1. Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 03, 2023
I've cooked up examples for the hamming, isogram, leap and raindrops tasks as defined in my copy of the Task descriptions. I don't expect you to write the full folder tree for a task, just the public function. Whatever you submit should pass all the tests. If it doesn't, I'll let you know. And if you are going to write the tests, they must follow those in each task's canonical-data.json file. Code can be left here or emailed to bruceax at gmail dot com.
As a for instance, Greg gave me the following for the isogram task:
include std/sequence.e include std/sort.e include std/text.e public function isogram( sequence str ) str = filter( str, STDFLTR_ALPHA ) str = sort( upper(str) ) for i = 2 to length( str ) do if str[i] = str[i-1] then return 0 end if end for return 1 end function
It made my first attempt look very pedestrian.
I need at least 20 working tasks before I can launch the track. After that there are documentation requirements and a CI workflow. But let's get the tasks going first.
At this point I'm not taking on Phix. I'll mention it in the documentation but that's as far as I'm prepared to take it at this point. Suitably motivated Phix users could create a Phix track. I'd be happy to help with that, just not lead it.
Finally, the code I've written thus far is on github. Bouquets and brickbats are appreciated.
2. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by irv Feb 06, 2023
"This application will be able to read your private email addresses."
That's the first thing I see when I go to sign up for exercism. It's also the last thing. Not interested in them reading anything on my computer.
3. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 06, 2023
"This application will be able to read your private email addresses."
That's the first thing I see when I go to sign up for exercism. It's also the last thing. Not interested in them reading anything on my computer.
Fair call. It'd be nice if they'd explain that. In a world of bad actors you'd think they could write a better script.
4. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 06, 2023
Okay, this link to the Problem Descriptions is on github and does not require any giving away of personal details to access. Choose one or two. I need at least 20 in all and I've already go solutions for hamming, hello-world, isogram, leap, raindrops and phone-number.
5. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 06, 2023
"This application will be able to read your private email addresses."
I did take up the case with the Exercism admins. This is their response:
This is how GitHub oauth works. If you sign up with GitHub, GitHub gives us your email address. I think they’ve entirely misunderstood what’s going on here. It’s not like we can then magically read things on their computer…
Regardless, that’s language on GitHub’s side, not ours, so I’m going to mark this as wontfix.
6. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Feb 06, 2023
"This application will be able to read your private email addresses."
I did take up the case with the Exercism admins. This is their response:
This is how GitHub oauth works. If you sign up with GitHub, GitHub gives us your email address. I think they’ve entirely misunderstood what’s going on here. It’s not like we can then magically read things on their computer…
Regardless, that’s language on GitHub’s side, not ours, so I’m going to mark this as wontfix.
Hey, if irv doesn't want to share his github email with the iHID folks, that should be his choice.
Would be nice if they could let you sign up with a custom (read: throwaway) email address, instead of requiring Github (which would require creating a throwaway Github account with a throwaway email).
7. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 06, 2023
Hey, if irv doesn't want to share his github email with the iHID folks, that should be his choice.
And it is.
Anyway, irv doesn't need to create an Exercism or Github account to contribute code. All he needs to do is read the publicly accessible task description, write some code, and send it to me. I'll take care of folding it into the framework.
8. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 11, 2023
Have just PR-ed Bob. I've also posted the code for it for comment and improvement. 12 more to go.
9. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 13, 2023
- Last edited Feb 14, 2023
The following have been done
acronym bob grains hamming hello-world isbn-verifier isogram leap pangram raindropsSo don't do those. The remainder are still here. Halfway to launch-minimum.
10. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 14, 2023
The following have been done
acronym bob grains hamming hello-world isbn-verifier isogram leap pangram raindropsSo don't do those. The remainder are still here. Halfway to launch-minimum.
Also darts
11. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 14, 2023
- Last edited Feb 19, 2023
The following have been done
acronym bob grains hamming hello-world isbn-verifier isogram leap pangram raindrops darts two-fer collatz-conjecture anagramSo don't do those. The remainder are still here. 6 left.
12. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 23, 2023
triangle done.
5 left.
13. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 25, 2023
4 to go.
14. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by petelomax Feb 26, 2023
Oh, you've done yacht, n'er mind, here's a few more that I quickly bashed out
function score_yacht(sequence hand, string category) integer score = 0 if category[$]='s' then score = find(category,{"ones","twos","threes","fours","fives","sixes"}) score = sum(sq_eq(hand,score))*score else hand = sort(deep_copy(hand)) integer {c1,c2,c3,c4,c5} = hand if category="full house" then if (c1=c3 and c4=c5 and c3!=c4) or (c1=c2 and c3=c5 and c2!=c3) then score = sum(hand) end if elsif category="four of a kind" then if c2=c4 and (c1=c2 or c4=c5) then score = c3*4 end if elsif category="little straight" then if hand={1,2,3,4,5} then score = 30 end if elsif category="big straight" then if hand={2,3,4,5,6} then score = 30 end if elsif category="choice" then score = sum(hand) elsif category="yacht" then if c1=c5 then score = 50 end if else ?9/0 end if end if return score end function constant tests = {{"Yacht",{5, 5, 5, 5, 5},"yacht",50}, {"Not Yacht",{1, 3, 3, 2, 5},"yacht",0}, {"Ones",{1, 1, 1, 3, 5},"ones",3}, {"Ones, out of order",{3, 1, 1, 5, 1},"ones",3}, {"No ones",{4, 3, 6, 5, 5},"ones",0}, {"Twos",{2, 3, 4, 5, 6},"twos",2}, {"Fours",{1, 4, 1, 4, 1},"fours",8}, {"Yacht counted as threes",{3, 3, 3, 3, 3},"threes",15}, {"Yacht of 3s counted as fives",{3, 3, 3, 3, 3},"fives",0}, {"Fives",{1, 5, 3, 5, 3},"fives",10}, {"Sixes",{2, 3, 4, 5, 6},"sixes",6}, {"Full house two small, three big",{2, 2, 4, 4, 4},"full house",16}, {"Full house three small, two big",{5, 3, 3, 5, 3},"full house",19}, {"Two pair is not a full house",{2, 2, 4, 4, 5},"full house",0}, {"Four of a kind is not a full house",{1, 4, 4, 4, 4},"full house",0}, {"Yacht is not a full house",{2, 2, 2, 2, 2},"full house",0}, {"Four of a Kind",{6, 6, 4, 6, 6},"four of a kind",24}, {"Yacht can be scored as Four of a Kind",{3, 3, 3, 3, 3},"four of a kind",12}, {"Full house is not Four of a Kind",{3, 3, 3, 5, 5},"four of a kind",0}, {"Little Straight",{3, 5, 4, 1, 2},"little straight",30}, {"Little Straight as Big Straight",{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},"big straight",0}, {"Four in order but not a little straight",{1, 1, 2, 3, 4},"little straight",0}, {"No pairs but not a little straight",{1, 2, 3, 4, 6},"little straight",0}, {"Minimum is 1, maximum is 5, but not a little straight",{1, 1, 3, 4, 5},"little straight",0}, {"Big Straight",{4, 6, 2, 5, 3},"big straight",30}, {"Big Straight as little straight",{6, 5, 4, 3, 2},"little straight",0}, {"No pairs but not a big straight",{6, 5, 4, 3, 1},"big straight",0}, {"Choice",{3, 3, 5, 6, 6},"choice",23}, {"Yacht as choice",{2, 2, 2, 2, 2},"choice",10}} for t in tests do {string desc, sequence hand, string category, integer expected} = t assert(score_yacht(hand,category)=expected,desc) end for function encode(sequence data) sequence bytes = {} for d in reverse(data) do bytes &= and_bits(d,#7F) d = floor(d/#80) while d do bytes &= and_bits(d,#7F)+#80 d = floor(d/#80) end while end for bytes = reverse(bytes) return bytes end function function decode(sequence bytes) sequence data = {} if length(bytes) and and_bits(bytes[$],#80) then return "incomplete sequence" end if atom d = 0 for b in bytes do d = d*#80 + and_bits(b,#7F) if not and_bits(b,#80) then data &= d d = 0 end if end for return data end function constant e = {{"zero",{#00},{#00}}, {"arbitrary single byte",{#40},{#40}}, {"largest single byte",{#7F},{#7F}}, {"smallest double byte",{#80},{#81, #00}}, {"arbitrary double byte",{#2000},{#C0, #00}}, {"largest double byte",{#3FFF},{#FF, #7F}}, {"smallest