1. load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by gimlet May 08, 2014
Unfortunately this is a long post because I feel it is necessary to provide background as the code is quite obscure.
I have been reluctant to post because I could be seen as 'picking-on' Euphoria and posting the negative. However nothing is improved unless it is questioned.
So to begin
If you read the notes you may understand what the procedure is intended to do. But a precis:
Blank lines and comments are ignored. A key-value line is <key> = <value> where <key> and <value> are Eu objects. A line may be laid out over several lines if each line except the last ends with a continuation character ( `,${` ). Lines are evaluated applying get:value() to the key and value and placed into a map.
load_map is a potentially valuable procedure. It is a pity it is all but unusable.
load_map and save_map have been mentioned several times as having problems but the code has not been corrected (a major task?) or removed.
-- -- Example 1: -- <eucode--** -- Loads a map from a file -- -- Parameters: -- # ##file_name_p## : The file to load from. This file may have been created -- by the [[:save_map]] function. This can either be a -- name of a file or an already opened file handle. -- -- Returns: -- Either a **map**, with all the entries found in ##file_name_p##, or **-1** -- if the file failed to open, or **-2** if the file is incorrectly formatted. -- -- Comments: -- If ##file_name_p## is an already opened file handle, this routine will write -- to that file and not close it. Otherwise, the named file will be created and -- closed by this routine. -- -- The input file can be either one created by the [[:save_map]] function or -- a manually created/edited text file. See [[:save_map]] for details about -- the required layout of the text file. And relevant details from save_map --** -- Saves a map to a file. -- -- Parameters: -- # ##m## : a map. -- # ##file_name_p## : Either a sequence, the name of the file to save to, -- or an open file handle as returned by [[:open]](). -- # ##type## : an integer. SM_TEXT for a human-readable format (default), -- SM_RAW for a smaller and faster format, but not human-readable. -- -- Returns: -- An **integer**, the number of keys saved to the file, or -1 if the -- save failed. -- -- Comments: -- If ##file_name_p## is an already opened file handle, this routine will write -- to that file and not close it. Otherwise, the named file will be created and -- closed by this routine. -- -- The SM_TEXT type saves the map keys and values in a text format which can -- be read and edited by standard text editor. Each entry in the map is saved as -- a KEY/VALUE pair in the form \\ -- {{{ -- key = value -- }}} -- Note that if the 'key' value is a normal string value, it can be enclosed in -- double quotes. If it is not thus quoted, the first character of the key -- determines its Euphoria value type. A dash or digit implies an atom, an left-brace -- implies a sequence, an alphabetic character implies a text string that extends to the -- next equal '=' symbol, and anything else is ignored. -- -- Note that if a line contains a double-dash, then all text from the double-dash -- to the end of the line will be ignored. This is so you can optionally add -- comments to the saved map. Also, any blank lines are ignored too. -- -- All text after the '=' symbol is assumed to be the map item's value data. -- -- Because some map data can be rather long, it is possible to split the text into -- multiple lines, which will be considered by [[:load_map]] as a single //logical// -- line. If an line ends with a comma (,) or a dollar sign ($), then the next actual -- line is appended to the end of it. After all these physical lines have been -- joined into one logical line, all combinations of `",$"` and `,$` are removed. -- -- For example: -- {{{ -- one = {"first", -- "second", -- "third", -- $ -- } -- second = "A long text ",$ -- "line that has been",$ -- " split into three lines" -- third = {"first", -- "second", -- "third"} -- }}} -- is equivalent to -- {{{ -- one = {"first","second","third"} -- second = "A long text line that has been split into three lines" -- third = {"first","second","third"} -- }}} -- -- -- Example 1: -- <eucode> -- include std/error.e -- -- map AppOptions -- if save_map(AppOptions, "c:\myapp\options.txt") = -1 -- crash("Failed to save application options") -- end if -- -- if save_map(AppOptions, "c:\myapp\options.dat", SM_RAW) = -1 -- crash("Failed to save application options") -- end if -- </eucode> -- -- See Also: -- [[:load_map]] --
