1. Win32lib questions

What are some different ways to implement a "text viewing box" that the user
can scroll through, but not modify?

1. EditText control, with an onKeyPress event handler that consumes all
keystrokes that can affect the text in the control. Two problems I see with
this are:
a. I tried consuming all keystrokes inthe event handler, thus:
procedure onKeyPress_EditDesc()
end procedure
-- and this causes my program to crash, I haven't the faintest idea why.
b. The user can stil paste text into the control. How can the ability to
paste be disabled?

2. Label control, with associated scroll bars if necessary. Suppose I don't
like the looks of a Label, and why should I have to write all the drudge
code to format the text and do the scrolling?

And here is a related question (actually, two questions, or a two-part
Is it possible to word-wrap automatically in an edit box?
Alternatively, is there a practical way to do it in code?

I am at that stage of learning where I ask a lot of questions. Hope I am not
perceived as a pest.

George Henry
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2. Re: Win32lib questions

> I am at that stage of learning where I ask a lot of questions.
> Hope I am not perceived as a pest.

The answers help us all...

And if you weren't asking the questions, somebody else would be.

Carry on!


P.S. This is a pretty friendly list. When the answer can be easily gleened
from documentation, people usually state it so (RTFM). When not, at least
one answer is provided.

P.P.S. Unless you're asking about neil! heh.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

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3. Re: Win32lib questions

Heya George!

> What are some different ways to implement a "text viewing box" that
> the user can scroll through, but not modify?

I know there's an example of this provided with the Win32lib stuff,
look around for the color-coded code example.

I also assume one could do a sendMessage to the field box to make
its editing ability disabled? (Yeah, you can, actually.

object junk
junk = sendMessage(control, EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0)

( http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/winui/editcon_24c9.htm ))

> I am at that stage of learning where I ask a lot of questions. Hope I
> am not perceived as a pest.

You know what? People around here are really tolerant of those who
ask alot of questions. Trust me, I was (sorta still am :)) in your place
not too long ago :)

Have fun!


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4. Win32lib questions

I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there is a
need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious, specially because
of the "ex":


The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old news.
An update would help the visibility of the project.
However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced here by

Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not admin for
this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot change it.
Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't been very
active these days.

Btw: I checked the IDE and it appears to work well with 0.70.1; page up/down and
text selection work as expected in Code Editor. Can't reproduce the bug #1798650.


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5. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there is
> a need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious, specially
> because of the "ex":
> <a
> href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm</a>
> The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old news.
> An update would help the visibility of the project.
> However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
> For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
> When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced here
> by Derek. 
> Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not admin
> for this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot
> change
> it. Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't been
> very active these days.
> Btw: I checked the IDE and it appears to work well with 0.70.1; page up/down
> and text selection work as expected in Code Editor. Can't reproduce the bug
> #1798650.
> CChris

At least 3 people have contacted me who had problems using 0.70.1 with IDE code
editor. The problem is not just for the cases I mentioned. Would the people who
encountered problems respond and let Chris know what you were doing when the
problem occured?


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6. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there is
> a need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious, specially
> because of the "ex":
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex

Yes, when I initially registered, sourceforge denied "win32lib" as a name
because it was too generic or something, and since my work was extending
David's at the time, the 'ex' seemed appropriate.

> The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old news.
> An update would help the visibility of the project.
> However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
> For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
> When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced here
> by Derek. 

Yes, the web pages need to be updated.
> Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not admin
> for this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot
> change
> it. Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't been
> very active these days.

I've added you to the project.


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7. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there is
> a need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious, specially
> because of the "ex":
> <a
> href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm</a>
> The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old news.
> An update would help the visibility of the project.
> However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
> For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
> When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced here
> by Derek. 
> Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not admin
> for this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot
> change
> it. Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't been
> very active these days.
> Btw: I checked the IDE and it appears to work well with 0.70.1; page up/down
> and text selection work as expected in Code Editor. Can't reproduce the bug
> #1798650.
> CChris


Not sure why, but my browser doesn't goto the project from the link above, 
but it did get there via:


Also not entirely sure why I'm included as a "developer", I just did a little
work on the makedoc utility a while back, not anything as I recall on the
library itself.

Dan M.

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8. Re: Win32lib questions

Dan Moyer wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there is
> > a need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious, specially
> > because of the "ex":
> > 
> > <a
> > href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm</a>
> > 
> > The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old
> > news.
> > An update would help the visibility of the project.
> > However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
> > For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
> > When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced
> > here
> > by Derek. 
> > 
> > Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not admin
> > for this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot
> > change
> > it. Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't
> > been
> > very active these days.
> > 
> > Btw: I checked the IDE and it appears to work well with 0.70.1; page up/down
> > and text selection work as expected in Code Editor. Can't reproduce the bug
> > #1798650.
> > 
> > CChris
> CChris,
> Not sure why, but my browser doesn't goto the project from the link above, 
> but it did get there via:
> <a
> href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex/</a>
> Also not entirely sure why I'm included as a "developer", I just did a little
> work on the makedoc utility a while back, not anything as I recall on the
> library itself.
> Dan M.