triple byte",{#4000},{#81, #80, #00}}, {"arbitrary triple byte",{#100000},{#C0, #80, #00}}, {"largest triple byte",{#1FFFFF},{#FF, #FF, #7F}}, {"smallest quadruple byte",{#200000},{#81, #80, #80, #00}}, {"arbitrary quadruple byte",{#8000000},{#C0, #80, #80, #00}}, {"largest quadruple byte",{#FFFFFFF},{#FF, #FF, #FF, #7F}}, {"smallest quintuple byte",{#10000000},{#81, #80, #80, #80, #00}}, {"arbitrary quintuple byte",{#FF000000},{#8F, #F8, #80, #80, #00}}, {"maximum 32-bit integer input",{#FFFFFFFF},{#8F, #FF, #FF, #FF, #7F}}, {"two single-byte values",{#40, #7F},{#40, #7F}}, {"two multi-byte values",{#4000, #123456},{#81, #80, #00, #C8, #E8, #56}}, {"many multi-byte values",{#2000, #123456, #FFFFFFF, #00, #3FFF, #4000}, {#C0, #0, #C8, #E8, #56, #FF, #FF, #FF, #7F, #00, #FF, #7F, #81, #80, #00}}}, d = {{"one byte",{#7F},{#7F}}, {"two bytes",{#C0, #00},{#2000}}, {"three bytes",{#FF, #FF, #7F},{#1FFFFF}}, {"four bytes",{#81, #80, #80, #0},{#200000}}, {"maximum 32-bit integer",{#8F, #FF, #FF, #FF, #7F},{#FFFFFFFF}}, {"incomplete sequence causes error",{#FF},"incomplete sequence"}, {"incomplete sequence causes error, even if value is zero",{#80},"incomplete sequence"}, {"multiple values",{#C0, #00, #C8, #E8, #56, #FF, #FF, #FF, #7F, #00, #FF, #7F, #81, #80, #00}, {#2000, #123456, #FFFFFFF, #00, #3FFF, #4000}}} string desc; sequence data, expected for t in e do {desc, data, expected} = t assert(encode(data)=expected,desc) end for for t in d do {desc, data, expected} = t assert(decode(data)=expected,desc) end for function sum_of_multiples(sequence f, integer lim) integer res = 0 for n = 1 to lim-1 do for k in f do if k!=0 and remainder(n,k)=0 then res += n exit end if end for end for return res end function constant tests = {{"no multiples within limit",{3, 5},1,0}, {"one factor has multiples within limit",{3, 5},4,3}, {"more than one multiple within limit",{3},7,9}, {"more than one factor with multiples within limit",{3, 5},10,23}, {"each multiple is only counted once",{3, 5},100,2318}, {"a much larger limit",{3, 5},1000,233168}, {"three factors",{7, 13, 17},20,51}, {"factors not relatively prime",{4, 6},15,30}, {"some pairs of factors relatively prime and some not",{5, 6, 8},150,4419}, {"one factor is a multiple of another",{5, 25},51,275}, {"much larger factors",{43, 47},10000,2203160}, {"all numbers are multiples of 1",{1},100,4950}, {"no factors means an empty sum",{},10000,0}, {"the only multiple of 0 is 0",{0},1,0}, {"the factor 0 does not affect the sum of multiples of other factors",{3, 0},4,3}, {"solutions using include-exclude must extend to cardinality greater than 3",{2, 3, 5, 7, 11},10000,39614537}} for t in tests do {string desc, sequence f, integer lim, integer expected} = t assert(sum_of_multiples(f,lim)=expected,desc) end for constant tests = {{"root of 1",1,1}, {"root of 4",4,2}, {"root of 25",25,5}, {"root of 81",81,9}, {"root of 196",196,14}, {"root of 65025",65025,255}} for t in tests do {string desc, integer n, integer expected} = t assert(sqrt(n)=expected,desc) end for function spiral(integer n) integer x = 1, y = 0, counter = 1, len = n, dx = 0, dy = 1 sequence m = repeat(repeat(0,n),n) for i=1 to 2*n do -- 2n runs.. for j=1 to len do -- of a length... x += dx y += dy m[x][y] = counter counter += 1 end for len -= odd(i) -- ..