1. HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Jul 15, 2016
Here is an attempt to let OpenEuphoria manage HTTPS with help of OpenSSL. OpenSSL Windows binaries (openssl.exe, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) have to be in the same directory as following source code.
I get something, but I'm not fully sure it works. Help needed.
- std/https.e
--**** -- == HTTPS Client -- -- <<LEVELTOC level=2 depth=4>> -- namespace https include std/base64.e include std/convert.e include std/rand.e include std/sequence.e include std/text.e include std/types.e include std/pipeio.e as pipe include std/net/dns.e include std/net/url.e as url include euphoria/info.e constant USER_AGENT_HEADER = sprintf("User-Agent: Euphoria-HTTP/%d.%d\r\n", { version_major(), version_minor() }) enum R_HOST, R_PORT, R_PATH, R_REQUEST constant FR_SIZE = 4 --**** -- === Error Codes -- public enum by -1 ERR_MALFORMED_URL = -1, ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, ERR_INVALID_DATA, ERR_INVALID_DATA_ENCODING, ERR_HOST_LOOKUP_FAILED, ERR_CONNECT_FAILED, ERR_SEND_FAILED, ERR_RECEIVE_FAILED --**** -- === Constants public enum FORM_URLENCODED, MULTIPART_FORM_DATA public enum --** -- No encoding is necessary ENCODE_NONE = 0, --** -- Use Base64 encoding ENCODE_BASE64 constant ENCODING_STRINGS = { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data" } object command_pipe=-1, openssl_process=-1 -- -- returns: { host, port, path, base_reqest } -- function format_base_request(sequence request_type, sequence url, object headers) sequence request = "" sequence formatted_request integer noport = 0 object parsedUrl = url:parse(url) if atom(parsedUrl) then return ERR_MALFORMED_URL elsif not equal(parsedUrl[URL_PROTOCOL], "https") then return ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL end if sequence host = parsedUrl[URL_HOSTNAME] integer port = parsedUrl[URL_PORT] if port = 0 then port = 80 noport = 1 end if sequence path if sequence(parsedUrl[URL_PATH]) then path = parsedUrl[URL_PATH] else path = "/" end if if sequence(parsedUrl[URL_QUERY_STRING]) then path &= "?" & parsedUrl[URL_QUERY_STRING] end if -- only specify the port in the request if the caller did so explicitly -- some sites, such as euphoria.pastey.net, will break otherwise if noport then request = sprintf("%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n", { request_type, url, path, host }) else request = sprintf("%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n", { request_type, url, host, port }) end if integer has_user_agent = 0 integer has_connection = 0 if sequence(headers) then for i = 1 to length(headers) do object header = headers[i] if equal(header[1], "User-Agent") then has_user_agent = 1 elsif equal(header[1], "Connection") then has_connection = 1 end if request &= sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", header) end for end if if not has_user_agent then request &= USER_AGENT_HEADER end if if not has_connection then request &= "Connection: close\r\n" end if formatted_request = repeat(0, FR_SIZE) formatted_request[R_HOST] = host formatted_request[R_PORT] = port formatted_request[R_PATH] = path formatted_request[R_REQUEST] = request return formatted_request end function -- -- encode a sequence of key/value pairs -- function form_urlencode(sequence kvpairs) sequence data = "" for i = 1 to length(kvpairs) do object kvpair = kvpairs[i] if i > 1 then data &= "&" end if data &= kvpair[1] & "=" & url:encode(kvpair[2]) end for return data end function function multipart_form_data_encode(sequence kvpairs, sequence boundary) sequence data = "" for i = 1 to length(kvpairs) do object kvpair = kvpairs[i] integer enctyp = ENCODE_NONE sequence mimetyp = "" if i > 1 then data &= "\r\n" end if data &= "--" & boundary & "\r\n" data &= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" & kvpair[1] & "\"" if length(kvpair) = 5 then data &= "; filename=\"" & kvpair[3] & "\"\r\n" data &= "Content-Type: " & kvpair[4] & "\r\n" switch kvpair[5] do case ENCODE_NONE then case ENCODE_BASE64 then data &= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n" kvpair[2] = base64:encode(kvpair[2], 76) end switch else data &= "\r\n" end if data &= "\r\n" & kvpair[2] end for return data & "\r\n--" & boundary & "--" end function constant rand_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" constant rand_chars_len = length(rand_chars) function random_boundary(integer len) sequence boundary = repeat(0, len) for i = 1 to len do boundary[i] = rand_chars[rand(rand_chars_len)] end for return boundary end function public function run_openssl(sequence dest) command_pipe = pipe:create() openssl_process = pipe:exec("openssl s_client -connect " & dest, command_pipe) if atom(openssl_process) then printf(1, "Failed to exec() with error %x", pipe:error_no()) pipe:kill(openssl_process) return 0 end if return 1 end function function write_openssl(sequence data) return pipe:write(openssl_process[STDIN], data) end function function read_openssl() sequence data = "" object c = pipe:read(openssl_process[pipe:STDOUT], 256) while sequence(c) and length(c) do data &= c if atom(c) then printf(1, "Failed on read with error %x", pipe:error_no()) pipe:kill(openssl_process) return 0 end if c = pipe:read(openssl_process[pipe:STDOUT], 256) end while return data end function public procedure close_openssl() pipe:kill(openssl_process) end procedure -- -- Send an HTTPS request -- function execute_request(sequence request, integer timeout) if write_openssl(request) != length(request) then return ERR_SEND_FAILED end if atom start_time = time() integer got_header = 0, content_length = 0 sequence content = "" sequence headers = {} while time() - start_time < timeout label "top" do if got_header and length(content) = content_length then exit end if object data = read_openssl() if atom(data) then return ERR_RECEIVE_FAILED end if if length(data) = 0 then -- zero bytes received, we the 'data' waiting was -- a disconnect. exit "top" end if content &= data if not got_header then integer header_end_pos = match("\r\n\r\n", content) if header_end_pos then -- we have a header, let's parse it and figure out -- the content length. sequence raw_header = content[1..header_end_pos] content = content[header_end_pos + 4..$] sequence header_lines = split(raw_header, "\r\n") headers = append(headers, split(header_lines[1], " ")) for i = 2 to length(header_lines) do object header = header_lines[i] sequence this_header = split(header, ": ", , 1) this_header[1] = lower(this_header[1]) headers = append(headers, this_header) if equal(this_header[1], "content-length") then content_length = to_number(this_header[2]) end if end for got_header = 1 end if end if end while return { headers, content } end function --**** -- === Get/Post Routines --** -- Post data to a HTTP resource. -- -- Parameters: -- * ##url## - URL to send post request to -- * ##data## - Form data (described later) -- * ##headers## - Additional headers added to request -- * ##follow_redirects## - Maximum redirects to follow -- * ##timeout## - Maximum number of seconds to wait for a response -- -- Returns: -- An integer error code or a 2 element sequence. Element 1 is a sequence -- of key/value pairs representing the result header information. element -- 2 is the body of the result. -- -- If result is a negative integer, that represents a local error condition. -- -- If result is a positive integer, that represents a HTTP error value from -- the server. -- -- Data Sequence: -- This sequence should contain key value pairs representing the expected form -- elements of the called URL. For a simple url-encoded form: -- -- { {"name", "John Doe"}, {"age", "22"}, {"city", "Small Town"}} -- -- All Keys and Values should be a sequence. -- -- If the post requires multipart form encoding then the sequence is a little -- different. The first element of the data sequence must be [[:MULTIPART_FORM_DATA]]. -- All subsequent field values should be key/value pairs as described above **except** -- for a field representing a file upload. In that case the sequence should be: -- -- ##{ FIELD-NAME, FILE-VALUE, FILE-NAME, MIME-TYPE, ENCODING-TYPE }## -- -- Encoding type can be -- * [[:ENCODE_NONE]] -- * [[:ENCODE_BASE64]] -- -- An example for a multipart form encoded post request data sequence -- -- { -- { "name", "John Doe" }, -- { "avatar", file_content, "me.png", "image/png", ENCODE_BASE64 }, -- { "city", "Small Town" } -- } -- -- See Also: -- [[:http_get]] -- public function