1. SDL Event Help


As I'm getting my updated SDL2 wrapper ready, I'm having a bit of trouble with even functions. Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes can help me out.

Event code

include std/ffi.e 
include SDL_error.e 
include SDL_video.e 
include SDL_keyboard.e 
include SDL_mouse.e 
include SDL_joystick.e 
include SDL_gamecontroller.e 
include SDL_gesture.e 
include SDL_touch.e 
include sdl.e 
public constant SDL_RELEASED = 0 
public constant SDL_PRESSED = 1 
public enum type SDL_EventType 
	SDL_FIRSTEVENT     = 0,    -- /**< Unused (do not remove) */ 
    SDL_QUIT           = 0x100, --/**< User-requested quit */ 
    --/* These application events have special meaning on iOS, see README-ios.md for details */ 
    SDL_APP_TERMINATING,       -- /**< The application is being terminated by the OS 
                                --     Called on iOS in applicationWillTerminate() 
                                --     Called on Android in onDestroy() 
                               -- */ 
    SDL_APP_LOWMEMORY,         -- /**< The application is low on memory, free memory if possible. 
                               --      Called on iOS in applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning() 
                               --      Called on Android in onLowMemory() 
                               -- */ 
    SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND,-- /**< The application is about to enter the background 
                                 --    Called on iOS in applicationWillResignActive() 
                                 --    Called on Android in onPause() 
    SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND, --/**< The application did enter the background and may not get CPU for some time 
                                  --   Called on iOS in applicationDidEnterBackground() 
                                  --   Called on Android in onPause() 
    SDL_APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND, --/**< The application is about to enter the foreground 
                                   --  Called on iOS in applicationWillEnterForeground() 
                                   --  Called on Android in onResume() 
    SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND, --/**< The application is now interactive 
                                 --    Called on iOS in applicationDidBecomeActive() 
                                 --    Called on Android in onResume() 
                               -- */ 
    SDL_DISPLAYEVENT   = 0x150,   
    SDL_WINDOWEVENT    = 0x200, 
    SDL_KEYDOWN        = 0x300,  
    SDL_MOUSEMOTION    = 0x400,  
    SDL_JOYAXISMOTION  = 0x600,  
    SDL_FINGERDOWN      = 0x700, 
    SDL_DOLLARGESTURE   = 0x800, 
    SDL_DROPFILE        = 0x1000,  
    SDL_SENSORUPDATE = 0x1200,      
    SDL_POLLSENTINEL = 0x7F00,  
    --/** Events ::SDL_USEREVENT through ::SDL_LASTEVENT are for your use, 
     --*  and should be allocated with SDL_RegisterEvents() 
    SDL_USEREVENT    = 0x8000, 
    -- *  This last event is only for bounding internal arrays 
    -- */ 
end type 
public constant SDL_CommonEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT --timestamp 
public constant SDL_DisplayEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --display 
	C_UINT, --event 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT, --padding3 
	C_INT --data1 
public constant SDL_WindowEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_UINT, --event 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT, --padding3 
	C_INT, --data1 
	C_INT --data2 
public constant SDL_KeyboardEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type [1] 
	C_UINT, --timestamp [2] 
	C_UINT, --windowID [3] 
	C_UINT, --state [4] 
	C_UINT, --repeat [5] 
	C_UINT, --padding2 [6] 
	C_UINT, --padding3 [7] 
	SDL_Keysym --key that was pressed or released [8] 
public constant SDL_TextEditingEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_CHAR, --text 
	C_INT, --start 
	C_INT --length 
public constant SDL_TextEditingExtEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_STRING, --text 
	C_INT, --start 
	C_INT --length 
public constant SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE = 32 
public constant SDL_TextInputEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_CHAR --text 
public constant SDL_MouseMotionEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_UINT, --which 
	C_INT, --x 
	C_INT, --y 
	C_INT, --xrel 
	C_INT --yrel 
public constant SDL_MouseButtonEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_UINT, --which 