Didn't you develop the gateway (rundemos.exe)?


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9. Re: Win32lib questions

Judith Evans wrote:
> At least 3 people have contacted me who had problems using 0.70.1 with IDE
> code
> editor. The problem is not just for the cases I mentioned. Would the people
> who encountered problems respond and let Chris know what you were doing when
> the problem occured?
> judith

I am one of those who had a problem; I can't define what I did to cause the
effect, but what happened was that I got latched into the highlighting text
mode. Whatever I did with shift - and other control keys - wherever I moved
the cursor the text between the cursor and some point in the text was highlit.
I had to quite the program completely and restart in order to get back to
normal. Linking IDE with 0.60.6 (the IDE version) completely fixes the bug.
I hope that is of some use, Christian.


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10. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> Judith Evans wrote:
> >> 
> > At least 3 people have contacted me who had problems using 0.70.1 with IDE
> > code
> > editor. The problem is not just for the cases I mentioned. Would the people
> > who encountered problems respond and let Chris know what you were doing when
> > the problem occured?
> > 
> > judith
> I am one of those who had a problem; I can't define what I did to cause the
> effect, but what happened was that I got latched into the highlighting text
> mode. Whatever I did with shift - and other control keys - wherever I moved
> the cursor the text between the cursor and some point in the text was highlit.
> I had to quite the program completely and restart in order to get back to
> normal. Linking IDE with 0.60.6 (the IDE version) completely fixes the bug.
> I hope that is of some use, Christian.
> Andy

Are you using a laptop by any chance? The new mechanism for keyboard handling
relies  a little more than the previous one on the keyboard to debunk keys
properly, so it could explain things. Otherwise... I'll try to stress test IDE a
little more. I already have a clue: the shift state isn't restored properly in
_some_ case. which one... that's where I need more precise input on what you have
to do with the keyboard to get into this uncomfortable state.


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11. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> Dan Moyer wrote:
> > 
> > CChris wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I found some time to go to the win32libex sourceforge site. I think there
> > > is
> > > a need to mention the link to the page, as it may not be obvious,
> > > specially
> > > because of the "ex":
> > > 
> > > <a
> > > href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.htm</a>
> > > 
> > > The site mentions as news version 59.2 being available. This is very old
> > > news.
> > > An update would help the visibility of the project.
> > > However, another version is available for download, namely v0.60.6.
> > > For sure, the Recent User contributions at RDS features v0.70.1.
> > > When browsing the svn repository, there is a 0.70.2 version as announced
> > > here
> > > by Derek. 
> > > 
> > > Aren't there a bit too many versions mentioned or available? I am not
> > > admin
> > > for this project (at least I don't appear on the list), so that I cannot
> > > change
> > > it. Derek, Matt or Dan? D. Cuny is listed, but I nderstand that he hasn't
> > > been
> > > very active these days.
> > > 
> > > Btw: I checked the IDE and it appears to work well with 0.70.1; page
> > > up/down
> > > and text selection work as expected in Code Editor. Can't reproduce the
> > > bug
> > > #1798650.
> > > 
> > > CChris
> > 
> > CChris,
> > 
> > Not sure why, but my browser doesn't goto the project from the link above, 
> > but it did get there via:
> > 
> > <a
> > href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex/</a>
> > 
> > Also not entirely sure why I'm included as a "developer", I just did a
> > little
> > work on the makedoc utility a while back, not anything as I recall on the
> > library itself.
> > 
> > Dan M.
> Didn't you develop the gateway (rundemos.exe)?
> CChris


Well, maybe:  I wrote a gateway called rundemos.EXW, maybe someone
bound it or something into an .EXE??

Haven't downloaded recent Win32Lib to look and see what's there, maybe check
the rundemos.exe help to see who's the author?

Dan Moyer

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12. Re: Win32lib questions

Dan Moyer wrote:
> CChris wrote:

> > Didn't you develop the gateway (rundemos.exe)?
> > 
> > CChris
> Chris,
> Well, maybe:  I wrote a gateway called rundemos.EXW, maybe someone
> bound it or something into an .EXE??
> Haven't downloaded recent Win32Lib to look and see what's there, maybe check
> the rundemos.exe help to see who's the author?

In January I wrote a system in a "DemoTester" folder which was just called
"test.exw/exe".  I don't know what happened to that though, and I don't think
it's the one you guys are talking about.  Mine was originally intended to
automatically check whether all the demos would start up, and record any error if
there was crash, optionally recording notes if the testing was attended.

I'll upload it to the contributions, as it could be used for any sort of basic
harness testing I think, even though it is developed with win32lib.


