Re: Phix: cffi.e

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andreasWagner said...

I looked at raylib for openeuphoria. Now I'm thinking about how and whether I can use this library with phix.

Can someone tell me how to use this code with phix with cffi.e for example:
In the functioncall Vector2 is not a pointer to a structure but the structure itself.
with ffi.e for openeuphoria this seems to work but i have no idea how to implement this with phix.

/* from raylib.h */ 
// Vector2, 2 components 
typedef struct Vector2 { 
    float x;                // Vector x component 
    float y;                // Vector y component 
} Vector2; 
RLAPI void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color);  
maybe i just haven't found it in the documentation yet.

Thank you

Well I'm not sure how you'd wrap it in Phix, but I assume it'd be similar to how it is wrapped in OE.

include std/ffi.e --the FFI library 
--defines a struct we can use Vector2, we declare the x and y members as floats, as they are in the C library. 
public constant VECTOR2 = define_c_struct({ 
  C_FLOAT, --x 
--defines a struct of color, where members r,g,b,a are unsigned chars in the C library 
public constant COLOR = define_c_struct({ 
  C_UCHAR, --r 
  C_UCHAR, --g 
  C_UCHAR, --b 
  C_UCHAR  --a 
public constant xDrawCircleV = define_c_proc(ray,"+DrawCircleV",{VECTOR2,C_FLOAT,COLOR}) 
public procedure DrawCircleV(sequence vector2,atom radius,sequence color) 
end procedure 
--Then you can access the members like a sequence in an array 
DrawCircle({10,10},20,{255,255,255,255}) --Draws a circle at x: 10 and y: 10, radius: 20 and color values set 255,255,255,255 

I hope that helps.

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