	C_UINT, --button 
	C_UINT, --state 
	C_UINT, --clicks 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_INT, --x 
	C_INT --y 
public constant SDL_MouseWheelEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_UINT, --which 
	C_INT, --x 
	C_INT, --y 
	C_UINT, --direction 
	C_FLOAT, --precisex 
	C_FLOAT --precisey 
public constant SDL_JoyAxisEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystick id which 
	C_UINT, --axis 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT, --padding3 
	C_INT, --value 
	C_UINT --padding4 
public constant SDL_JoyBallEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystick id which 
	C_UINT, --ball 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT, --padding3 
	C_INT, --xrel 
	C_INT --yrel 
public constant SDL_JoyHatEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystick id which 
	C_UINT, --hat 
	C_UINT, --value 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT --padding2 
public constant SDL_JoyButtonEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystick id which 
	C_UINT, --button 
	C_UINT, --state 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT --padding2 
public constant SDL_JoyDeviceEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_INT --which 
public constant SDL_JoyBatteryEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystick which 
	C_INT --joystick powerlevel 
public constant SDL_ControllerAxisEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystickid which 
	C_UINT, --axis 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT, --padding3 
	C_INT, --value 
	C_UINT --padding4 
public constant SDL_ControllerButtonEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystickid which 
	C_UINT, --button 
	C_UINT, --state 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT --padding2 
public constant SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_INT --which 
public constant SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystickid which 
	C_INT, --touchpad 
	C_INT, --finger 
	C_FLOAT, --x 
	C_FLOAT, --y 
	C_FLOAT --pressure 
public constant SDL_ControllerSensorEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --joystickid which 
	C_INT, --sensor 
	{C_FLOAT,3} --data (array of 3) 
public constant SDL_AudioDeviceEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --which 
	C_UINT, --icapture 
	C_UINT, --padding1 
	C_UINT, --padding2 
	C_UINT --padding3 
public constant SDL_TouchFingerEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --touchID 
	C_LONG, --fingerID 
	C_FLOAT, --x 
	C_FLOAT, --y 
	C_FLOAT, --dx 
	C_FLOAT, --dy 
	C_FLOAT, --pressure 
	C_UINT --windowID 
public constant SDL_MultiGestureEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --touchID 
	C_FLOAT, --dTheta 
	C_FLOAT, --dDist 
	C_FLOAT, --x 
	C_FLOAT, --y 
	C_UINT, --numFingers 
	C_UINT --padding 
public constant SDL_DollarGestureEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_LONG, --touchID 
	C_LONG, --gestureID 
	C_UINT, --numFingers 
	C_FLOAT, --error 
	C_FLOAT, --x 
	C_FLOAT --y 
public constant SDL_DropEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_POINTER, --file 
	C_UINT --windowID 
public constant SDL_SensorEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_INT, --which 
	{C_FLOAT,6} --data 
public constant SDL_QuitEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT --timestamp 
public constant SDL_OSEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT --timestamp 
public constant SDL_UserEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_UINT, --windowID 
	C_INT, --code 
	C_POINTER, --data1 
	C_POINTER --data2 
public constant SDL_SysWMEvent = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type 
	C_UINT, --timestamp 
	C_POINTER --msg 
public constant SDL_Event = define_c_type({ 
	C_UINT, --type [1] 
	SDL_CommonEvent, --[2] 
	SDL_DisplayEvent, --[3] 
	SDL_WindowEvent, --[4] 
	SDL_KeyboardEvent, --[5] 
	SDL_TextEditingEvent, --[6] 
	SDL_TextEditingExtEvent, --[7] 
	SDL_TextInputEvent, --[8] 
	SDL_MouseMotionEvent, --[9] 
	SDL_MouseButtonEvent, --[10] 
	SDL_MouseWheelEvent, --[11] 
	SDL_JoyAxisEvent, --[12] 
	SDL_JoyBallEvent, --[13] 
	SDL_JoyHatEvent, --[14] 
	SDL_JoyButtonEvent, --[15] 
	SDL_JoyDeviceEvent, --[16] 
	SDL_JoyBatteryEvent, --[17] 
	SDL_ControllerAxisEvent, --[18] 
	SDL_ControllerButtonEvent, --[19] 
	SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent, --[20] 
	SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent, --[21] 
	SDL_ControllerSensorEvent, --[22] 
