1. Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by gdm85 Sep 14, 2022
Hi there!
Thanks to Greg for allowing me to post here.
I am new to these forums but not new to Euphoria, in fact I remember using it many years ago.
For conservation and preservation purposes I would like to make it build-able with latest stable Ubuntu or Debian (right now it gives some error with Ubuntu 22 LTS), and also to make it build-able without a pre-existing Euphoria. I have tried building those necessary pre-compiled files but failed miserably.
Would someone be interested in assisting with this?
2. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 14, 2022
Hi there!
Thanks to Greg for allowing me to post here.
I am new to these forums but not new to Euphoria, in fact I remember using it many years ago.
For conservation and preservation purposes I would like to make it build-able with latest stable Ubuntu or Debian (right now it gives some error with Ubuntu 22 LTS), and also to make it build-able without a pre-existing Euphoria. I have tried building those necessary pre-compiled files but failed miserably.
Would someone be interested in assisting with this?
Unfortunately a lot of stuff is out of date and the "pre-translated sources" is definitely one thing that needs updating. I think Shawn is was working on something like this: https://openeuphoria.org/forum/136851.wc
3. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by jmduro Sep 17, 2022
Did you check Euwrap ? It is available here: https://github.com/jmsck55/Euwrap
4. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by gdm85 Sep 27, 2022
Hi there!
Thanks to Greg for allowing me to post here.
I am new to these forums but not new to Euphoria, in fact I remember using it many years ago.
For conservation and preservation purposes I would like to make it build-able with latest stable Ubuntu or Debian (right now it gives some error with Ubuntu 22 LTS), and also to make it build-able without a pre-existing Euphoria. I have tried building those necessary pre-compiled files but failed miserably.
Would someone be interested in assisting with this?
Unfortunately a lot of stuff is out of date and the "pre-translated sources" is definitely one thing that needs updating. I think Shawn is was working on something like this: https://openeuphoria.org/forum/136851.wc
Thanks, will ask there.
5. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by gdm85 Sep 27, 2022
Did you check Euwrap ? It is available here: https://github.com/jmsck55/Euwrap
I am interested in preservation, that requires being able to build everything from sources. This repository is literally a collection of non-source files.
6. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 27, 2022
...right now it gives some error with Ubuntu 22 LTS...
What is this "some error" that you're receiving? If you could list of the steps you're running and the specific error messages, I could certainly try to help.
Currently I build Euphoria on Ubuntu 20.04 so you might want to start with that. You will need Euphoria 4.1 installed to create translated sources.
Also if you're not familiar with GNU Make, Euphoria isn't the best project to jump into as our Makefile is currently very complicated and difficult to follow.
Would anyone be interested in helping out to achieve this?
I'm very interested in getting this done, but in the list of priorities it's pretty low right now. The build process is currently tied to several things:
- having an existing translator to create new translated sources
- creating translated sources specific to each targeted platform
- configure is a hand-coded Bash script for setting build flags
- Makefile is very recursive and dependent on all of the above
And that's going to be the way it is until those things get worked out. Shawn's making efforts to improve that and I will make improvements as I can as well.
But right now my priority is to get the new features that I need completed so I can get a release out the door.
7. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by jmduro Sep 28, 2022
I am interested in preservation, that requires being able to build everything from sources. This repository is literally a collection of non-source files.
Then I don't understand what you are looking for. You want to build it from source "without Euphoria". There are dozens of pre-translated C files in the link not only binaries.
8. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by gdm85 Oct 24, 2022
I am interested in preservation, that requires being able to build everything from sources. This repository is literally a collection of non-source files.
Then I don't understand what you are looking for. You want to build it from source "without Euphoria". There are dozens of pre-translated C files in the link not only binaries.
Then I will try to explain it again: one must be able to build everything from source. The pre-translated C files will break from one major version to another of Debian/Ubuntu (as they regularly do), so they are useless for preservation purposes.
This means that for maximum portability one needs:
- build the pre-translated C files without Euphoria
- build Euphoria using the pre-translated C files from previous step
No binary version of anything used at any time.
9. Re: Building Euphoria from source - without Euphoria
- Posted by gdm85 Oct 24, 2022
...right now it gives some error with Ubuntu 22 LTS...
What is this "some error" that you're receiving?
I assumed it was a known issue. It is sufficient to attempt the build with the Docker image used in the OpenEuphoria GitHub CI and attempt to use Ubuntu 22 to see the linking issue.
Would anyone be interested in helping out to achieve this?
I'm very interested in getting this done, but in the list of priorities it's pretty low right now. The build process is currently tied to several things:
- having an existing translator to create new translated sources
- creating translated sources specific to each targeted platform
- configure is a hand-coded Bash script for setting build flags
- Makefile is very recursive and dependent on all of the above
And that's going to be the way it is until those things get worked out. Shawn's making efforts to improve that and I will make improvements as I can as well.
But right now my priority is to get the new features that I need completed so I can get a release out the door.
I changed my mind, not interested anymore in contributing. Thanks for the answers though!