1. LLM Has Jokes About Euphoria Programming Language
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Jan 15, 2024
I asked the bing.com chat bot to tell me a joke about the Euphoria programming language. Here are a couple of attempts:
Why did the Euphoria programmer quit his job?
He didn’t get the high he was looking for!
Why did the Euphoria programmer refuse to debug his code?
He said he’d rather live with the errors than face the reality of fixing them!
You be the judge.
2. Re: LLM Has Jokes About Euphoria Programming Language
- Posted by katsmeow Jan 17, 2024
Well, the jokes could be worse , if Euphoria could be used to program a certain steam locomotive.
[name omitted]
3. Re: LLM Has Jokes About Euphoria Programming Language
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jan 18, 2024
Well, the jokes could be worse , if Euphoria could be used to program a certain steam locomotive.
[name omitted]
That's a great one! While eu can't be used to program a steam locomotive, I can still see some good prompts for this,
Prefix with "Please finish the joke"
How many laptops running Euphoria could fit in a so-and-so locomotive?
How many Euphoria programmers are needed to complete the process of shoveling coal aboard a so-and-so locomotive?
4. Re: LLM Has Jokes About Euphoria Programming Language
- Posted by katsmeow Jan 18, 2024
I wasn't going near the finishes to that thread of the ¿joke?
I don't know, maybe all the modern emissions controls from internal combustion engines could be put on the loco, and it run on oil instead of coal. Setting one of those beasts up for first run is an art of getting all the rods and links to talk to each other, as well as predicting when to add fuel for an uphill climb 30 minutes from now. Even the Stanley Steamer wasn't self starting, and it was quite possible to get the pistons in a position at a red light, such that the car would need a push when it turned green. It's such a simple problem, yet it persisted.
Granted, most steam engine problems can be solved with an atmega.