1. Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by PogoWolf <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> Feb 17, 1997
ok I know that I'm going to get spam'd here but... Well, I'm building a full editor for Euphoria in windows. it can use multiable windows, and all that other type of stuff.. I'm running into ONE problem... I would like to parse the input file/entered text, like the ED in Euphoria.. to auto-indent the brackets and language structure.. and to colorize the keywords, and such... I'm programming it in Visual Basic (3.0) can anyone out their help??? it (well, at least the first version :) ) will, be free. I'm currently adding help files and such, to allow FULL documented source help. I would also, like to include the 'standard' includes. ie. the Sound Blaster routines and such. for the editor.. and yes, I know that I'm not making this to clear!!!! ;) HELP!? --- PogoWolf, pogowolf at iastate.edu HTTP://www.public.iastate.edu/~pogowolf
2. Re: Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by Joseph Martin <jam at EXIS.NET> Feb 17, 1997
- Last edited Feb 18, 1997
At 18:23 2/17/97 CST, you wrote: >---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- >Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at >MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> >Poster: PogoWolf <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> >Subject: Euphoria Windows Editor... >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >ok I know that I'm going to get spam'd here but... > >Well, I'm building a full editor for Euphoria in windows. >it can use multiable windows, and all that other type of stuff.. No spamming here. I always like the idea of writing the program in WinDoze whether it was with a text editor or a full fledged Euphoria editor. Go to it! |**************************************| | Joseph Martin | | http://sailfish.exis.net/~jam/ | |**************************************|
3. Re: Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by Jacques Deschenes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Feb 17, 1997
- Last edited Feb 18, 1997
At 18:23 17-02-97 CST, you wrote: >---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- >Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at >MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> >Poster: PogoWolf <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> >Subject: Euphoria Windows Editor... >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >ok I know that I'm going to get spam'd here but... > >Well, I'm building a full editor for Euphoria in windows. >it can use multiable windows, and all that other type of stuff.. > >I'm running into ONE problem... >I would like to parse the input file/entered text, like the ED in Euphoria.. >to auto-indent the brackets and language structure.. and to colorize the >keywords, and such... > >I'm programming it in Visual Basic (3.0) can anyone out their help??? > >it (well, at least the first version :) ) will, be free. I'm currently >adding help files and such, to allow FULL documented source help. > >I would also, like to include the 'standard' includes. ie. the Sound >Blaster routines and such. for the editor.. > >and yes, I know that I'm not making this to clear!!!! ;) > >HELP!? > > >--- >PogoWolf, > pogowolf at iastate.edu > HTTP://www.public.iastate.edu/~pogowolf > Hi PogoWolf, I didn't program in visual basic for a while, but if can be of any help. Just ask precise question? By the way some times ago I just had in mind the idea of writting an IDE for euphoria in VB3, but it's too much work for me at this time. But if your ready to do most of the job I could give a hand. Jacques Deschenes Baie-Comeau, Quebec Canada desja at quebectel.com
4. Re: Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by Matthew Green <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> Feb 18, 1997
> >I'm running into ONE problem... > >I would like to parse the input file/entered text, like the ED in Euphoria.. > >to auto-indent the brackets and language structure.. and to colorize the > >keywords, and such... > > > >I'm programming it in Visual Basic (3.0) can anyone out their help??? > > > Hi PogoWolf, > > I didn't program in visual basic for a while, but if can be of any help. > Just ask precise question? > By the way some times ago I just had in mind the idea of writting an IDE > for euphoria in VB3, but it's too much work for me at this time. But if > your ready > to do most of the job I could give a hand. > > > Jacques Deschenes > Baie-Comeau, Quebec > Canada > desja at quebectel.com I bow to Jacques.... :) ok, what I want to do is to take the text coming in from a file or the text the is entered.. (entered into a text box) I wish to parse the text.. to be able to color code it. Just like the Euphoria editor (ed.ex) does. I want to, also, include the auto-formatting. can you be any help?? (P.S. I would also like to include support for your sound blaster routines.. if you'll let me!! :) --- PogoWolf, pogowolf at iastate.edu HTTP://www.public.iastate.edu/~pogowolf
5. Re: Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by Jacques Deschenes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Feb 18, 1997
- Last edited Feb 19, 1997
At 12:15 18-02-97 CST, you wrote: >I wish to parse the text.. to be able to color code it. Just like the >Euphoria editor (ed.ex) does. I want to, also, include the >auto-formatting. What do you mean by auto-formatting: do you mean automaticaly identing text inside of statements blocks, or auto completion of structure like ED do? As you are working in VB3 you probably keep the text file in a redimensionnable array. But is your editor based on character or line? The syntax colorisation has to be done by the procedure which update the screen or a procedure called by it. I think that the simplest would be to adapt the code from syncolor.e There would be a procedure: DisplayColorLine(hwin as integer, line as string, r as integer, c as integer) where hwin is the window handle and line the line to display r an c are the coordinates (row and column) for the position inside the window for the line. It's hard for me to visualise what you really need because I don't know how your code is organized. Would you be satisfied with a sub that receive a line of text and return a list of words with a color associate with each one. a type could be define like that: type coloredWord word as string color as integer end type global dim ColoredLine() as coloredWord ' array to containt the list colored words. sub ParseLine(TheLine as string) ' parse TheLine with syntax check and load each word in ColoredLine end sub If this is the kind of procedure that you want I could code it and e-mail it to you. >(P.S. I would also like to include support for your sound blaster >routines.. if you'll let me!! :) > All my code available from the euphoria official homepage is public domain, you are free to use it and improve it. Jacques Deschenes Baie-Comeau, Quebec Canada desja at quebectel.com
6. Re: Euphoria Windows Editor...
- Posted by Matthew Green <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> Feb 19, 1997
> >I wish to parse the text.. to be able to color code it. Just like the > >Euphoria editor (ed.ex) does. I want to, also, include the > >auto-formatting. > > What do you mean by auto-formatting: do you mean automaticaly identing > Both by the time I get done!!!!!! :) the editor is based on a MDI textbox interface.. But, it looks liike I'm going to need to change that... I can't read the input to the text box, (ie. when you press a key) and that it a major limitation on some of the stuff that I'm planning to include.... > The syntax colorisation has to be done by the procedure which update the > screen > or a procedure called by it. > SNIP !!> > Would you be satisfied with a sub that receive a line of text and return a > list > of words with a color associate with each one. > a type could be define like that: > > If this is the kind of procedure that you want I could code it and e-mail > it to you. > it sounds like that it would help me very much!!!! if it wouldn't be TOO much trouble? Would you plase send it to me? > > > > > >(P.S. I would also like to include support for your sound blaster > >routines.. if you'll let me!! :) > > > All my code available from the euphoria official homepage is public > domain, you are > free to use it and improve it. > *PogoWolf Bows to Jacques... Yes , WAY to much IRC! :) Thank you again!!! --- PogoWolf, pogowolf at iastate.edu HTTP://www.public.iastate.edu/~pogowolf