	SDL_AudioDeviceEvent, --[23] 
	SDL_SensorEvent, --[24] 
	SDL_QuitEvent, --[25] 
	SDL_UserEvent, --[26] 
	SDL_SysWMEvent, --[27] 
	SDL_TouchFingerEvent, --[28] 
	SDL_MultiGestureEvent, --[29] 
	SDL_DollarGestureEvent, --[30] 
	SDL_DropEvent --[31] 
export constant xSDL_PumpEvents = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_PumpEvents",{}) 
public procedure SDL_PumpEvents() 
end procedure 
public enum type SDL_eventaction 
end type 
export constant xSDL_PeepEvents = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_PeepEvents",{SDL_Event,C_INT,C_INT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
public function SDL_PeepEvents(sequence events,atom num,SDL_eventaction action,atom min,atom max) 
	return c_func(xSDL_PeepEvents,{events,num,action,min,max}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_HasEvent = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_HasEvent",{C_UINT},C_BOOL) 
public function SDL_HasEvent(atom xtype) 
	return c_func(xSDL_HasEvent,{xtype}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_HasEvents = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_HasEvents",{C_UINT,C_UINT},C_BOOL) 
public function SDL_HasEvents(atom min,atom max) 
	return c_func(xSDL_HasEvents,{min,max}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_FlushEvent = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_FlushEvent",{C_UINT}) 
public procedure SDL_FlushEvent(atom xtype) 
end procedure 
export constant xSDL_FlushEvents = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_FlushEvents",{C_UINT,C_UINT}) 
public procedure SDL_FlushEvents(atom min,atom max) 
end procedure 
export constant xSDL_PollEvent = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_PollEvent",{SDL_Event},C_INT) 
public function SDL_PollEvent(sequence evt) 
	return c_func(xSDL_PollEvent,{evt}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_WaitEvent = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_WaitEvent",{SDL_Event},C_INT) 
public function SDL_WaitEvent(sequence evt) 
	return c_func(xSDL_WaitEvent,{evt}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_WaitEventTimeout = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_WaitEventTimeout",{SDL_Event,C_INT},C_INT) 
public function SDL_WaitEventTimeout(sequence evt,atom tio) 
	return c_func(xSDL_WaitEventTimeout,{evt,tio}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_PushEvent = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_PushEvent",{SDL_Event},C_INT) 
public function SDL_PushEvent(sequence evt) 
	return c_func(xSDL_PushEvent,{evt}) 
end function 
export constant SDL_EventFilter = define_c_type({ 
	C_POINTER, --userdata 
	C_POINTER --event 
public function SDL_EF(atom ud,sequence evt) 
	return 0 
end function 
public constant MY_SDL_EventFilter = allocate_struct(SDL_EventFilter, { 
export constant xSDL_SetEventFilter = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_SetEventFilter",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER}) 
public procedure SDL_SetEventFilter(atom filt,atom ud) 
end procedure 
export constant xSDL_GetEventFilter = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_GetEventFilter",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER},C_BOOL) 
public function SDL_GetEventFilter(atom filt,atom ud) 
	return c_func(xSDL_GetEventFilter,{filt,ud}) 
end function 
export constant xSDL_AddEventWatch = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_AddEventWatch",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER}) 
public procedure SDL_AddEventWatch(atom filt,atom ud) 
end procedure 
export constant xSDL_DelEventWatch = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_DelEventWatch",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER}) 
public procedure SDL_DelEventWatch(atom filt,atom ud) 
end procedure 
export constant xSDL_FilterEvents = define_c_proc(sdl,"+SDL_FilterEvents",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER}) 
public procedure SDL_FilterEvents(atom filt,atom ud) 
end procedure 
public constant SDL_QUERY = -1, 
				SDL_IGNORE = 0, 
				SDL_DISABLE = 0, 
				SDL_ENABLE = 1 
export constant xSDL_EventState = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_EventState",{C_UINT,C_INT},C_UINT) 
public function SDL_EventState(atom xtype,atom state) 
	return c_func(xSDL_EventState,{xtype,state}) 
end function  
export constant xSDL_RegisterEvents = define_c_func(sdl,"+SDL_RegisterEvents",{C_INT},C_UINT) 
public function SDL_RegisterEvents(atom num) 
	return c_func(xSDL_RegisterEvents,{num}) 
end function 

