Re: followup on hangman

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Interesting! There's not a HUGE difference, it might be something that could be handled by creating 'aliases' in EuGTK to allow using the Windows version of the controls. Or perhaps handled by a pre-processor?

"write once, run anywhere?"



What about the following idea

Defining a set of (very Basic) Euphoria GUI Functions/Procedures

like creating a std/EuGui.e

with empty functions like

function makeawindow() 
end fucntion 
function makeabutton() 
end function 
function winmain() 
end function 

The developers off the different wrappers/librarys can then fill them with life. Mean map there funtions to the EuGui funtions. And can offer there EuGui.e

So you can write Euphoria GUI Code that works on every lib/system. I do not talk about complex programs just a basic set of functions. This can make life easier, not only for beginners.

I know it will be hard to define this 'basic set' functions, but i think this will be really helpfull and something you do not find everywhere.

Just an idea Andreas

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