1. Kanji bit-mapped font

I've written a little program to drill kanji characters as I learn them.
It works just fine, and I've been pleased to see that EDS handles unicode
just fine, and Tommy Carlier's unicode file handling was very useful.
Matt Lewis' EDS browser has been invaluable as well.

I'm using IDE and Win32Lib on Windoze 98.

To display kanji characters, I use a third party program, from NJStar,
which provides both an IME and a trapped display capability. Thus if I
display "真", the relevant kanji will be displayed. The problem with
that is that the 3P program uses its own fonts, and they don't scale
up well. If I set the font size in the field into which I output the
characters to a high size (24, say) I'll get a large character, but 
badly rendered. It doesn't matter what font I choose for the field,
that's not what is used.

I would like to use bitmap fonts, as many of the commercial programs 
of the same type do. 
An example font might be
But I'm at a loss as to how to do this in Euphoria/Windoze. These are not
Windoze fonts, so it's not just a matter of doing a Windoze instal. I need
to read the font, and render it into a field ... or straight onto the
window, I guess. 

Any insights or suggestions?



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2. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Instead of using a bitmap font directly, you could create a bitmap-file (in
MSPaint), type in all the characters there and save it to a BMP-file. In your
program that needs to display the characters, just load the BMP-file and blit the
appropriate region for a character to your window.

tommy online: http://users.pandora.be/tommycarlier
Euphoria Message Board: http://uboard.proboards32.com

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3. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Tommy Carlier wrote:
> Instead of using a bitmap font directly, you could create a bitmap-file (in
> MSPaint),
> type in all the characters there and save it to a BMP-file. In your program
> that needs
> to display the characters, just load the BMP-file and blit the appropriate
> region for
> a character to your window.

That's a way I hadn't thought of, thanks.

Only problem is, there are about 3,000 characters!


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4. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Hi Craig


i keyed in "font library" in my search engine . 
the above is one of the results. it also has Klingon.
there is some places that have free fonts too.

divide the problem and conquer.
3000 / 10 chars/day = 300 days / 10 people = 30 days.

look out : i am thinking again.
 how the characters are built?
is there actually only 16 different pen strokes?
save only the different strokes first and then have everybody
chip in to build the characters. it would probably have to be local people
who are looking at the same data (book?) you have.

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5. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Craig Welch wrote:

> But I'm at a loss as to how to do this in Euphoria/Windoze. These are not
> Windoze fonts, so it's not just a matter of doing a Windoze instal. I need
> to read the font, and render it into a field ... or straight onto the
> window, I guess. 

Take a look at:

These are TTF which look very good as big as 72 pt. 
The only drawback is if you are planning to sell your program, 
you'll need written permission to use the fonts.


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6. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

rudy toews wrote:
> Hi Craig
> http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/fonts.html
> i keyed in "font library" in my search engine . 
> the above is one of the results. it also has Klingon.
> there is some places that have free fonts too.

Thanks Rudy,

The issue for me is not availabilty of fonts. I have plenty of Japanese 
fonts. It's how to render a bitmap font in my Euphoria application.


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7. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

irv mullins wrote:
> Craig Welch wrote:
> > But I'm at a loss as to how to do this in Euphoria/Windoze. These are not
> > Windoze fonts, so it's not just a matter of doing a Windoze instal. I need
> > to read the font, and render it into a field ... or straight onto the
> > window, I guess. 
> Take a look at:
> http://user.dtcc.edu/~berlin/font/japanese.htm
> These are TTF which look very good as big as 72 pt. 
> The only drawback is if you are planning to sell your program, 
> you'll need written permission to use the fonts.

Thanks Irv,

Truetype fonts don't work. They're fine in Microsoft applications such as 
Office, but won't work in my Euphoria application. Hence my search for a 
way to render a bitmap font.


