1. New Install Program

Thanks to Al Gonzalez and INNO Setup,
we now have a nice modern-looking install program
for Euphoria (WIN32+DOS32).

I took Al's original effort and tweaked a few things,
and now it's on the Download Euphoria page.

I'd like to get some feedback on it,
in particular whether it works ok on
all versions of Windows (above Win 3.1).
If you've already installed Euphoria, and just want to
try it, I suggest that you rename your EUPHORIA directory
before running it. It will be safer and easier to reset your files.
See the new INSTALL.HTM (how to uninstall) if you need 
to undo anything.

It's a bit larger than the old euphor23.zip (928K vs 582K)
but people will just think they're getting more software smile

It sets up EUDIR and PATH on all systems, even those
that don't use AUTOEXEC.BAT. It also sets the file
associations for .ex and .exw files, and puts Euphoria
into the Start Menu.

The old installer, with the DOS window that pops up, 
gave a bad first impression of Euphoria.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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2. Re: New Install Program

Works on Windows ME.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Craig" <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: New Install Program

> Thanks to Al Gonzalez and INNO Setup,
> we now have a nice modern-looking install program
> for Euphoria (WIN32+DOS32).
> I took Al's original effort and tweaked a few things,
> and now it's on the Download Euphoria page.
> I'd like to get some feedback on it,
> in particular whether it works ok on
> all versions of Windows (above Win 3.1).
> If you've already installed Euphoria, and just want to
> try it, I suggest that you rename your EUPHORIA directory
> before running it. It will be safer and easier to reset your files.
> See the new INSTALL.HTM (how to uninstall) if you need 
> to undo anything.
> It's a bit larger than the old euphor23.zip (928K vs 582K)
> but people will just think they're getting more software smile
> It sets up EUDIR and PATH on all systems, even those
> that don't use AUTOEXEC.BAT. It also sets the file
> associations for .ex and .exw files, and puts Euphoria
> into the Start Menu.
> The old installer, with the DOS window that pops up, 
> gave a bad first impression of Euphoria.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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3. Re: New Install Program

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Craig" <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>

> Thanks to Al Gonzalez and INNO Setup,
> we now have a nice modern-looking install program
> for Euphoria (WIN32+DOS32).

> <snip..>

Hey y'all

Im outspoken and speak my mind all the time, anyone who's been on 
this list for any length of time knows.

With this said here's another...

To everyone who's writing programs in Euphoria I would like
to extend to you that this installer was NOT writen in Euphoria.


Is it because Euphoria is a toy language?

If EUPHORIA isnt a toy then why isnt an installer writen in

I have several installer GUI's myself, one that I made look similar to 
Al Gonzalez' installer....I submitted a few lines of this to Rob.
"I think" 
he's scared someone will actually look at the code and be put off
by the fact that Windows programming in Euphoria takes twice the
I know of three other people (Euphoria Guru's) much better programmers
than I am or ever will be that are/hmm writting installers as we speak.

Here's what Rob wrote me:

>I wouldn't want you to waste your time.
>Perhaps you could get the size down to 650K,
>but it's going to take a lot of your time, and some
>of mine, and it will need a lot of testing on various systems.
>It also might not be as easy for me to use.
>There's also the issue that some people think Euphoria
>must be a "toy" language if it's only 596K

So you increase the D/L size to almost a 1meg thinking people
wont think its a toy anymore but they're asking now why wasnt 
the installer coded in Euphoria .. hehe

Y'all think about it y'hear.

euman at bellsouth.net

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4. Re: New Install Program

Euman writes:
> To everyone who's writing programs in Euphoria I would like
> to extend to you that this installer was NOT writen in Euphoria.

Actually, significant parts of it *were* written in Euphoria:
   * the code that edits AUTOEXEC.BAT
   * the code that generates both the HTML docs 
     and the plain text docs

> If EUPHORIA isnt a toy then why isnt an installer writen in

I know it's hard to imagine, but there are actually some useful software
tools that weren't written in Euphoria.

