1. Include nest


Since I use euphoria2.2 I get this mesage:

LINUX has not been declared
        if platform()=LINUX then
Warning: Built-in platform() redifined
-------------------- I do'nt understand why!, becose

in pgm:

include Win32lib.ew             --0.45r
----- in Win32lib.ew:
         include file.e
--------------in file.e:
              include misc.e
              if platform()=LINUX then
-----------------------------in misc.e:
        global constant DOS32 = 1,  -- ex.exe
                        WIN32 = 2,   -- exw.exe
                        LINUX = 3     -- exu    --< it is declared!
In Refman.doc in  2.6.1 section:
An included file can include other files. In fact, you can "nest"
included files up to 10 levels deep.

Attila Kondor

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2. Re: Include nest

Kondor Attila writes:
> Since I use euphoria2.2 I get this mesage:
> c:\EUPHORIA\include\file.e:49
> LINUX has not been declared
>        if platform()=LINUX then
>                      ^
> Warning: Built-in platform() redifined
> -------------------- I do'nt understand why!, becose
> in pgm:
> include Win32lib.ew             --0.45r
> ----- in Win32lib.ew:
>         --
>         include file.e
>         --
> --------------in file.e:
>              --
>              include misc.e
>              --
>              if platform()=LINUX then
>              --
> -----------------------------in misc.e:
>        global constant DOS32 = 1,  -- ex.exe
>                        WIN32 = 2,   -- exw.exe
>                        LINUX = 3     -- exu    --< it is declared!

Type: SET
to see all your environment variables.
Check your EUDIR variable. It is probably pointing
to your old EUPHORIA directory on another drive.
Edit your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file so your EUDIR
and PATH variables are pointing to your new 2.2
EUPHORIA on the correct drive. Then reboot your machine.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: Include nest

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Craig" <rds at ATTCANADA.NET>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Include nest

> Kondor Attila writes:
> > Since I use euphoria2.2 I get this mesage:
> >
> > c:\EUPHORIA\include\file.e:49
> > LINUX has not been declared
> >        if platform()=LINUX then
> >                      ^
> > Warning: Built-in platform() redifined
> > -------------------- I do'nt understand why!, becose
> >
> > in pgm:
> >
> > include Win32lib.ew             --0.45r
> > ----- in Win32lib.ew:
> >         --
> >         include file.e
> >         --
> > --------------in file.e:
> >              --
> >              include misc.e
> >              --
> >              if platform()=LINUX then
> >              --
> > -----------------------------in misc.e:
> >        global constant DOS32 = 1,  -- ex.exe
> >                        WIN32 = 2,   -- exw.exe
> >                        LINUX = 3     -- exu    --< it is declared!
> Type: SET
> to see all your environment variables.
> Check your EUDIR variable. It is probably pointing
> to your old EUPHORIA directory on another drive.
> Edit your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file so your EUDIR
> and PATH variables are pointing to your new 2.2
> EUPHORIA on the correct drive. Then reboot your machine.

I don't see how this can be a problem, ever. I save all downloads on one
drive, unpack/install on a 2nd, and copy the resulting files to the drive i
use to run things. This way i don't need to change pointers or include file
locations, and i don't need to reboot, rebooting is a *major* pain here. If
i can't do the copy, i rename the old dir, and after the install, i copy it
to the new install. This has saved my rear many times when installing
software that claims to save old data and then goes and erases a couple
years of work. What would be nice is if Eu just dropped the new files in and
asked if we want the autoexec changed, if it needs changing,,, and no more
renaming PD* files.

voicing opinion.

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4. Re: Include nest

Hi Kat, Rob,

I renamed Euphoria dir to Euphoria21 before euphoria22 installing,
but I forgot to delete the old misc.e in EuphWork dir. I copyed it likely to
When I deleted it no more problem.
I think the  message   c:\EuphWork\file.e:49 ....   is better in fact in this

 Attila Kondor

> Kondor Attila writes:
> > Since I use euphoria2.2 I get this mesage:
> >
> > c:\EUPHORIA\include\file.e:49
> > LINUX has not been declared
> >        if platform()=LINUX then
> >                      ^
> > Warning: Built-in platform() redifined
> > -------------------- I do'nt understand why!, becose ......

>    Rob Craig writes:
> Type: SET
> to see all your environment variables.
> Check your EUDIR variable.......
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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