1. test if a program is running

I have a program that should not run if another different program is running. Does anyone have a routine to check to see of a program is running? I searched the user contributions but did not find anything I thought I could use or modify.

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2. Re: test if a program is running

GeorgeWalters said...

I have a program that should not run if another different program is running. Does anyone have a routine to check to see of a program is running? I searched the user contributions but did not find anything I thought I could use or modify.

What platform, linux or windows?
if windows xp you could do something like this:
system("tasklist.exe | find "name_of_executable" > result.txt",2)
then open and read result.txt to see the program name is there.
Or use win32 api call to enumerate active process.

on linux you could do something like this:
system("ps | grep name_of_executable > result.txt",2)


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3. Re: test if a program is running

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

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4. Re: test if a program is running

i use this tiny snippet to keep multiple instances of the same app from running on the same machine. it uses shared memory and stuffs the windows title. it could be tweaked to keep dependent concurrent apps from firing by stuffing the same key into shared memory. i call it only_one.ew

-- allow only one instance of this program 
-- check for multiple calls - will confuse you by shutting down early 
atom one_already one_already = False 
global procedure only_one(atom local_hwnd) 
	object jk atom zCreateSemaphore, zGetLastError, zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 
	if one_already then warnErr("calling only one multiple times") end if 
	one_already = True 
	zCreateSemaphore = registerw32Function(kernel32,"CreateSemaphoreA", 
	zGetLastError = registerw32Function(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
	-- create a semaphore for this instance 
	jk = w32Func(zCreateSemaphore,{NULL, 0, 1,  
	jk = w32Func(zGetLastError,{}) 
	if jk = zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then  
    	abort(0) -- abort if we're already running ! 
    	--warnErr("good 2 go") 
	end if 
end procedure 

hope it helps!


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5. Re: test if a program is running

GeorgeWalters said...

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

sample code tested on windows xp pro sp3 using euphoria 3.1 exwc.exe

-- how to get all running processes names 
without warning 
include dll.e 
include machine.e 
include wildcard.e 
constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
constant psapi=open_dll("psapi.dll") 
constant iGetLastError=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
constant iEnumProcesses=define_c_func(psapi,"EnumProcesses",{C_UINT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iGetProcessImageFileName=define_c_func(psapi,"GetProcessImageFileNameA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iOpenProcess=define_c_func(kernel32,"OpenProcess",{C_UINT,C_INT,C_UINT},C_POINTER) 
constant BUFFER_SIZE=4096 
global function GetAllProcessesNames() 
object fnVal 
atom pBuffer, pCount, pHandle 
integer bCount, try, p 
sequence pids, names 
  pCount = allocate(4)  
  -- first get processes ids 
  -- to ensure we get all processes ids we try until count is  
  -- smaller than buffer size. 
  while bCount=BUFFER_SIZE do  
    pBuffer = allocate(try*BUFFER_SIZE) 
    fnVal = c_func(iEnumProcesses,{pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,pCount}) 
    if not fnVal then 
      return -1 
    end if 
    bCount = peek4u(pCount) 
    if bCount = try*BUFFER_SIZE then 
       try += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  pids = peek4u({pBuffer,bCount/4}) 
  -- now open each process to get an handle to and query for is name 
  for i = 1 to length(pids) do 
    if pHandle then -- query process name 
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) 
       if fnVal then 
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} 
         p = find(0,names[$]) 
         if p then 
           names[$] = names[$][1..p-1] 
         end if 
       end if 
    end if 
  end for 
  return names   
end function 
function name_only(sequence fqn) 
integer p 
   p = find('\\',reverse(fqn)) 
   if p then 
     return fqn[length(fqn)-p+2..$] 
     return fqn 
   end if 
end function 
object list 
list= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(list) then 
  for i = 1 to length(list) do 
     if length(list[i]) then 
     end if 
  end for 
end if 


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6. Re: test if a program is running

otterdad said...

i use this tiny snippet to keep multiple instances of the same app from running on the same machine. it uses shared memory and stuffs the windows title. it could be tweaked to keep dependent concurrent apps from firing by stuffing the same key into shared memory. i call it only_one.ew

