1. Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?

I need some one to, tweek, this...
The code is right from pretend.exw,(keyup/keydown) i just changed it so it
works with the variables from my code...
The code traps the keys, but only to the buttons at the bottom.....
I do not understand how windows is handling the keys

include Win32Lib.ew
without warning

object button1, button2, button3, button4, button5
object button6, button7, button8, button9, button10
object button11, button12, button13

--create the main window
global constant GW = create( Window,"Omega",0,0,0,0,0, or_all({}))

-- load the bitmaps
global constant ToolBMP = loadBitmapFromFile("tiles.bmp")
global constant Blank   = loadBitmapFromFile("d:/omega/blank.bmp")
global constant Map     = loadBitmapFromFile("d:/omega/map.bmp")
global constant Ship    = loadBitmapFromFile("d:/omega/ship1.bmp")

global sequence ships

ships = {{10,10}}

--create the command buttons
button1  = create(PictureButton, "", GW,  10-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button2  = create(PictureButton, "", GW,  50-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button3  = create(PictureButton, "", GW,  90-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button4  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 130-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button5  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 170-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button6  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 210-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button7  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 250-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button8  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 290-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button9  = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 330-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button10 = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 370-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button11 = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 410-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button12 = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 450-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )
button13 = create(PictureButton, "", GW, 490-2, 538, 35, 35, ToolBMP )

procedure paint_play_window()
-- fill with the 48x48 bitmaps
    for x = 5 to 485 by 48 do
        for y = 5 to 485 by 48 do
           drawBitmap(GW, Blank, x, y )
       end for
   end for
end procedure

procedure paint_scanner_window()
-- fill with the 48x48 bitmaps
    for x = 538 to 762 by 32 do
        for y = 5 to 230 by 32 do
           drawBitmap(GW, Map, x, y )
       end for
   end for
end procedure
-- fill with the 48x48 bitmaps
    for x = 538 to 762 by 32 do
        for y = 266 to 490 by 32 do
           drawBitmap(GW, Map, x, y )
       end for
   end for
end procedure
-- paint ship, 32X32
object x,y
x = ships[1][1]
y = ships[1][2]

           drawBitmap(GW, Ship, x, y )

end procedure
onKeyPress_Control( integer keyPress, integer shift )

closeWindow( GW )

end procedure


procedure Main_Paint(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2)

end procedure

KeyDown( integer key, integer shift )
    -- handle key presses

    if key = VK_UP then
        -- move ship up
        ships[1][1] = ships[1][1] - 4

    elsif key = VK_DOWN then
        -- move ship down
        ships[1][2] = ships[1][2] + 4

    end if
end procedure

procedure KeyUp( integer key, integer shift )
    -- handle key presses

    if key = VK_UP
    or key = VK_DOWN then
        -- stop moving
--        shipDY = 0
    end if

end procedure


onPaint[ GW ]   = routine_id("Main_Paint")
onKeyUp[ GW ]   = routine_id("KeyUp"     )
onKeyDown[ GW ] = routine_id("KeyDown"   )

WinMain( GW, Maximize )

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2. Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?

"Grape Vine" wrote:

> I need some one to, tweek, this...

The problem is probably that the controls grab focus of the keys away from
the game. You might have to hack the code a bit. Perhaps something like:

1. Create a hidden control (positioned at {100,-100}). Trap key events going
to this control.

2. After a toolbar button (or any other control) is clicked, restore focus
back to the hidden control.

3. If you want, you can freeze the gameplay when the hidden control loses

4. Similar to the Editor_KeyHandler routine in IDE_EDIT, you may want to

   returnValue( True )

at the end of your key handling routine, so that the hidden control doesn't
actually process any keystrokes.

Hope this helps!

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?

Kinda, Isnt there a way to set unfocus the button and set the focus to the
main window or just to the bitmap window?(I have been reading the docs,
seams like it would work...)

J Reeves
Grape Vine
ICQ# 13728824

>From: David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM>
>Reply-To: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?
>Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:24:46 -0800
>"Grape Vine" wrote:
> > I need some one to, tweek, this...
>The problem is probably that the controls grab focus of the keys away from
>the game. You might have to hack the code a bit. Perhaps something like:
>1. Create a hidden control (positioned at {100,-100}). Trap key events
>to this control.
>2. After a toolbar button (or any other control) is clicked, restore focus
>back to the hidden control.
>3. If you want, you can freeze the gameplay when the hidden control loses
>4. Similar to the Editor_KeyHandler routine in IDE_EDIT, you may want to
>    returnValue( True )
>at the end of your key handling routine, so that the hidden control doesn't
>actually process any keystrokes.
>Hope this helps!
>-- David Cuny

J Reeves
Grape Vine
ICQ# 13728824

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4. Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?

J Reeves wrote:

> Kinda, Isnt there a way to set unfocus the
> button and set the focus to the main window
> or just to the bitmap window?

Well, the toolbar and status bar are special cases. Ordinarily, Win32Lib
will give focus to the first active control it can find in a window. But the
toolbar and status bars are actually windows, of sorts, and they can't get
focus, in and of themselves. The controls in the toolbar belong to the
toolbar, not the window that holds the toolbar. So I suspect that you could,
in fact, remove focus from the button and set it to the window.

The 'bitmap' isn't really a control at all, and it can't get focus.

-- David Cuny

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5. Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?

AH i c, I am just going to get rid of the buttons, They limit my options for
nested controls and custom controls for the user

>From: David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM>
>Reply-To: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Win32lib code, sorta doesnt work, or does it?
>Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 00:49:13 -0800
>J Reeves wrote:
> > Kinda, Isnt there a way to set unfocus the
> > button and set the focus to the main window
> > or just to the bitmap window?
>Well, the toolbar and status bar are special cases. Ordinarily, Win32Lib
>will give focus to the first active control it can find in a window. But
>toolbar and status bars are actually windows, of sorts, and they can't get
>focus, in and of themselves. The controls in the toolbar belong to the
>toolbar, not the window that holds the toolbar. So I suspect that you
>in fact, remove focus from the button and set it to the window.
>The 'bitmap' isn't really a control at all, and it can't get focus.
>-- David Cuny

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