https_post(sequence url, object data, object headers = 0, integer follow_redirects = 10, integer timeout = 15) follow_redirects = follow_redirects -- Not used yet. if not sequence(data) or length(data) = 0 then return ERR_INVALID_DATA end if object request = format_base_request("POST", url, headers) if atom(request) then return request end if integer data_type if ascii_string(data) or sequence(data[1]) then data_type = FORM_URLENCODED else if data[1] < 1 or data[1] > 2 then return ERR_INVALID_DATA_ENCODING end if data_type = data[1] data = data[2] end if -- data now contains either a string sequence already encoded or -- a sequence of key/value pairs to be encoded. We know the length -- is greater than 0, so check the first element to see if it's a -- sequence or an atom. That will tell us what we have. -- -- If we have key/value pairs then we will need to encode that data -- according to our data_type. sequence content_type = ENCODING_STRINGS[data_type] if sequence(data[1]) then -- We have key/value pairs if data_type = FORM_URLENCODED then data = form_urlencode(data) else sequence boundary = random_boundary(20) content_type &= "; boundary=" & boundary data = multipart_form_data_encode(data, boundary) end if end if request[R_REQUEST] &= sprintf("Content-Type: %s\r\n", { content_type }) request[R_REQUEST] &= sprintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n", { length(data) }) request[R_REQUEST] &= "\r\n" request[R_REQUEST] &= data return execute_request(request[R_REQUEST], timeout) end function --** -- Get a HTTP resource. -- -- Returns: -- An integer error code or a 2 element sequence. Element 1 is a sequence -- of key/value pairs representing the result header information. Element -- 2 is the body of the result. -- -- If result is a negative integer, that represents a local error condition. -- -- If result is a positive integer, that represents a HTTP error value from -- the server. -- -- Example: -- -- include std/console.e -- for display() -- include std/net/http.e -- -- object result = http_get("http://example.com") -- if atom(result) then -- printf(1, "Web error: %d\n", result) -- abort(1) -- end if -- -- display(result[1]) -- header key/value pairs -- printf(1, "Content: %s\n", { result[2] }) -- -- See Also: -- [[:http_post]] -- public function https_get(sequence url, object headers = 0, integer follow_redirects = 10, integer timeout = 15) object request = format_base_request("GET", url, headers) follow_redirects = follow_redirects -- Not used yet. if atom(request) then return request end if -- No more work necessary, terminate the request with our ending CR LF request[R_REQUEST] &= "\r\n" return execute_request(request[R_REQUEST], timeout) end function
- test program
include std/types.e include std/console.e include std/io.e include std/https.e integer offset = 0 procedure dumpHeader(object x, sequence Name, integer Output=1, sequence path={}, integer level=0, sequence prefix="") -- prints a sequence structure in a human readable way integer subSequence sequence s, offset if level=0 then printf(Output, "%s = ", {Name}) end if offset = "" for i = 1 to level do offset &= ". " end for s = "" if t_display(x) then if length(x) = 0 then s = " \"\"" else s = sprintf(" \"%s\"", {x}) end if puts(Output, offset&prefix&s&"\n") else subSequence = 0 for i=1 to length(x) do if sequence(x[i]) then subSequence = 1 exit end if end for if subSequence = 0 then s = sprintf(" %s", {x}) puts(Output, offset&prefix&s&"\n") else if length(s) = 0 then puts(Output, offset&prefix&"\n") end if for i=1 to length(x) do prefix = sprintf("[%d]", i) dumpHeader(x[i], Name, Output, path&sprintf("[%d]", i), level+1, prefix) end for end if end if if Output > 2 then flush(Output) end if end procedure if run_openssl("gw.geneanet.org:443") then -- sequence s = read_openssl() object result = https_get("https://gw.geneanet.org/connexion/") if atom(result) then printf(1, "Web error: %d\n", result) maybe_any_key() abort(1) end if dumpHeader(result[1], "header") puts(1, result[2] & "\n") close_openssl() end if maybe_any_key()
2. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 18, 2016
It would probably be better to wrap the shared libraries instead of calling out to an external process.