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13. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> Andy Drummond wrote:
> > 
> > I am one of those who had a problem; I can't define what I did to cause the
> > effect, but what happened was that I got latched into the highlighting text
> > mode. Whatever I did with shift - and other control keys - wherever I moved
> > the cursor the text between the cursor and some point in the text was
> > highlit.
> > I had to quite the program completely and restart in order to get back to
> > normal. Linking IDE with 0.60.6 (the IDE version) completely fixes the bug.
> > I hope that is of some use, Christian.
> > 
> > Andy
> Are you using a laptop by any chance? The new mechanism for keyboard handling
> relies  a little more than the previous one on the keyboard to debunk keys
> properly,
> so it could explain things. Otherwise... I'll try to stress test IDE a little
> more. I already have a clue: the shift state isn't restored properly in _some_
> case. which one... that's where I need more precise input on what you have to
> do with the keyboard to get into this uncomfortable state.
> CChris

Hello CChris.  Yes, I am using a Dell D610 laptop on a docking port so it 
looks like a real PC.  I have had no trouble like this before with any other
code - or machine come to that.  But I certainly take the point that laptops
do do some very weird things at times.
I have restored my WinLib 0.70 and given it another try to see if I can
identify just what it is I am doing which results in this state of affairs.

I have found that I can get a similar bug whereby the up & down arrow keys
move the text up and down but the cursor stays on the same line - as if the
control key was jammed. I was playing with the shift & control keys, up and
down arrows, pageup & pagedown, and enter. I sometimes took a couple of
minutes to get the bug; sometimes a few seconds. But I could never get a
repeatable situation. I will continue trying to get a repeatable condition
but I have no real hope at present.... it is an odd one.


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14. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > 
> > Andy Drummond wrote:
> > > 
> > > I am one of those who had a problem; I can't define what I did to cause
> > > the
> > > effect, but what happened was that I got latched into the highlighting
> > > text
> > > mode. Whatever I did with shift - and other control keys - wherever I
> > > moved
> > > the cursor the text between the cursor and some point in the text was
> > > highlit.
> > > I had to quite the program completely and restart in order to get back to
> > > normal. Linking IDE with 0.60.6 (the IDE version) completely fixes the
> > > bug.
> > > I hope that is of some use, Christian.
> > > 
> > > Andy
> > 
> > 
> > Are you using a laptop by any chance? The new mechanism for keyboard
> > handling
> > relies  a little more than the previous one on the keyboard to debunk keys
> > properly,
> > so it could explain things. Otherwise... I'll try to stress test IDE a
> > little
> > more. I already have a clue: the shift state isn't restored properly in
> > _some_
> > case. which one... that's where I need more precise input on what you have
> > to
> > do with the keyboard to get into this uncomfortable state.
> > 
> > CChris
> Hello CChris.  Yes, I am using a Dell D610 laptop on a docking port so it 
> looks like a real PC.  I have had no trouble like this before with any other
> code - or machine come to that.  But I certainly take the point that laptops
> do do some very weird things at times.
> I have restored my WinLib 0.70 and given it another try to see if I can
> identify just what it is I am doing which results in this state of affairs.
> I have found that I can get a similar bug whereby the up & down arrow keys
> move the text up and down but the cursor stays on the same line - as if the
> control key was jammed. I was playing with the shift & control keys, up and
> down arrows, pageup & pagedown, and enter. I sometimes took a couple of
> minutes to get the bug; sometimes a few seconds. But I could never get a
> repeatable situation. I will continue trying to get a repeatable condition
> but I have no real hope at present.... it is an odd one.
> Andy

Judith mentioned she was having no such trouble with the last test version I had
committed. Here is a link to it:


Please check whether you still get in trouble with this version. This will help
sort out whether the bug is lurking dormant there or if it's something that
happened in 0.70.1 beyond that point. I didn't run a diff on the files, so I
don't knwo if they are any different, or how.

If you still are in trouble with this code as well, then it means that the
sequence of WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP can't be relied upon 100% on these keyboards. As
I don't have any laptop, it will be a little hard to figure out a replacement
strategy, but I will try if that's the way to go. And if you don't, I'll ask
Derek what he's done smile


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15. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
>I'll ask Derek what he's done smile

I've done nothing. In fact, I've looked at what you have done to the keyboard
routines and they are so &^%#&% complex now that I threw my hands up in horror
and ran away.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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16. Re: Win32lib questions

Derek Parnell wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> >I'll ask Derek what he's done smile
> I've done nothing. In fact, I've looked at what you have done to the keyboard
> routines
> and they are so &^%#&% complex now that I threw my hands up in horror and
> ran away.
> -- 
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> Skype name: derek.j.parnell

So, if there's another behaviour, it's something not related with the
keyboard... Even more interesting.


