1. win32lib et multitasking

My project uses Euphoria 3.0.1 and win32lib. Recently, i've insert multi-taking
functions (task_create, task_schedule, task_suspend and task_yield). Since this
update, i've often this kind of error i've never seen before multi-tasking

Why there is no value ?!? for parms and funcid parameters !?!

How can i help to analyse this trouble ?

Are there some restrictions of using task_yield in main task ?

François Chadal

---------------------- TASK ID 0 initial task ----------------------------
D:\EUPHORIA\Biblio\win32lib\Include\w32dll.ew:283 in procedure w32Proc() 
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement 
    funcid = <no value>
    parms = <no value>
    libfunc = <no value>
    lFuncDef = <no value>
    memset = <no value>
    i = <no value>

... called from D:\EUPHORIA\Biblio\win32lib\Include\Win32Lib.ew:33346 in
procedure eventLoop()
    pData = {}
    temp = <no value>
    msg = 10474436
    getRC = 1
    inc = <no value>
    el = 1
    lTock = 0

... called from D:\EUPHORIA\Biblio\win32lib\Include\Win32Lib.ew:33553 in
procedure WinMain()
    id = 3
    style = 0
    lInitFocus = -1
    lRtnId = <no value>
    lEventName = <no value>
    lInitView = <no value>
    i = <no value>

... called from D:\EUPHORIA\ose\bin\winOSE.exw:541 

global procedure w32Proc(atom funcid, sequence parms)
    atom libfunc
    object lFuncDef

    atom memset

    memset = 0
    for i = 1 to length(parms) do
        if sequence(parms[i]) then
            if memset = 0 then
                memset = w32new_memset()
            end if
            parms[i] = w32acquire_mem(memset, parms[i])
        end if
    end for

    if funcid > kMagicRtnID then
    funcid -= kMagicRtnID
    if funcid <= length(vw32Routines) then
        lFuncDef = vw32Routines[funcid]

        if sequence(lFuncDef) then
        if lFuncDef[1] < 0 then
            lFuncDef[1] = -lFuncDef[1]
            if vw32Libraries[lFuncDef[1]][1][1] = 0 then
            vw32Libraries[lFuncDef[1]][1] =
            end if
            lFuncDef[1] = vw32Libraries[lFuncDef[1]][1][2]
        end if

        lFuncDef = linkProc(    lFuncDef[1], -- library
                      lFuncDef[2], -- function name
                      lFuncDef[3] -- param signature
        vw32Routines[funcid] = lFuncDef
        end if

        c_proc(lFuncDef, parms)
    end if
    if funcid > 0 then
        c_proc(funcid, parms)  -- <--ligne 283 of win32lib\Include\w32dll.ew
    end if
    end if

    if memset != 0 then
    end if

end procedure

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2. Re: win32lib et multitasking

chadal wrote:
> My project uses Euphoria 3.0.1 and win32lib. Recently, i've insert
> multi-taking
> functions (task_create, task_schedule, task_suspend and task_yield). Since
> this
> update, i've often this kind of error i've never seen before multi-tasking
> version.
> Why there is no value ?!? for parms and funcid parameters !?!
> How can i help to analyse this trouble ?
> Are there some restrictions of using task_yield in main task ?

I don't know what happened, but things can get pretty complicated when
you mix multitasking into a GUI program with event-handling.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: win32lib et multitasking

I was under the impression that libraries like win32lib and wxEuphoria would not
work with multitasking, because the winMain() (or equivalent) procedure does not
have a task_yield() statement, and therefore will not give up control of the main
task to the scheduler. I would that that this statement would have to be added
for multitasking to work with these libraries.

For example, a win32lib application main loop is basically something like this:

procedure eventLoop(integer id, atom Flag)
    -- message loop
    while Flag != 0
      and ActiveEL[el] = 0
      and vWinMainState = kStarted do

        w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } )
        w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } )
        Flag -= inc

    end while
end procedure

global procedure WinMain( object id, integer style )
    -- Start processing the message events.
    eventLoop(0, -1)
end procedure

WinMain(winmain, 0)

What I'm saying is, I would think that this main loop in win32lib.ew that
handles the win32 messages would need task_yield() added. (Similar circumstance
in wxEuphoria, too). Am i correct?

~Ryan W. Johnson

Fluid Application Environment

[cool quote here, if i ever think of one...]