Demo program

--Simple Window 
--SDL2 Wrapper for Euphoria 
include std/ffi.e 
include sdl.e 
--include SDL_pixels.e 
constant MAX_WIDTH = 640, 
		 MAX_HEIGHT = 480 
public constant TRUE = 1, 
				FALSE = 0 
procedure main() 
 atom win = 0 
 object surf = {} 
 object event = {} 
 atom quit = FALSE 
 if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) = -1 then 
 	puts(1,"Failed to init SDL!\n") 
 end if 
 if win = -1 then 
 	puts(1,"Failed to create window!\n") 
 end if 
 while quit = FALSE do 
 	surf = SDL_GetWindowSurface(win) 
 	while SDL_PollEvent(event) do 
 		if event = SDL_QUIT then --Error comes from here, says condition must be an atom or event if its event[25] (SDL_QuitEvent), subscript value is out of bounds. 
 			quit = TRUE 
                --Tried if length(event) = SDL_QUIT --this causes the program to freeze though. 
 		end if 
 	end while 
 end while	 
 --SDL_Delay(3000) --3 seconds 
end procedure 
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2. Re: SDL Event Help


Me applying my dull brain

event is defined as an object, a sequence.

event is sent off to be filled by SDL_PollEvent, from the wiki

event : the SDL_Event structure to be filled with the next event from the queue, or NULL

this returns 1 or 0 for presence or not of an event, if there is an event, then event is the address of the event structure

again from the wiki SDL_Event A union that contains structures for the different event types.

This is where my brain starts to get fried

SDL_pollevent returns the pointer to the SDL_Event, and out of that you want to retrieve SDL_Event.type, and if that's SDL_QUIT then quit. Luckily it looks like it's the first element of the union, so just retrieve that! Simple (?!)

or, in C

SDL_Event e; 
for (;;) { 
    SDL_PollEvent(&e);                                                 --send address of structure, fill structure 
    if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { 
        SDL_Log("Program quit after %i ticks", e.quit.timestamp); 



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3. Re: SDL Event Help

ChrisB said...


Me applying my dull brain

event is defined as an object, a sequence.

event is sent off to be filled by SDL_PollEvent, from the wiki

event : the SDL_Event structure to be filled with the next event from the queue, or NULL

this returns 1 or 0 for presence or not of an event, if there is an event, then event is the address of the event structure

again from the wiki SDL_Event A union that contains structures for the different event types.

This is where my brain starts to get fried

SDL_pollevent returns the pointer to the SDL_Event, and out of that you want to retrieve SDL_Event.type, and if that's SDL_QUIT then quit. Luckily it looks like it's the first element of the union, so just retrieve that! Simple (?!)

or, in C

SDL_Event e; 
for (;;) { 
    SDL_PollEvent(&e);                                                 --send address of structure, fill structure 
    if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { 
        SDL_Log("Program quit after %i ticks", e.quit.timestamp); 



Thanks Chris. However I think the issue is from trying to assign the sequence value(event) to an atom value(SDL_QUIT). There is probably a work-around or something I'm missing, I just haven't figured it out, yet. You're on the right track though, I'm basiclly trying to convert that C code to Eu code.