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17. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> > Andy
> Judith mentioned she was having no such trouble with the last test version I
> had committed. Here is a link to it:
> <a
> href="http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip">http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip</a>
> Please check whether you still get in trouble with this version. This will
> help
> sort out whether the bug is lurking dormant there or if it's something that
> happened in 0.70.1 beyond that point. I didn't run a diff on the files, so I
> don't knwo if they are any different, or how.
> If you still are in trouble with this code as well, then it means that the
> sequence of WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP
> can't be relied upon 100% on these keyboards. As I don't have any laptop, it
> will be a little
> hard to figure out a replacement strategy, but I will try if that's the way to
> go. And if
> you don't, I'll ask Derek what he's done smile
> CChris

I downloaded the WinLib - it reports itself as being 0.60.67; is that right? -
and it is just as bad. The problem does NOT appear to be repeatable. I actually
noted exactly what I had done to get the syndrome, but when I repeated that it
didn't occur again.  I have never had this problem with the Win32Lib which is
the 0.60.6 that Judith et al modified for use with IDE in what is now some
So whatever the problem is, it is new.
If I am the only person with this bug then I shall stick with 0.60.6 modded
and stop causing trouble. But I guess that if I am getting it then others will
be too.
I don't want to cause friction between you and Derek; you're the only two who
keep Win32Lib up to scratch and since I use it for ALL my Windows XP programming
the last thing I want to do is to get the two of you at each others throats!
I really appreciate what the two of you have done and are doing.


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18. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > > Andy
> > 
> > Judith mentioned she was having no such trouble with the last test version I
> > had committed. Here is a link to it:
> > 
> > <a
> > href="http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip">http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip</a>
> > 
> > Please check whether you still get in trouble with this version. This will
> > help
> > sort out whether the bug is lurking dormant there or if it's something that
> > happened in 0.70.1 beyond that point. I didn't run a diff on the files, so I
> > don't knwo if they are any different, or how.
> > 
> > If you still are in trouble with this code as well, then it means that the
> sequence of WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP</font></i>
> > can't be relied upon 100% on these keyboards. As I don't have any laptop, it
> will be a little</font></i>
> > hard to figure out a replacement strategy, but I will try if that's the way
> > to
> go. And if</font></i>
> > you don't, I'll ask Derek what he's done smile
> > 
> > CChris
> CChris,
> I downloaded the WinLib - it reports itself as being 0.60.67; is that right?
> -
> and it is just as bad. The problem does NOT appear to be repeatable. I
> actually
> noted exactly what I had done to get the syndrome, but when I repeated that
> it
> didn't occur again.  I have never had this problem with the Win32Lib which is
> the 0.60.6 that Judith et al modified for use with IDE in what is now some
> years.
> So whatever the problem is, it is new.
> If I am the only person with this bug then I shall stick with 0.60.6 modded
> and stop causing trouble. But I guess that if I am getting it then others will
> be too.
> I don't want to cause friction between you and Derek; you're the only two who
> keep Win32Lib up to scratch and since I use it for ALL my Windows XP
> programming
> the last thing I want to do is to get the two of you at each others throats!
> I really appreciate what the two of you have done and are doing.
> Andy

I must confirm editing problems are occuring in Code Editor with the
win32lib_C080507_2320.zip as well as the new Win32lib. My appologies to Chris for
not doing a better job testing earlier this summer.

The last few days I encountered a number of non-reproduceable problems such as
when highlighting text the highlighting was off by the tab amount and in some
cases spanned lines when it should not, switching events froze code editor
completely using right arrow moved cursor to the next position on screen as
intended, followed by CTRL+right arrow key moving to the next word as intended
but followed by right arrow (without CTRL pressed) incorrectly leaping to the
next word when it should not since I did not have CTRL pressed.

I went back later to reproduce but could not.

So my statement to Chris that his latest version worked just fine was not

judith evans

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19. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > > Andy
> > 
> > Judith mentioned she was having no such trouble with the last test version I
> > had committed. Here is a link to it:
> > 
> > <a
> > href="http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip">http://oedoc.free.fr/win32lib_C080507_2320.zip</a>
> > 
> > Please check whether you still get in trouble with this version. This will
> > help
> > sort out whether the bug is lurking dormant there or if it's something that
> > happened in 0.70.1 beyond that point. I didn't run a diff on the files, so I
> > don't knwo if they are any different, or how.
> > 
> > If you still are in trouble with this code as well, then it means that the
> sequence of WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP</font></i>
> > can't be relied upon 100% on these keyboards. As I don't have any laptop, it
> will be a little</font></i>
> > hard to figure out a replacement strategy, but I will try if that's the way
> > to
> go. And if</font></i>
> > you don't, I'll ask Derek what he's done smile
> > 
> > CChris
> CChris,
> I downloaded the WinLib - it reports itself as being 0.60.67; is that right?
> -
> and it is just as bad. The problem does NOT appear to be repeatable. I
> actually
> noted exactly what I had done to get the syndrome, but when I repeated that
> it
> didn't occur again.  I have never had this problem with the Win32Lib which is
> the 0.60.6 that Judith et al modified for use with IDE in what is now some
> years.
> So whatever the problem is, it is new.
> If I am the only person with this bug then I shall stick with 0.60.6 modded
> and stop causing trouble. But I guess that if I am getting it then others will
> be too.
> I don't want to cause friction between you and Derek; you're the only two who
> keep Win32Lib up to scratch and since I use it for ALL my Windows XP
> programming
> the last thing I want to do is to get the two of you at each others throats!
> I really appreciate what the two of you have done and are doing.
> Andy

That's the version I was thinking of, it had been hinted as "Patch #67" on this
list at repeated times.

