1. Gosu Wrapper
- Posted by Icy_Viking in July
I have recently written a wrapper for the Gosu library. [https://www.libgosu.org/]
The basic window example works. Though I can't figure out why input or drawing to the screen doesn't work.
[https://www.file-upload.org/rm3imq56kj7x] - Gosu wrapper
EDIT: Added license
include std/ffi.e include gosu.e atom window = Gosu_Window_create(640,480,WF_WINDOWED,60) Gosu_Window_set_caption(window,"Simple Window Example") Gosu_Window_destroy(window)
2. Re: Gosu Wrapper
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in July
[https://www.file-upload.org/rm3imq56kj7x] - Gosu wrapper
FYI you can upload your own files directly to GitHub using the releases feature. If it's just a snapshot of your current work, tag the release using the current date (e.g. 20240726) and mark it as a pre-release.
3. Re: Gosu Wrapper
- Posted by Icy_Viking in July
[https://www.file-upload.org/rm3imq56kj7x] - Gosu wrapper
FYI you can upload your own files directly to GitHub using the releases feature. If it's just a snapshot of your current work, tag the release using the current date (e.g. 20240726) and mark it as a pre-release.
Thanks Greg. I think the reason the input or drawing functions aren't working due to the way Gosu handle's callbacks. I'll have to look more into the callback functions.
GOSU_FFI_API void Gosu_Window_set_update(Gosu_Window* window, void function(void* data), void* data);
public constant xGosu_Window_set_update = define_c_proc(gosu,"+Gosu_Window_set_update",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER}) public procedure Gosu_Window_set_update(atom window,object func,atom data,atom pdata) c_proc(xGosu_Window_set_update,{window,func,data,pdata}) end procedure
4. Re: Gosu Wrapper
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in July
I think the reason the input or drawing functions aren't working due to the way Gosu handle's callbacks. I'll have to look more into the callback functions.
GOSU_FFI_API void Gosu_Window_set_update(Gosu_Window* window, void function(void* data), void* data);
This function takes three parameters:
- Gosu_Window* window - a pointer to a Gosu_Window object
- void function(void* data) - a pointer to a function that accepts one parameter (this is our "callback")
- void* data - a generic pointer to any object (this is "user" object, a concept used by most callback-based systems)
If it helps, you can create alias constants to break up the sea of C_POINTER values everywhere. I find this helps weed out a lot of simple errors.
constant C_CALLBACK = C_POINTER -- pointer to a callback function constant C_PVOID = C_POINTER -- pointer to any object (void*) constant GOSU_WINDOW = C_POINTER -- pointer to a Gosu_Window object constant xGosu_Window_create = define_c_proc(gosu,"+Gosu_Window_create",{C_INT,C_INT,C_UINT,C_DOUBLE},GOSU_WINDOW) constant xGosu_Window_set_update = define_c_proc(gosu,"+Gosu_Window_set_update",{GOSU_WINDOW,C_CALLBACK,C_PVOID}) public function Gosu_Window_create(integer width, integer height, atom window_flags, atom update_interval) return c_func(xGosu_Window_create,{width,height,window_flags,update_interval}) end function public procedure Gosu_Window_set_update(atom window,object func,atom data) c_proc(xGosu_Window_set_update,{window,func,data}) end procedure
And it should come together something like this:
function update_callback(atom data) return 0 end function constant update_callback_id = routine_id("update_callback") constant update_callback_cb = call_back(update_callback) atom window = Gosu_Window_create(800, 450, 0, 1/60) Gosu_Window_set_update(window, update_callback_cb, NULL)
Disclaimer: I have not actually tried any of this to see if it works. I'm not sure how or if the callbacks are supposed to get knowledge about the window object.
5. Re: Gosu Wrapper
- Posted by Icy_Viking in July
Thanks again Greg!
Your help is always appericated. Callbacks fly over my head sometimes, but you make them look so simple.