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8. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Craig Welch wrote:
> irv mullins wrote:
> > 
> > Craig Welch wrote:
> > 
> > > But I'm at a loss as to how to do this in Euphoria/Windoze. These are not
> > > Windoze fonts, so it's not just a matter of doing a Windoze instal. I need
> > > to read the font, and render it into a field ... or straight onto the
> > > window, I guess. 
> > 
> > Take a look at:
> > <a
> > href="http://user.dtcc.edu/~berlin/font/japanese.htm">http://user.dtcc.edu/~berlin/font/japanese.htm</a>
> > 
> > These are TTF which look very good as big as 72 pt. 
> > The only drawback is if you are planning to sell your program, 
> > you'll need written permission to use the fonts.
> Thanks Irv,
> Truetype fonts don't work. They're fine in Microsoft applications such as 
> Office, but won't work in my Euphoria application. Hence my search for a 
> way to render a bitmap font.

You can simply write a True-Type font to a bitmap in RAM and then render
that on the screen. Here is starting point for you. It creates 26 bitmaps,
from "A" to "Z" in Times New Roman font at 200 point.

without warning
include win32lib.ew

constant pm = create(Pixmap, "", 0, 0,0, 1,1, 0)
procedure DoLetter(sequence pText)
    sequence lTextRect
--    printf(1, "%s\n", {pText})
    lTextRect = getTextExtent(pm,pText)
    setCtlSize(pm, lTextRect[3], lTextRect[4])
    setBackColor(pm, BrightWhite)
    wPuts({pm, 0, 0}, pText)

    VOID = copyToBitmapFile(pm, pText[1] & ".bmp", 0, 0, 
                            lTextRect[3], lTextRect[4])

end procedure

setFont(pm, "Times New Roman", 200, 0)
for i = 'A' to 'Z' do
end for

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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9. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Craig Welch wrote:

> Truetype fonts don't work. They're fine in Microsoft applications such as 
> Office, but won't work in my Euphoria application. Hence my search for a 
> way to render a bitmap font.

TT fonts work fine with Euphoria on Linux. I can't think of any reason 
they wouldn't also work with Windows.

I don't know why you would need bitmaps. Maybe we need more details.


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10. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

    What format is the file asiya24.fnt using and
    how can it be viewed ?

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11. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Derek Parnell wrote:
> > Truetype fonts don't work. They're fine in Microsoft applications such as 
> > Office, but won't work in my Euphoria application. Hence my search for a 
> > way to render a bitmap font.
> You can simply write a True-Type font to a bitmap in RAM and then render
> that on the screen. Here is starting point for you. It creates 26 bitmaps,
> from "A" to "Z" in Times New Roman font at 200 point.

Thanks Derek,

I'll have a play with that later today. 
It will be interesting to see if I can use that for double-byte fonts.

Meanwhile, I found that there are a few kanji fonts available in
bdf format, which is far easier to understand than the example to 
which I first referred. Here is one character, for example:

SWIDTH 985 0
BBX 40 40 0 -3

The second number in 'BBX' (40) refers to the number of encoding lines to

Because that's so readable, it was a simple 10 minutes coding to turn 
0381c007fc into the Euphoria required {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1, etc} and display the
character as a bitmap. Now I'll just write an indexing routine and all should be

Thanks again for your help ...


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12. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

irv mullins wrote:
> > Truetype fonts don't work. They're fine in Microsoft applications such as 
> > Office, but won't work in my Euphoria application. Hence my search for a 
> > way to render a bitmap font.
> TT fonts work fine with Euphoria on Linux. I can't think of any reason 
> they wouldn't also work with Windows.

Because, as I understand it, Linux has underlying support for double-byte
characters. Not all versions of Windows do. Windows 98, as I mentioned I'm
using, doesn't. You can install add-ons that provide that support, but 
only in Office applications, so that excludes anything written in Euphoria.

> I don't know why you would need bitmaps. Maybe we need more details.

See above ... and bitmaps work, so I'm only seeking a working solution.


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13. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Bernard Ryan wrote:
> Craig:
>     What format is the file asiya24.fnt using and
>     how can it be viewed ?

Heh. If I knew enough about font file formats to answer that question, 
I would probably know enough to have written the code to render it!