There is no need nor cause for any kind of friction, only for more testing on
various flavours of Windows and various machines. If you have the same problem
with that version, then it originates from my mods and I have to solve that.

This version "#67" was supposed to be a basis for code merging and start of
actual testing - not exactly an official release, and the latest oe caught me off
guard. Also, the mods are extensive and hardly commented, which may explain why
some parts apear to be complex. I'll need to tidy that up too.

Oh btw, you didn't mention what your version of Windows is, or I missed it.

I'll cobble up a stealthless keylogger ASAP for you to include in IDE, so that
it records all kbd activity during your session and, when you get the issue and
email me the logfile, I'll probably get a clue. That should be saturday at the

One scenario I can think of OTOH is as follows: if Windows traps a special key
sequence like Ctrl-Alt-Tab, the WM_[SYS]KEYUP message for the Ctrl key may not be
received by the application that got the key down event. This would cause a
jammed shift key symptom. Try figuring out if this is your problem. If this is an
issue, it's quick to fix - ask default handler for w32HLostFocus to clear the
internal kbd buffer. Alt should be handled correctly.


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20. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> That's the version I was thinking of, it had been hinted as "Patch #67" on
> this
> list at repeated times.
> There is no need nor cause for any kind of friction, only for more testing on
> various flavours of Windows and various machines. If you have the same problem
> with that version, then it originates from my mods and I have to solve that.
> This version "#67" was supposed to be a basis for code merging and start of
> actual testing - not exactly an official release, and the latest oe caught me
> off guard. Also, the mods are extensive and hardly commented, which may
> explain
> why some parts apear to be complex. I'll need to tidy that up too.
> Oh btw, you didn't mention what your version of Windows is, or I missed it.
> I'll cobble up a stealthless keylogger ASAP for you to include in IDE, so that
> it records all kbd activity during your session and, when you get the issue
> and email me the logfile, I'll probably get a clue. That should be saturday
> at the latest.
> One scenario I can think of OTOH is as follows: if Windows traps a special key
> sequence like Ctrl-Alt-Tab, the WM_[SYS]KEYUP message for the Ctrl key may not
> be received by the application that got the key down event. This would cause
> a jammed shift key symptom. Try figuring out if this is your problem. If this
> is an issue, it's quick to fix - ask default handler for w32HLostFocus to
> clear
> the internal kbd buffer. Alt should be handled correctly.
> CChris

Your key-logger sounds an excellent idea. I'm not smart enough with Windows
(it's not my prime target for my skills) to be able to do one myself.
In DOS, yes, in Windows XP SP2 (just so you know!), no.

I'll pick it up hopefully Monday morning here in England and give it a go.
If you want to email it to me I am on andy at kestreltele.com.

We'll see what we can achieve. I guess your logger would need to pick up the
information as to what shift state IDE thinks is true with each keystroke
as well as the keystroke itself.  Sorry, of course you know that!


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21. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > That's the version I was thinking of, it had been hinted as "Patch #67" on
> > this
> > list at repeated times.
> > 
> > There is no need nor cause for any kind of friction, only for more testing
> > on
> > various flavours of Windows and various machines. If you have the same
> > problem
> > with that version, then it originates from my mods and I have to solve that.
> > 
> > 
> > This version "#67" was supposed to be a basis for code merging and start of
> > actual testing - not exactly an official release, and the latest oe caught
> > me
> > off guard. Also, the mods are extensive and hardly commented, which may
> > explain
> > why some parts apear to be complex. I'll need to tidy that up too.
> > 
> > Oh btw, you didn't mention what your version of Windows is, or I missed it.
> > 
> > I'll cobble up a stealthless keylogger ASAP for you to include in IDE, so
> > that
> > it records all kbd activity during your session and, when you get the issue
> > and email me the logfile, I'll probably get a clue. That should be saturday
> > at the latest.
> > 
> > One scenario I can think of OTOH is as follows: if Windows traps a special
> > key
> > sequence like Ctrl-Alt-Tab, the WM_[SYS]KEYUP message for the Ctrl key may
> > not
> > be received by the application that got the key down event. This would cause
> > a jammed shift key symptom. Try figuring out if this is your problem. If
> > this
> > is an issue, it's quick to fix - ask default handler for w32HLostFocus to
> > clear
> > the internal kbd buffer. Alt should be handled correctly.
> > 
> > CChris
> Your key-logger sounds an excellent idea. I'm not smart enough with Windows
> (it's not my prime target for my skills) to be able to do one myself.
> In DOS, yes, in Windows XP SP2 (just so you know!), no.
> I'll pick it up hopefully Monday morning here in England and give it a go.
> If you want to email it to me I am on andy at kestreltele.com.
> We'll see what we can achieve. I guess your logger would need to pick up the
> information as to what shift state IDE thinks is true with each keystroke
> as well as the keystroke itself.  Sorry, of course you know that!
> Andy

The logger would simply intercept the relevant WM_ messages and write the data
they carry to a file. The enhanced GetLastMessage() also records timestamp, in
case there is an isssue with this. It's straight win32lib code - I told you it
wasn't any stealthy.
Just one thing: did you check:
1/ whether sticky keys are enabled on your system;
2/ If so, whether turning them off changes the behaviour.