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4. Re: win32lib et multitasking

Ryan W. Johnson wrote:
> I was under the impression that libraries like win32lib and wxEuphoria would
> not work with multitasking, because the winMain() (or equivalent) procedure
> does not have a task_yield() statement, and therefore will not give up control
> of the main task to the scheduler. I would that that this statement would have
> to be added for multitasking to work with these libraries. 
> For example, a win32lib application main loop is basically something like
> this:
> }}}
> procedure eventLoop(integer id, atom Flag)
> --SNIP--
>     -- message loop
>     while Flag != 0
>       and ActiveEL[el] = 0
>       and vWinMainState = kStarted do
>         --SNIP--   
>         w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } )
>         w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } )
>         Flag -= inc
>         task_yield()
>     end while
> --SNIP--
> end procedure
> global procedure WinMain( object id, integer style )
>     --SNIP--
>     -- Start processing the message events.
>     eventLoop(0, -1)
>     --SNIP--
> end procedure
> WinMain(winmain, 0)
> </eucode>

> What I'm saying is, I would think that this main loop in win32lib.ew that
> handles
> the win32 messages would need task_yield() added. (Similar circumstance in
> wxEuphoria,
> too). Am i correct?

That's true. I've put two task_yield() statements in two procédures called by 
setHandlers to work with pre-emptive events from sockets and own winmsg.

But for the moment, i've some trouble with win32lib and multitasking. I'm
searching for what is wrong in my programs or win32lib or ....and without knowing
how to search in depth....that's my first problem.

> ~Ryan W. Johnson
> Fluid Application Environment
> <a href="http://www.fluidae.com/">http://www.fluidae.com/</a>
> [cool quote here, if i ever think of one...]

François Chadal

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5. Re: win32lib et multitasking

FWIW, I'm working on changes to FROG that will use the new multi-tasking
features.  Here's one way I found to use the multi-tasking within a win32lib
based program.  Note that this has not been thoroughly tested yet...

-- Here was the old function call that would execute an SQL statement
-- on the host.  This is where my program would appear to the user as
-- "not responding"
--          results = ecadb_execute(sql_system, sql_statement, cpp,
--                               describe_option, sql)
-- I replaced it with this call.  "task_sql" is basically the above 
-- function call.
-- How many tasks are running?
            task_l = length(task_list())        
            msg = acquire_mem(0, SIZEOF_MSG)
-- Now I drop into a translate/dispatch message loop to keep the 
-- program responding while I wait for the return results. When the 
-- task count drops to 1 (main task) I drop out of this loop.
            -- Process message loop until end of program
            while w32Func( xGetMessage, { msg, 0, 0, 0 } ) and task_l > 1 do
                w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } )
                w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } )
                task_l = length(task_list())                
            end while

Now way down in the bowels of the ecadb_execute function I open the DLL with
Daniel Kluss' TDLL routines:

cwbdb = open_tdll("cwbdb.dll")

Then I defined the C function in cwbdb.dll with his define_t_func:

-- Old approach
--  xcwbDB_Fetch = define_c_func(cwbdb,
--          "cwbDB_Fetch", {C_ULONG, C_ULONG}, C_UINT)
-- New approach
    xcwbDB_Fetch = define_t_func(cwbdb,
            "cwbDB_Fetch", {C_ULONG, C_ULONG}, C_UINT)

Then I call the function using his t_func:

global function cwbDB_Fetch(atom request_handle, atom error_handle)
--  cwbDB_EURtnCode = c_func(xcwbDB_Fetch,
--              {request_handle, error_handle})
    cwbDB_EURtnCode = t_func(xcwbDB_Fetch,
                {request_handle, error_handle})
    return {cwbDB_EURtnCode}
end function

I realized once I had made these changes that I was going to have to rework a
lot of my code to use this approach but frankly it's worth it.  All this to say
that using tasking with e,xisting win32lib GUI programs is not going to be a
trivial matter.  Take the time to analyze what changes your program will need.

Jonas Temple

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6. Re: win32lib et multitasking

After différents tests to search more in depth, i've activated the trace
function with the parameter 3. Results of the ex.err and ctrace.out files are

But what is the real statement in error ?

