1. wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by _tom (admin) Jan 14, 2021
The biggest hindrance to wikipedia is the need for secondary sources.
A primary source is Pete, and even my own writing. No original research is permitted.
A secondary source is someone copying what Pete said and shoves it into their own article (but not Pete or me).
Without secondary sources we are likely to fail.
How do we generate some "secondary sources"?
be well
2. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by mitgedanken Jan 14, 2021
I know this webpage: http://www.math.bas.bg/bantchev/place/euphoria.html
It's old but a reference.
And: https://wiki.c2.com/?EuphoriaLanguage
That's old too but ... you know.
3. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by katsmeow Jan 14, 2021
Most of us old-timers have had Euphoria pages up online, but most are now gone. No one had Phix pages up, that i am aware of.
4. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by petelomax Jan 14, 2021
- Last edited Jan 15, 2021
Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PicoLisp I see 0 secondary sources.
Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_(programming_language) there is maybe 1, and even that's not very convincing.
Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pike_(programming_language) the only (now verified) point is bits of Opera Mini use it.
5. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by irv Jan 14, 2021
Someone could write a short (2 paragraph) article for OSNews, apparently they accept most anything that's brief, to the point, and not blatent advertisement.
6. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by bruce_axtens Jan 15, 2021
The posting at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Euphoria mentions something about 'Monitor'
Other links are at http://www.juliepetrusa.com/Euphoria.htm, http://www.computerowl.com/euphoria.php and https://ininet.org/winbatch-history.html
7. Re: wikipedia vs notable
- Posted by petelomax Jan 15, 2021
Someone could write a short (2 paragraph) article for OSNews, apparently they accept most anything that's brief, to the point, and not blatent advertisement.
Two things spring to mind: I mentioned the RC PGN task about a month ago, I'll bump that thread separately, but the story of the moment has to be the problems you (irv) had getting Phix to run on Linux and how classes are making the GTK project easier.