On my system, they are disabled; this might explain why I wasn't able to
reproduce the bug.
The newer lib checks the keyboard events at a lower level than before, so as to
report them in the new w32HKeyboard event. As a result, it may interact with
Windows keyboard handling in ways it hadn't before.


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22. Re: Win32lib questions

> The logger would simply intercept the relevant WM_ messages and write the data
> they carry to a file. The enhanced GetLastMessage() also records timestamp,
> in case there is an isssue with this. It's straight win32lib code - I told you
> it wasn't any stealthy.
> Just one thing: did you check:
> 1/ whether sticky keys are enabled on your system;
> 2/ If so, whether turning them off changes the behaviour.
> On my system, they are disabled; this might explain why I wasn't able to
> reproduce
> the bug.
> The newer lib checks the keyboard events at a lower level than before, so as
> to report them in the new w32HKeyboard event. As a result, it may interact
> with
> Windows keyboard handling in ways it hadn't before.
> CChris

I also have sticky keys disabled - I tend sometimes to pres and release shift
or control or alt when I am thinking; sticky keys would drive me mad!!
Matt suggested if it might be sticky-keys - I was mildly offended that he
thought I was so green that I hadn't thought of that. I have never met anyone
who uses sticky keys anyway.


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23. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> > 
> > The logger would simply intercept the relevant WM_ messages and write the
> > data
> > they carry to a file. The enhanced GetLastMessage() also records timestamp,
> > in case there is an isssue with this. It's straight win32lib code - I told
> > you
> > it wasn't any stealthy.
> > Just one thing: did you check:
> > 1/ whether sticky keys are enabled on your system;
> > 2/ If so, whether turning them off changes the behaviour.
> > 
> > On my system, they are disabled; this might explain why I wasn't able to
> > reproduce
> > the bug.
> > The newer lib checks the keyboard events at a lower level than before, so as
> > to report them in the new w32HKeyboard event. As a result, it may interact
> > with
> > Windows keyboard handling in ways it hadn't before.
> > 
> > CChris
> I also have sticky keys disabled - I tend sometimes to pres and release shift
> or control or alt when I am thinking; sticky keys would drive me mad!!
> Matt suggested if it might be sticky-keys - I was mildly offended that he
> thought I was so green that I hadn't thought of that. I have never met anyone
> who uses sticky keys anyway.
> Andy

In a way this is good news, because it means that I shouldn't need to take care
of them. I'll experiment with them though, just in case.
Could the problem come from an application switch by hotkey?
Otherwise, if this is an issue with the repeat count, then some logging is in
order. I'll be out of town this weekend, so I'll try to have it working and
emailed before that.


PS: On a different matter: Derek, did you get my SF comment on the print font
size bug?

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24. Re: Win32lib questions

Sorry but I won't have time to code something very clever before this weekend.
Put the following in a file, say logger.ew:
include win32lib.ew

constant logfile=open("keylog.out","w")

procedure log_kbd(integer id,integer event,sequence data)
sequence which
if event=w32HKeyDown then which="down" 
elsif event=w32HKeyUp then which="up"
else which="keyboard"
end if
puts(logfile,sprintf("%d got key event %s: \n\tEvent data: %s\n\tMessage data:
end procedure

and add at the end of IDE.exw:
include logger.ew

When you encounter the problem, try keying a very unusual keyboard sequence
(like shift-alt-F5 or something). This will be an useful marker. Then close IDE,
zip keylog.out which should be alongside IDE.exw and email it to me at oedoc hat
free doubt fr .

Hopefully this will catch enough info for me to figure out whats going on.
Anyone else with the problem can try it as well and send output to me too.


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25. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> Sorry but I won't have time to code something very clever before this weekend.
> Put the following in a file, say logger.ew:
> }}}
> include win32lib.ew
> constant logfile=open("keylog.out","w")
> procedure log_kbd(integer id,integer event,sequence data)
> sequence which
> if event=w32HKeyDown then which="down" 
> elsif event=w32HKeyUp then which="up"
> else which="keyboard"
> end if
> puts(logfile,sprintf("%d got key event %s: \n\tEvent data: %s\n\tMessage data:
> %s\n",
>   {getSelf(),which,sprint(data),sprint(GetLastMsg())}))

I changed the above line to:

> end procedure
> setHandler(Screen,{w32HKeyDown,w32HKeyUp,w32HKeyboard},routine_id("log_kbd"))
> </eucode>

> and add at the end of IDE.exw:
> }}}
> include logger.ew
> </eucode>

> When you encounter the problem, try keying a very unusual keyboard sequence
> (like shift-alt-F5 or something). This will be an useful marker. Then close
> IDE, zip keylog.out which should be alongside IDE.exw and email it to me at
> oedoc hat free doubt fr .
> Hopefully this will catch enough info for me to figure out whats going on.
> Anyone else with the problem can try it as well and send output to me too.
> CChris