A very nice installer could be written entirely in Euphoria.
You know that very well. You've written one in Euphoria for
some company. With a lot of work you could adapt it
to installing Euphoria. However, I don't see any point in
re-inventing the wheel. The INNO installer system is
easy for me to use, well documented, has lots of options,
and gives a nice result. If you want to make and thoroughly test
a better installer, I'll be happy to use it, but I was just warning you
that installers take time to develop and test under all
possible scenarios, on all versions of Windows.

When someone downloads and runs the setup program,
the last thing on their mind is whether it was written in Euphoria.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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5. Re: New Install Program

Euman wrote:

> To everyone who's writing programs in Euphoria I would like
> to extend to you that this installer was NOT writen in Euphoria.

I don't see how this "not invented here" attitude helps Euphoria. I don't 
think anyone really thinks less of Euphoria if Robert chooses to use a well 
known installer.

Given that Inno Setup is already written, tested, and debugged on a number of 
Windows platforms, that just represents that more time that Robert can devote 
to working on Euphoria, instead of reinventing the wheel.

-- David Cuny

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6. Re: New Install Program

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Craig" <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>

> A very nice installer could be written entirely in Euphoria.
> You know that very well. You've written one in Euphoria for
> some company. With a lot of work you could adapt it
> to installing Euphoria. 

I'll supply the code if I can get some testers for it.

Any takers?

> However, I don't see any point in
> re-inventing the wheel. The INNO installer system is
> easy for me to use, well documented, has lots of options,
> and gives a nice result. If you want to make and thoroughly test
> a better installer, I'll be happy to use it, but 


> I was just warning you
> that installers take time to develop and test under all
> possible scenarios, on all versions of Windows.

Dont I know this....

Close to a year Ive been working on installers.

This is why I came up with EFFM to test out my dir2() routine
(havnet had anyone complain yet)

So far I have Win 95, 98, ME, 2k and NT 4 to test on
(need an XP machine) 

btw, EFFM was tested and works well on XP

EFFM is about 6000 lines smaller than my installer.

> When someone downloads and runs the setup program,
> the last thing on their mind is whether it was written in Euphoria.

Come on Rob, wouldnt it be better appeal to have the code showcasing
EUPHORIA's ability?.

> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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7. Re: New Install Program

Rob Craig wrote:
> Thanks to Al Gonzalez and INNO Setup,
> we now have a nice modern-looking install program
> for Euphoria (WIN32+DOS32).
> I took Al's original effort and tweaked a few things,
> and now it's on the Download Euphoria page.
> The old installer, with the DOS window that pops up, 
> gave a bad first impression of Euphoria.

Great ! It's good that Euphoria has an "official" windows

To those who thinks it had to be written in Eu:
It is better that Rob can spend his time on Eu 2.4
rather than spending a few months on coding/testing/debugging
an installer. Euphoria isn't the only language which has
installer written in different language. And, for example,
EXW is packed with UPX, which also wasn't written in Euphoria
and is compiled in Watcom, which also wasn't written in Eu.


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8. Re: New Install Program

From: "David Cuny" <dcuny at LANSET.COM>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>

Euman wrote:

> To everyone who's writing programs in Euphoria I would like
> to extend to you that this installer was NOT writen in Euphoria.

I don't see how this "not invented here" attitude helps Euphoria. I don't 
think anyone really thinks less of Euphoria if Robert chooses to use a well 
known installer.

Given that Inno Setup is already written, tested, and debugged on a number of 
Windows platforms, that just represents that more time that Robert can devote 
to working on Euphoria, instead of reinventing the wheel.

-- David Cuny

WOW David.....

This coming from someone who's re-inventing WX-Windows... blink

Maybe we should all throw up our hands and go back to machine code.
Not ASM, that a re-invented wheel not C cause its re-invented
certainly not Euphoria whos very base is C. So, I guess re-invention might
be a good thing? NO?

I think it sucks and leans toward the attitude of half-A**ing somthing.


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9. Re: New Install Program

Ooops! I spoke too soon. The new installer zapped all my Euphoria file
associations without my permission. I have .E, .EX, .EW, and .EXW all
associated with my favorite editor, and now I've just had to go back and
redo those associations.

