1. New Wiki Deployed

OpenEuphoria.org has a new wiki. It's now integrated into the euweb interface. It uses the same user accounts, changes can be seen on the recent tab, the search interface now searches the wiki, uses the euweb theme and more.

The wiki does have a few missing features from the old, mainly the ability to to a diff from one version to another. These missing features are documented in the ticket system for OpenEuphoria.org.

You are encouraged to go poke around and please file any bug reports or feature requests in the OpenEuphoria.org bug tracker.



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2. Re: New Wiki Deployed

I don't get how categories are supposed to work. Are the like wikipedia categories?

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3. Re: New Wiki Deployed


There are two pieces to the puzzle. Let's start with the first. Categorizing a page. I found all the pages that are pages about people DerekParnell, ryanj, ... At the bottom of those pages I added:


The HR just offsets it a bit and looks nice. The CategoryPerson turns into a wiki link that goes to the CategoryPerson wiki page. However, pages named Category* are special and they don't really exist. When viewing CategoryAnything, a dynamic list is generated of all other pages belonging to that category (all pages that contain CategoryAnything in them).

Thus, we now have categories.

Now, part two of the puzzle is probably the quick link "Categories." That is not a special page. It is a normal wiki page that is human editable. It does not do anything special nor is it a inherent to the categorization system. It presents a list of common categories in a humanly nice manner. This page hits the major categories and makes it easy for a human to find categories they may be interested in.

We can provide an "Automatically" generated category page but this would not be as helpful as you would think at first. For example, there might be categories: CategoryWin32, CategoryIup, CategoryGtk, CategoryQt, CategoryGUI. All of those are GUI related but on an automatic category page they will appear no where together. With the human edited Categories page, we can group all these. For example, under Euphoria Libraries>GUI we can list these categories.

Now, one more thing. A page can belong to any number of categories and categories do not have to be created. Just use them. For example, on my page (jeremy) I could do:

CategoryPerson, CategoryDad, CategoryMale, CategoryPilot,  
CategoryHamRadioOperator, CategoryProgrammer, CategoryAbcDef,  

That would immediately allow me to click on the CategoryIsAJeremy and see others who are also a Jeremy.

Does that clear anything up or just further confuse the situation?

Ok, I lied... One more thing. On the Categories page you'll see most of the categories are totally empty. This is because nothing has really been categorized yet. I did categorize all the people pages via CategoryPerson and also the tip pages via CategoryTip.

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4. Re: New Wiki Deployed

1. Shouldn't "Categories" which are empty be INDICATED as being currently empty?
2. Could you add a "Category Migrate", to help people used to pre-Eu4 to migrate to it?
(ie, how to set up to use both pre-4 and 4 on same machine, additions, differences, etc, etc, etc, etc)

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5. Re: New Wiki Deployed

DanM said...

2. Could you add a "Category Migrate", to help people used to pre-Eu4 to migrate to it?

I haven't tried, but from comments on IRC I gather that Categorys are simply pages that can be added by anyone prefaced by Category. from then on they will be handled by euweb.

edit a page and add CategoryMigrate40Help that is a WikiWord so will be clickable when you get to the page, edit it.

add some links and info to the page and save it. from then on, any pages with a similar prefix will be accessable from the Category Migrate link on the bottom of the page. please report back any problems.

I'm sure in the real world, it's much harder to jam so much development into such a short space of time.

-edit: didn't realize Jeremy already described the entry of new category already. but I would still suggest adding a Migrate40 and then anyone can add to it.

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6. Re: New Wiki Deployed

DanM said...

1. Shouldn't "Categories" which are empty be INDICATED as being currently empty?

Yes, that would be a nice feature however it may be resource intensive. Not sure yet. We would have to query the database for each category link to determine if any other page is part of that category.

As time progresses more pages will be categorized and out list of categories will be refined. I think then it will not be such a problem as it is now as there are all sorts of "Idea" categories listed on Categories. Some of these may go away if the community at large doesn't feel them necessary. Others will appear that the community feels is necessary.

DanM said...

2. Could you add a "Category Migrate", to help people used to pre-Eu4 to migrate to it?
(ie, how to set up to use both pre-4 and 4 on same machine, additions, differences, etc, etc, etc, etc)

Yes, anyone who is an authenticated user can edit the wiki. They can add new pages, fix old pages, etc... Simply use the new CategoryWhatEver at the bottom of the wiki page and it's categorized!

We need help categorizing the wiki so anyone who thinks they are good with organization, please jump right in. As time goes on we will refine the categorization of the wiki and over time we will discover bad categories and good categories. These will drift as we learn to do categorization better but for now any category is better than no category.