I would also recommend using libcurl instead of calling OpenSSL directly. I'm surprised we don't have a better wrapper in The Archive.
I'll see if that's something I can knock out quickly. Their page on Euphoria also needs updating since Ray Smith left our community long ago.
3. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 18, 2016
I'll see if that's something I can knock out quickly. Their page on Euphoria also needs updating since Ray Smith left our community long ago.
Ugh. I forgot how craptacular the CURLOPT macros are. The authors even refer to this as macro-mania.
/* * This macro-mania below setups the CURLOPT_[what] enum, to be used with * curl_easy_setopt(). The first argument in the CINIT() macro is the [what] * word. */ typedef enum { /* This is the FILE * or void * the regular output should be written to. */ CINIT(WRITEDATA, OBJECTPOINT, 1), /* The full URL to get/put */ CINIT(URL, STRINGPOINT, 2), /* Port number to connect to, if other than default. */ CINIT(PORT, LONG, 3), /* Name of proxy to use. */ CINIT(PROXY, STRINGPOINT, 4), ...
4. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jul 18, 2016
Ugh. I forgot how craptacular the CURLOPT macros are. The authors even refer to this as macro-mania.
/* * This macro-mania below setups the CURLOPT_[what] enum, to be used with * curl_easy_setopt(). The first argument in the CINIT() macro is the [what] * word. */ typedef enum { /* This is the FILE * or void * the regular output should be written to. */ CINIT(WRITEDATA, OBJECTPOINT, 1), /* The full URL to get/put */ CINIT(URL, STRINGPOINT, 2), /* Port number to connect to, if other than default. */ CINIT(PORT, LONG, 3), /* Name of proxy to use. */ CINIT(PROXY, STRINGPOINT, 4), ...
May I suggest running it through the C preprocessor (e.g. gcc -E) ? That produces the following output for me:
typedef enum { CURLOPT_ WRITEDATA = 10000 + 1, CURLOPT_ URL = 10000 + 2, CURLOPT_ PORT = 0 + 3, CURLOPT_ PROXY = 10000 + 4, CURLOPT_ USERPWD = 10000 + 5, CURLOPT_ PROXYUSERPWD = 10000 + 6, CURLOPT_ RANGE = 10000 + 7, CURLOPT_ READDATA = 10000 + 9, CURLOPT_ ERRORBUFFER = 10000 + 10, ...
You'll probably have to do this one per platform+arch combo, but the post-processed output is probably a lot easier to deal with...
(A shame that "gcc -E" doesn't have an option to process everything _except_ #include statements, though...)
5. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 18, 2016
May I suggest running it through the C preprocessor (e.g. gcc -E) ? That produces the following output for me:
You'll probably have to do this one per platform+arch combo, but the post-processed output is probably a lot easier to deal with...
(A shame that "gcc -E" doesn't have an option to process everything _except_ #include statements, though...)
This is what I came up with. I translated all of the macro-mania with the Regex find/replace in Notepad++.
map m_CURLopttype = map:new_from_kvpairs({ { "CURLOPTTYPE_LONG", CURLOPTTYPE_LONG }, { "CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT", CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT }, { "CURLOPTTYPE_STRINGPOINT", CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT }, { "CURLOPTTYPE_FUNCTIONPOINT", CURLOPTTYPE_FUNCTIONPOINT }, { "CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T", CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T } }) constant LONG = "CURLOPTTYPE_LONG" constant OBJECTPOINT = "CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT" constant STRINGPOINT = "CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT" constant FUNCTIONPOINT = "CURLOPTTYPE_FUNCTIONPOINT" constant OFF_T = "CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T" map m_CURLoption = map:new() function CINIT( sequence na, sequence t, atom nu ) atom value = map:get( m_CURLopttype, t, 0 ) + nu map:put( m_CURLoption, "CURLOPT_" & na, {na,t,nu} ) return value end function public constant /* This is the FILE * or void * the regular output should be written to. */ CURLOPT_WRITEDATA = CINIT("WRITEDATA", OBJECTPOINT, 1), /* The full URL to get/put */ CURLOPT_URL = CINIT("URL", STRINGPOINT, 2), /* Port number to connect to, if other than default. */ CURLOPT_PORT = CINIT("PORT", LONG, 3), /* Name of proxy to use. */ CURLOPT_PROXY = CINIT("PROXY", STRINGPOINT, 4), ...