lines 1579 to 1636
while sequence(logical_line) with entry do delim_pos = find('=', logical_line) if delim_pos > 0 then data_key = text:trim(logical_line[1..delim_pos-1]) if length(data_key) > 0 then = data_key = search:match_replace("\\-", data_key, "-") if not t_alpha(data_key[1]) then conv_res = stdget:value(data_key,,stdget:GET_LONG_ANSWER) if conv_res[1] = stdget:GET_SUCCESS then if conv_res[3] = length(data_key) then data_key = conv_res[2] end if end if end if data_value = text:trim(logical_line[delim_pos+1..$]) data_value = search:match_replace("\\-", data_value, "-") conv_res = stdget:value(data_value,,stdget:GET_LONG_ANSWER) if conv_res[1] = stdget:GET_SUCCESS then if conv_res[3] = length(data_value) then data_value = conv_res[2] end if end if put(new_map, data_key, data_value) end if end if entry logical_line = -1 while sequence(line_in) with entry do if atom(logical_line) then logical_line = "" end if has_comment = search:rmatch("--", line_in) if has_comment != 0 then line_in = text:trim(line_in[1..has_comment-1]) else line_in = text:trim(line_in) end if logical_line &= line_in if length(line_in) then if not find(line_in[$], line_conts) then logical_line = search:match_replace(`",$"`, logical_line, "") logical_line = search:match_replace(`,$`, logical_line, "") exit end if end if entry line_in = gets(file_handle) end while end while
Part 1: the structure
start with the basic structure: using shorter names
object ll, line while sequence(ll) with entry do ... entry ll = -1 -- not needed while sequence(line) with entry do if not sequence(ll) then ll = "" end if -- consequence of ll = -1 ... if length(line) then -- ignoring blank lines?? if line[$] not in conts then -- clean ll exit -- exit condition should be end if -- length(ll) and not ll[$] in conts end if entry line = gets(fh) end while end while -- but this is unsatisfactory because if ll is not "" -- and line = -1 then the loop exits with an -- incomplete ll is fed into the main loop.
What is, should be, happening in the inner loop - the inner loop is combining getting ll with completing ll. Hence the mess.
ll line action correct action ----------------------------------------------------- "" -1 exit inner exit outer -- unnecessary cont -1 exit inner error -- ll is incomplete "" "" loop loop inner cont "" loop error -- comments should be separate "" line assign exit inner assign exit inner cont line append exit inner append exit inner "" cont assign assign cont cont append append Note: it is much simpler to get ll before considering continuations
-- rewrite the inner loop while TRUE label "MAIN" do object ll, loop do ll = getline(fh) -- ** we are not defining getline here (see Part 2) if not sequence(ll) then exit "MAIN" end if until length(ll) != 0 end loop while find(ll[$], line_conts) do object ln = getline(fh) if not sequence(ln) then goto "ERROR" end if if not length(ln) then goto "ERROR" end if end while -- clean ll -- process ll end while
I have not included functions for getline() and clean() as they are not particularly relevant.
Part 2 errors
1 examples which ignore quotes and other structures
has_comment = search:rmatch("--", ln) -- note search from the right if has_comment != 0 then ln = text:trim(ln[1..has_comment-1]) else ln = text:trim(ln) end if ll = search:match_replace(`",$"`, ll, "") -- assumes these sequences ll = search:match_replace(`,$`, ll, "") -- will not contain spaces delim_pos = find('=', ll)
2 ignoring the possible error
Where is else clause?
This silent passing over of errors is totally anti-user
if delim_pos > 0 then ... end if if length(data_key) > 0 then ... end if if conv_res[1] = stdget:GET_SUCCESS then ... end if
If one record is misread then
3 assuming data entry is correct
Assuming the line ends when there are no more continuations. Or that the line doesn't end until there are no more continuations.
are unjustified assumptions.
Lines contain sequences among other things and sequences can nest and one can have a sequence as a key or a value. One can easily miss a comma at line-end or before a comment.
