Re: Need a Challenge?

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Irv Mullins wrote:

> I found this puzzle in an example program
> for a language I downloaded. Can you write
> a program (100 lines or less, plz) to solve it?

I've included two versions. The first uses some pruning, so it doesn't take
forever. It's about 125 lines of code. The second works in theory - I
haven't had the patience to run it all the way through. But it's 100 lines
long. smile

Basically, it's a brute force approach. 'calc_permutes' pre-calculates all
the combinations of {1..5}. 'main' loops through the entire search space,
looking for a match. 'test' checks to see if a particular combination
matches the criteria. If it does, the program halts. There are some pruning
tests to reduce the search space, so the redundant tests in test() are
commented out. Otherwise, it would be a *long* time to arrive at the answer.
as it is, it takes my P200 about 18 seconds to find the solution. The code
could be a lot more efficient, but it would take more lines, and I think
it's *sort* of explanatory, even without comments.

The answer is:

  english red snail sculptor milk third
  spanish white dog violinist juice fifth
  japanese green zebra painter coffee fourth
  italian blue horse doctor tea second
  norwegian yellow fox diplomat water first

If you *really* want to speed it up, just change the constants to match the
solution. blink

-- David Cuny

-- Version 1

sequence color, job, pet, drink, house, permutes, list

    colors = { "red", "green", "yellow", "white", "blue" },
    nations = { "english", "spanish", "japanese", "italian", "norwegian" },
    jobs = { "painter", "sculptor", "diplomat", "violinist", "doctor" },
    pets = { "dog", "snail", "fox", "horse", "zebra" },
    drinks = { "tea", "coffee", "milk",  "juice", "water" },
    houses = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth" },
    country = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
    Red = 1, Green = 2, Yellow = 3, White = 4, Blue = 5,
    English = 1, Spaniard = 2, Japanese = 3, Italian = 4, Norwegian = 5,
    Painter = 1, Sculptor = 2, Diplomat = 3, Violinist = 4, Doctor = 5,
    Dog = 1, Snail = 2, Fox = 3, Horse = 4, Zebra = 5,
    Tea = 1, Coffee = 2, Milk = 3, Juice = 4, Water = 5

procedure calc_permutes( integer i, integer j )
    if j = 0 then
        -- initialize
        permutes = {}
        list = repeat( 0, i )
        calc_permutes( i, j+1 )
    elsif j > i then
        permutes = append( permutes, list )
        for k = 1 to i do
            if list[k] = 0 then
                list[k] = j
                calc_permutes( i, j+1 )
                list[k] = 0
            end if
        end for
    end if
end procedure

function both( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at
    at = find( i1, s1 )
    if at then
        return s2[at] = i2
        return 0
    end if
end function

function nextTo( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at1, at2
    at1 = find( i1, s1 )
    at2 = find( i2, s2 )
    if at1 and at2 then
        return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 or house[at1] = house[at2]+1 )
        return 0
    end if
end function

function onRight( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at1, at2
    at1 = find( i1, s1 )
    at2 = find( i2, s2 )
    return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 )
end function

procedure test()
    if 1
--    and both( country, English, color, Red )
--    and both( country, Spaniard, pet, Dog )
--    and both( country, Japanese, job, Painter )
--    and both( country, Italian, drink, Tea )
--    and both( country, Norwegian, house, 1 )
    and both( color, Green, drink, Coffee )
    and onRight( color, Green, color, White )
    and both( job, Sculptor, pet, Snail )
    and both( job, Diplomat, color, Yellow )
    and both( drink, Milk, house, 3 )
    and nextTo( country, Norwegian, color, Blue )
    and both( job, Violinist, drink, Juice )
    and nextTo( pet, Fox, job, Doctor )
    and nextTo( pet, Horse, job, Diplomat )
        for i = 1 to 5 do
            puts( 1, nations[i] & " " & colors[color[i]] & " " &
                     pets[pet[i]] & " " & jobs[job[i]] & " " &
                     drinks[drink[i]] & " " & houses[house[i]] & "\n" )
        end for
    end if

