1. RE: Help with coding

I would like this to be in Windows... what else do i need to be specific 
on (i'm not being sarcastic)

irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2001 11:39, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > Dear Euphoria Programmers, I am working on a program for Checkers, not
> > to acutually play checkers, but to show the moves in a game. I need help
> > with designing something to allow it to move the checker pieces over the
> > board with the click of a button. If anyone would be willing to help,
> > please reply, I will be very greatful, thanks guys
> > Trav
> Could you be more specific? The way you would do this in Windows is 
> very different from the way it would be done in DOS, or in Linux. 
> Regards,
> Irv


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2. RE: Help with coding

Irv, yes, this is similar, but not exactly what i'm looking for, i need 
the program to be able to read a list of moves (i.e. 11-15 meaning piece 
on square 11 moves to square 15) and have a Previous and Next push 
buttons to go through the list (the pieces move on the click of a 
button, to the next move, or previous)

irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2001 12:05, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > I would like this to be in Windows... what else do i need to be specific
> > on (i'm not being sarcastic)
> >
> > irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> > > On Friday 20 July 2001 11:39, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > > > Dear Euphoria Programmers, I am working on a program for Checkers, not
> > > > to acutually play checkers, but to show the moves in a game. I need
> > > > help with designing something to allow it to move the checker pieces
> > > > over the board with the click of a button. If anyone would be willing
> > > > to help, please reply, I will be very greatful, thanks guys
> > > > Trav
> A good place to start would be with Dave Cuny's GlassWorks game 
> http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/glass.zip
> It's a board game where you 'jump' pieces, not unlike checkers.
> Dave's code is pretty well commented.  
> Regards,
> Irv


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3. RE: Help with coding

I really need help on reading the list of moves and applying them, i can 
get the window, and i'm pretty sure i can set all the bitmaps where they 
need to be. (that is if it allows a bitmap to be placed over a bitmap?)
irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2001 13:36, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > Irv, yes, this is similar, but not exactly what i'm looking for, i need
> > the program to be able to read a list of moves (i.e. 11-15 meaning piece
> > on square 11 moves to square 15) and have a Previous and Next push
> > buttons to go through the list (the pieces move on the click of a
> > button, to the next move, or previous)
> What part do you need help with - creating the window itself, 
> placing the bitmaps, reading the list of moves, or applying the 
> moves? 
> Regards,
> Irv


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4. RE: Help with coding

Ok--I think I some what understand where this is headed, now what i need 
to know is how do i "link" the pushbuttons with the actions, and the 
checker pieces to move them.?

irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2001 20:04, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > I really need help on reading the list of moves and applying them, i can
> > get the window, and i'm pretty sure i can set all the bitmaps where they
> > need to be. (that is if it allows a bitmap to be placed over a bitmap?)
> There are probably a dozen ways to do this, here's one:
> If you use a plain text file for the moves: 
> 11, 15
> 23, 26
> ...
> etc., with the numbers separated either by commas or by 
> spaces, like this:
> 11 15
> 23 26
> ...
> then I would suggest just reading them into a list:
> include file.e
> include get.e
> constant SOURCE = 1, DESTINATION = 2 
> atom fn
> object source, destination
> sequence moves
> fn = open("moves.txt","r")
> moves = {}
> while 1 do
>   source = get(fn) -- get the first number
>   if source[1] = -1 then exit -- EOF
>   else
>      destination = get(fn) -- get the second number
>      moves =  append(moves,{source[2],destination[2]})
>   end if
> end while
> close(fn)
> ? moves
> This gives a list like the following:
> {{11,15},{23,26},{26,35},{52,44}}    
> You can set a pointer to the start of the list, and advance it 
> when the "next" button is pushed.
> Going forward thru the list should be simple; increment the 
> pointer by 1, and move checker from move[pointer][SOURCE] to 
> move[pointer][DESTINATION], 
> Backing up would seem to call for first undoing the move most 
> recently made, which will be at the current pointer.
> You can probably do that by simply reversing the source 
> and destination, i.e. move checker from move[pointer][DESTINATION] to 
> move[pointer][SOURCE].  Then decrement the pointer.
> Don't let the pointer go below 1, or higher than the length of 
> the moves list.
> Before either move, you'll have to find out which color checker 
> is being moved, so you can show the correct bitmap at the 
> new location.
> How to do that? There's probably a way you could get the info 
> from windows, but it may be easier to just keep an array and 
> update it with every move.  That will also have value if in the 
> future you want to add the ability to check for legal moves,
> be able to save and restore a game, etc.
> Something like:
> sequence a = repeat(0,64) 
> -- where 0 means empty, 1 = black, -1 = red
> a[1..16] = 1
> a[49..64] = -1
> with each move:
> a[destination] = a[source] -- copies the color of checker into dest.
> a[source] = 0 -- empties source square.
> when drawing the checker, 
> if a[DESTINATION] = -1 then -- use red checker bmp
> else -- use black checker bmp.
> I'm not sure about Windows, but you may be able to put both 
> colors of checker in each square, and only show the color 
> you want there (or none at all)
> Hope that helps,
> Regards,
> Irv