I used a hex editor to view it, but nothing of what I saw provided any
patterns that would help me decode it. As you will see from another post
though, I've found a font (several, in fact) in a format that is quite
readable by humans, and easily rendered in Euphoria. I'm using this font:

-- Craig

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14. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font


  This code that will create xpm constants for
  the bdf files. It comments out the other file lines.
  so you can keep the comments for the copyright and
  other wanted information by editing the file and
  removing what you don't want. This code will genertae
  the code to allow you to use the win32lib or my w32engin.ew


-------------- CODE FOR BDF2XPM.EX
include wildcard.e
atom fi, fo, k
integer flag, ctr
object line
sequence infile, outfile, xpm
infile = {}
outfile = {}
xpm = {}
  cmdline  = command_line(),
  bin = {"x,x,x,x","x,x,x, ","x,x, ,x","x,x, , ",
	 "x, ,x,x","x, ,x, ","x, , ,x","x, , , ",
	 " ,x,x,x"," ,x,x, "," ,x, ,x"," ,x, , ",
	 " , ,x,x"," , ,x, "," , , ,x"," , , , "}
function cvt2seq(integer c)
  if find(c,"0123456789") then
    return bin[ c - '0' + 1 ] -- [0-9]
    return bin[ lower(c) - 'a' + 10 + 1 ] -- [A-Fa-f]
  end if
end function
if length(cmdline) >= 3 then
  infile = cmdline[3]
  if length(cmdline) >= 4 then
    outfile = cmdline[4]
  end if
  puts(1, "\n  Enter the name of the input bdf file : ")
    infile = gets(0)
    infile = infile[1..length(infile)-1]
end if
if find('.', infile) then
  outfile = infile[1..find('.', infile)-1]&".exf"
  infile = infile&".bdf"
  outfile = infile[1..find('.', infile)-1]&".exf"
end if
-- open the input bdf file
fi = open(infile, "rb")
if fi = -1 then
  puts(1, "  Can not open "&infile&" the bdf input file\n")
end if
-- see if it already exists
fo = open(outfile, "rb")
if fo != -1 then
  -- don't destroy an existing include file - let user delete himself
  puts(1, "\n  A file "&outfile&" already exists !"&
	  "\n  Over-write the existing file ?"&
	  "\n        (y/n) or (q to quit) : ")
  while 1 do
    k = lower(get_key())
    if k = 'n' or k = 'q' then
    elsif k = 'y' then
	puts(1, "\n\n  ")
    end if
  end while
end if
-- open the output bdf file
fo = open(outfile, "w")
if fo = -1 then
  puts(1, "  Can not open "&outfile&" the bdf output file.\n")
end if
flag = 0
ctr = 0
puts(1,"Processing the file.\n  Please Wait : ")
while 1 do
  if get_key() != -1 then exit end if
  line = gets(fi)
  if atom(line) then
    exit -- -1 is returned at end of file
    if match("STARTCHAR ",line) then
      xpm &= "constant "&line[11..length(line)-1]&" = textToBitmap( {"&10
    puts(fo,"-- "&line)
    elsif match("BITMAP",line) then
      flag = 1
    puts(fo,"-- "&line)
    elsif match("ENDCHAR",line) then
    puts(fo,"-- "&line)
      xpm = xpm[1..length(xpm)-2]
      xpm &= "})\n"
      xpm = {}
      flag = 0
    end if
    if flag and not match("BITMAP",line) then
      xpm &= "\""
      for i = 1 to length(line)-1 do
	xpm &= cvt2seq(line[i])&","
      end for
      xpm = xpm[1..length(xpm)-1]
      xpm &= "\",\n"
    puts(fo,"-- "&line)
    end if
    if ctr = 5000 then
      ctr = 0
      ctr += 1
    end if
  end if
end while
puts(1,"\nProcessing complete !")


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15. Re: Kanji bit-mapped font

Bernard Ryan wrote:

> Craig:
>  This code that will create xpm constants for
>  the bdf files. It comments out the other file lines.
>  so you can keep the comments for the copyright and
>  other wanted information by editing the file and
>  removing what you don't want. This code will genertae
>  the code to allow you to use the win32lib or my w32engin.ew
>  library.
Thanks for going to the trouble, Bernie.

One problem (easily fixed) with that was that Euphoria didn't like that the name
of each constant was a number.

The other problem was that the size of the include file was around 40MBytes,
which took a while to load on my fast server, but *minutes* on my laptop. This
made it unworkable.

I've now gone to inline processing. I read in the font file as is, do a lookup
and expand/process it as required. It's quite fast enough.



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