours to run, but it works correctly now. Wow. The following pgm runs in about 24 seconds; of course, this is a compiled language. MODULE zebra; CONST N = 5; English = 1; Spaniard = 2; Japanese = 3; Italian = 4; Norwegian = 5; Red = 1; Green = 2; White = 3; Yellow = 4; Blue = 5; Painter = 1; Sculptor = 2; Diplomat = 3; Violinist = 4; Doctor = 5; Dog = 1; Snails = 2; Fox = 3; Horse = 4; Zebra = 5; Tea = 1; Coffee = 2; Milk = 3; Juice = 4; Water = 5; TYPE T = [1..N]; ArrayT = ARRAY [1..N] OF [1..N]; VAR Nat, (* [English, Spaniard, Japanese, Italian, Norwegian] *) Color, (* [Red, Green, White, Yellow, Blue] *) Profession, (* [Painter, Sculptor, Diplomat, Violinist, Doctor] *) Pet, (* [Dog, Snails, Fox, Horse, Zebra] *) Drink: (* [Tea, Coffee, Milk, Juice, Water] *) ArrayT; PROCEDURE generate(VAR x:ArrayT); VAR i,j,k: T; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO N DO SOME j := 1 TO N DO FOR k := 1 TO i-1 DO j <> x[k] END; x[i] = j END END END generate; PROCEDURE zebra(VAR Nat, Color, Profession, Pet, Drink: ArrayT); BEGIN Nat[English] = Color[Red]; (* English = Red *) Nat[Spaniard] = Pet[Dog]; (* Spaniard = Dog *) Nat[Japanese] = Profession[Painter]; (* Japanese = Painter *) Nat[Italian] = Drink[Tea]; (* Italian = Tea *) Nat[Norwegian] = 1; (* Norwegian = 1 *) Color[Green] = Drink[Coffee]; (* Green = Coffee *) Color[Green] = Color[White] + 1; (* Green = White + 1 *) Profession[Sculptor] = Pet[Snails]; (* Sculptor = Snails *) Profession[Diplomat] = Color[Yellow]; (* Diplomat = Yellow *) Drink[Milk] = 3; (* Milk = 3 *) EITHER Nat[Norwegian] - Color[Blue] = 1 ORELSE Nat[Norwegian] - Color[Blue] = -1 END; (* |Norwegian - Blue| = 1 *) Profession[Violinist] = Drink[Juice]; (* Violinist = Juice *) EITHER Profession[Doctor] <> N; Pet[Fox] = Profession[Doctor] + 1 ORELSE Profession[Doctor] <> 1; Pet[Fox] = Profession[Doctor] - 1 END; (* |Doctor - Fox| = 1 *) EITHER Profession[Diplomat] <> N; Pet[Horse] = Profession[Diplomat] + 1 ORELSE Profession[Diplomat] <> 1; Pet[Horse] = Profession[Diplomat] - 1 END (* |Diplomat - Horse| = 1 *) END zebra; VAR sol: T; i: INTEGER; BEGIN FORALL generate(Nat); generate(Color); generate(Profession); zebra(Nat, Color, Profession, Pet, Drink); generate(Pet); generate(Drink); DO FOR i := 1 TO N DO IF Profession[i] = Pet[Zebra] THEN WRITELN("Person with profession number ", Profession[i], " owns the zebra."); END; IF Profession[i] = Drink[Water] THEN WRITELN("Person with profession number ", Profession[i], " drinks water."); END; END END END zebra. Regards, Irv
16. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 16, 2001
Well, Irv, that does us no good. Why dontcha translate it into EUPHORIA?! <\< > Wow. The following pgm runs in about 24 seconds; of course, this > is a compiled language. > > MODULE zebra; > <non-EUPHORIA code snipped>
17. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> Aug 16, 2001
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_4043_7664_3b21 Irv Mullins wrote: >Wow. The following pgm runs in about 24 seconds; of course, this is a >compiled language. OK, I made a couple of changes to the code. First, I re-ordered the declaration of constants so they match those in the example program. This ensures the comparisons are fair. Next, I added pruning back into the code. It's rather oblique, but it only costs 6 lines of code. That brought the runtime down to about 12 seconds. Finally, I commented out the redundant tests (those that the pruning already took care of). That brought the runtime down to less than 6 seconds. Of course, my speed is dependant on the processor I used - you'll want to run it on your machine for comparison. And this is the interpreted version. I'd tried to compile it, but it complains that the Library and Translator both have to be the Complete Edition... (mild grumbling, since I should have both installed) -- David Cuny ------=_NextPart_000_4043_7664_3b21 Content-Type: text/plain; name="puzzle.ex"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
18. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 16, 2001
On Thursday 16 August 2001 16:21, C. K. Lester wrote: > > Well, Irv, that does us no good. Why dontcha translate it into EUPHORIA?! It seems to me that David's program was very similar. Maybe he could learn something from that code which he could apply to his version to speed it up? Regards, Irv
19. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by euman at bellsouth.net Aug 16, 2001
Ouch David, thats gotta hurt... ;) Euman euman at bellsouth.net > On Thursday 16 August 2001 16:21, C. K. Lester wrote: > > > > Well, Irv, that does us no good. Why dontcha translate it into EUPHORIA?! > > It seems to me that David's program was very similar. > Maybe he could learn something from that code which he could > apply to his version to speed it up? > > Regards, > Irv
20. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 16, 2001
