1. Win32lib v0.52 released

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www.sourceforge.net now has version 0.52 released.

Changes to Win32Lib.ew  Version 0.52=20
- added by Thomas Parslow=20
   - GetPointerPosn()=20
   - SetPointerPosn()=20
   - ClickPointerLeft()=20
   - DragPointerTo()=20
- deleted=20
   - removeNth()=20
   - ltrim() as they are no longer used.=20
- added LimitText()
- fixed bug in putting a "stream" of text in to a RichEdit control by =
Matt Lewis=20
- allow onEvent handlers to return a ZERO return code.
- fixed CreateDC bug in getPageSetup(). Was not selecting the correct =
  device nor modes. by Wolgang Fritz=20
- fixed memory allocation bug in getText() [for RichEdit controls] and
- enabled getRichText() to get all the text in a control.
- enabled onClose handler to return a value. A non-zero return means to =
  the close request.
- fixed bug in wmScroll() when the hWnd was not one of the apps handles. =

- getText() and setText() now supports multipart StatusBars.
- added support for user-defined clean up routines. See new =
  and detachCleanUp(), and updated abortErr().


In addition, MAKEDOC.EXW has been upgraded (still no docs for it yet) =
and this has=20
resulted in an improved (slightly)  HTML documentation for win32lib.

Also, a few of the test programs have been debugged or modified to suit =
this win32lib.

There shouldn't be any programs "broken" by this release but on the =
other hand, I
could have stuffed up something vital blink Please let me know ASAP if you =
are having=20
problems with it.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4207.2601" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
href=3D"http://www.sourceforge.net">www.sourceforge.net</A> now has =
version 0.52=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Changes to Win32Lib.ew&nbsp; Version =
<BR>-------------------------------------<BR>- added by Thomas Parslow=20
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - GetPointerPosn() <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - SetPointerPosn()=20
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - ClickPointerLeft() <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - DragPointerTo() =
deleted <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - removeNth() <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - ltrim() as =
they are no=20
longer used. <BR>- added LimitText()<BR>- fixed bug in putting a =
"stream" of=20
text in to a RichEdit control by Matt Lewis <BR>- allow onEvent handlers =
return a ZERO return code.<BR>- fixed CreateDC bug in getPageSetup(). =
Was not=20
selecting the correct printer<BR>&nbsp; device nor modes. by Wolgang =
Fritz <BR>-=20
fixed memory allocation bug in getText() [for RichEdit controls] =
getRichText().<BR>- enabled getRichText() to get all the text in a =
enabled onClose handler to return a value. A non-zero return means to=20
abort<BR>&nbsp; the close request.<BR>- fixed bug in wmScroll() when the =
was not one of the apps handles. <BR>- getText() and setText() now =
multipart StatusBars.<BR>- added support for user-defined clean up =
routines. See=20
new attachCleanUp()<BR>&nbsp; and detachCleanUp(), and updated=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>In addition, MAKEDOC.EXW has been =
upgraded (still=20
no docs for it yet) and this has </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>resulted in an improved =
(slightly)&nbsp; HTML=20
documentation for win32lib.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Also, a few of the test programs have =
been debugged=20
or modified to suit this win32lib.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>There shouldn't be any programs =
"broken" by this=20
release but on the other hand, I</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>could have stuffed up something vital =
blink Please=20
let me know ASAP if you are having </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>problems with it.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>cheers,<BR>Derek Parnell<BR>Melbourne,=20


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2. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

Derek Parnell wrote:

> In addition, MAKEDOC.EXW has been upgraded
> (still no docs for it yet)


-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

But I'm working on it !!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

> Derek Parnell wrote:
> > In addition, MAKEDOC.EXW has been upgraded
> > (still no docs for it yet)
> hehehehehehehe.
> -- David Cuny

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4. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

Derek Parnell wrote:

> www.sourceforge.net now has version 0.52 released.

[Broken Stuff]

1. There are no scrollbars in text edit windows, both for MLE's
(generic.exw) and  Rich Text edits (RichTextEdit.exw).

2. The ListTreeView demo works with the tree, but the list portion no longer

3. The 'Get Text' button in the RichTextEdit demo crashes the program.

[ Not Really Broken, But... ]

1. I was suprised to find the bleeding edge only included changed code; I
had expected the complete library.

2. The window color seems to be hardcoded in - if you change the window
colors on the fly, all the colors will change correctly *except* the window
background color.

Of course, the Generic demo (which I wrote, of course) is an even more
blatant offender, hard coding the button graphic colors. Maybe it should use
imagelists instead?

Nice work!

-- David Cuny

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5. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

Oh great, ill check that new version out soon.

BTW i'll try the getSelf() function to return the id of the
current control being processed by windows.  Thanks to Matt for the
tip.  I'' post results later...

Now that Win32Lib is gone public, i might like to contribute a piece of
code for it so that everyone can benefit instead of making my own version.
How would i go about doing this?


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6. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

>Now that Win32Lib is gone public, i might like to contribute a piece of
>code for it so that everyone can benefit instead of making my own version.
>How would i go about doing this?