Please, fix the installer to do :

  1) Show what are the current (if any) associations,
  2) Ask permission, for each file type association, you are contemplating
  3) Only change those ones that the user said was okay to change.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Parnell" <ddparnell at bigpond.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: New Install Program

> Works on Windows ME.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Craig" <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>
> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 4:10 PM
> Subject: New Install Program
> > Thanks to Al Gonzalez and INNO Setup,
> > we now have a nice modern-looking install program
> > for Euphoria (WIN32+DOS32).
> >
> > I took Al's original effort and tweaked a few things,
> > and now it's on the Download Euphoria page.
> >
> > I'd like to get some feedback on it,
> > in particular whether it works ok on
> > all versions of Windows (above Win 3.1).
> > If you've already installed Euphoria, and just want to
> > try it, I suggest that you rename your EUPHORIA directory
> > before running it. It will be safer and easier to reset your files.
> > See the new INSTALL.HTM (how to uninstall) if you need
> > to undo anything.
> >
> > It's a bit larger than the old euphor23.zip (928K vs 582K)
> > but people will just think they're getting more software smile
> >
> > It sets up EUDIR and PATH on all systems, even those
> > that don't use AUTOEXEC.BAT. It also sets the file
> > associations for .ex and .exw files, and puts Euphoria
> > into the Start Menu.
> >
> > The old installer, with the DOS window that pops up,
> > gave a bad first impression of Euphoria.
> >
> > Regards,
> >    Rob Craig
> >    Rapid Deployment Software
> >    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com
> >
> >

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10. Re: New Install Program

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 01:52:22 -0500, euman at bellsouth.net wrote:

>Come on Rob, wouldnt it be better appeal to have the code showcasing
>EUPHORIA's ability?.

I don't think anyone's dead set against you on this, I'll just say
that if a year ago I knew you were going to spend 12 months writing
something which you could donate to the euphoria community, I
personally wouldn't have chosen an installer. No matter, big "if".

Getting an installer of any flavour together in a few weeks was the
right choice over starting a big project which might not get finished
until say March 2003.

You are right, wanting to do things in Euphoria, but that doesn't also
mean Rob was wrong. Rob gave you the go-ahead anyway.

I can see you are very passionate about this because you are very
close to the subject. You should perhaps expect some scepticism from
those of us who are not, for instance, can it offer any additional
features of real benefit (eg quickly switching between 2.3 and, when
it arrives, the 2.4 beta?, checking for updates/patches, installing
the IDE + win32lib via direct downloads, etc), does it really have all
the features I read about on http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php ?

Otherwise, yes, if you have the time & inclination, go for it.


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11. Re: New Install Program

Euman wrote:

> This coming from someone who's re-inventing WX-Windows... blink

Sorry, I'm missing something here. What am I "re-inventing"? I'm actually 
looking at wxWindows because I *don't* have to create a cross-platform 
toolkit from scratch in Euphoria. I readily admit that spending months of 
time on Llama and company was a complete waste of time, when I could have 
used wxWindows instead.

I'm not going to bang my head against the wall trying to get the Euphoria 
source to play nice with a C++ compiler. If Robert fixes the source so it 
plays nice with C++ (and he may have done that already, I haven't looked 
recently), I'll be more than happy to look at adding trying to add wxWindows 
to Euphoria. Until then, it seems a pointless project to pursue.

And I've never had an issue with a Windows-based installer. In fact, I'd even 
written a version of the installer *using* Inno Setup, with Euphoria code 
modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT, and suggested to Robert he use something like that. 
At the time, Robert thought that the 400K hit was too much of a tradeoff.

> Maybe we should all throw up our hands and go back to machine code.
> Not ASM, that a re-invented wheel not C cause its re-invented
> certainly not Euphoria whos very base is C. So, I guess re-invention might
> be a good thing? NO?

I don't follow the argument. In each of these cases, one thing is followed by 
something substantially *different*. C is obviously not assembly.

In contrast, what benefit is there to writing a Euphoria installer? It 
doesn't invent anything new, it just recreates something that already exists. 
That's what I mean by reinventing the wheel.

> I think it sucks and leans toward the attitude of half-A**ing somthing.

