1. Morse
- Posted by irv Sep 05, 2014
Anyone want to post a smaller, more efficient and/or more 'Euphoric' way to do this?
constant morse = {"a.-","b-...","c-.-.","d-..","e.","f..-.","g--.","h....","i..", "j.---","k.-.","l.-..","m--","n-.","o---","p.--.","q--.-","r.-.", "s...","t-","u..-","v...-","w.--","x-..-","y-.--","z--..", "1.----","2..---","3...--","4....-","5.....", "6-....","7--...","8---..","9----.","0-----", "..-.-.-","\\--..--"," "} constant EOM = ".-.-." include std/console.e -- for display include std/text.e -- for lower include std/sequence.e -- for vslice include std/search.e -- for lookup integer key = 0 object index = vslice(morse,1) object code while key != 27 do key = lower(wait_key()) if key = 27 then exit else code = lookup(key,index,morse,"?") display(code[2..$]&' ',,0) end if end while display(EOM)
2. Re: Morse
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 05, 2014
Well, it's not smaller, but it is probably more efficient and more Euphoria-like. Storing the codes in a table indexed by ASCII character should be more efficient than using vslice() and lookup(). I'm a bit rusty on my time complexity theory, but I believe it's the difference of O(1) vs O(n) or O(log n). I haven't examined the underlying code, so I don't know if lookup() uses a binary search or linear search. I would imagine it's binary, which is O(log n) complex.
-- morse.e public constant STARTING_SIGNAL = 1, END_OF_MESSAGE = 4, INVITATION_TO_TRANSMIT = 5, UNDERSTOOD = 6, ERROR = 21, WAIT = 22, END_OF_WORK = 23, $ public sequence MORSE = repeat( "", 127 ) MORSE[ERROR] = "........" MORSE[END_OF_MESSAGE] = ".-.-." MORSE[END_OF_WORK] = "...-.-" MORSE[INVITATION_TO_TRANSMIT] = "-.-" MORSE[STARTING_SIGNAL] = "-.-.-" MORSE[UNDERSTOOD] = "...-." MORSE[WAIT] = ".-..." MORSE['!'] = "-.-.--" MORSE['\"'] = ".-..-." MORSE['$'] = "...-..-" MORSE['&'] = ".-..." MORSE['\''] = ".----." MORSE['('] = "-.--." MORSE[')'] = "-.--.-" MORSE['+'] = ".-.-." MORSE[','] = "--..--" MORSE['-'] = "-....-" MORSE['.'] = ".-.-.-" MORSE['/'] = "-..-." MORSE['0'] = "-----" MORSE['1'] = ".----" MORSE['2'] = "..---" MORSE['3'] = "...--" MORSE['4'] = "....-" MORSE['5'] = "....." MORSE['6'] = "-...." MORSE['7'] = "--..." MORSE['8'] = "---.." MORSE['9'] = "----." MORSE[':'] = "---..." MORSE[';'] = "-.-.-." MORSE['='] = "-...-" MORSE['?'] = "..--.." MORSE['@'] = ".--.-." MORSE['A'] = ".-" MORSE['B'] = "-..." MORSE['C'] = "-.-." MORSE['D'] = "-.." MORSE['E'] = "." MORSE['F'] = "..-." MORSE['G'] = "--." MORSE['H'] = "...." MORSE['I'] = ".." MORSE['J'] = ".---" MORSE['K'] = "-.-" MORSE['L'] = ".-.." MORSE['M'] = "--" MORSE['N'] = "-." MORSE['O'] = "---" MORSE['P'] = ".--." MORSE['Q'] = "--.-" MORSE['R'] = ".-." MORSE['S'] = "..." MORSE['T'] = "-" MORSE['U'] = "..-" MORSE['V'] = "...-" MORSE['W'] = ".--" MORSE['X'] = "-..-" MORSE['Y'] = "-.--" MORSE['Z'] = "--.." MORSE['_'] = "..--.-" MORSE['a'] = ".-" MORSE['b'] = "-..." MORSE['c'] = "-.-." MORSE['d'] = "-.." MORSE['e'] = "." MORSE['f'] = "..