Not sure how necessary this approach is when all I need are constant values...
6. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 04, 2016
Not sure how necessary this approach is when all I need are constant values...
I agree. I prefered to skip all unneeded code.
enum type CURLoption CURLOPT_WRITEDATA = 10001, /* This is the FILE * or void * the regular output should be written to. */ CURLOPT_URL = 10002, /* The full URL to get/put */ CURLOPT_PORT = 3, /* Port number to connect to, if other than default. */ CURLOPT_PROXY = 10004, /* Name of proxy to use. */ CURLOPT_USERPWD = 10005, /* "user:password;options" to use when fetching. */ CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD = 10006, /* "user:password" to use with proxy. */ CURLOPT_RANGE = 10007, /* Range to get, specified as an ASCII string. */ /* not used */ CURLOPT_READDATA = 10009, /* Specified file stream to upload from (use as input): */ CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER = 10010, /* Buffer to receive error messages in, must be at least CURL_ERROR_SIZE * bytes big. If this is not used, error messages go to stderr instead: */ CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION = 20011, /* Function that will be called to store the output (instead of fwrite). The * parameters will use fwrite() syntax, make sure to follow them. */ CURLOPT_READFUNCTION = 20012, /* Function that will be called to read the input (instead of fread). The * parameters will use fread() syntax, make sure to follow them. */
7. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 05, 2016
It would probably be better to wrap the shared libraries instead of calling out to an external process.
I would also recommend using libcurl instead of calling OpenSSL directly. I'm surprised we don't have a better wrapper in The Archive.
I'll see if that's something I can knock out quickly. Their page on Euphoria also needs updating since Ray Smith left our community long ago.
Maybe using an external DLL is a better way than calling an external process, but I built a libcurl wrapper from the 7.50.1 release and it runs short: it exits without any error on curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT) which has to be the first call.
8. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Aug 05, 2016
Maybe using an external DLL is a better way than calling an external process, but I built a libcurl wrapper from the 7.50.1 release and it runs short: it exits without any error on curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT) which has to be the first call.
Did you declare the external functions with a to indicate CDECL calling convention? (See define_c_func)
constant x_curl_global_init = define_c_func( libcurl, "+curl_global_init", {C_LONG}, C_INT ) public function curl_global_init( atom flags ) return c_func( x_curl_global_init, {flags} ) end function
9. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 06, 2016
Thanks a lot Greg!
No I didn't prefix function names with a plus. Now the first example works. I cant get the page content of https://example.com.
I have to transcript many more C examples before I can provide the source code. Some functions have not been ported. Only a subset of the easy branch has been ported.
10. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 07, 2016
This is much to complicated for me. I have only been able to make 2 examples work. Once callbacks are needed, I can't get examples work.
Source code is here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/libcurl_v0.0.2.zip
Forked into: libcurl - help needed
11. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 10, 2016
I tried another approach by adding missing functions to Fabio Ramirez's wrapper for Wininet.
