1. Listserv address

What is the listserv address? I've been trying to send mail to
listserv at miami.acs.muohio.edu and keep getting an error.

~~>Joseph Martin
~~>Personal: joe at cyber-wizard.com
~~>Web:  jam.net at poboxes.com
~~>URL: http://users.exis.net/~jam/

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2. Re: Listserv address

On Tue, 25 Mar 1997 18:37:27 -0500 joe at CYBER-WIZARD.COM writes:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header

>What is the listserv address? I've been trying to send mail to
>listserv at miami.acs.muohio.edu and keep getting an error.


miamiu --correct
miami --incorrect

you put miami
not miamiu

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3. Re: Listserv address

> miamiu --correct
> miami --incorrect
> you put miami
> not miamiu


~~>Joseph Martin
~~>Personal: joe at cyber-wizard.com
~~>Web:  jam.net at poboxes.com
~~>URL: http://users.exis.net/~jam/

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