I knew David could do it!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Cuny" <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com> Subject: Re: Need a Challenge? > > Irv Mullins wrote: > > > >Wow. The following pgm runs in about 24 seconds; of course, this is a > >compiled language. > > OK, I made a couple of changes to the code. > > First, I re-ordered the declaration of constants so they match those in the > example program. This ensures the comparisons are fair. > > Next, I added pruning back into the code. It's rather oblique, but it only > costs 6 lines of code. That brought the runtime down to about 12 seconds. > > Finally, I commented out the redundant tests (those that the pruning already > took care of). That brought the runtime down to less than 6 seconds. Of > course, my speed is dependant on the processor I used - you'll want to run > it on your machine for comparison. > > And this is the interpreted version. I'd tried to compile it, but it > complains that the Library and Translator both have to be the Complete > Edition... (mild grumbling, since I should have both installed) > > -- David Cuny > > > > >
21. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> Aug 16, 2001
euman wrote: >Ouch David, thats gotta hurt... ;) Thanks for the sympathy.Actually, the first version (remember that one?) ran pretty fast - under 30 seconds on my P200. But it was about 70 statements too long. The second version (the one that took over an hour) was more a whim, an attempt to cut the size back at the expense of speed. I posted it more for amusement than anything else. The latest version should make Irv happy - it's around 100 statement mark if you trim it a bit, and it runs pretty fast. -- David Cuny
22. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 16, 2001
On Wednesday 15 August 2001 18:27, euman at bellsouth.net wrote: > > > Ouch David, thats gotta hurt... ;) I certainly had no intention of insulting David. Besides, he had already demonstrated another program which ran much faster. Regards, Irv > > It seems to me that David's program was very similar. > > Maybe he could learn something from that code which he could > > apply to his version to speed it up? >
23. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Aug 16, 2001
On Thursday 16 August 2001 17:18, David Cuny wrote: > > Irv Mullins wrote: > >Wow. The following pgm runs in about 24 seconds; of course, this is a > >compiled language. > > OK, I made a couple of changes to the code. > > First, I re-ordered the declaration of constants so they match those in the > example program. This ensures the comparisons are fair. > > Next, I added pruning back into the code. It's rather oblique, but it only > costs 6 lines of code. That brought the runtime down to about 12 seconds. > > Finally, I commented out the redundant tests (those that the pruning > already took care of). That brought the runtime down to less than 6 > seconds. Of course, my speed is dependant on the processor I used - you'll > want to run it on your machine for comparison. Woo hoo! 4.51 seconds here. That's amazing. I guess it proves that the right algorithm is more important than the language. BTW, that compiled language was alma. Bet no one's ever heard of it. That particular problem looked like something you'd use Prolog to solve. Anybody know Prolog? Regards, Irv
24. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> Aug 16, 2001
Irv Mullins wrote: >I certainly had no intention of insulting David. No insult taken.>Woo hoo! 4.51 seconds here. That's amazing. I guess it proves that the >right algorithm is more important than the language. What? You're not going to give Euphoria a *little* bit of credit? >BTW, that compiled language was alma. Bet no one's ever heard of it. No. >That particular problem looked like something you'd use Prolog to solve. >Anybody know Prolog? I used to code in Prolog... But searching Google is faster: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~timm/pub/lang/prolog/unswp/zebra -- David Cuny
25. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Dan Moyer <DANIELMOYER at prodigy.net> Aug 17, 2001
Ok, I'm guessing that one or more people have already solved this programming puzzle problem by now, but I'm still trying, and I have (at least?) one problem: I don't know how to deal with "relative position" information in my code/data structure ("The Norwegian lives NEXT DOOR to the blue house.", or "The green house is on the RIGHT of the white house. "). I CAN utilize some of that info, minimally (assert: Norwegian CAN'T live in blue house), but I can't put "+or- 1" in my data structure (for "next to"), which seems to be throwing away info, which seems bad. And I haven't figured out ANY way at all how to put "green position = white position + 1" in my data structure. What I have done is: I have a reasonable algorithm for the puzzle, with a reasonable data structure, I think; I can choose and enter any info (except for relative position), including "negative" info (Norwegian house NOT blue) into the structure; I can make info in one part of my structure be