end procedure

procedure main()
    calc_permutes( 5, 0 )
    for colors = 1 to length( permutes ) do
        color = permutes[colors]
        if color[English] = Red then
            for pets = 1 to length( permutes ) do
                pet = permutes[pets]
                if pet[Spaniard] = Dog then
                    for jobs = 1 to length( permutes ) do
                        job = permutes[jobs]
                        if job[Japanese] = Painter then
                            for drinks = 1 to length( permutes ) do
                                drink = permutes[drinks]
                                if drink[Italian] = Tea then
                                    for houses = 1 to length( permutes ) do
                                        house = permutes[houses]
                                        if house[Norwegian] = 1 then
                                        end if
                                    end for
                                end if
                            end for
                        end if
                    end for
                end if
            end for
        end if
    end for
end procedure


-- Version 2: *very* slow

sequence color, job, pet, drink, house, permutes, list, matrix

    colors = { "red", "green", "yellow", "white", "blue" },
    nations = { "english", "spanish", "japanese", "italian", "norwegian" },
    jobs = { "painter", "sculptor", "diplomat", "violinist", "doctor" },
    pets = { "dog", "snail", "fox", "horse", "zebra" },
    drinks = { "tea", "coffee", "milk",  "juice", "water" },
    houses = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth" },
    country = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
    Color = 1, Job = 2, Pet = 3, Drink = 4, House = 5,
    Red = 1, Green = 2, Yellow = 3, White = 4, Blue = 5,
    English = 1, Spaniard = 2, Japanese = 3, Italian = 4, Norwegian = 5,
    Painter = 1, Sculptor = 2, Diplomat = 3, Violinist = 4, Doctor = 5,
    Dog = 1, Snail = 2, Fox = 3, Horse = 4, Zebra = 5,
    Tea = 1, Coffee = 2, Milk = 3, Juice = 4, Water = 5

procedure calc_permutes( integer i, integer j )
    if j > i then
        permutes = append( permutes, list )
        for k = 1 to i do
            if list[k] = 0 then
                list[k] = j
                calc_permutes( i, j+1 )
                list[k] = 0
            end if
        end for
    end if
end procedure

function both( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at
    at = find( i1, s1 )
    if at then
        return s2[at] = i2
    end if
    return 0
end function

function nextTo( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at1, at2
    at1 = find( i1, s1 )
    at2 = find( i2, s2 )
    if at1 and at2 then
        return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 or house[at1] = house[at2]+1 )
    end if
    return 0
end function

function onRight( sequence s1, integer i1, sequence s2, integer i2 )
    integer at1, at2
    at1 = find( i1, s1 )
    at2 = find( i2, s2 )
    return ( house[at1] = house[at2]-1 )
end function

procedure test()
    if both( country, English, matrix[Color], Red )
    and both( country, Spaniard, matrix[Pet], Dog )
    and both( country, Japanese, matrix[Job], Painter )
    and both( country, Italian, matrix[Drink], Tea )
    and both( country, Norwegian, matrix[House], 1 )
    and both( matrix[Color], Green, matrix[Drink], Coffee )
    and onRight( matrix[Color], Green, matrix[Color], White )
    and both( matrix[Job], Sculptor, matrix[Pet], Snail )
    and both( matrix[Job], Diplomat, matrix[Color], Yellow )
    and both( matrix[Drink], Milk, matrix[House], 3 )
    and nextTo( country, Norwegian, matrix[Color], Blue )
    and both( matrix[Job], Violinist, matrix[Drink], Juice )
    and nextTo( matrix[Pet], Fox, matrix[Job], Doctor )
    and nextTo( matrix[Pet], Horse, matrix[Job], Diplomat )
        for i = 1 to 5 do
            puts( 1, nations[i] & " " & colors[matrix[Color][i]] & " " &
                     pets[matrix[Pet][i]] & " " & jobs[matrix[Job][i]] & " "
                     drinks[matrix[Drink][i]] & " " &
houses[matrix[House][i]] & "\n" )
        end for
    end if

end procedure

procedure search( integer index, integer max )
    for i = 1 to length( permutes ) do
        matrix[index] = permutes[i]
        if index = max then
            search( index+1, max )
        end if
    end for
end procedure

permutes = {}
list = repeat( 0, 5 )
calc_permutes( 5, 1 )
matrix = repeat( {}, House )
search( 1, House )

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