-1 every other {dx,dy} = {dy,-dx} -- in new direction end for return m end function constant tests = {{"empty spiral",0,{}}, {"trivial spiral",1,{{1}}}, {"spiral of size 2",2,{{1, 2}, {4, 3}}}, {"spiral of size 3",3,{{1, 2, 3}, {8, 9, 4}, {7, 6, 5}}}, {"spiral of size 4",4,{{ 1, 2, 3, 4}, {12, 13, 14, 5}, {11, 16, 15, 6}, {10, 9, 8, 7}}}, {"spiral of size 5",5,{{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {16, 17, 18, 19, 6}, {15, 24, 25, 20, 7}, {14, 23, 22, 21, 8}, {13, 12, 11, 10, 9}}}} for t in tests do {string desc, integer n, sequence expected} = t assert(spiral(n)=expected,desc) end for constant ROMAN = {"M", "CM", "D","CD", "C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"}, DECML = {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 } function roman(integer val) string res = "" for i=1 to length(ROMAN) do while val>=DECML[i] do res &= ROMAN[i] val -= DECML[i] end while end for return res end function constant tests = {{"1 is I",1,"I"}, {"2 is II",2,"II"}, {"3 is III",3,"III"}, {"4 is IV",4,"IV"}, {"5 is V",5,"V"}, {"6 is VI",6,"VI"}, {"9 is IX",9,"IX"}, {"16 is XVI",16,"XVI"}, {"27 is XXVII",27,"XXVII"}, {"48 is XLVIII",48,"XLVIII"}, {"49 is XLIX",49,"XLIX"}, {"59 is LIX",59,"LIX"}, {"66 is LXVI",66,"LXVI"}, {"93 is XCIII",93,"XCIII"}, {"141 is CXLI",141,"CXLI"}, {"163 is CLXIII",163,"CLXIII"}, {"166 is CLXVI",166,"CLXVI"}, {"402 is CDII",402,"CDII"}, {"575 is DLXXV",575,"DLXXV"}, {"666 is DCLXVI",666,"DCLXVI"}, {"911 is CMXI",911,"CMXI"}, {"1024 is MXXIV",1024,"MXXIV"}, {"1666 is MDCLXVI",1666,"MDCLXVI"}, {"3000 is MMM",3000,"MMM"}, {"3001 is MMMI",3001,"MMMI"}, {"3999 is MMMCMXCIX",3999,"MMMCMXCIX"}} for t in tests do {string desc, integer n, string expected} = t assert(roman(n)=expected,desc) end for constant tests = { {"an empty string","",""}, {"a word","robot","tobor"}, {"a capitalized word","Ramen","nemaR"}, {"a sentence with punctuation","I'm hungry!","!yrgnuh m'I"}, {"a palindrome","racecar","racecar"}, {"an even-sized word","drawer","reward"}} for t in tests do string {desc, s, expected} = t assert(reverse(s)=expected,desc) end for function check(sequence p) integer {r,c} = p if r<0 then return "row not positive" end if if r>7 then return "row not on board" end if if c<0 then return "column not positive" end if if c>7 then return "column not on board" end if return 0 end function function can_attack(sequence p) integer {{r1,c1},{r2,c2}} = p return r1=r2 or c1=c2 or r1-c1=r2-c2 or r1+c1=r2+c2 end function constant places = {{"queen with a valid position",{2,2},0}, {"queen must have positive row",{-2,2},"row not positive"}, {"queen must have row on board",{8,4},"row not on board"}, {"queen must have positive column",{2,-2},"column not positive"}, {"queen must have column on board",{4,8},"column not on board"}}, attacks = {{"cannot attack",{{2,4},{6,6}},false}, {"can attack on same row",{{2,4},{2,6}},true}, {"can attack on same column",{{4,5},{2,5}},true}, {"can attack on first diagonal",{{2,2},{0,4}},true}, {"can attack on second diagonal",{{2,2},{3,1}},true}, {"can attack on third diagonal",{{2,2},{1,1}},true}, {"can attack on fourth diagonal",{{1,7},{0,6}},true}, {"cannot attack if falling diagonals are only the same when reflected across the longest falling diagonal",{{4,1},{2,5}},false}} string desc; sequence p; object expected for p in places do {desc,p,expected} = p assert(check(p)=expected,desc) end for for a in attacks do {desc,p,expected} = a assert(can_attack(p)=expected,desc) end for function pythagorean_triplets(integer perim) sequence res = {} for a=1 to floor(perim/3) do for b=a+1 to floor((perim-a)/2) do integer c = perim-(a+b) if a*a+b*b=c*c then res = append(res,{a,b,c}) end if end for end for return res end function constant tests = {{"triplets whose sum is 12",12,{{3, 4, 5}}}, {"triplets whose sum is 108",108,{{27, 36, 45}}}, {"triplets whose sum is 