1. C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 29, 2010
Now that 4.0 is out, it's time to start thinking about...4.1! In fact, there is a wiki page with a high level overview of what's being planned:
One of the items on that list is for support for dealing with C-style structures in memory (not to be confused with data structures of native euphoria objects). Anyone who has dealt with an external API has probably needed to deal with these, managing offsets and data formats, peeking and poking...The goal is to make all of this easier for the euphoria programmer.
I've started playing around with some ideas, and put the code up into a mercurial repository here:
(You can also get it zipped: http://scm.openeuphoria.org/hg/mem_struct/archive/tip.zip )
That code has a couple of preprocessors for declaring and using structures, as well as a support library that implements the structures. This is really just something for testing the syntax, etc. A final implementation would probably be built into euphoria. There's a README with some documentation explaining some of the ideas more fully than this post, along with some examples.
In any case, it allows the coder to build structures, such as:
mem_struct numbers integer(8) byte integer(16) word integer(32) dword integer(64) longlong atom(32) float atom(64) double end mem_struct mem_union int_or_float integer(32) int atom(32) float end mem_union mem_struct wc_str pointer( integer( 16, array, null_terminated ) ) wchars end mem_struct
...and then to be used like:
atom example = allocate( sizeof("basic:numbers") ) example.basic:numbers.byte = 1 example.basic:numbers.word = 2 example.basic:numbers.dword = 3 example.basic:numbers.longlong = 4 example.basic:numbers.float = 5.5 example.basic:numbers.double = 6.6 printf( 1, "byte: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.byte ) printf( 1, "word: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.word ) printf( 1, "dword: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.dword ) printf( 1, "longlong: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.longlong ) printf( 1, "float: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.float ) printf( 1, "double: %g\n", example.basic:numbers.double )
The namespacing used here is a bit of a hack to make the preprocessors easier to build (please don't get hung up on that aspect).
I'd like to get some discussion going about this topic (but please feel free to ask questions or make other suggestions about other 4.1 topics).
Forked into: EUPHORIA struct support
2. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Dec 29, 2010
Should make accessing dlls and so on easier.
Will there be nesting (structures within structures)?
Will there be pointers within structures?
Will there be access to dlls built with C compilers?
3. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 29, 2010
Will there be nesting (structures within structures)?
Yes. There are preprocessor/proof of concept examples that do this. I've also got some examples of using unions.
Will there be pointers within structures?
Will there be access to dlls built with C compilers?
I'm not sure what you mean by this. This won't affect the direct interface between euphoria code and DLLs. It should make it easier to communicate with those DLLs that use memory structures. Basically, you'll use the same pointer you would now, except that instead of using peek() and poke(), you can use a more descriptive syntax. Also, you shouldn't have to manually calculate offsets.
Ideally, we'll be able to define and use any sort of structure that you'd encounter in C code. At this time, I'm not planning to support bitfields, since they're non-standard, and compilers appear to implement them differently.
The main benefit will be for people who write code that directly interfaces with external libraries or the back end of the interpreter. I recommend taking a look at the code I posted earlier. I have several examples, including the Euphoria Symbol Table as it exists in the interpreter, plus a few Win32 structures I grabbed from Win32Lib.
So anyone who writes code that does this sort of thing should chime in. If I don't get any feedback, you'll probably be stuck with whatever I come up with.
5. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 29, 2010
I meant C++
This feature won't deal with name mangling, if that's what you mean. That's another thing that's compiler dependent. It's just a much nicer way of dealing with data structures in RAM than peek and poke.
The easiest way I've found to wrap C code is to write a DLL that wraps the C API and exposes an "extern C" interface. That's what I've done with wxEuphoria.
6. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 29, 2010
Some clarifications...The current code that I have only works with integers that are 8, 16, 32 or 64-bits. I'm not aware of other sized integers, but I guess there's probably no reason why we couldn't ultimately support them. Do compilers support them? I guess I could take a look at C standards documents.
Arrays currently come in 3 different flavors. There are fixed size, null terminated, and unspecified size. These probably need to be shaken down a bit. I haven't really tackled slicing or assigning sequences to an array.
7. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by coconut Dec 29, 2010
Arrays currently come in 3 different flavors. There are fixed size, null terminated, and unspecified size. These probably need to be shaken down a bit. I haven't really tackled slicing or assigning sequences to an array.
Are those structure definitions like types so that one can declare variables of those types and to transfert data from struct to sequence I expect a simple syntax like:
mem_struct numbers integer(8) byte integer(16) word integer(32) dword integer(64) longlong atom(32) float atom(64) double end mem_struct --numbers is a data type numbers a -- is not a data type atom a a=alloc(sizeof(numbers)) --or better atom a=alloc(numbers) -- and for transfert of data between sequence and structure a={32,65535,-128000,1386836683, 3.1416, 3.1e100} -- if length(sequence) < struct_member_count what append? zero trailing members? -- the inverse should be as simple as sequence b=a
8. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 29, 2010
Are those structure definitions like types so that one can declare variables of those types and to transfert data from struct to sequence I expect a simple syntax like:
mem_struct numbers integer(8) byte integer(16) word integer(32) dword integer(64) longlong atom(32) float atom(64) double end mem_struct --numbers is a data type numbers a -- is not a data type atom a a=alloc(sizeof(numbers)) --or better atom a=alloc(numbers) -- and for transfert of data between sequence and structure a={32,65535,-128000,1386836683, 3.1416, 3.1e100} -- if length(sequence) < struct_member_count what append? zero trailing members? -- the inverse should be as simple as sequence b=a
They're not that smart, although I like the assignment idea. Right now, you need to specify the structure that you're using each time you use it. It's like having to cast to the struct every time. It's not ideal, but made the preprocessor easy.
Also, it's somewhat difficult to attach that sort of information. We could track the type of a particular variable, but then that information gets lost if it's an element of a sequence, or passed to another routine as a parameter. We could also attach the information to the value (doubles and sequences have that extra cleanup pointer, where we can put whatever we want), but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
9. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by eumario Dec 29, 2010
Are those structure definitions like types so that one can declare variables of those types and to transfert data from struct to sequence I expect a simple syntax like:
mem_struct numbers integer(8) byte integer(16) word integer(32) dword integer(64) longlong atom(32) float atom(64) double end mem_struct --numbers is a data type numbers a -- is not a data type atom a a=alloc(sizeof(numbers)) --or better atom a=alloc(numbers) -- and for transfert of data between sequence and structure a={32,65535,-128000,1386836683, 3.1416, 3.1e100} -- if length(sequence) < struct_member_count what append? zero trailing members? -- the inverse should be as simple as sequence b=a
They're not that smart, although I like the assignment idea. Right now, you need to specify the structure that you're using each time you use it. It's like having to cast to the struct every time. It's not ideal, but made the preprocessor easy.
Also, it's somewhat difficult to attach that sort of information. We could track the type of a particular variable, but then that information gets lost if it's an element of a sequence, or passed to another routine as a parameter. We could also attach the information to the value (doubles and sequences have that extra cleanup pointer, where we can put whatever we want), but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
This is the kind of issue that I am running in with myself with doing my OOP Setup. I'm going to look into your pre-processor, and may be merging in your mem struct with my OOP setup.
10. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by petelomax Dec 30, 2010
I was thinking more of something like:
cstruct:structure("APPBARDATA",""" DWORD cbSize; // sizeof(APPBARDATA) HWND hWnd; // handle of appbar UINT uCallbackMessage; // see below UINT uEdge; // see below RECT rc; // see below LPARAM lParam; """) ABD = cstruct:new("APPBARDATA") cstruct:set(ABD,"uEdge",ABE_LEFT) ? cstruct:get(ABD,"uEdge")
I assume there is little need for "static" c-structs; them all being allocated on the heap is plenty good enough. (I expect ABD to be an {index,ptr}, btw.) The obvious benefit is you don't have to do the line-by-line translation, just cut and paste the C code.
