1. replace()ing a crash

Recently got a hard exit with the 4.1.0 interpreter on win10 migrating an old program from 3.1.1 which I eventually tracked down to a function called replace().

The program was nothing too fancy, just renaming and sorting a bunch of media files, removing filename tags etc.

It was working ok but then suddenly started exiting without any warning or output. After inserting a heap of log and flush to file debug markers and retrying a bunch of times I eventually found the culprit.

I replaced (heh) replace() with this:

function replace2(sequence s,object o1,object o2) 
    for x=1 to length(s) do 
        if equal(s[x],o1) then 
        end if 
    end for 
    return s 
end function 

and the crash stopped.

"Oh", thinks I, "There's a problem in 4.1 with this replace() function", and continued with what I was doing.

But then later on I looked a bit further and discovered that this replace() func was actually one of my own that I had in a library from years ago :facepalm:

The original looks like this:

global function replace(object s,object before,object after) 
    if atom(s) then 
	return replace({s},before,after) 
    end if 
    for x=1 to length(s) do 
	if equal(s[x],before) then 
	end if 
    end for 
    return s 
end function 

Obviously the only difference is that it handles the possibility of someone passing an atom as the haystack via recursion and guarantees a sequence as the return. The nature of that call means the depth can never be greater than two.... if atom(s) then use {s}

This is moot anyway because I got no problem once I used replace2() so it can't have been passing an atom as the first argument or replace2() would have stopped with a type error.

This lead me to believe the the crash could possibly be related to some rare set of circumstances involving passing a sequence as type object for an argument (in this case the first argument) as against passing it as type sequence.

So just when I thought this was all over, I find this:

-- Signature: 
-- <built-in> function replace(sequence target, object replacement, integer start, integer stop=start) 
-- Description: 
-- replaces a slice in a sequence by an object. 
-- Parameters: 
--   # ##target## : the sequence in which replacement will be done. 
--   # ##replacement## : an object, the item to replace with. 
--   # ##start## : an integer, the starting index of the slice to replace. 
--   # ##stop## : an integer, the stopping index of the slice to replace. 
-- Returns: 
-- A **sequence**, which is made of ##target## with the ##start..stop## slice 
-- removed and replaced by ##replacement##, which is spliced in. 

So apparently 4.1 does have a func called "replace()" after all. I'm assuming it would(should?) not have come into play as the global func in my library would have overridden this built-in anyway. Or would it? Not totally up to speed on all the rules involving this stuff. Pretty sure that regardless I shouldn't have ended up with a hard exit.


There isn't really any more useful info I can add here. When the crash stopped I renamed and sorted the media files (which was the job at hand), so I don't have the original input from when I found the problem, and the program itself is a bunch of old spaghetti anyway.

This is just a morsel of a possible clue if anyone else is trying to track down a similar issue in the future.


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2. Re: replace()ing a crash

Graeme said...

suddenly started exiting without any warning or output.

Can you (or anyone else I suppose) try this:

function replace3(sequence s,object o1,object o2)  
    for x=1 to length(s) do  
        if equal(s[x],o1) then  
        end if  
    end for  
    return s  
end function  
?replace3({"this","that"},"that","other")   -- {"this","other"} 
function replace4(sequence s,object o1,object o2)  
    s[o2..o2] = o1 
    return s  
end function  
?replace4({"this","that"},"that","other")   -- ??? 

Should that be crashing (on Euphoria) without a proper message/ex.err then it should be looked into (but not by me, sorry).

Note that Phix [not that you use that] needed a minor tweak to builtins/VM/pFixup.e to report the error correctly inside replace4() (many thanks), although it did at least show the failing call to replace4().

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3. Re: replace()ing a crash

petelomax said...
Graeme said...

suddenly started exiting without any warning or output.

Can you (or anyone else I suppose) try this:

function replace3(sequence s,object o1,object o2)  
    for x=1 to length(s) do  
        if equal(s[x],o1) then  
        end if  
    end for  
    return s  
end function  
?replace3({"this","that"},"that","other")   -- {"this","other"} 
function replace4(sequence s,object o1,object o2)  
    s[o2..o2] = o1 
    return s  
end function  
?replace4({"this","that"},"that","other")   -- ??? 

Should that be crashing (on Euphoria) without a proper message/ex.err then it should be looked into (but not by me, sorry).

Note that Phix [not that you use that] needed a minor tweak to builtins/VM/pFixup.e to report the error correctly inside replace4() (many thanks), although it did at least show the failing call to replace4().

That behaved as expected, no issues:

{ {116,104,105,115}, {111,116,104,101,114} }


slice lower index is not an atom - in slice/subscript #1 of 's (from inlined routine 'replace4' at 21)'

Yeah the Phix thing looks very interesting .... one of these days when I find a brown paper bag full of spare time I would love to check it out. TBH I don't even write much eu code any more, but I still have a heap of old eu3.1.1 bits & pieces and random personal utils that I have been using since the dawn of time. My current dabbling is mostly just getting some of this stuff to work on win10-64.

Thanks for your reply :)

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4. Re: replace()ing a crash

I think i replaced replace() 20 years ago. It needed speed, common sense, condition and type checking, and then recursion.

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