1000",1000,{{200, 375, 425}}}, {"no matching triplets for 1001",1001,{}}, {"returns all matching triplets",90,{{9, 40, 41},{15, 36, 39}}}, {"several matching triplets",840,{{40, 399, 401},{56, 390, 394},{105, 360, 375},{120, 350, 370},{140, 336, 364},{168, 315, 357},{210, 280, 350},{240, 252, 348}}}, {"triplets for large number",30000,{{1200, 14375, 14425},{1875, 14000, 14125},{5000, 12000, 13000},{6000, 11250, 12750},{7500, 10000, 12500}}}} for t in tests do {string desc, integer n, sequence expected} = t assert(pythagorean_triplets(n)=expected,desc) end for function pascal(integer n) sequence res = {}, row = repeat(1,n) for r=1 to n do for n=r-1 to 2 by -1 do row[n] += row[n-1] end for res = append(res,row[1..r]) end for return res end function constant pt = {{1}, {1, 1}, {1, 2, 1}, {1, 3, 3, 1}, {1, 4, 6, 4, 1}, {1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1}, {1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1}, {1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1}, {1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1}, {1, 9, 36, 84, 126, 126, 84, 36, 9, 1}} for n=0 to 10 do assert(pascal(n)=pt[1..n]) end for function matrix(string s, rc, integer idx) sequence m = split(s,"\n") for i,r in m do m[i] = apply(split(r,' '),to_integer) end for if rc="row" then return m[idx] end if return vslice(m,idx) end function constant tests = {{"extract row from one number matrix","row","1",1,{1}}, {"can extract row","row","1 2\n3 4",2,{3,4}}, {"extract row where numbers have different widths","row","1 2\n10 20",2,{10, 20}}, {"can extract row from non-square matrix with no corresponding column","row","1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9\n8 7 6",4,{8, 7, 6}}, {"extract column from one number matrix","column","1",1,{1}}, {"can extract column","column","1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9",3,{3, 6, 9}}, {"can extract column from non-square matrix with no corresponding row","column","1 2 3 4\n5 6 7 8\n9 8 7 6",4,{4, 8, 6}}, {"extract column where numbers have different widths","column","89 1903 3\n18 3 1\n9 4 800",2,{1903, 3, 4}}} for t in tests do string desc, rc, m; integer idx; sequence expected {desc, rc, m, idx, expected} = t printf(1,"%s : %s[%d] = %v (%t)\n",{m,rc,idx,matrix(m,rc,idx),matrix(m,rc,idx)=expected}) assert(matrix(m,rc,idx)=expected,desc) end for function matching_brackets(string s) sequence stack = {} string openers = "[{(", closers = "]})" for ch in s do integer k = find(ch,openers) if k then stack &= closers[k] else k = find(ch,closers) if k then if stack={} or ch!=stack[$] then return false end if stack = stack[1..$-1] end if end if end for return stack = {} end function constant tests = {{"paired square brackets","[]",true}, {"empty string","",true}, {"unpaired brackets","[[",false}, {"wrong ordered brackets","}{",false}, {"wrong closing bracket","{]",false}, {"paired with whitespace","{ }",true}, {"partially paired brackets","{[])",false}, {"simple nested brackets","{[]}",true}, {"several paired brackets","{}[]",true}, {"paired and nested brackets","([{}({}[])])",true}, {"unopened closing brackets","{[)][]}",false}, {"unpaired and nested brackets","([{])",false}, {"paired and wrong nested brackets","[({]})",false}, -- Ensures last opened bracket is not the only one being traced {"paired and wrong nested brackets but innermost are correct","[({}])",false}, {"paired and incomplete brackets","{}[",false}, {"too many closing brackets","[]]",false}, {"early unexpected brackets",")()",false}, {"early mismatched brackets","{)()",false}, {"math expression","(((185 + 223.85) * 