Source code is here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/EInetLib_full.ew
I ran following code:
include win32lib.ew include EInetLib_full.ew function sslInet(sequence AServer, sequence AUrl, sequence AData, integer blnSSL) sequence aBuffer, s sequence Header sequence sMethod integer BytesRead atom pSession, pConnection, pRequest integer res sequence Result Result = "" pSession = InternetOpen({}) if pSession > 0 then if blnSSL then pConnection = InternetConnect({ {"session_id" , pSession}, {"server_name", AServer}, {"server_port", INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT}, {"user_name" , NULL}, {"password" , NULL}, {"service" , "HTTP"} }) else pConnection = InternetConnect({ {"session_id" , pSession}, {"server_name", AServer}, {"server_port", INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT}, {"user_name" , NULL}, {"password" , NULL}, {"service" , "HTTP"} }) end if if pConnection > 0 then if length(AData) then sMethod = "POST" else sMethod = "GET" end if if blnSSL then pRequest = HttpOpenRequest({ {"connection_id", pConnection}, {"method", sMethod}, {"object_name", AUrl}, {"version", NULL}, {"referrer", NULL}, {"extra_headers", NULL}, {"flags", or_bits(INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE, INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION)} }) else pRequest = HttpOpenRequest({ {"connection_id", pConnection}, {"method", sMethod}, {"object_name", AUrl}, {"version", NULL}, {"referrer", NULL}, {"extra_headers", NULL}, {"flags", INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP} }) end if if pRequest > 0 then Header = "Host: " & AServer & 10 & "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10" & 10 & "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml&xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" & 10 & "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" & 10 & "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" & 10 & "Keep-Alive: 300" & 10 & "Connection: keep-alive"& 10 & 10 res = HttpAddRequestHeaders({ {"request_id", pRequest}, {"headers", Header}, {"headers_length", length(Header)}, {"modifiers", HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD} }) if HttpSendRequest({ {"request_id", pRequest}, {"headers", NULL}, {"headers_length", 0}, {"optional" , AData}, {"optional_length", length(AData)} }) then aBuffer = "" s = InternetReadFile(pRequest, 4096) while length(s) do aBuffer &= s s = InternetReadFile(pRequest, 4096) end while end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pRequest) end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pConnection) end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pSession) else Msg(net_err_msg) end if return aBuffer end function puts(1, sslInet("geneanet.org", "https://gw.geneanet.org/connexion/", "\"_username\": \"myUsername\", \"_password\": \"myPassword\", \"_submit\": \"\"", 1))
Added functions seem to work well, but when I try to get a page with InternetReadFile or another similar function, I get an error HTTP 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port. That is supposed to happen when HttpOpenRequest is run without the INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE flag, but I use this flag so I don't understand what's happening.
12. Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL
- Posted by jmduro Aug 11, 2016
I built my own wininet wrapper. Source code is here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/WININET.e
I ran following code:
include get.e include Wininet.e sequence aBuffer, s sequence Header atom pSession, pConnection, pRequest integer res, f_out sequence Result sequence AData AData = "\"_username\": \"myUsername\", \"_password\": \"myPassword\", \"_submit\": \"\"" Result = "" f_out = open("geneanet.htm", "w") pSession = InternetOpen("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0", 0, NULL, NULL, 0) if pSession > 0 then pConnection = InternetConnect(pSession, "geneanet.org", INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0) if pConnection > 0 then pRequest = HttpOpenRequest(pConnection, "POST", "/connexion/", NULL, NULL, NULL, or_bits(INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE, INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION), 0) if pRequest > 0 then Header = "Host: geneanet.org" & 10 & "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" & 10 & "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml&xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" & 10 & "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" & 10 & "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" & 10 & "Keep-Alive: 300" & 10 & "Connection: keep-alive"& 10 & 10 res = HttpAddRequestHeaders(pRequest, Header, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) if HttpSendRequest(pRequest, NULL, AData) then aBuffer = "" s = InternetReadFile(pRequest, 4096) while length(s) do aBuffer &= s s = InternetReadFile(pRequest, 4096) end while end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pRequest) else puts(1, sys_FormatMessage(GetError()) & "\n") end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pConnection) else puts(1, sys_FormatMessage(GetError()) & "\n") end if res = InternetCloseHandle(pSession) else puts(1, sys_FormatMessage(GetError()) & "\n") end if puts(f_out, aBuffer) close(f_out) puts(1, "Press any key ...\n") res = wait_key()
Apart of authentication problems (Geneanet needs CSRF tokens), this seems to work.