1. RedyCode 0.9.1 released
- Posted by ryanj May 27, 2016
RedyCode 0.9.1 can be downloaded at http://redy-project.org/downloads.php.
- Bugfix: Improved ShellExecute wrapper and fixed crash bug
- Bugfix: open .redy files from shell was broken (you can now associate .redy project files with RedyCode.exe).
- Bugfix: disabled links to currently unused c routines
- New feature: show error msgbox if ShellExecute fails
- New feature: tooltips for tool buttons!
- New feature: popup menu for wc_canvas.e and textdoc.e!
2. Re: RedyCode 0.9.1 released
- Posted by dcuny May 28, 2016
OK, it works on my machine.
I looked through the code, and saw there was a new API to learn. So I double-clicked a word to see if I could get context-sensitive help.
Hrm... double-clicking doesn't select a word. That's not good.
I started typing to see if there was some sort of Intellisense that would give me hints of what arguments to supply routines, or what namespaces might contain.
No Intellisense. That's also not good.
I opened the Help to see if I could get an overview, and found this:
The Redy GUI relies heavily on Euphoria's cooperative multi-tasking features and "event-based programming" techniques. If you are not familiar with these concepts, it would be benificial to familiarize yourself with them.
No hints on where I could go for that information. Also not good.
Maybe there's a graphical editor for creating a GUI? Apparently not.
function widget_get_handle(object widorname) Return the handle of the window that the specificed widget is in.
Looking at the documentation, widgets have names and handles. I wonder what I might use a handle for.
Ah, well. It might be interesting to draw something on a canvas. I see there's a Canvas Widget Class. I wonder what it does...
procedure cmd_draw_foreground(atom wid, object drawcmds)
I can apparently pass it drawing commands. I have no clue what commands I could pass it. Maybe I can look in the project files?
(Opening some files, not seeing anything). I see some tabs are blue. I wonder what that means? Hovering over the tabs doesn't seem to show any hints. Maybe I can drag them? No, but double-clicking them closes them That's a non-standard behavior.
So at this stage, RedyCode looks like it's got a lot of potential. But I don't know how to discover that that potential is, and the IDE isn't capable (yet) of telling me.
I think I'll hold off and see.
Very promising, though!
3. Re: RedyCode 0.9.1 released
- Posted by ryanj May 28, 2016
Sorry dcuny, I wish all those features worked, but it takes time to develop an IDE from scratch and a widget toolkit from scratch with a one-man dev team...
Most of the groundwork has been laid at this point, so development is starting to accelerate. I am currently working on goto line, goto error, search/replace, and goto routine. Once these features work, I will actually start using RedyCode as my main IDE.
After that, I'll start working on context-sensitive help and automating code building with nice GUI tools (a visual widget editor).
As RedyCode improves, it will be more efficient to write code, and it will accelerate development of RedyLib, meaning widget features will become more and more complete, and closer to what other widget toolkits offer.
4. Re: RedyCode 0.9.1 released
- Posted by dcuny May 29, 2016
No problem, I just thought I'd mention the things that I look for.
I don't doubt that with time they'll appear.