Re: Win32lib v0.52 released
- Posted by Derek Parnell <derekp at> Sep 13, 2000
>Now that Win32Lib is gone public, i might like to contribute a piece of >code for it so that everyone can benefit instead of making my own version. >How would i go about doing this? > Easy. If its not too long, post it to the list (either in the email or as an attachment), or send it directly to me at mailto:dparnell at . I'll merge it into the source (standardized formatting my take place), and perform some regression testing for it, then release it will the next beta version. Sourceforge provides a shared code versioning system (CVS), but its not all that easy to cope with. For now, I'm happy to accept snippets of code. ------------- New Topic ------------- As for version numbering - I'll adopt the following idea unless there is some serious objections... where M is the major release number (currently '0') and m is the minor release number. The numbers 10,20,30, ...,90 are reserved for "official" releases, meaning that they contain no "experimental" code. All the other numbers are reserved for experimental releases. They will contain code that is in beta status. (currently 52) and p is an optional patch letter. This comes about when an minor fix to the release is made. It generally is only for bug fixes and not new functionality. I say this because I'm about to post a patch to 0.52, which will fix some things that David Cuny has discovered. This will make a version called 0.52a ----- cheers, Derek Parnell