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7. Re: New Wiki Deployed

OK, I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how this works. I can't.

The only pages I am allowed to edit are pages that don't apply to anything I'm interested in, the ones which I am allowed to edit don't apply to me.

How, for example, do I add myself to the users list, for starters?

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8. Re: New Wiki Deployed

irv said...

OK, I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how this works. I can't.

The only pages I am allowed to edit are pages that don't apply to anything I'm interested in, the ones which I am allowed to edit don't apply to me.

How, for example, do I add myself to the users list, for starters?

Actually, I think http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/UserList.wc is a bug

On the old wiki, it was an automatically generated (and uneditable) page with the list of users, and did not really exist. The new wiki uses euweb's account system, and does not need to have its own UserList function. That page was probably copied over by mistake.

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9. Re: New Wiki Deployed

irv said...

OK, I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how this works. I can't.

The only pages I am allowed to edit are pages that don't apply to anything I'm interested in, the ones which I am allowed to edit don't apply to me.

Can you give me a few examples of pages you cannot edit? The only pages that are not editable are pages beginning with the Category name. You do have to be authenticated at the time which I am assuming you are because you can post messages smile

irv said...

How, for example, do I add myself to the users list, for starters?

What user list are you speaking of? If it is the Category Person, then to be part of that you need to create a wiki page for yourself. Viewing your profile you'll see an entry "Wiki page: irv". Click on irv and tell us a bit about yourself. At the bottom of the page, enter


You will then appear on the person category.


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10. Re: New Wiki Deployed

jimcbrown said...

Just removed it smile


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11. Re: New Wiki Deployed

Well, for example, there's a category library page. With no libraries on it.

Why not? Where's Win32Lib? EuGTK? The page isn't editable, so how are they added?

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12. Re: New Wiki Deployed

irv said...

Well, for example, there's a category library page. With no libraries on it.

Why not? Where's Win32Lib? EuGTK? The page isn't editable, so how are they added?

The categorization is brand new, most pages have not been categorized. The Category * pages will only begin to be populated as wiki pages begin to include them. For example, I just added the Category Gui and Category Win32 to the Win32Lib page. Click on that link and look at the bottom. Then click on one of the category links. See how it's populated now?


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13. Re: New Wiki Deployed

irv said...

Why not? Where's Win32Lib? EuGTK? The page isn't editable, so how are they added?

You add a page to a category (e.g. The category called 'WHATEVER') simply by going to the page you wish to add and insert a line that looks like this ...


The best place to do this is to the bottom of the page, but it doesn't actually matter. That's just a style issue.

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14. Re: New Wiki Deployed

jeremy said...

Now, part two of the puzzle is probably the quick link "Categories." That is not a special page. It is a normal wiki page that is human editable. It does not do anything special nor is it a inherent to the categorization system. It presents a list of common categories in a humanly nice manner. This page hits the major categories and makes it easy for a human to find categories they may be interested in.

We can provide an "Automatically" generated category page but this would not be as helpful as you would think at first ...

However, a way to display all known categories on one page would be a handy thing to have, as people can create new categories without the 'quick link' knowing about them.

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15. Re: New Wiki Deployed

DerekParnell said...

However, a way to display all known categories on one page would be a handy thing to have, as people can create new categories without the 'quick link' knowing about them.

Yes, I will add a ticket to this effect. For now, a few of us need to keep categories in sync and categorize pages accordingly. All the successful wikis have one thing in common, a group of people who keep them organized. Everyone has different organizational skills and methods. This wreaks havok on a wiki system because you have X number of peoples styles all mixed. Even if presenting known categories it will still take a few of us "harmonizing" the organization of the wiki (even if categories didn't exist) with the same organizational goals in mind.

A category list would reduce this effort but it will not eliminate it.


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16. Re: New Wiki Deployed

Ok, I added a Category "Migrate", and also INDICATED "[no content yet]" for SOME category pages which don't yet have any content; is that what you meant to do for ADDING categories, and is the "[no content yet]" text an adequate way to easily indicate that? Of course, after someone DOES add content, they should certainly REMOVE that text!


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17. Re: New Wiki Deployed

DanM said...

Ok, I added a Category "Migrate", and also INDICATED "[no content yet]" for SOME category pages which don't yet have any content; is that what you meant to do for ADDING categories, and is the "[no content yet]" text an adequate way to easily indicate that? Of course, after someone DOES add content, they should certainly REMOVE that text!

Yes, migrate is a good category. May name it MigrateTo40 as we may have MigrateTo50 later on. As for adding no content yet. Not sure if I'd go through that work yet as most do not have content yet because we have not spent any real time categorizing the wiki yet. Over the next few days I'm sure all the categories will have content.


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