1. Atrthmetic operators
- Posted by petelomax Dec 31, 2023
- Last edited Jan 01, 2024
I was emailed privately but I figured I may as well turn it into a community question
The Euphoria code was garnered from here: https://tutorialspoint.pro/euphoria/euphoria_sequences.htm
It appears the arithmetic operators '+ - ' don't work with sequences in Phix.
I was able to figure out the use of '&' vs '+' for sequences.
But I'm stumped on the '-' and ' * ' operators for sequences and the possible equivalents in Phix.
-- sequence x, y, a, b, c <-- original code declared all sequences at one time sequence a sequence x = {1, 2, 3} sequence y = {10, 20, 30} --a = x & y -- initializing sequence <-- original code had 'x + y' which does not work in Phix a = x + y -- initializing sequence <-- original code had 'x + y' which does not work in Phix puts(1, "Value of a = {") for i = 1 to length (a) do printf(1, "%d,", a[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n") sequence b = x - y -- does not work for sequences in Phix puts(1, "Value of b = {") for i = 1 to length (a) do printf(1, "%d,", b[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n") sequence c = x * 3 -- <-- '*' does not work for sequences in Phix, I could use 'repeat ()' here puts(1, "Value of c = {") for i = 1 to length(c) do printf(1, "%d,", c[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n")
Works fine for me here, I get the exact same output (as Euphoria):
Value of a = {11,22,33,} Value of b = {-9,-18,-27,} Value of c = {3,6,9,}
I also get the following messages in the Edita message panel, which might/should help:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\e01.exw:18 sequence c = x * 3 -- <-- '*' does not work for sequences in Phix, I could us.. ^Warning: sq_mul() assumed C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\e01.exw:12 sequence b = x - y ^Warning: sq_sub() assumed C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\e01.exw:6 a = x + y -- initializing sequence <-- original code had 'x + y' which does n.. ^Warning: sq_add() assumed
I should perhaps note that '+' is ambiguous in JavaScript, performing addition or concatenation, whereas in Phix/Euphoria '+' is addition only, and '&' is unambigously concatenation-only.
Some other languages have an ambigous '*' operator, but again in Phix/Euphoria '*' is always multiplication, and sometimes repeat() matches what '*' in some other languages sometimes does.
Euphoria has infix sequence-ops, whereas Phix wants those function-style calls instead, but occasionally auto-substitutes when the only alternative would be a compilation error.
Relevant manual page: http://phix.x10.mx/docs/html/seqops.htm (especially the drop-down at the end).
For completeness, I'd rewrite that example in Phix as:
sequence x = {1, 2, 3}, y = {10, 20, 30}, a = sq_add(x,y), b = sq_sub(x,y), c = sq_mul(x,3) printf(1, "Value of {a,b,c} = %v\n",{{a,b,c}}) --outputs: Value of {a,b,c} = {{11,22,33},{-9,-18,-27},{3,6,9}}
2. Re: Atrthmetic operators
- Posted by chikega Jan 21, 2024
Thank you for posting the code for me until my account could be activated on the forum. I'm not sure why I initially got an error. But it works for now. And thank you for pointing me to the requisite documentation and for rewriting the code for completeness. Cheers - Gary