-." MORSE['g'] = "--." MORSE['h'] = "...." MORSE['i'] = ".." MORSE['j'] = ".---" MORSE['k'] = "-.-" MORSE['l'] = ".-.." MORSE['m'] = "--" MORSE['n'] = "-." MORSE['o'] = "---" MORSE['p'] = ".--." MORSE['q'] = "--.-" MORSE['r'] = ".-." MORSE['s'] = "..." MORSE['t'] = "-" MORSE['u'] = "..-" MORSE['v'] = "...-" MORSE['w'] = ".--" MORSE['x'] = "-..-" MORSE['y'] = "-.--" MORSE['z'] = "--.." public function morse( object s ) -- s = string if atom( s ) then s = and_bits( s, #FF ) return MORSE[s] end if sequence m = "" -- m = message for i = 1 to length( s ) do sequence c = morse( s[i] ) -- c = code if length( c ) > 0 and length( m ) > 0 then m &= " " end if m &= c end for return m end function
-- morse.ex include std/console.e include morse.e sequence cmd = command_line() for i = 3 to length( cmd ) do sequence code = morse( cmd[i] & END_OF_MESSAGE ) printf( 1, "%s\n", {code} ) end for
> eui morse.ex "Hello, world!" .... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.-- .-.-. > eui morse.ex "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." - .... . --.- ..- .. -.-. -.- -... .-. --- .-- -. ..-. --- -..- .--- ..- -- .--. ... --- ...- . .-. - .... . .-.. .- --.. -.-- -.. --- --. .-.-.- .-.-.
3. Re: Morse
- Posted by fizzpopsoft Sep 06, 2014
AFAIK (I learnt Morse in the military) Its not case sensitive, so why not use lower() and shorten the lookup table?
BTW, we never used @ and a few others you have, but its nice to know that they are there.
Brings back 35 year old memories :)
Cheers, Alan
4. Re: Morse
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 06, 2014
AFAIK (I learnt Morse in the military) Its not case sensitive, so why not use lower() and shorten the lookup table?
You're right, it's not case-sensitive. I am sacrificing the extra few bytes of memory for the sake of speed. Passing everything through lower() takes time. Indexing everything directly is faster. If we simply "copy" the values from A-Z to a-z, it should use less memory (due to Euphoria's copy-on-write sequence management). Although if we add it all up, we're probably only saving about 400 bytes of memory.
MORSE['a'] = MORSE['A'] MORSE['b'] = MORSE['B'] MORSE['c'] = MORSE['C'] MORSE['d'] = MORSE['D'] MORSE['e'] = MORSE['E'] MORSE['f'] = MORSE['F'] MORSE['g'] = MORSE['G'] MORSE['h'] = MORSE['H'] MORSE['i'] = MORSE['I'] MORSE['j'] = MORSE['J'] MORSE['k'] = MORSE['K'] MORSE['l'] = MORSE['L'] MORSE['m'] = MORSE['M'] MORSE['n'] = MORSE['N'] MORSE['o'] = MORSE['O'] MORSE['p'] = MORSE['P'] MORSE['q'] = MORSE['Q'] MORSE['r'] = MORSE['R'] MORSE['s'] = MORSE['S'] MORSE['t'] = MORSE['T'] MORSE['u'] = MORSE['U'] MORSE['v'] = MORSE['V'] MORSE['w'] = MORSE['W'] MORSE['x'] = MORSE['X'] MORSE['y'] = MORSE['Y'] MORSE['z'] = MORSE['Z']
BTW, we never used @ and a few others you have, but its nice to know that they are there.
Brings back 35 year old memories :)
Wikipedia has a pretty comprehensive list of Letters, numbers, punctuation, prosigns and non-English variants for Morse code, which is what I used as a reference.
