1. Phix: cffi.e

I looked at raylib for openeuphoria. Now I'm thinking about how and whether I can use this library with phix.

Can someone tell me how to use this code with phix with cffi.e for example:
In the functioncall Vector2 is not a pointer to a structure but the structure itself.
with ffi.e for openeuphoria this seems to work but i have no idea how to implement this with phix.

/* from raylib.h */ 
// Vector2, 2 components 
typedef struct Vector2 { 
    float x;                // Vector x component 
    float y;                // Vector y component 
} Vector2; 
RLAPI void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color);  
maybe i just haven't found it in the documentation yet.

Thank you

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2. Re: Phix: cffi.e

andreasWagner said...

I looked at raylib for openeuphoria. Now I'm thinking about how and whether I can use this library with phix.

Can someone tell me how to use this code with phix with cffi.e for example:
In the functioncall Vector2 is not a pointer to a structure but the structure itself.
with ffi.e for openeuphoria this seems to work but i have no idea how to implement this with phix.

/* from raylib.h */ 
// Vector2, 2 components 
typedef struct Vector2 { 
    float x;                // Vector x component 
    float y;                // Vector y component 
} Vector2; 
RLAPI void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color);  
maybe i just haven't found it in the documentation yet.

Thank you

Well I'm not sure how you'd wrap it in Phix, but I assume it'd be similar to how it is wrapped in OE.

include std/ffi.e --the FFI library 
--defines a struct we can use Vector2, we declare the x and y members as floats, as they are in the C library. 
public constant VECTOR2 = define_c_struct({ 
  C_FLOAT, --x 
--defines a struct of color, where members r,g,b,a are unsigned chars in the C library 
public constant COLOR = define_c_struct({ 
  C_UCHAR, --r 
  C_UCHAR, --g 
  C_UCHAR, --b 
  C_UCHAR  --a 
public constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{VECTOR2,C_FLOAT,COLOR}) 
public procedure DrawCircleV(sequence vector2,atom radius,sequence color) 
end procedure 
--Then you can access the members like a sequence in an array 
DrawCircle({10,10},20,{255,255,255,255}) --Draws a circle at x: 10 and y: 10, radius: 20 and color values set 255,255,255,255 

I hope that helps.

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3. Re: Phix: cffi.e

In Phix I'd start with something like this (NB completely untested)

include cffi.e 
constant t_Vector2 = """ 

typedef struct Vector2 {  
    float x;                // Vector x component  
    float y;                // Vector y component  
} Vector2; """ 

constant idVector2 = define_struct(t_Vector2), 
         pVector2 = allocate_struct(idVector2) 
-- (you might get away with passing/need to pass #RRGGBBAA values directly, 
--  and/or allocate(4) and poke4(said) might be much neater...) 
constant t_Color = """ 

typedef struct Color { 
    unsigned char r;        // Color red value 
    unsigned char g;        // Color green value 
    unsigned char b;        // Color blue value 
    unsigned char a;        // Color alpha value 
} Color;""" 
constant idColor = define_struct(t_Color), 
         pColor = allocate_struct(idColor) 
-- I can tell you this kind of thing simply won't work: 
--constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{VECTOR2,C_FLOAT,COLOR})  
-- instead: 
local constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{C_PTR,C_FLOAT,C_PTR})  
global procedure DrawCircleV(sequence vector2, atom radius, sequence color)  
    atom {x,y} = vector2 
    integer {r,g,b,a} = color 
end procedure  
-- if an alpha of 255 means fully transparent, this won't show anything: 
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4. Re: Phix: cffi.e

Icy_Viking said...

Well I'm not sure how you'd wrap it in Phix, but I assume it'd be similar to how it is wrapped in OE.

include std/ffi.e --the FFI library 

Thanks for your effort, but I think it takes a lot of work to port ffi.e to phix.

Thanks a lot

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5. Re: Phix: cffi.e

petelomax said...