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26. Re: Win32lib questions

Judith Evans wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Sorry but I won't have time to code something very clever before this
> > weekend.
> > Put the following in a file, say logger.ew:
> > }}}
> > include win32lib.ew
> > 
> > constant logfile=open("keylog.out","w")
> > 
> > procedure log_kbd(integer id,integer event,sequence data)
> > sequence which
> > if event=w32HKeyDown then which="down" 
> > elsif event=w32HKeyUp then which="up"
> > else which="keyboard"
> > end if
> > puts(logfile,sprintf("%d got key event %s: \n\tEvent data: %s\n\tMessage
> > data: %s\n",
> >   {getSelf(),which,sprint(data),sprint(GetLastMsg())}))
> I changed the above line to:
>   {getSelf(),which,sprint(data),sprint(getLastMsg(""))}))
> > end procedure
> >
> > setHandler(Screen,{w32HKeyDown,w32HKeyUp,w32HKeyboard},routine_id("log_kbd"))
> > </eucode>

> > 
> > and add at the end of IDE.exw:
> > }}}
> > include logger.ew
> > </eucode>

> > 
> > When you encounter the problem, try keying a very unusual keyboard sequence
> > (like shift-alt-F5 or something). This will be an useful marker. Then close
> > IDE, zip keylog.out which should be alongside IDE.exw and email it to me at
> > oedoc hat free doubt fr .
> > 
> > Hopefully this will catch enough info for me to figure out whats going on.
> > Anyone else with the problem can try it as well and send output to me too.
> > 
> > CChris

Ooops, I wrote this hurriedly as I started office work, and I don't have
win32lib yet on this new machine. Thanks.


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27. Re: Win32lib questions

CChris wrote:
> Judith Evans wrote:
> > 
> > CChris wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Sorry but I won't have time to code something very clever before this
> > > weekend.
> > > Put the following in a file, say logger.ew:
> > > }}}
> > > include win32lib.ew
> > > 
> > > constant logfile=open("keylog.out","w")
> > > 
> > > procedure log_kbd(integer id,integer event,sequence data)
> > > sequence which
> > > if event=w32HKeyDown then which="down" 
> > > elsif event=w32HKeyUp then which="up"
> > > else which="keyboard"
> > > end if
> > > puts(logfile,sprintf("%d got key event %s: \n\tEvent data: %s\n\tMessage
> > > data: %s\n",
> > >   {getSelf(),which,sprint(data),sprint(GetLastMsg())}))
> > 
> > I changed the above line to:
> >   {getSelf(),which,sprint(data),sprint(getLastMsg(""))}))
> > 
> > > end procedure
> > >
> > > setHandler(Screen,{w32HKeyDown,w32HKeyUp,w32HKeyboard},routine_id("log_kbd"))
> > > </eucode>

> > > 
> > > and add at the end of IDE.exw:
> > > }}}
> > > include logger.ew
> > > </eucode>

> > > 
> > > When you encounter the problem, try keying a very unusual keyboard
> > > sequence
> > > (like shift-alt-F5 or something). This will be an useful marker. Then
> > > close
> > > IDE, zip keylog.out which should be alongside IDE.exw and email it to me
> > > at
> > > oedoc hat free doubt fr .
> > > 
> > > Hopefully this will catch enough info for me to figure out whats going on.
> > > Anyone else with the problem can try it as well and send output to me too.
> > > 
> > > CChris
> Ooops, I wrote this hurriedly as I started office work, and I don't have
> win32lib
> yet on this new machine. Thanks.
> CChris

Thanks CChris as modified by Judith!!

I'll add it into my machine's IDE and see what I can find for you.
I'll email you, CC, with the result and any comments I have.


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28. Re: Win32lib questions

Interestingly, I had the control-key "latching" syndrome when replying to your
post; I don't suppose the code is Euphoria-coded using WinLib 0.70, is it?
Otherwise I have a bigger problem than I thought because I have never had this
happen to me before - and I have had the machine for over a year and use it all
the time. It's my brain and my memory....


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29. Re: Win32lib questions

Andy Drummond wrote:
> Interestingly, I had the control-key "latching" syndrome when replying to your
> post; I don't suppose the code is Euphoria-coded using WinLib 0.70, is it?
> Otherwise I have a bigger problem than I thought because I have never had this
> happen to me before - and I have had the machine for over a year and use it
> all
> the time. It's my brain and my memory....


This may have nothing to do with it, but have you

tried swapping out your keyboard with a spare keyboard ?

The keyboard does contain some electronic componets.