François Chadal

What i see in the ex.err file is :

---------------------- TASK ID 0 initial task ----------------------------
D:\EUPHORIA\Biblio\win32lib\Include\Win32Lib.ew:31798 in function fDoTimer() 
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement 
    id = <no value>
    hWnd = <no value>
    iMsg = <no value>
    wParam = <no value>
    lParam = <no value>
    pReturn = <no value>

here the Euphoria code of the fDoTimer() function of in the win32lib program:
function fDoTimer(integer id, atom hWnd, atom iMsg, atom wParam, atom lParam,
atom pReturn)
    VOID = invokeHandler(id, w32HTimer,{wParam} )
    return {pReturn} <-- ligne 31798 of win32lib.ew
end function

What i see in ctrace.out file just before the end tag is:

w32dll.ew:266	    if funcid > kMagicRtnID then                               
w32dll.ew:267	    funcid -= kMagicRtnID                                      
w32dll.ew:268	    if funcid <= length(vw32Routines) then                     
w32dll.ew:269	        lFuncDef = vw32Routines[funcid]                        
w32dll.ew:271	        if sequence(lFuncDef) then                             
w32dll.ew:288	        c_proc(lFuncDef, parms)                                
w32dll.ew:182	    trace_funcid = funcid                                      
w32dll.ew:183	    trace_parms = parms                                        
w32dll.ew:185	    memset = 0                                                 
w32dll.ew:186	    for i = 1 to length(parms) do                              
w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                             
w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                    
w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                             
w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                    
w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                             
w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                    
w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                             
w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                    
w32dll.ew:194	    if funcid > kMagicRtnID then                               
w32dll.ew:195	    funcid -= kMagicRtnID                                      
w32dll.ew:196	    if funcid <= length(vw32Routines) then                     
w32dll.ew:197	        lFuncDef = vw32Routines[funcid]                        
w32dll.ew:199	        if sequence(lFuncDef) then                             
w32dll.ew:217	        lRC = c_func(lFuncDef, parms)                          
w32dll.ew:228	    if memset != 0 then                                        
w32dll.ew:232	    return lRC                                                 
w32dll.ew:300	trace(0)                                                       
=== THE END ===

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7. Re: win32lib et multitasking

chadal wrote:
> After différents tests to search more in depth, i've activated the trace
> function
> with the parameter 3. Results of the ex.err and ctrace.out files are below.
> But what is the real statement in error ?
> François Chadal
> What i see in the ex.err file is :
> ---------------------- TASK ID 0 initial task ----------------------------
> D:\EUPHORIA\Biblio\win32lib\Include\Win32Lib.ew:31798 in function fDoTimer()
> A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement 
>     id = <no value>
>     hWnd = <no value>
>     iMsg = <no value>
>     wParam = <no value>
>     lParam = <no value>
>     pReturn = <no value>
> here the Euphoria code of the fDoTimer() function of in the win32lib program:
> }}}
> ----------------------------------------------------
> function fDoTimer(integer id, atom hWnd, atom iMsg, atom wParam, atom lParam,
> atom pReturn)
> ----------------------------------------------------
>     VOID = invokeHandler(id, w32HTimer,{wParam} )
>     return {pReturn} <-- ligne 31798 of win32lib.ew
> end function
> </eucode>

> What i see in ctrace.out file just before the end tag is:
> w32dll.ew:266	    if funcid > kMagicRtnID then                            
> w32dll.ew:267	    funcid -= kMagicRtnID                                    
> w32dll.ew:268	    if funcid <= length(vw32Routines) then                  
> w32dll.ew:269	        lFuncDef = vw32Routines[funcid]                      
> w32dll.ew:271	        if sequence(lFuncDef) then                           
> w32dll.ew:288	        c_proc(lFuncDef, parms)                              
> w32dll.ew:182	    trace_funcid = funcid                                    
> w32dll.ew:183	    trace_parms = parms                                      
> w32dll.ew:185	    memset = 0                                               
> w32dll.ew:186	    for i = 1 to length(parms) do                            
> w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                           
> w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                  
> w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                           
> w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                  
> w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                           
> w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                  
> w32dll.ew:187	        if sequence(parms[i]) then                           
> w32dll.ew:193	    end for                                                  
> w32dll.ew:194	    if funcid > kMagicRtnID then                            
> w32dll.ew:195	    funcid -= kMagicRtnID                                    
> w32dll.ew:196	    if funcid <= length(vw32Routines) then                  
> w32dll.ew:197	        lFuncDef = vw32Routines[funcid]                      
> w32dll.ew:199	        if sequence(lFuncDef) then                           
> w32dll.ew:217	        lRC = c_func(lFuncDef, parms)                        
> w32dll.ew:228	    if memset != 0 then                                      
> w32dll.ew:232	    return lRC                                               
> w32dll.ew:300	trace(0)                                                     
> === THE END ===

Memory is being corrupted. Try using safe.e to debug memory leaks.

Chris Bensler
~ The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra ~
http://empire.iwireweb.com - Empire for Euphoria

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8. Re: win32lib et multitasking

Thanks for this idea. I will try it.


François Chadal

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