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5. RE: Help with coding

Thanks Irv, u are a great help in this--i think i have a final two 
questions for you, what exactly do u mean by "pointer" (if u have not 
noticed, i'm very new at this)? And where can i find Judith's IDE? I 
searched for it, but cannot find it.

irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Saturday 21 July 2001 16:24, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > Ok--I think I some what understand where this is headed, now what i need
> > to know is how do i "link" the pushbuttons with the actions, and the
> > checker pieces to move them.?
> Since you're asking this, I'm guessing that you aren't using 
> Judith's IDE. If you were, you would just click on the button and
> enter your code in the event window that pops up. The IDE makes 
> the layout of a program such as this a 5 minute job. 
> What you want to do is to add your bitmap display/hide code to 
> the onClick[] events for the "Next" and "Prev" buttons.  
> For the "Next" button, it would be something like:
>  1. increment the move pointer by 1
>  2. get the color of the checker in [SOURCE] square
>  3. hide the source checker (or put a blank bitmap there)
>  4. put the proper color checker in the [DESTINATION] square
> For the "Prev" button, the code would be slightly different:
>  1. swap {SOURCE] and [DESTINATION] -- to undo the last move
>  2. get the color of the checker in the [SOURCE] square
>  3. hide the source checker
>  4. put the proper color checker in [DESTINATION]
>  5. decrement the move pointer by 1
> Note that steps 2, 3 and 4 in the "Prev" code are exactly the 
> same as steps 2,3 and 4 in the "Next" code. That means 
> those steps could be written only once, as a separate procedure,
> so you wouldn't have to write and debug twice.  That simplifies 
> your onClick event code:
> procedure NextButton_onClick ()
> if pointer < length(move) then 
>   pointer += 1
>   MoveChecker(move[pointer])
> end if
> end procedure
> onClick[NextButton] = routine_id("NextButton_onClick")
> procedure PrevButton_onClick ()
>  MoveChecker({move[pointer][DESTINATION],
>                        move[pointer][SOURCE]}) -- this swaps the order
>  if pointer > 1 then
>     pointer -= 1 
>  end if
> end procedure
> onClick[PrevButton] = routine_id("PrevButton_onClick")
> You don't actually need to link the checker pieces in any way, unless 
> you want to move them by clicking on them. 
> Hope this helps,
> Irv


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6. RE: Help with coding

Irv--ok, instead of using the fn = open("moves.txt", "r") to open a file 
with moves in it, how would i use the Open command in the file menu to 
open a file, so i won't have to change coding for each file that i want 
to view?

Thanks, I appreciate it!
irvm at ellijay.com wrote:
> On Sunday 22 July 2001 12:49, Travis Weddle wrote:
> > Thanks Irv, u are a great help in this--i think i have a final two
> > questions for you, what exactly do u mean by "pointer" (if u have not
> > noticed, i'm very new at this)? And where can i find Judith's IDE? I
> > searched for it, but cannot find it.
> If you read in a list of "moves", and save them in a sequence, 
> you might have a sequence like:
> { {11,15},{15,20},{20,22},{22,24} }  
> where 11 is the first source location, and 15 the first destination, 
> and so on. Let's say you name this sequence "move".
> To point to which move you are currently interested in, you need to 
> declare an integer variable: call it anything you want. For example:
> integer current
> current = 1
> now,  to refer to the first move on the list of moves, you'd say:
> move[current] -- which is the same as saying move[1].
> or {11,15}
> The next move on the list would be move[2], so, 
> current += 1 -- now current holds the value 2
> move[current] -- same as move[2], which is:
> {15,20}
> So, you use the pointer into the list of moves to select the move 
> you're interested in, and send that move to your routine which 
> handles ..erm... moves.
> You can get Judith's IDE from RDS' Recent Contributions page, or 
> directly from
> http://www2.txcyber.com/~camping/judith.html
> Be sure you have the correct version of Win32Lib to go with that.
> Regards,
> Irv


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