1. Regarding Discord and Verification
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in February
Forked from Re: Print a sequence (Phix)
We have a Discord server: https://discord.gg/urQF5JyCrV. It's not terribly active but more having people around would help with that. I'm hooked into several Discord servers so I'm almost always online.
Regarding Discord, I don't use as they ask for a phone number for identification and I don't want to give them that.
You can sign up with a throwaway email IIRC.
Please don't do that. It's against the TOS and if you ever get locked out you won't be able to recover your account. Then you'd end up creating a new account and rejoining the server, perpetuating the "identity crisis" we already have here on the forum.
To be clear: Discord might ask for a phone number but you do not need a phone number to use the OpenEuphoria Discord server. You might need a phone number to use other servers. Discord has four options under the Verification Level settings on a server:
Verification Level |
Members of the server must meet the following criteria before they can send messages in text channels or initiate a direct message conversation. If a member has an assigned role this does not apply. We recommend setting a verification level for a Community Server. • Low - Must have a verified email on their Discord account. • Medium - Must also be registered on Discord for longer than 5 minutes. • High - Must also be a member of this server for longer than 10 minutes. • Highest - Must have a verified phone on their Discord account. |
As you can see, the first three are fairly permissive and not any different than what we try to do here: verify your email before allowing participation.
The OpenEuphoria server is currently set to Low and, as the description indicates, can be bypassed by assigning a role to the user, and I already have roles set up in the server.
As a test, I invited my test account to the server and I posted a screen shot in the #general channel showing it does not have a phone number on the account.
If you don't want to verify your email please reply to this thread with the username of your Discord account (not Display Name) and I will add you to the euphorians role.
2. Re: Regarding Discord and Verification
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) in February
You can sign up with a throwaway email IIRC.
Please don't do that. It's against the TOS and if you ever get locked out you won't be able to recover your account. Then you'd end up creating a new account and rejoining the server, perpetuating the "identity crisis" we already have here on the forum.
I said a throwaway email, not a fake email. The difference - the throwaway email (say gmail or hotmail, but could also be a more specialized service) you retain access to, and can log in every once in a while to check for missed messages - but it's created specifically for this one use and not used elsewhere.
If you don't want to verify your email please reply to this thread with the username of your Discord account (not Display Name) and I will add you to the euphorians role.
So if by my definition of throwaway, that is still against the TOS of Discord, then actually that is a very big problem IMVHO.
Even for an unverified email address, if that is for your real and primary email (e.g. has your real name, is linked to other factors, etc) then IMVHO it makes the use of Discord a very big and very real problem. Valid but anonymous email addresses help protect privacy. Requiring more than that steps dangerously close to real name/real identify verification. And it definitely steps closer to PII, which raises all other sorts of concerns (e.g. GDPR and CCPA related).
That said, it raises them for Discord, not us. Even so, under these circumstances I can better understand the reluctant of folks to sign up.