5. Re: Morse
- Posted by _tom (admin) Sep 07, 2014
Morse Code Conversion Utility
/* Wikipedia: "Letter frequency" "No exact letter frequency distribution underlies a given language, since all writers write slightly differently. Linotype machines assumed the letter order, from most to least common, to be etaoin shrdlu cmfwyp vbgkjq xz based on the experience and custom of manual compositors. Likewise, Modern International Morse code encodes the most frequent letters with the shortest symbols; arranging the Morse alphabet into groups of letters that require equal amounts of time to transmit, and then sorting these groups in increasing order, yields e it san hurdm wgvlfbk opjxcz yq." */ constant alpha = { 'e', 'i', 't', 's', 'a', 'n', 'h', 'u', 'r', 'd', 'm', 'w', 'g', 'v', 'l', 'f', 'b', 'k', 'o', 'p', 'j', 'x', 'c', 'z', 'y', 'q', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '.', ' ' } constant morse = { ".", "..", "-", "...", ".-", "-.", "....", "..-", ".-.", "-..", "--", ".--", "--.", "...-", ".-..", "..-.", "-...", ".-.", "---", ".--.", ".---", "-..-", "-.-.", "--..", "-.--", "--.-", ".----", "..---","...--","....-",".....", "-....","--...","---..","----.","-----", ".-.-.-", " " } /* Space between words is taken as 'seven time moments'. Not all characters have been encoded yet. */ include std/text.e procedure signal( sequence msg ) for i=1 to length(msg) do object char = msg[i] if atom(char) then char = { lower(char) } puts(1, morse[ match(char, alpha) ] & " | " ) else puts(1, alpha[ find(char, morse) ] ) end if end for puts(1, "\n\n" ) end procedure /* Assumes the argument has no typing errors. */ signal( "Hello world" ) signal( "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." ) signal( { "--", "---", ".-.", "...", ".", " ", "-.-.", "---", "-..", "." } ) /* .... | . | .-.. | .-.. | --- | | .-- | --- | .-. | .-.. | -.. | - | .... | . | | --.- | ..- | .. | -.-. | .-. | | -... | .-. | --- | .-- | -. | | ..-. | --- | -..- | | .--- | ..- | -- | .--. | ... | | --- | ...- | . | .-. | | - | .... | . | | .-.. | .- | --.. | -.-- | | -.. | --- | --. | .-.-.- | morse code */
6. Re: Morse
- Posted by petelomax Sep 08, 2014
Wikipedia has a pretty comprehensive list of Letters, numbers, punctuation, prosigns and non-English variants for Morse code, which is what I used as a reference.
I thought it might be "fun" to encode that tree picture thing, see what it turned out like.
sequence morse = repeat(0,255) morse[' '] = " " procedure ext(string root, object data) object dot, dash if sequence(data) then {data,dot,dash} = data ext(root,data) ext(root&'.',dot) ext(root&'-',dash) elsif data!=0 then morse[data] = root -- printf(1,"morse['%c']:=%s\n",{data,root}) end if end procedure ext("",{0,{'E',{'I',{'S',{'H','5','4'}, {'V',{0,{0,0,'$'},0},'3'}}, {'U','F',{0,{0,'?','_'},'2'}}}, {'A',{'R',{'L','&',{0,'"',0}}, {0,{'+',0,'.'},0}}, {'W',{'P',0,{0,'@',0}}, {'J',0,{'1','\'',0}}}}}, {'T',{'N',{'D',{'B',{'6',0,'-'},'='}, {'X','/',0}}, {'K',{'C',0,{0,';','!'}}, {'Y',{'(',0,')'},0}}}, {'M',{'G',{'Z','7',{0,0,','}}, 'Q'}, {'O',{0,{'8',':',0},0}, {0,'9','0'}}}}})
Amazingly it works. (Obviously I use Phix so you might need to change that {data,dot,dash} = data to dash = data[3] dot = data[2] data = data[1], not tested on OpenEu.)
I think the word you're looking for is "ugly".
7. Re: Morse
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 09, 2014
(Obviously I use Phix so you might need to change that {data,dot,dash} = data to dash = data[3] dot = data[2] data = data[1], not tested on OpenEu.)
Tested and works. Although your multiple assignment statement may not even be necessary. I just passed the values directly to ext().
if sequence( data ) then -- {data,dot,dash} = data -- ext( root, data ) -- ext( root & '.', dot ) -- ext( root & '-', dash ) ext( root, data[1] ) ext( root & '.', data[2] ) ext( root & '-', data[3] ) elsif data != 0 then morse[data] = root printf(1,"morse['%s']:=%s\n",{data,root}) end if
I think the word you're looking for is "ugly".
Indeed. Efficiency isn't always pretty.