duplicated in parallel "reverse" portions of it (eg, have things like "Nationality/Color" array, AND "Color/Nationality" array, so I can enter all pairs of info; an entry in one is auto duplicated properly in the "twin"); I can test all elements for "missing only one item", and fill in the missing one (ie, if something is: not this, not that, not this and that, etc, then MUST be: the only remaining possibility); this is, I think, the main key to the puzzle solution? and I print out my data, and what is in the "Drink(water)/Nationality" and "Pet(zebra)/Nationality" arrays. I *may* have neglected to do that over & over again so newly filled in info can be used to generate additional conclusions, and there *may* be other logic tests I have also neglected to generate, and my code is LONG, and not clear, too :( , but I am trying. Any suggestions for how to deal with "relative positions"? Dan Moyer ----- Original Message ----- From: "Irv Mullins" <irvm at ellijay.com> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 8:47 AM Subject: Need a Challenge? > > > I found this puzzle in an example program for a language I downloaded. > Can you write a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? > > A small street has five differently colored houses on it. Five men > of different nationalities live in these five houses. Each man has > a different profession, each man likes a different drink, and each > has a different pet animal. We have the following information: > > The Englishman lives in the red house. > The Spaniard has a dog. > The Japanese is a painter. > The Italian drinks tea. > The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left. > The owner of the green house drinks coffee. > The green house is on the right of the white house. > The sculptor breeds snails. > The diplomat lives in the yellow house. > They drink milk in the middle house. > The Norwegian lives next door to the blue house. > The violinist drinks fruit juice. > The fox is in the house next to the doctor's. > The horse is in the house next to the diplomat's. > > The question is who has the zebra and who drinks water? > > Regards, > Irv > > > > > > >
26. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by Dan Moyer <DANIELMOYER at prodigy.net> Aug 17, 2001
Irv, Of course, technically, you can't validly assert that *any* of the people mentioned owns a Zebra, or drinks Water, because the puzzle doesn't mention either in the information, nor does it say: "One of the pets is a Zebra, and one of the beverages is Water: The question is who has the zebra and who drinks water?" Without an explicit statement that the "missing" pet is a Zebra, and that the "missing" drink is water, that pet could just as well be an Octopus, and that drink KoolAid, or they could be anything at all. Since they *could* be *anything*, it can't be valid to say that they *are* a zebra and water. Just *saying* "who has the Zebra" doesn't seem sufficient, because it hasn't been *defined* as being one of the pets. No? (Setting that "technicality aside, I still haven't solved it.) Dan Moyer ----- Original Message ----- From: "Irv Mullins" <irvm at ellijay.com> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 8:47 AM Subject: Need a Challenge? > > > I found this puzzle in an example program for a language I downloaded. > Can you write a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it? > > A small street has five differently colored houses on it. Five men > of different nationalities live in these five houses. Each man has > a different profession, each man likes a different drink, and each > has a different pet animal. We have the following information: > > The Englishman lives in the red house. > The Spaniard has a dog. > The Japanese is a painter. > The Italian drinks tea. > The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left. > The owner of the green house drinks coffee. > The green house is on the right of the white house. > The sculptor breeds snails. > The diplomat lives in the yellow house. > They drink milk in the middle house. > The Norwegian lives next door to the blue house. > The violinist drinks fruit juice. > The fox is in the house next to the doctor's. > The horse is in the house next to the diplomat's. > > The question is who has the zebra and who drinks water? > > Regards, > Irv > > > > > > >
27. Re: Need a Challenge?
- Posted by David Cuny <euphoria_coder at HOTMAIL.COM> Aug 17, 2001
Dan Moyer wrote: >I don't know how to deal with "relative position" information in my >code/data structure ("The Norwegian lives NEXT DOOR to the blue house.", or >"The green house is on the RIGHT of the white house. I don't know what your data structure looks like, but you might just make a set of explicit assertions: next_to( house1, house2 ) next_to( house2, house1 ) next_to( house2, house3 ) next_to( house3, house2 ) next_to( house3, house4 ) next_to( house4, house3 ) next_to( house4, house5 ) next_to( house5, house4 ) so there is no math involved. -- David Cuny >