Inno Setup certainly isn't a half-assed program, so I'm not sure what sort of 
'somthing' you're referring to. Besides, it *does* execute Euphoria code as 
part of the install, it's just hidden from the user.

The user really doesn't care what the installer is written in. Plus, if the 
installer is written in Euphoria and has a bug, you create a bad impression, 
right off the bat. And with so many different configurations of Windows out 
there, the odds are pretty good that's going to happen. Inno Setup has been 
tested on a lot of platforms by a lot of people - something that a Euphoria 
installer won't have, no matter how well it's written.

I just don't see this as an issue.

-- David Cuny

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12. Re: New Install Program

Ok I've a new twist on Installer. It installed fine on Win98 directly 
from my download folder. In order to transfer to my other machine, an 
XP, I copied the install exe to a floppy.  But I can't read the install 
exe, copy it, delete it or even reformat my floppy. I get an Window's 
Explorer error. I try another floppy, thinking this one was bad, with 
the same result. I return to the Win98 and try to read the floppy. Same 
problem. It tells me a little more than XP did: there is a read 
violation which takes down Window's explorer and erases my Window's 

Interesting? But 2 floppies in the trash and I don't know if the 
Installer will work on XP.


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13. Re: New Install Program

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Cuny" <dcuny at LANSET.COM>

Euman wrote:

>> This coming from someone who's re-inventing WX-Windows... blink

>Sorry, I'm missing something here. What am I "re-inventing"? I'm actually 
>looking at wxWindows because I *don't* have to create a cross-platform 
>toolkit from scratch in Euphoria. I readily admit that spending months of 
>time on Llama and company was a complete waste of time, when I could have 
>used wxWindows instead.

>In contrast, what benefit is there to writing a Euphoria installer? 

Exactly ! "what benefit" thats a question that remains unanswered.

>It doesn't invent anything new, it just recreates something that already
>That's what I mean by reinventing the wheel.

Exactly ! "doesn't invent anything new" but to Euphoria it would be NEW.

>> I think it sucks and leans toward the attitude of half-A**ing somthing.

>Inno Setup certainly isn't a half-assed program, 

I never said that INNO was a half-assed program, did I?

"attitude of half-A**ing" I think we've already touched that base
with the discussions that computer AI isnt very good.

>so I'm not sure what sort of 
>'somthing' you're referring to. Besides, it *does* execute Euphoria code as 
>part of the install, it's just hidden from the user.

Why hide it in another language?
This just brings me back to "Euphoria considered a toy" theory

>I just don't see this as an issue.

I do...

-- David Cuny


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14. Re: New Install Program

Hello Ms.Judith,

Would you test an installer GUI for me?

Does the OLD Euphoria installer work OK on XP?

euman at bellsouth.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Judith" <camping at txcyber.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: New Install Program

> Ok I've a new twist on Installer. It installed fine on Win98 directly 
> from my download folder. In order to transfer to my other machine, an 
> XP, I copied the install exe to a floppy.  But I can't read the install 
> exe, copy it, delete it or even reformat my floppy. I get an Window's 
> Explorer error. I try another floppy, thinking this one was bad, with 
> the same result. I return to the Win98 and try to read the floppy. Same 
> problem. It tells me a little more than XP did: there is a read 
> violation which takes down Window's explorer and erases my Window's 
> Desktop.
> Interesting? But 2 floppies in the trash and I don't know if the 
> Installer will work on XP.
> Judith

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15. Re: New Install Program


I wouldn't mind testing your installer.  Can you install to a different 
drive than C:?  I have Euphoria on D:/ now and it can't find the include 
file unless I give it the complete path.  I guess that's something in 
the source?

euman at bellsouth.net wrote:

>Hello Ms.Judith,
>Would you test an installer GUI for me?
>Does the OLD Euphoria installer work OK on XP?
>euman at bellsouth.net
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Judith" <camping at txcyber.com>
>To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
>Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:55 PM
>Subject: Re: New Install Program
>>Ok I've a new twist on Installer. It installed fine on Win98 directly 
>>from my download folder. In order to transfer to my other machine, an 
>>XP, I copied the install exe to a floppy.  But I can't read the install 
>>exe, copy it, delete it or even reformat my floppy. I get an Window's 
>>Explorer error. I try another floppy, thinking this one was bad, with 
>>the same result. I return to the Win98 and try to read the floppy. Same 
>>problem. It tells me a little more than XP did: there is a read 
>>violation which takes down Window's explorer and erases my Window's 
>>Interesting? But 2 floppies in the trash and I don't know if the 
>>Installer will work on XP.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I wouldn't mind testing your installer. &nbsp;Can you install to a different
than C:? &nbsp;I have Euphoria on D:/ now and it can't find the include file
I give it the complete path. &nbsp;I guess that's something in the source?<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:euman at bellsouth.net">euman
at bellsouth.net</a> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:0.1700008810.499186823-1463792126-1014579781
at topica.com">
<pre wrap="">============ The Euphoria Mailing List ============ <br><br>Hello
  Ms.Judith,<br><br>Would you test an installer GUI for me?<br><br>Does the OLD
  Euphoria installer work OK on XP?<br><br>Euman<br><a
  class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:euman at bellsouth.net">euman at
  bellsouth.net</a><br><br>----- Original Message ----- <br>From: "Judith" <a
  class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:camping at txcyber.com">&lt;camping at
  txcyber.com&gt;</a><br>To: "EUforum" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
  href="mailto:EUforum at topica.com">&lt;EUforum at topica.com&gt;</a><br>Sent:
  Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:55 PM<br>Subject: Re: New Install
  <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Ok I've a new twist on Installer. It installed fine on Win98
    directly <br>from my download folder. In order to transfer to my other machine,
    an <br>XP, I copied the install exe to a floppy.  But I can't read the install
    <br>exe, copy it, delete it or even reformat my floppy. I get an Window's
    <br>Explorer error. I try another floppy, thinking this one was bad, with <br>the
    same result. I return to the Win98 and try to read the floppy. Same <br>problem.
    It tells me a little more than XP did: there is a read <br>violation which takes
    down Window's explorer and erases my Window's <br>Desktop.<br><br>Interesting?
    But 2 floppies in the trash and I don't know if the <br>Installer will work on
    email was sent to: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:evan at
    net-link.net">evan at net-link.net</a><br><br>EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: <a
    send an email to: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
    href="mailto:EUforum-unsubscribe at topica.com">EUforum-unsubscribe at
    topica.com</a><br><br>T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail!<br><a


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16. Re: New Install Program

Judith writes:
> there is a read violation which takes down Window's explorer 
> and erases my Window's Desktop.

I'm guessing that you didn't completely reach the very last
screen and close the installer, before you tried to copy the 
.exe. As to why your Desktop was erased, you better ask Bill Gates.

The installer .exe is just a file. It's not magical in any way.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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17. Re: New Install Program

Chris Bensler writes:
> I've been meaning to mention that one for a long time.
> I don't like the fact that I can't move or even rename the Euphoria directory.

Have you ever tried?
That's what the EUDIR environment variable is for.
You also have to set your PATH variable.

> You CAN set up EU to run from any directory now, I think (I haven't 
> bothered to try yet), 

Yes you can. You always could, but the old installer didn't present
you with that option. You could always change it after installing.

> but EU will still always look for 
> c:\Euphoria\Include, what if that directory doesn't exist?

No, that isn't hard coded. 
It looks for %EUDIR%\include

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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18. Re: New Install Program


Yes, I've tried.  I'm using XP. My path has d:\euphoria.  My EUDIR 
environment variable is d:\euphoria.  I went so far as to put 
d:\euphoria and d:\euphoria\include in the path just to see if it made 
any difference -- it didn't.
Here is the error message:
can't find misc.e in D:\EUPHORIA\PROGRAMS\EUCONV~1
or in euphoria\include
include misc.e

Robert Craig wrote:

>Chris Bensler writes:
>>I've been meaning to mention that one for a long time.
>>I don't like the fact that I can't move or even rename the Euphoria directory.
>Have you ever tried?
>That's what the EUDIR environment variable is for.
>You also have to set your PATH variable.
>>You CAN set up EU to run from any directory now, I think (I haven't 
>>bothered to try yet), 
>Yes you can. You always could, but the old installer didn't present
>you with that option. You could always change it after installing.
>>but EU will still always look for 
>>c:\Euphoria\Include, what if that directory doesn't exist?
>No, that isn't hard coded. 
>It looks for %EUDIR%\include
>   Rob Craig
>   Rapid Deployment Software
>   http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Yes, I've tried. &nbsp;I'm using XP. My path has d:\euphoria. &nbsp;My EUDIR
variable is d:\euphoria. &nbsp;I went so far as to put d:\euphoria and
in the path just to see if it made any difference -- it didn't.<br>
Here is the error message:<br>
can't find misc.e in D:\EUPHORIA\PROGRAMS\EUCONV~1 <br>
or in euphoria\include<br>
include misc.e<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
Robert Craig wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:0.1700008810.1961249192-1463792382-1014596562
at topica.com">
<pre wrap="">============ The Euphoria Mailing List ============ <br><br>Chris
  Bensler writes:<br></pre>
  <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I've been meaning to mention that one for a long time.<br>I
    don't like the fact that I can't move or even rename the Euphoria directory.
<pre wrap=""><!----><br>Have you ever tried?<br>That's what the EUDIR
    environment variable is for.<br>You also have to set your PATH
    <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">You CAN set up EU to run from any directory now, I think (I
      haven't <br>bothered to try yet), <br></pre>
<pre wrap=""><!----><br>Yes you can. You always could, but the old
      installer didn't present<br>you with that option. You could always change it
      after installing.<br><br></pre>
      <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">but EU will still always look for <br><a
        class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="c:\Euphoria\Include">c:\Euphoria\Include</a>,
        what if that directory doesn't exist?<br></pre>
<pre wrap=""><!----><br>No, that isn't hard coded. <br>It looks for
        %EUDIR%\include<br><br>Regards,<br>   Rob Craig<br>   Rapid Deployment
        Software<br>   <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
        email was sent to: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:evan at
        net-link.net">evan at net-link.net</a><br><br>EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: <a
        send an email to: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
        href="mailto:EUforum-unsubscribe at topica.com">EUforum-unsubscribe at
        topica.com</a><br><br>T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail!<br><a


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19. Re: New Install Program

Evan Marshall writes:
> Yes, I've tried.  I'm using XP. My path has d:\euphoria.  

No, you need d:\euphoria\bin in your path.

> My EUDIR environment variable is d:\euphoria.


>  I went so far as to put d:\euphoria and d:\euphoria\include in the path 

Don't do that.

> Here is the error message:
> d:/euphoria/include/graphics.e:46
> can't find misc.e in D:\EUPHORIA\PROGRAMS\EUCONV~1 
> or in euphoria\include
> include misc.e
>               ^

It's strange that it could find graphics.e in d:\euphoria\include,
but it couldn't find misc.e in the same directory. Did you
hard code the full path to graphics.e in your include statement?

The "...or in euphoria\include" part of the message 
is a bit sloppy on my part. I should really use the 
EUDIR path in forming the error message. I'll fix that.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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20. Re: New Install Program

> Actually I can't even single-click the install exe in order to copy to
> TEMP folder before the XP goes off and complains.
Beginning to sound like a hardware problem with the keyboard or mouse. Once had
an intermittent 'left-shift' key that
would do the strangest things, including occasional 'crash-on-boot'.
Watch the right Explorer pane while using up/down arrow keys to see if groups
are occasionally being selected, or
unwanted 'caps' while typing.

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21. Re: New Install Program

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 19:38:06 +0000, Judith <camping at txcyber.com>

If you copy the file from your zip drive to diskette using the laptop,
does the laptop still complain about the resulting disk?

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22. Re: New Install Program

Hi Rob,
> I'd like to get some feedback on it,
> in particular whether it works ok on
> all versions of Windows (above Win 3.1).

OK for Win98 SE Czech. I think you might also add links to Documentation,
Demos and/or to the Euphoria directory to the Start menu.


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