Safe is to assume that blank lines and comments come between data blocks and report errors.
Why does he ignore the possibility of special characters `=,${` appearing in quotes? Why allow unquoted text?
Because this way there are no errors?
4 the true test of fidelity
If the text read in produces the same number of key-value pairs as are defined and when read out the resultant text defines the same key-value pairs as in the original then you have a successful read (of one text).
5 Conclusion
It seems to me the writer of this procedure was more taken with the cleverness of nested while with entry loop than with any integrity the program might have.
2. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 08, 2014
Unfortunately this is a long post because I feel it is necessary to provide background as the code is quite obscure.
However nothing is improved unless it is questioned.
I have been reluctant to post because I could be seen as 'picking-on' Euphoria and posting the negative.
You say that, but you also say this.
5 Conclusion
It seems to me the writer of this procedure was more taken with the cleverness of nested while with entry loop than with any integrity the program might have.
The latter is more 'picking-on' than any direct criticism of code could be.
A key-value line is <key> = <value> where <key> and <value> are Eu objects.
Lines are evaluated applying get:value() to the key and value and placed into a map.
They can also be unquoted text, which are turned into strings in Eu.
load_map is a potentially valuable procedure. It is a pity it is all but unusable.
It's designed to work with the output of save_map() and only that. Are you aware of any cases where save_map() will create a file that load_map() can't load? If not, then you are just plain wrong here.
Of course, perhaps there are enhancements to load_map() to make it more usuable when dealing with hand-cranked map files. I won't disagree there, I'll only point out that this wasn't the original purpose of load_map() but a concept that was added later.
load_map and save_map have been mentioned several times as having problems but the code has not been corrected (a major task?)
References to that would help. I admit that I generally don't follow stuff about maps in general, hence my lack of familiarity with these in particular.
or removed.
They work, so why would they be removed? This just seems silly.
start with the basic structure: using shorter names
I disagree in general - we want the names to be as readable as possible. ll is really bad in that regard, though changing line_in to line is probably ok.
ll = -1 -- not needed while sequence(line) with entry do if not sequence(ll) then ll = "" end if -- consequence of ll = -1
Conceded. We can probably do this instead:
object ll = "", ... ... while sequence(line) with entry do
though perhaps with at least some of the original variable names, instead of shorthand ones.
if length(line) then -- ignoring blank lines??
Yep. That's in spec. As you said,
Blank lines and comments are ignored.
Perhaps the documentation could be clearer about that.
if line[$] not in conts then -- clean ll exit -- exit condition should be end if -- length(ll) and not ll[$] in conts
I disagree. If that were the case, wouldn't the function exit as soon as it read the first line in, regardless of line continuation? It'd break the line continuation functionality.
-- but this is unsatisfactory because if ll is not "" -- and line = -1 then the loop exits with an -- incomplete ll is fed into the main loop.
I think we can live with that. We've hit the end of the file in that case, so it is guaranteed that there's no more line input to add to the logical line. We don't have the ability to make the logical line any more complete in that case.
What is, should be, happening in the inner loop - the inner loop is combining getting ll with completing ll. Hence the mess.
Note: it is much simpler to get ll before considering continuations
How do you get the logical line without completing it??? The logical line is the line that has all line continuations combined (so the multiple physical lines have already been merged into a single logical line).
ll line action correct action ----------------------------------------------------- "" -1 exit inner exit outer -- unnecessary
You're the one saying that the correct action is unnecessary here... I agree with that.
cont -1 exit inner error -- ll is incomplete
Like I said, I don't believe that this means the logical line is incomplete. There's no more physical lines left to complete it.
cont "" loop error -- comments should be separate
This case is either a blank line, or a comment. We just strip off comments (as we should be doing), so I'm not convinced that this is an error.
Also, for a logical line, we might have comments dispersed throughout the many physical lines. We don't want to drop the rest of the logical line the moment we see the first comment.
