1. followup on hangman
- Posted by kobi Apr 25, 2012
Hi everyone, thank you for the great suggestions!
you can find a new version here:
It now has the option to pick from a long words list,
so now it's even fun to play
see you, kobi
2. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by ne1uno Apr 25, 2012
you can find a new version here:
It now has the option to pick from a long words list,
so now it's even fun to play
hi, nice work! if anyone is frustrated playing the game, I posted a hangman helper on pasty. http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/119.wc
3. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by irv Apr 30, 2012
For a different take on this game, I decided to write it with a GUI. I used a somewhat different method of keeping track of things... Results, which I think are pretty good, and actually entertaining to play, can be found here:
4. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 Apr 30, 2012
For a different take on this game, I decided to write it with a GUI. I used a somewhat different method of keeping track of things... Results, which I think are pretty good, and actually entertaining to play, can be found here:
Here is a Windows Version of your Code. Not as nice as your GTK Version but working.
It should work with the last (silent) update with tinEWG(#070) available (since 24.04.12) here: http://euphoria.indonesianet.de/source.zip
It does not work with the Version in the setup.exe
BTW I really like the GTK Version in both cases, look and feel, and coding....
5. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by irv May 03, 2012
Here is a Windows Version of your Code. Not as nice as your GTK Version but working.
It should work with the last (silent) update with tinEWG(#070) available (since 24.04.12) here: http://euphoria.indonesianet.de/source.zip
It does not work with the Version in the setup.exe
BTW I really like the GTK Version in both cases, look and feel, and coding....
Interesting! There's not a HUGE difference, it might be something that could be handled by creating 'aliases' in EuGTK to allow using the Windows version of the controls. Or perhaps handled by a pre-processor?
"write once, run anywhere?"
6. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 May 03, 2012
Interesting! There's not a HUGE difference, it might be something that could be handled by creating 'aliases' in EuGTK to allow using the Windows version of the controls. Or perhaps handled by a pre-processor?
"write once, run anywhere?"
What about the following idea
Defining a set of (very Basic) Euphoria GUI Functions/Procedures
like creating a std/EuGui.e
with empty functions like
function makeawindow() end fucntion function makeabutton() end function function winmain() end function
The developers off the different wrappers/librarys can then fill them with life. Mean map there funtions to the EuGui funtions. And can offer there EuGui.e
So you can write Euphoria GUI Code that works on every lib/system. I do not talk about complex programs just a basic set of functions. This can make life easier, not only for beginners.
I know it will be hard to define this 'basic set' functions, but i think this will be really helpfull and something you do not find everywhere.
Just an idea Andreas
7. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by irv May 07, 2012
It would be nice if you could just replace the single 'include' with either GtkEngine or EuWin, depending upon platform, and have the rest work automatically. Although, in reality, I suppose the GtkRoutines would have to be replaced, not the Engine itself, because that's where the actual calls to dll(s) occur.
8. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 May 15, 2012
It would be nice if you could just replace the single 'include' with either GtkEngine or EuWin, depending upon platform, and have the rest work automatically. Although, in reality, I suppose the GtkRoutines would have to be replaced, not the Engine itself, because that's where the actual calls to dll(s) occur.
If think having a standard layer between the different engines would be real benefit. But i know this will be too much work.
Just for the fun
this is your hangman (okay, my Windowversion of it) running on ReactOS 0.3.14
Works unmodified with Eu 4.0.4
9. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 May 24, 2012
It seems I'am little addicted to hangman ;). Here is a Screenshot of hangman.ex (and some other EuGtk programs) on Win32 (WinXP SP3). http://euphoria.indonesianet.de/gtk3_w32.jpg
Is there any interrest in a Win32 Version of EuGtk?
10. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by irv May 29, 2012
Is there any interrest in a Win32 Version of EuGtk?
Certainly! Did you find a pre-compiled GTK3.dll, or have to compile it yourself?
And how many changes were necessary to the EuGTK source to make it work?
11. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 May 29, 2012
Certainly! Did you find a pre-compiled GTK3.dll, or have to compile it yourself?
And how many changes were necessary to the EuGTK source to make it work?
Hallo, i found a pre-compiled setup here on this Webpage http://opensourcepack.blogspot.de/p/pygobject-pygi-aio.html It's Version 3.3.6
I also found pre-compiled binaries on the OpenSuse Server. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/windows:/mingw:/win32/SLE_11_SP1/noarch/
I didn't have to change much to make things working this far (but I do not really know GTK) so it's more a 'hack' than programming ;) Don't expect too much.
I have uploaded the changed files to here http://euphoria.indonesianet.de/eugtk_w32.zip
You should set GTK_PATH to the bin directory (where all the .dll's are)
12. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by irv Jun 05, 2012
Hey, that works well, with the exception of a couple of things. One seems related to file paths (or canonical_path) of images. Shouldn't be too hard to track down, I think. Perhaps it is only a problem on Windows 7.
13. Re: followup on hangman
- Posted by andi49 Jun 06, 2012
Hey, that works well, with the exception of a couple of things. One seems related to file paths (or canonical_path) of images. Shouldn't be too hard to track down, I think. Perhaps it is only a problem on Windows 7.
You mean like in worldflags.ex?
object flaglist = dir(canonical_path("~/demos/flags/flags-*.png"))
At least on WinXP canonical_path works like expected. You got to move everything in your 'drive:\Documents and Settings\user' Folder.
From the manual:
"If path_in begins with a tilde '~' then that is replaced by the contents of $HOME in unix platforms and %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% in Windows."
I can't test it on Win7. But i will give it a try on Win8 (if GTK works there).