1. hints
- Posted by jiri babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ> Apr 27, 2000
- Last edited Apr 28, 2000
Hi, Everybody, Attached is a small 'plasma' program you can explore by changing a simple formula. It's a loose adaptation of Konrad Olejnik's TMT Pascal code. The original source is somewhat bigger in comparison with my effort, but only because it does not use any includes or external modules (units). It is also significantly faster, basically because it's compiled (hint no 1, Rob), and because it is based on a memory array with faster indexing AND *direct* mapping (hint no 2). Enjoy. jiri -- plasma.ex : loose translation of K!O's plasma in pascal -- jiri babor 00-04-27 include machine.e include graphics.e constant A = #A0000, -- video memory pi = 3.14159, N = 320*200, v = allocate(N) -- virtual screen object o,p,c,s,line atom a integer m,n line = repeat(0,320) c = repeat(0,256) s = c p = c for i=1 to 256 do s[i] = floor(256*sin(2*i*pi/256)) -- sine table c[i] = floor(128*sin(2*i*pi/256)) -- cosine table end for for i=0 to 127 do p[i+1] = {i/2,i/4,i/8} p[256-i] = p[i+1] end for o = graphics_mode(19) all_palette(p) m = 0 n = 0 while get_key()=-1 do a = v for y=0 to 199 do for x=1 to 320 do line[x] = 3*x + c[and_bits(c[and_bits(x+m,255)+1]+ s[and_bits(y+n,255)+1],255)+1] end for poke(a,line) a += 320 end for mem_copy(A,v,N) m -= 2 n += 3 end while o = graphics_mode(-1)