1. Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by Lnettnay Dec 03, 2020
- Last edited Dec 04, 2020
I decided to try doing the Advent of Code programming problems this year.
The first problem was pretty easy -- find 2 numbers from the list given that add up to 2020 and return the product of the 2 numbers. No problem. Then the second part of the first problem was find 3 numbers that add up to 2020 and give the product of those 3 numbers.
Due to a logic error in my program it just ended with no output. I put a
with trace trace(1)
in to see if that would help me find my logic error.
eui advent0102.ex <input.txt
the trace screen opened with the line after the trace highlighted.
None of the command keys seem to work
I hit CTRL c and got
Press Enter...
Then I had to go to the Task Manager, select the Euphoria Interpreter (which was taking up about 60% of the processor) and do an End Task.
Then I got the lines below which showed that I hit the enter key, '1' key twice, enter 3 more times and then tried inputting numbers 123 and 456
C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020> C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020>11 '11' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020> C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020> C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020> C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020>123 '123' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\Lonny\Programming\AdventofCode2020>456 '456' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Here's some code that will show the bug:
file input.txt
12 34 56 78 90These are NOT the actual input I was using.
run the program with eui test.ex <input.txt
--test.ex include std/io.e include std/get.e sequence numbers = {} object line atom one_num with trace trace(1) while 1 do line = get(STDIN) if line[1] = GET_EOF then exit end if one_num = line[2] numbers &= one_num end while
If I use the STDIN and type the numbers in on the main window of the trace it works correctly. So the question is "Is this a bug in the interpreter or the command shell?"
2. Re: Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Dec 04, 2020
Hi Lonny, your program is fine, no output is the expected behaviour. STDIN is the console, and you are re-directing the input from the file instead of the console.
Add ?numbers after the end while to see that the sequence has indeed filled up with numbers. Turn off trace as well, just gets in the way here.
3. Re: Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by Lnettnay Dec 04, 2020
Hi Chris,
Did you actually try to run the program? It does not work (at least on my machine) with the trace line active and the input being redirected from a file. That made it hard to debug. I had to open the file and then read it. If I did my input from the console it worked correctly with no problems.
PS: yes I forgot the ?numbers at the end but I was just looking to see the values in the trace window.
4. Re: Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Dec 04, 2020
Hi Lonny
Sometimes it's a case of your program not meeting your expectations. I don't like trace, as generally it gets in the way.
Try this
--test.ex include std/io.e include std/get.e sequence numbers = {} object line atom one_num --with trace --trace(1) while 1 do line = get(STDIN) if line[1] = GET_EOF then exit end if ?line --shows each line as it comes in, whether from console or redirected STDIN one_num = line[2] numbers &= one_num end while ?numbers --remember ctr-Z sends EOF from console
What are you defined expectations of output here?
5. Re: Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by petelomax Dec 04, 2020
Actually, that kinda is what I would expect...
You are trying to redirect input AND debug using the console...
So, the application cannot read input.txt because the trace window is in the way.
And the trace window cannot get anything from the keyboard because it's been redirected.
I get the same behaviour on Phix. Afaict the 60% cpu is occuring somewhere deep inside windows itself, and the only way to fix that would probably be to install windows 98 or earlier...
As Chris just suggested, should you redirect input, you must also wave bye bye to the trace screen.
6. Re: Is this a bug or expected behavior?
- Posted by irv Dec 04, 2020
There is only one STDIN, which by default comes from the keyboard. You can redirect it to accept input from a file. Changing the I/O devices is done by the OS prior to running your program.
But trace() can't work without keyboard input, so it grabs STDIN back, and keeps it.
So it's not a program bug, or a Euphoria bug. It's what should be expected.