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4. Re: SDL Event Help

Icy_Viking said...

As I'm getting my updated SDL2 wrapper ready, I'm having a bit of trouble with even functions. Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes can help me out.

Icy_Viking said...
ChrisB said...

SDL_pollevent returns the pointer to the SDL_Event, and out of that you want to retrieve SDL_Event.type, and if that's SDL_QUIT then quit. Luckily it looks like it's the first element of the union, so just retrieve that! Simple (?!)

Thanks Chris. However I think the issue is from trying to assign the sequence value(event) to an atom value(SDL_QUIT). There is probably a work-around or something I'm missing, I just haven't figured it out, yet. You're on the right track though, I'm basiclly trying to convert that C code to Eu code.

There are two things going on here:

1. You are mixing structure values and pointers. The SDL event functions use the parameter SDL_Event * event which indicates a pointer to an SDL_Event struct. I had added allocate_struct() and peek_struct()/poke_struct() to help with this.

2. You have declared SDL_Event as a structure but it is actually a union. I have not added any support for unions at this time. I'm considering renaming define_c_type() to define_c_struct() and then add define_c_union() but this is still TBD.

The difference between structures and unions is that structures are a sequential set of unique values (one after the other offset by their size) while unions are a collapsed set of potential values (one value with several possible interpretations). The size of a structure is the sum of all its sizes but the size of a union is simply the largest size of any of its members. So there aren't thirty members to SDL_Event, there's only one but it could be any of the thirty listed.

This is a great example of why this is all still in the prototyping phase. I'm not able to come up with and test all of the potential uses for FFI but you're running it through several trials and when it fails, we can pivot accordingly before anything becomes to permanent. At this point we need go back and to rethink how to declare and differentiate structures from unions. I'd also like to make accessing structure members easier so we're not left with just referencing members as foo[1], etc.


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5. Re: SDL Event Help

ghaberek said...
Icy_Viking said...

As I'm getting my updated SDL2 wrapper ready, I'm having a bit of trouble with even functions. Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes can help me out.

Icy_Viking said...
ChrisB said...

SDL_pollevent returns the pointer to the SDL_Event, and out of that you want to retrieve SDL_Event.type, and if that's SDL_QUIT then quit. Luckily it looks like it's the first element of the union, so just retrieve that! Simple (?!)

Thanks Chris. However I think the issue is from trying to assign the sequence value(event) to an atom value(SDL_QUIT). There is probably a work-around or something I'm missing, I just haven't figured it out, yet. You're on the right track though, I'm basiclly trying to convert that C code to Eu code.

There are two things going on here:

1. You are mixing structure values and pointers. The SDL event functions use the parameter SDL_Event * event which indicates a pointer to an SDL_Event struct. I had added allocate_struct() and peek_struct()/poke_struct() to help with this.

2. You have declared SDL_Event as a structure but it is actually a union. I have not added any support for unions at this time. I'm considering renaming define_c_type() to define_c_struct() and then add define_c_union() but this is still TBD.

The difference between structures and unions is that structures are a sequential set of unique values (one after the other offset by their size) while unions are a collapsed set of potential values (one value with several possible interpretations). The size of a structure is the sum of all its sizes but the size of a union is simply the largest size of any of its members. So there aren't thirty members to SDL_Event, there's only one but it could be any of the thirty listed.

This is a great example of why this is all still in the prototyping phase. I'm not able to come up with and test all of the potential uses for FFI but you're running it through several trials and when it fails, we can pivot accordingly before anything becomes to permanent. At this point we need go back and to rethink how to declare and differentiate structures from unions. I'd also like to make accessing structure members easier so we're not left with just referencing members as foo[1], etc.


Thanks for the info Greg. So the current version of FFI isn't yet ready for SDL, or as you say still in its proto-typing stages. I'm not sure how much it will help, but I can upload the wrapper code if it will help with the FFI library.

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