-- rewrite the inner loop while TRUE label "MAIN" do object ll, loop do ll = getline(fh) -- ** we are not defining getline here (see Part 2) if not sequence(ll) then exit "MAIN" end if until length(ll) != 0 end loop while find(ll[$], line_conts) do object ln = getline(fh) if not sequence(ln) then goto "ERROR" end if if not length(ln) then goto "ERROR" end if end while -- clean ll -- process ll end while
I have not included functions for getline() and clean() as they are not particularly relevant.
getline() must be handling the comments and line continuation. I think that's relevant. The entire algorithm as a whole can't be judged until it is completely revealed.
has_comment = search:rmatch("--", ln) -- note search from the right if has_comment != 0 then ln = text:trim(ln[1..has_comment-1]) else ln = text:trim(ln) end if
Conceeded. We should be looking for the first --, not the last. A comment can have multiple of -- in it.
[quote gimlet]
ll = search:match_replace(`",$"`, ll, "") -- assumes these sequences ll = search:match_replace(`,$`, ll, "") -- will not contain spaces delim_pos = find('=', ll)
Why does it matter if they have spaces or not? We just want to strip out the line continuation characters from the logical line. Then the delim_pos is looking for the equal sign - not a space.
Maybe we have a problem here of not signalling an error if a line continuation character is in the middle or beginning of a line, instead of at the end.
2 ignoring the possible error
Where is else clause?
This silent passing over of errors is totally anti-user
if delim_pos > 0 then ... end if if length(data_key) > 0 then ... end if
Conceded. Of course, I'd prefer a load_map() that had the option of going on and processing as many lines as it could, but some sort of error mechanism to warn the user about any invalid lines found makes sense too.
if conv_res[1] = stdget:GET_SUCCESS then ... end if
I think this last one is not an error - it's just that for strings, the quotes are optional.
If one record is misread then
The code skips it and goes to the next line. Basically, it conceptually filters out bad records. I can live with that.
Assuming the line ends when there are no more continuations. Or that the line doesn't end until there are no more continuations.
are unjustified assumptions.
I disagree. By definition, a logical line is a physical line unless that physical line has a line continuation - in which case it is the combination of all physical lines until the line continuation stops. You say so yourself, in fact:
A line may be laid out over several lines if each line except the last ends with a continuation character ( `,${` ).
Now, should having a line continuation at the end of a file be an error? I think not, for the same reason we decided to allow a list of constants to end with a comma - it's much easier to add a line to the bottom of the list in the future, lowers teh chance of svn/hg conflicts, etc.
Lines contain sequences among other things and sequences can nest and one can have a sequence as a key or a value.
But these should all be on one logical line.
One can easily miss a comma at line-end or before a comment.
Conceded. value()/get() reports this error to us, but we just ignore the entire record in that case.
Why does he ignore the possibility of special characters `=,${` appearing in quotes?
Conceded. That seems like a bug.
Why allow unquoted text?
Because this way there are no errors?
Also because it's easier to turn a keyvalue text file into a map this way?
4 the true test of fidelity
If the text read in produces the same number of key-value pairs as are defined and when read out the resultant text defines the same key-value pairs as in the original then you have a successful read (of one text).
I agree, but I guess the issue is what should load_map() do on error? Should it abort the program, return failure and no valid data, or keep going and get as much valid data as possible? Of course it should report errors (which it sadly does not), but I think it should also try to handle erors gracefully.
3. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) May 08, 2014
5 Conclusion
It seems to me the writer of this procedure was more taken with the cleverness of nested while with entry loop than with any integrity the program might have.
The latter is more 'picking-on' than any direct criticism of code could be.
I think it's a valid point. I know I've noticed times when I've thought some language feature / routine would be cool to use somewhere, but eventually realized that an apparently less elegant or clever way was actually better. I'm sure there are places where I haven't noticed that in my own code.
I don't think I wrote the load_map() stuff, and I haven't spent the time or energy to see if I agree with gimlet, but I think it's a legitimate way to criticize something.
4. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 08, 2014
5 Conclusion
It seems to me the writer of this procedure was more taken with the cleverness of nested while with entry loop than with any integrity the program might have.
The latter is more 'picking-on' than any direct criticism of code could be.