15) - 543)/2",true}, {"complex latex expression","\\left(\\begin{array}{cc} \\frac{1}{3} & x\\\\ \\mathrm{e}^{x} &... x^2 \\end{array}\\right)",true}} for t in tests do {string desc, string b, bool expected} = t printf(1,"%s : %t\n",{b,matching_brackets(b)=expected}) assert(matching_brackets(b)=expected,desc) end for function luhn(string s) s = reverse(filter(s,"out"," ")) if length(s)<=1 then return false end if integer checksum = 0 for i,c in s do c -= '0' if c<0 or c>9 then return false end if if even(i) then c *= 2 if c>9 then c -= 9 end if end if checksum += c end for return remainder(checksum,10)=0 end function constant tests = {{"single digit strings can not be valid","1",false}, {"a single zero is invalid","0",false}, {"a simple valid SIN that remains valid if reversed","059",true}, {"a simple valid SIN that becomes invalid if reversed","59",true}, {"a valid Canadian SIN","055 444 285",true}, {"invalid Canadian SIN","055 444 286",false}, {"invalid credit card","8273 1232 7352 0569",false}, {"invalid long number with an even remainder","1 2345 6789 1234 5678 9012",false}, {"invalid long number with a remainder divisible by 5","1 2345 6789 1234 5678 9013",false}, {"valid number with an even number of digits","095 245 88",true}, {"valid number with an odd number of spaces","234 567 891 234",true}, {"valid strings with a non-digit added at the end become invalid","059a",false}, {"valid strings with punctuation included become invalid","055-444-285",false}, {"valid strings with symbols included become invalid","055# 444$ 285",false}, {"single zero with space is invalid"," 0",false}, {"more than a single zero is valid","0000 0",true}, {"input digit 9 is correctly converted to output digit 9","091",true}, -- Designed to prevent converting input to a single number as this approach can risk an overflow {"very long input is valid","9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999",true}, {"valid luhn with an odd number of digits and non zero first digit","109",true}, -- Convert non-digits to their ascii values and then offset them by 48 sometimes accidentally -- declare an invalid string to be valid. Next two tests are designed to avoid that solution. {"using ascii value for non-doubled non-digit isn't allowed","055b 444 285",false}, {"using ascii value for doubled non-digit isn't allowed",":9",false}, {"non-numeric, non-space char in the middle with a sum that's divisible by 10 isn't allowed","59%59",false}} for t in tests do {string desc, string n, bool expected} = t printf(1,"%s : %t\n",{n,luhn(n)=expected}) assert(luhn(n)=expected,desc) end for
15. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 26, 2023
Wow. I think that about does it. Thank you -Bruce
16. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Mar 04, 2023
By the way @petelomax , I did notice a certain phixation in some of your code, like "for i,c in" and "string". Even so, thanks.
17. Re: Requesting submissions for Exercism track
- Posted by axtens_bruce Mar 04, 2023
So I've completed 20 tasks, viz
acronym anagram bob collatz-conjecture darts grains hamming hello-world isbn-verifier isogram leap luhn pangram pythagorean-triplets raindrops roman-numerals sum-of-multiples triangle two-fer yacht
That's the minimum. I will, eventually, add the rest of Pete's contributions. There are lots of others if anyone's interested. I'm now moving on to the CI and the documentation. I expect that'll be done in a few weeks time after which the launch of the learning track will occur.
Suitably motivated folk may wish to critique the postings. That'd be VERY helpful.