Regards, Pete
11. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Dec 30, 2010
I was thinking more of something like:
cstruct:structure("APPBARDATA",""" DWORD cbSize; // sizeof(APPBARDATA) HWND hWnd; // handle of appbar UINT uCallbackMessage; // see below UINT uEdge; // see below RECT rc; // see below LPARAM lParam; """) ABD = cstruct:new("APPBARDATA") cstruct:set(ABD,"uEdge",ABE_LEFT) ? cstruct:get(ABD,"uEdge")
I assume there is little need for "static" c-structs; them all being allocated on the heap is plenty good enough. (I expect ABD to be an {index,ptr}, btw.) The obvious benefit is you don't have to do the line-by-line translation, just cut and paste the C code.
Regards, Pete
Oh, I approve!
One practical note on the "copy & paste from C code" bit though:
But, LPARAM, RECT, etc are not defined on e.g. Linux/GNU. Aside from the basic C types (char, short, long, etc) how is the library/preprocessor to know what a given type means? If we hardcode it to know about DWORD, etc should we also hardcode it to know about uint8_t, off_t, etc?
12. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 30, 2010
One practical note on the "copy & paste from C code" bit though:
But, LPARAM, RECT, etc are not defined on e.g. Linux/GNU. Aside from the basic C types (char, short, long, etc) how is the library/preprocessor to know what a given type means? If we hardcode it to know about DWORD, etc should we also hardcode it to know about uint8_t, off_t, etc?
In fact, they're not defined on Windows, either, except by including Windows SDK headers. However, that's not to say that we couldn't define them somehow for euphoria use.
And for syntactic sugar, I'd probably treat the "mem_struct" declaration as a heredoc start rather than require the user to type that stuff. Of course, it would then require a special parser.
13. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by raseunew Dec 30, 2010
here's my first take on C structure support
cstruct.e namespace cstruct /* reserved structure primitive names (need associated byte sizes) */ int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float double byte char ubyte uchar word dword longlong pointer struct --// public type = atom --// create new memstruct public function new(sequence ns_struct) return allocate(sizeof(ns_struct)) end function /* string */ mem_struct c_str pointer( integer( 8, array, null_terminated ) ) chars end mem_struct /* wide string */ mem_struct wc_str pointer( integer( 16, array, null_terminated ) ) wchars end mem_struct /* allocate array of [n] items expands to TYPE(TYPESIZE, array, N) n */ mem_struct vector[N, TYPE=int32] TYPE[N] v end mem_struct usage : basic.e namespace basic include cstruct.e as cs /* person structure */ mem_struct person cs:uchar[32] name null_terminated cs:int32 age cs:c_str company cs:wc_str address1 end mem_struct usage 2: test.e include cstruct.e as cs include basic.e as basic /* array of int32 expands to integer(32, array, 10) */ cs:struct A = cs:new(basic:vector[10]) /* array of int64 expands to integer(64, array, 10) */ cs:struct B = cs:new(basic:vector[10, cs:int64]) --// single person cs:struct P = cs:new(basic:person()) --// assignment P.basic.person.name = cs:string("My Name") P.basic:person.age = 44 P.basic.person.company = cs:string("My Company") P.basic.person.address1 = cs:w_string("My Address") --// pointer dereferencing printf(1, "name = %s\n", { P.basic:person.name.* }) printf(1, "age = %d\n", { P.basic:person.age }) printf(1, "company = %s\n", { P.basic:person.company.* }) printf(1, "address1 = %s\n", { P.basic:person.address1.wchars }) --// pointer address @ printf(1, "pointer address = %d\n", { @P.basic:person.name }) --// array of persons cs:struct D = cs:new(basic:vector[10, basic:person()]) /* vector/array indexing instance . [idx] */ cs:struct E = cs:new(basic:vector[10]) for i = 0 to 9 do --// implicit v member access E.[i] = i --// explicit v member access E.v[i] = i end for
14. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by raseunew Dec 30, 2010
should read
15. Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by raseunew Dec 30, 2010
also i like coconut's idea of assigning to a structure
--or better atom a=alloc(numbers) -- and for transfert of data between sequence and structure a={32,65535,-128000,1386836683, 3.1416, 3.1e100}
but with the structure name as a prefix
mem_struct person cs:c_str name cs:int32 age cs:c_str addr1 cs:c_str addr2 end mem_struct cs:struct P = cs:new(person()) P = person:{ "my name", 44, "my address1", "my address2" }