My files in archive:

Can be downloaded here:

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30. Re: Win32lib questions

Bernie Ryan wrote:
> Andy Drummond wrote:
> > 
> > Interestingly, I had the control-key "latching" syndrome when replying to
> > your
> > post; I don't suppose the code is Euphoria-coded using WinLib 0.70, is it?
> > Otherwise I have a bigger problem than I thought because I have never had
> > this
> > happen to me before - and I have had the machine for over a year and use it
> > all
> > the time. It's my brain and my memory....
> > 
> Andy:
> This may have nothing to do with it, but have you
> tried swapping out your keyboard with a spare keyboard ?
> The keyboard does contain some electronic componets.
> Bernie

Yes, but the problem goes away with the WinLib 0.60.6 that Judith used for 
the IDE previously.  Anyway, it looks like the problem is with with the 
syntax editor of Don's which is part of IDE; it uses its own Windows API 
calls, I am told, rather than WinLib, but I suspect there is an overlap 
which is causing the problem. I admit I am guessing. I use Euphoria and IDE
and WinLib to get away from all these details.
As a matter of information I use the laptop on a docking port at work with
an external keyboard and everything else, but the problem occurs both with
that keyboard and the laptop's own one. I assume they share the same driver
code in the PC, but I admit ignorance in that kind of area too.

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31. Re: Win32lib questions

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I use RGB Values in dec#=20
setPenColor(newForm, rgb(81,144,0))

now becomes
setPenColor(newForm, 36945)

I think EuDesigner by Brian Jackson will show you
the Dec#'s if you plug the rgb value in the=20
Color Dialog Box.=20

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4207.2601" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I use RGB Values in&nbsp;dec# =
<DIV>setPenColor(newForm, rgb(81,144,0))</DIV>
<DIV><BR><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>now becomes</FONT></DIV>
<DIV>setPenColor(newForm, 36945)</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I think EuDesigner by Brian Jackson =
will show=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>the Dec#'s if you plug the rgb value in =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Color Dialog Box. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>


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32. Re: Win32lib questions

> I think EuDesigner by Brian Jackson will show you
> the Dec#'s if you plug the rgb value in the
> Color Dialog Box.

As you may have noted, I did in fact write that in EuDesigner.

So, my next question becomes, What happend to EuDesigner?
Wheres the latest version? Where could I grab it?


Blessed Be! --"LEVIATHAN"

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33. Re: Win32lib questions

Here, I think:


Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "LEVIATHAN" <leviathan at USWEST.NET>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: Win32lib questions

> > I think EuDesigner by Brian Jackson will show you
> > the Dec#'s if you plug the rgb value in the
> > Color Dialog Box.
> As you may have noted, I did in fact write that in EuDesigner.
> So, my next question becomes, What happend to EuDesigner?
> Wheres the latest version? Where could I grab it?
> TIA,

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34. Re: Win32lib questions

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Brian Broker I'm glad to have this kind of response
from you on the statement made earlier.

I think the next little project for me will be extracting=20
all questions ever posted on the win32lib project............

This definately will help to make win32lib guru's of us all.

Unfortunately, my vacation is officially over Monday morning
when I start a new Job as a PLC Technician. However,
I will promise to set aside an hour a day and devote that
time to the FAQ project.=20

I've been thinking that to do this we shouldn't go back to
maybe as far as v.45r or so, and add up from there.
which is, Febuary of 99 or so.=20

.CHM (compiled html help file) is what I had in mind for
win32lib.hlp and the faq link's. Embed both to allow the
official calling convention and questions/answers to be in one=20
general area. (what do you think?) I dont want to search
several places for information on a particular subject
which, is what we are all haveing to do know.

I'll start today and should be able to get all the question/answers =
off of the Listserve. I'll zip those up and send them to you if you dont
already have them...=20

BTW I have all the tools to create the .CHM

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4207.2601" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Brian Broker I'm glad to have this kind =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>from you on the statement made=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>I think the next little project for me will be extracting </DIV>
<DIV>all questions ever posted on the win32lib project............</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This definately will help to make =
win32lib guru's=20
of us all.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Unfortunately, my vacation is =
officially over=20
Monday morning</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>when I start a new Job as a PLC =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I will promise to set aside an hour a =
day and=20
devote that</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>time to the FAQ project. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I've been thinking that to do this we =
shouldn't go=20
back to</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>maybe as far as v.45r or so, and add up =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>which is, Febuary of 99 or so. =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>.CHM (compiled html help file) is what =
I had in=20
mind for</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>win32lib.hlp and the faq link's. =
Embed&nbsp;both to=20
allow the</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>official calling convention and =
to be in one </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>general area. (what do you think?) I =
dont want to=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>several places for information on a =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>which, is what we are all haveing to do =

<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I'll start today and should be able to =
get all the=20
question/answers today</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>off of the Listserve. I'll zip those up =
and send=20
them to you if you dont</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>already have them...</FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>BTW I have all the tools to create the=20


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35. Win32lib questions

I have a few questions for the win32lib team or for anyone else who knows the 

*  Can you make Lists with different colored backgrounds for each line?  Say 
for example I wanted to alternate between light green and light yellow, like 
how an invoice looks.

*  This might be a possible bug.  I tried to create a ListView with 11 
columns, and it crashed.  It seems like 10 is the limit.  I can send the code 
if needed.

  Well, that's all for now.  Keep up the good work guys.

Derek Brown

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