I think it's a legitimate way to criticize something.
I think it's a valid point. I know I've noticed times when I've thought some language feature / routine would be cool to use somewhere, but eventually realized that an apparently less elegant or clever way was actually better. I'm sure there are places where I haven't noticed that in my own code.
I'd agree in general, but in this specific case that conclusion is actually unwarranted. None of the points brought up by gimlet have anything to do with the use of 'entry'.
I don't think I wrote the load_map() stuff, and I haven't spent the time or energy to see if I agree with gimlet, but
IIRC it was Derek.
5. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by gimlet May 08, 2014
The latter is more 'picking-on' than any direct criticism of code could be.
I thought it was fair comment considering the quality of code.
A key-value line is <key> = <value> where <key> and <value> are Eu objects. Lines are evaluated applying get:value() to the key and value and placed into a map.
They can also be unquoted text, which are turned into strings in Eu.
Missing a point:
Quoted text has a beginning and an end, unquoted text could contain `" = ' { }`. That is good reason to flag this as an error.
The point for insisting on quoted text is there in the specification - 'the key is everything up to the `=`' and that is exactly what the procedure does. It respects nothing not quotes, not { }.
If you insist on quotes at least a scanner can check that `=` is within quotes and therefore is part of the key.
And finally if this was the product of save_map it would appear as a sequence or a quoted string.
They work, so why would they be removed? This just seems silly.
As load_map doesn't work...
if line[$] not in conts then -- clean ll exit -- exit condition should be end if -- (length(ll) and not ll[$] in conts) -- parentheses added for clarity.
I disagree. If that were the case, wouldn't the function exit as soon as it read the first line in, regardless of line continuation? It'd break the line continuation functionality.
No the condition is double: ll has length and does not require a continuation.
As the line is appended to ll the reference to line[$] in the program is unnecessary. It also shows there is a problem with blank lines. A blank line is not a continuation line - the author ignores them. Should he? Looks like an error to me.
How do you get the logical line without completing it??? The logical line is the line that has all line continuations combined (so the multiple physical lines have already been merged into a single logical line).
Step 1 You read lines until you get one which is not empty. Step 2 If the line is not complete (ie has continuations) read lines until the line is complete.But these should all be on one logical line.
Right: they should be if the lines are written correctly.
Verification implies that getline() should do something like this
Read the line a character at a time. on ' read a character and ' on " read a string and " on { increment seq on } decrement seq on -- ignore the rest of the line on `-#0-9` read a number on = and seq = 0 and equ = 0 then you have the key set equ to 1 else you have an error on `, $` or whitespace continue else you have something which should not appear in the line as you build the line each line is submitted to getline() until you have a complete key and a complete value. This point should coincide with then end of ll One complication is this `"` at the end if the line can be followed by `,` `,$` , `,{` , `}` or nothing. Same with `'`. There may be spaces between.However it can be done.
4 the true test of fidelity If the text read in produces the same number of key-value pairs as are defined and when read out the resultant text defines the same key-value pairs as in the original then you have a successful read (of one text). I agree, but I guess the issue is what should load_map() do on error? Should it abort the program, return failure and no valid data, or keep going and get as much valid data as possible? Of course it should report errors (which it sadly does not), but I think it should also try to handle erors gracefully.I'm glad you agree on this.
What the procedure can best do is probably report an error and stop if it is a problem reading lines. If it is an error processing the line report an error and continue.
There is a connection between using while with entry and the structural problems of the code. I didn't spell it out because post was long enough already. I will do that another time.
It is a matter of how while with entry affects you thinking rather than any logical error in its formulation.
6. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 08, 2014
A key-value line is <key> = <value> where <key> and <value> are Eu objects. Lines are evaluated applying get:value() to the key and value and placed into a map.
They can also be unquoted text, which are turned into strings in Eu.
Missing a point:
Quoted text has a beginning and an end, unquoted text could contain `" = ' { }`. That is good reason to flag this as an error.