Easy. If its not too long, post it to the list (either in the email or as an
attachment), or send it directly to me at mailto:dparnell at bigpond.net.au .
I'll merge it into the source (standardized formatting my take place), and
perform some regression testing for it, then release it will the next beta
version.  Sourceforge provides a shared code versioning system (CVS), but
its not all that easy to cope with. For now, I'm happy to accept snippets of

New Topic
As for version numbering - I'll adopt the following idea unless there is
some serious objections...


where M is the major release number (currently '0')
  and m is the minor release number. The numbers 10,20,30, ...,90 are
reserved for "official" releases, meaning that they contain no
"experimental" code. All the other numbers are reserved for experimental
releases. They will contain code that is in beta status. (currently 52)
  and p is an optional patch letter. This comes about when an minor fix to
the release is made. It generally is only for bug fixes and not new

I say this because I'm about to post a patch to 0.52, which will fix some
things that David Cuny has discovered. This will make a version called 0.52a

Derek Parnell

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7. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

Thanks David,
I knew I'd miss a few things. I've added a "patch data" segment at the end
of this email for those who want to manually update their v0.52 file. This
patch will also be uploaded to sourceforge tonight (I hope).

>[Broken Stuff]
>1. There are no scrollbars in text edit windows, both for MLE's
>(generic.exw) and  Rich Text edits (RichTextEdit.exw).

True for RE, but not true for MLE. The problem is that I removed the
scrollbar styles from the RichText control definition. This is a mistake
because it can break some existing code. I was trying to cater for those
people who wanted a RichEdit control that did not have scrollbars. However,
I've come up with an idea for this that I'll elaborate on later. Your
reference to MLE problems is because I changed the GENERIC.EXW code to use a
RichEdit during my testing and forgot to put the MleText back again.

>2. The ListTreeView demo works with the tree, but the list portion
>no longer

True. But I don't know why. It is not receiving the notification messages
that I'd expect. Maybe Matt L. can help us on this one. At this stage I'll
just note it as a known bug.

>3. The 'Get Text' button in the RichTextEdit demo crashes the program.
True. This is a mistake. I did some last minute rearranging of some code
(via cut&paste) and forgot to change the variable name and didn't re-test. A
BIG mistake. Sorry.

>[ Not Really Broken, But... ]
>1. I was suprised to find the bleeding edge only included changed code; I
>had expected the complete library.

I can change this if you guys/gals want it. But I figured that the
experimental code was not really meant to replace an offical release, and I
wanted to keep the download size as small as possible. So I only included
the files that had changed or were new. In fact, I'm considering releasing
patches as deltas to the source code files (I'm writing an automated
"patcher" program.)

>2. The window color seems to be hardcoded in - if you change the window
>colors on the fly, all the colors will change correctly *except* the window
>background color.

True. This has been in the code for ages. I noticed this back in 0.45 and
coded a fix for it, but it never made this release. I'll make sure it gets
into 0.53 though.

// -----------PATCH DATA------------------
// Intended for Win32Lib.ew
//      dated 13/sep/2000 07:37am,
//      size 615,467 bytes,
//      version 0.52
// ---------------------------------------

Line 6
-- Version:     0.52 "Bleeding Edge" 07/Sep/200
-- Version:     0.52a "Bleeding Edge" 13/Sep/200

Line 48
--      A light-blue area appears at the left and top edges of the control.
--/term ListTreeView
--      /b"since 0.52" /n
--      The onTVSelect message does not arrive when nodes are selected.

Line 55
--/li fixed getText() for RichText controls /i" by David Cuny"
--/li restored scrollbars to RichText controls /i" by David Cuny"

Line 2525

    WS_SCROLLBARS   = #00300000,    -- set both vertical and horizontal

Line 2603

    ES_DISABLENOSCROLL = #2000,     -- disable, rather than hide, unwanted

Line 6104

Line 11152,11153
        if iLength > 0 then
           buffer = allocate( iLength + 1 ) --  add 1 for '/0' character.
        if result > 0 then
           buffer = allocate( result + 1 ) --  add 1 for '/0' character.

// -------END OF PATCHES--------------------

Derek Parnell

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8. Re: Win32lib v0.52 released

Derek Parnell wrote:

> > David Cuny wrote:
> >
> >2. The ListTreeView demo works with the tree, but the list portion
> >no longer
> >works.
> True. But I don't know why. It is not receiving the
> notification messages
> that I'd expect. Maybe Matt L. can help us on this one. At
> this stage I'll
> just note it as a known bug.

Ooh!  Ooh!  I know!

Treeviews now respond to onChange when the user clicks on an item.  Somehow
I'd overlooked this when I originally coded that nasty onEvent method.  If
you change onEvent_TV() in the demo to the code below, it will work fine (or
at least work as it was designed to :).

-- Start code
procedure TV_onChange( )
    atom ix
    if deleteItem( LV, -1 ) then end if
    lParams -= lParams
    current = getIndex( TV )

    -- show items

    ix = 1

    while ix <= length( location ) do
        if location[ix] = current then
            lParams[ix] = addLVItem( LV, lv[ix][3], lv[ix][1..2] )
        end if
        ix += 1
    end while
end procedure
onChange[TV] = routine_id( "TV_onChange" )
-- End Code

Matt Lewis

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