1. CEAN / CPAN / Pete's site
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Apr 05, 2023
Forked from Re: Widget Toolkits
And I still think the biggest issue is a lack of well trumpeted, curated and maintained archive of libraries and programs for people to install and try out.
CEAN - Comprehensive Euphoria Archive Network
I agree, and Pete's site, CK's site both exist, but they aren't trumpeted, they aren't easy to post to, and they aren't curated.
What can we do to change that
- Trumpet - direct people from the main home page, or even from the downloads page.
- Allow posting, or use an email address to post to. Soemthing similar to the original Rob Craigs system.
- Curate - someone to work their way through the postings, test and categorise. (me eg)
- Make non reliant on Rapideuphoria storage
- Other things that I haven't thought of here, that will make a top class, easy to download, showcase of programs that don't rely on degree level knowledge of GITHub.
Cheers Chris
2. Re: CEAN / CPAN / Pete's site
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 05, 2023
- Other things that I haven't thought of here, that will make a top class, easy to download, showcase of programs that don't rely on degree level knowledge of GITHub.
Include in each download ALL the include files needed to make it run . . . bare OE/Phix install, plus one application download, it just runs.
3. Re: CEAN / CPAN / Pete's site
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Apr 05, 2023
I agree, and Pete's site, CK's site both exist...
I no longer manage a Euphoria site. If you're talking about UsingEuphoria.com, that's run by @ghaberek now.
4. Re: CEAN / CPAN / Pete's site
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Apr 05, 2023
Yeah, That's what I meant, apologies to Gregg. (see, trumpetting)