Hmm. This is a good point. On the other hand, we could get away with stating that "The following characters ... are illegal in unquoted text, if you want to use them you must use quoted text."
The point for insisting on quoted text is there in the specification - 'the key is everything up to the `=`' and that is exactly what the procedure does. It respects nothing not quotes, not { }.
Looks like you are right. That's actually pretty bad.
If you insist on quotes at least a scanner can check that `=` is within quotes and therefore is part of the key.
And finally if this was the product of save_map it would appear as a sequence or a quoted string.
Or a binary serialized map, yeah.
if line[$] not in conts then -- clean ll exit -- exit condition should be end if -- (length(ll) and not ll[$] in conts) -- parentheses added for clarity.
I disagree. If that were the case, wouldn't the function exit as soon as it read the first line in, regardless of line continuation? It'd break the line continuation functionality.
No the condition is double: ll has length and does not require a continuation.
As the line is appended to ll the reference to line[$] in the program is unnecessary.
Ok, I get it now! I think this is unimportant, either condition will exit correctly.
It also shows there is a problem with blank lines. A blank line is not a continuation line - the author ignores them. Should he? Looks like an error to me.
On the flip side, a blank line can not be a valid record. So the only time this could be a problem is when a line continuation is followed by one or more blank lines and then another record.
Step 1 You read lines until you get one which is not empty.
Isn't this the same as ignoring blank lines?
But these should all be on one logical line.
Right: they should be if the lines are written correctly.
Verification implies that getline() should do something like this
Read the line a character at a time. on ' read a character and ' on " read a string and " on { increment seq on } decrement seq on -- ignore the rest of the line on `-#0-9` read a number on = and seq = 0 and equ = 0 then you have the key set equ to 1 else you have an error on `, $` or whitespace continue else you have something which should not appear in the line as you build the line each line is submitted to getline() until you have a complete key and a complete value. This point should coincide with then end of ll One complication is this `"` at the end if the line can be followed by `,` `,$` , `,{` , `}` or nothing. Same with `'`. There may be spaces between.However it can be done.
Ok. This algorithm works as long as line continuations do not occur in the middle of a sequence or quoted string, etc. But I'm not sure if that's currently legal anyways.
Why not finish your algorithm and submit a patch? You already seem to know exactly how and where load_map() is broken, and how to fix it. You've already done most of the hard work - but without a patch, someone else would have to redo a lot of that work that you have already done.
4 the true test of fidelity If the text read in produces the same number of key-value pairs as are defined and when read out the resultant text defines the same key-value pairs as in the original then you have a successful read (of one text). I agree, but I guess the issue is what should load_map() do on error? Should it abort the program, return failure and no valid data, or keep going and get as much valid data as possible? Of course it should report errors (which it sadly does not), but I think it should also try to handle erors gracefully.I'm glad you agree on this.
What the procedure can best do is probably report an error and stop if it is a problem reading lines.
You mean when we've hit -1 EOF ? I concur, but it should return all the valid data accumulated thus far as well.
If it is an error processing the line report an error and continue.
There is a connection between using while with entry and the structural problems of the code. I didn't spell it out because post was long enough already. I will do that another time.
It is a matter of how while with entry affects you thinking rather than any logical error in its formulation.
Now you are trying to speak about psychology here.... It's reasonable to state that use of a certain programming language construct affects a person's way or form of thinking, but it's still a huge leap to make.
Until you produce such a post, I'll continue to maintain that no demonstrated connection exists.
They work, so why would they be removed? This just seems silly.
As load_map doesn't work...
I think you've demonstrated that there are cases where load_map() can fail to load a map made by save_map() (if it's stored in keyvalue pairs and one of the strings includes an equal sign, for example). I'd agree that load_map() is broken.
I don't think this means load_map() should be removed entirely, however. The binary serialization format still works, and even a save_map() generated keyvalue text file will work with load_map() with one simple change to save_map() (to tell save_map() to store strings containing an equal sign, or the double quote character, etc., as sequences instead of as quoted strings).
It's like load_map() works 70% of the time, which is "good enough". There is definitely room for improvement, however.
7. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) May 08, 2014
They work, so why would they be removed? This just seems silly.
As load_map doesn't work...
I'm having trouble getting into this and figuring out what does or doesn't work. Could you show a failing test? Ideally in a ticket, but even a forum post would be great.
There is a connection between using while with entry and the structural problems of the code. I didn't spell it out because post was long enough already. I will do that another time.
It is a matter of how while with entry affects you thinking rather than any logical error in its formulation.
Again, a concrete example of a failing test would be light years beyond a lengthy description.
8. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by gimlet May 08, 2014
":=" = "assignment" "==" = "comparison" ",$" = "placeholder" ", $" = "erroneous - no spaces" "--" = "comment ---- to end of line"Perhaps these will suffice.
9. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) May 08, 2014
- Last edited May 09, 2014
10. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 09, 2014
OMG ...
Thank you for that. That was the funniest thing I read all day.
(... I don't actually remember writing that code...
I'm probably misremembering.
though I'm pretty sure I wrote the original version...)
This is what threw me off.
11. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) May 09, 2014
":=" = "assignment" "==" = "comparison" ",$" = "placeholder" ", $" = "erroneous - no spaces" "--" = "comment ---- to end of line"Perhaps these will suffice.
Thanks, I think that's helpful. I copied that into a file (gimlet.map), and ran the following:
include std/map.e include std/console.e procedure print_map( sequence file ) printf(1, "\nmap loaded from %s\n", { file } ) map gimlet = load_map( file ) sequence keys = map:keys( gimlet ) for i = 1 to length( keys ) do printf(1, "key[%s] value[%s]\n", { keys[i], map:get( gimlet, keys[i] ) } ) end for end procedure map foo = map:new() map:put( foo, `:=`, `==` ) map:put( foo, `==`, `comparison` ) map:put( foo, `,$`, `placeholder` ) map:put( foo, `, $`, `erroneous - no spaces` ) map:put( foo, `--`, `comment ---- to end of line` ) map:save_map( foo, "foo.map" ) print_map( "gimlet.map" ) print_map( "foo.map" )
Here was the output:
$ eui gimlet.ex map loaded from gimlet.map key[--] value["comment --] key[, $] value[erroneous - no spaces] key[":] value[" = "assignment"] key["] value[=" = "comparison"] map loaded from foo.map key[--] value[comment ---- to end of line] key[, $] value[erroneous - no spaces] key[":] value[" = "=="] key["] value[=" = "comparison"]
Also, foo.map contained:
"\-\-" = "comment \-\-\-\- to end of line" "==" = "comparison" ":=" = "==" ",$" = "placeholder" ", $" = "erroneous \- no spaces"
Note that foo.map was created by save_map(). And load_map() returned something very different from what it should have been.
12. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) May 09, 2014
Note that foo.map was created by save_map(). And load_map() returned something very different from what it should have been.
Oh I definite agree that gimlet found some bugs in load_map(). I'm actually, right this very moment, recoding the function.
13. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 09, 2014
Note that foo.map was created by save_map(). And load_map() returned something very different from what it should have been.
Oh I definite agree that gimlet found some bugs in load_map(). I'm actually, right this very moment, recoding the function.
Are you going to fix this in 4.1.0 only, or will we need to make a 4.0.7 release ?
14. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) May 09, 2014
Are you going to fix this in 4.1.0 only, or will we need to make a 4.0.7 release ?
It only fails on some pretty specific (and rare?) circumstances so I'd wait until whatever is the next release.
I've got stage one working - it tokenizes the text key-value file correctly now. However, it's almost 1:00AM here now so I'll continue after some sleep.
15. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by SDPringle May 10, 2014
I have created a ticket for this : http://openeuphoria.org/ticket/893.wc
16. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by SDPringle May 10, 2014
I have added a test for it but I am unable to update the ticket.
17. Re: load_map in map.e - unstructured programming example.
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) May 10, 2014
I have added a test for it but I am unable to update the ticket.
Thanks for doing the ticket. I've updated the test case for it now.