1. Link

Hi everybody, I think most of you know me (Daniel Berstein), I'm quite
sad.. besides Robert Craig, nobody has put a link to my homepage. I
remember that when I just started my euphoria webpage, i recieved
several mails saying i mispelled thei url's and stuff like that. I
thought they will also link my page... but i haven't seen nothing like
that. If we want to make an Euphoria "ring", at least let's link each
others page.
For those of you who have an euphoria related page, and aren't in
my links section, please email me so i can add your site to my list.

     email: architek at geocities.com
  homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316

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2. Re: Link

> Hi everybody, I think most of you know me (Daniel Berstein), I'm quite
> sad.. besides Robert Craig, nobody has put a link to my homepage. I
> remember that when I just started my euphoria webpage, i recieved
> several mails saying i mispelled thei url's and stuff like that. I
> thought they will also link my page... but i haven't seen nothing like
> that. If we want to make an Euphoria "ring", at least let's link each
> others page.
> For those of you who have an euphoria related page, and aren't in
> my links section, please email me so i can add your site to my list.
> Bye!

I actually had your page on "A Beginner's Guide To Euphoria" links, but it
was removed because someone Emailed me they kept getting the GeoCities
two-frame "Not Found" page instead. I've put it back again.

David Gay
"A Beginner's Guide To Euphoria"

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3. Re: Link

At 10:01 PM 3/27/97 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi everybody, I think most of you know me (Daniel Berstein), I'm quite
>sad.. besides Robert Craig, nobody has put a link to my homepage. I
>remember that when I just started my euphoria webpage, i recieved
>several mails saying i mispelled thei url's and stuff like that. I
>thought they will also link my page... but i haven't seen nothing like
>that. If we want to make an Euphoria "ring", at least let's link each
>others page.
>For those of you who have an euphoria related page, and aren't in
>my links section, please email me so i can add your site to my list.

Well, what's the address? I'm putting a links section in my next update of
EU Games, so I have to find a bunch of addresses.

The Reaper  (J. Lays)   http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4444/
reaper at auracom.com      Check out my Euphoria Games page at:
            -= http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4444/eugames.html
     . .. -||..........__......  "There is a silence before a storm,
      . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  A calm that is spent in fear;
   . ..|   ||...... /    | |.:::  But if that time was spent running,
     .|  _-||.......||   / /.:::: There may be nothing to be afraid of."
    ..| |..||...... -\_- \ |\-.:::
     .| |.[< \ .../            \.::
      .||.|||\|\ |  -      - .  \.::::
     ...|.\|| |  \  |        |   |.:::.

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4. Re: Link

The Reaper wrote:

> Well, what's the address? I'm putting a links section in my next update of
> EU Games, so I have to find a bunch of addresses.     The address is rigth at
> the
end of the mail, anyway here goes again:

or for a shortcut you ca use:


     email: architek at geocities.com
  homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316

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5. Link


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6. Re: Link

This is interesting. Maybe now it will be easier to run linux programs under

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