Re: C Struct Support
- Posted by eumario Dec 29, 2010
Are those structure definitions like types so that one can declare variables of those types and to transfert data from struct to sequence I expect a simple syntax like:
mem_struct numbers integer(8) byte integer(16) word integer(32) dword integer(64) longlong atom(32) float atom(64) double end mem_struct --numbers is a data type numbers a -- is not a data type atom a a=alloc(sizeof(numbers)) --or better atom a=alloc(numbers) -- and for transfert of data between sequence and structure a={32,65535,-128000,1386836683, 3.1416, 3.1e100} -- if length(sequence) < struct_member_count what append? zero trailing members? -- the inverse should be as simple as sequence b=a
They're not that smart, although I like the assignment idea. Right now, you need to specify the structure that you're using each time you use it. It's like having to cast to the struct every time. It's not ideal, but made the preprocessor easy.
Also, it's somewhat difficult to attach that sort of information. We could track the type of a particular variable, but then that information gets lost if it's an element of a sequence, or passed to another routine as a parameter. We could also attach the information to the value (doubles and sequences have that extra cleanup pointer, where we can put whatever we want), but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
This is the kind of issue that I am running in with myself with doing my OOP Setup. I'm going to look into your pre-processor, and may be merging in your mem struct with my OOP setup.