In Phix I'd start with something like this (NB completely untested)

include cffi.e 
-- I can tell you this kind of thing simply won't work: 
--constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{VECTOR2,C_FLOAT,COLOR})  
-- instead: 
local constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{C_PTR,C_FLOAT,C_PTR})  

Thank you very much for the effort. My knowledge of the C programming language is very modest, but this will probably not work.

RLAPI void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color);   

As I understand it:

This Function Call needs the structur passed as Value, your code passes it as reference (C_PTR,Pointer)

many thanks


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6. Re: Phix: cffi.e

andreasWagner said...

This Function Call needs the structur passed as Value, your code passes it as reference (C_PTR,Pointer)

Hmm, maybe something like this would work (where color is a single #RRGGBBAA value):

local constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_DWORD})  

If you can make a small working C program, or better yet FASM which I've done myself more than once, then disassemble it with OllyDbg, fdbg, or even Phix's own filedump.exw,
then even should c_proc be unable cope, you could (with my help as needed) always replicate things using a wee bit of inline assembly...

I suppose I should really download what you've already got so far and give it a quick spin.

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7. Re: Phix: cffi.e

petelomax said...

I suppose I should really download what you've already got so far and give it a quick spin.

Thank you for the quick reply,

I don't really have anything tangible at the moment. But there's no need to rush either. Programming is just a hobby for me.

unfortunately I'm more than busy enough with my real life at the moment.

But I think at the weekend I'll find the peace and time to put something together that someone can work with.

Thank you


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8. Re: Phix: cffi.e


i just had to try it blink works

I would never have thought of trying it this way. there has been a function in tinlib for over 10 years that has never worked because of this problem (WindowFromPoint).
of course i still have to test if there are any memory leaks.

thanks a lot


petelomax said...

Hmm, maybe something like this would work (where color is a single #RRGGBBAA value):

local constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_DWORD})  

only for windows 32bit but it works

-- file: ray.e  
-- practically everything is shamelessly copied from Icy Vikings raylib.e 
atom ray  
constant Color =C_ULONG 
public struct Vector2 
    atom x = 0 
    atom y = 0 
end struct 
ray = open_dll("raylib.dll") 
if ray = 0 then 
        puts(1,"Unable to load Raylib!\n") 
end if 
--public function makeRGB(integer REDi,integer GREENi, integer BLUEi,integer ALPHAi) 
--      return(REDi+BLUEi*256+(GREENi*256*256)+(ALPHAi*256*256*256)) 
--end function 
public function makeRGB(sequence color) 
end function 
public constant WHITE = {255,255,255,255}, 
                BLACK = {0,0,0,255}, 
                MAGENTA = {255,0,255,255}, 
                RAYWHITE = {245,245,245,255}, 
                RED       = {230,41,55,255}, 
                MAROON    = {190,33,55,255}, 
                GREEN     = {0,228,48,255}, 
                LIME      = {0,158,47,255}, 
                DARKGREEN = {0,117,44,255}, 
                SKYBLUE   = {102,191,255,255}, 
                BLUE      = {0,121,241,255}, 
                YELLOW    = {253,249,9,255} 
constant xInitWindow = define_c_proc(ray,"+InitWindow",{C_INT,C_INT,C_PTR}), 
        xCloseWindow = define_c_proc(ray,"+CloseWindow",{}), 
  xWindowShouldClose = define_c_func(ray,"+WindowShouldClose",{},C_BOOL), 
       xSetTargetFPS = define_c_proc(ray,"+SetTargetFPS",{C_INT}), 
       xBeginDrawing = define_c_proc(ray,"+BeginDrawing",{}), 
         xEndDrawing = define_c_proc(ray,"+EndDrawing",{}), 
    xClearBackground = define_c_proc(ray,"+ClearBackground",{C_ULONG}), 
           xDrawText = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawText",{C_PTR,C_INT,C_INT,C_INT,Color}), 
        xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,Color}) 
public procedure InitWindow(atom width,atom height,sequence title) 
atom ptitle = allocate_string(title)         
end procedure 
public procedure CloseWindow() 
end procedure 
public function WindowShouldClose() 
        return c_func(xWindowShouldClose,{}) 
end function 
public procedure SetTargetFPS(atom fps) 
end procedure 
public procedure ClearBackground(object  color) 
end procedure 
public procedure BeginDrawing() 
end procedure 
public procedure EndDrawing() 
end procedure 
public procedure DrawText(sequence text,atom x,atom y,atom fontSize,sequence color) 
atom ptext =allocate_string(text) 
end procedure 
public procedure DrawCircleV(Vector2 center,atom radius,sequence color) 
end procedure 
--file BasicWin.ex 
include ray.e 
constant Width = 800 
constant Height = 600 
InitWindow(Width,Height,"Simple Window") 
Vector2 pos =new() 
while not WindowShouldClose() do 
        DrawText("Simple Window Program",Width /2.5, Height /2.5 ,20,YELLOW) 
end while 
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9. Re: Phix: cffi.e

andreasWagner said...

only for windows 32bit but it works

They are rare, but I've seen a couple of places where this bites, for instance libcurl.e has this:

    if xcurl_easy_setopt=NULL then 
        xcurl_easy_setopt = define_c_func(libcurl, "curl_easy_setopt", {C_PTR, C_INT, C_PTR}, C_INT) 
        if machine_bits()=32 then -- split a curl_off_t (64 bit int) into two 32-bit ints 
            xcurl_easy_setopt2 = define_c_func(libcurl, "curl_easy_setopt", {C_PTR, C_INT, C_PTR, C_PTR}, C_INT) 
        end if 
    end if 
    if machine_bits()=32 and option>30000 then 
        atom paramhi = floor(param/#1_0000_0000) 
        param = remainder(param,#1_0000_0000) 
        res = c_func(xcurl_easy_setopt2, {curl, option, param, paramhi}) 
        res = c_func(xcurl_easy_setopt, {curl, option, param}) 
    end if 

It may be that you need to ram two floats into a 64-bit value the hard way, ie faff about with poke(atom_to_float32()) and peek8(), on 64-bit.

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10. Re: Phix: cffi.e

petelomax said...
andreasWagner said...

only for windows 32bit but it works

They are rare, but I've seen a couple of places where this bites, for instance libcurl.e has this:

    if xcurl_easy_setopt=NULL then 
        xcurl_easy_setopt = define_c_func(libcurl, "curl_easy_setopt", {C_PTR, C_INT, C_PTR}, C_INT) 
        if machine_bits()=32 then -- split a curl_off_t (64 bit int) into two 32-bit ints 
            xcurl_easy_setopt2 = define_c_func(libcurl, "curl_easy_setopt", {C_PTR, C_INT, C_PTR, C_PTR}, C_INT) 
        end if 
    end if 
    if machine_bits()=32 and option>30000 then 
        atom paramhi = floor(param/#1_0000_0000) 
        param = remainder(param,#1_0000_0000) 
        res = c_func(xcurl_easy_setopt2, {curl, option, param, paramhi}) 
        res = c_func(xcurl_easy_setopt, {curl, option, param}) 
    end if 

It may be that you need to ram two floats into a 64-bit value the hard way, ie faff about with poke(atom_to_float32()) and peek8(), on 64-bit.

What I have found so far in raylib, these stumbling blocks are not rare. For 64bit I just gave up for the moment.
The following sentences are from the Phix documentation (define_c_func).

Currently, there is no way to pass a C structure by value or get a C structure as a return result. 
You can only pass a pointer to a structure and get a pointer to a structure as a result.  
I think I'll just wait until these features are possibly included in a Phix 2.0 version.

Until then I'll play around with raylib(phix) here:

Thanks for your support and especially for Phix.


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