-- allow only one instance of this program 
-- check for multiple calls - will confuse you by shutting down early 
atom one_already one_already = False 
global procedure only_one(atom local_hwnd) 
	object jk atom zCreateSemaphore, zGetLastError, zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 
	if one_already then warnErr("calling only one multiple times") end if 
	one_already = True 
	zCreateSemaphore = registerw32Function(kernel32,"CreateSemaphoreA", 
	zGetLastError = registerw32Function(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
	-- create a semaphore for this instance 
	jk = w32Func(zCreateSemaphore,{NULL, 0, 1,  
	jk = w32Func(zGetLastError,{}) 
	if jk = zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then  
    	abort(0) -- abort if we're already running ! 
    	--warnErr("good 2 go") 
	end if 
end procedure 

hope it helps!


Geez, that is way over my head. I need to know if program "xyz" (not mine btw) is running then I can't launch it again. It's a credit card verification program (xyz) which doesen't work correctly if it is already running since it's returned data is a text file on the local machine with the same name.

Can your routine check that?

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7. Re: test if a program is running

GeorgeWalters said...
otterdad said...

i use this tiny snippet to keep multiple instances of the same app from running on the same machine. it uses shared memory and stuffs the windows title. it could be tweaked to keep dependent concurrent apps from firing by stuffing the same key into shared memory. i call it only_one.ew

-- allow only one instance of this program 
-- check for multiple calls - will confuse you by shutting down early 
atom one_already one_already = False 
global procedure only_one(atom local_hwnd) 
	object jk atom zCreateSemaphore, zGetLastError, zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 
	if one_already then warnErr("calling only one multiple times") end if 
	one_already = True 
	zCreateSemaphore = registerw32Function(kernel32,"CreateSemaphoreA", 
	zGetLastError = registerw32Function(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
	-- create a semaphore for this instance 
	jk = w32Func(zCreateSemaphore,{NULL, 0, 1,  
	jk = w32Func(zGetLastError,{}) 
	if jk = zERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then  
    	abort(0) -- abort if we're already running ! 
    	--warnErr("good 2 go") 
	end if 
end procedure 

hope it helps!


Geez, that is way over my head. I need to know if program "xyz" (not mine btw) is running then I can't launch it again. It's a credit card verification program (xyz) which doesen't work correctly if it is already running since it's returned data is a text file on the local machine with the same name.

Can your routine check that?

no - but the previous EnumProcesses code posted by jacques_desch should work. my code only works if all apps were written in Euphoria.

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8. Re: test if a program is running

jacques_desch said...
GeorgeWalters said...

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

sample code tested on windows xp pro sp3 using euphoria 3.1 exwc.exe

-- how to get all running processes names 
without warning 
include dll.e 
include machine.e 
include wildcard.e 
constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
constant psapi=open_dll("psapi.dll") 
constant iGetLastError=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
constant iEnumProcesses=define_c_func(psapi,"EnumProcesses",{C_UINT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iGetProcessImageFileName=define_c_func(psapi,"GetProcessImageFileNameA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iOpenProcess=define_c_func(kernel32,"OpenProcess",{C_UINT,C_INT,C_UINT},C_POINTER) 
constant BUFFER_SIZE=4096 
global function GetAllProcessesNames() 
object fnVal 
atom pBuffer, pCount, pHandle 
integer bCount, try, p 
sequence pids, names 
  pCount = allocate(4)  
  -- first get processes ids 
  -- to ensure we get all processes ids we try until count is  
  -- smaller than buffer size. 
  while bCount=BUFFER_SIZE do  
    pBuffer = allocate(try*BUFFER_SIZE) 
    fnVal = c_func(iEnumProcesses,{pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,pCount}) 
    if not fnVal then 
      return -1 
    end if 
    bCount = peek4u(pCount) 
    if bCount = try*BUFFER_SIZE then 
       try += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  pids = peek4u({pBuffer,bCount/4}) 
  -- now open each process to get an handle to and query for is name 
  for i = 1 to length(pids) do 
    if pHandle then -- query process name 
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) 
       if fnVal then 
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} 
         p = find(0,names[$]) 
         if p then 
           names[$] = names[$][1..p-1] 
         end if 
       end if 
    end if 
  end for 
  return names   
end function 
function name_only(sequence fqn) 
integer p 
   p = find('\\',reverse(fqn)) 
   if p then 
     return fqn[length(fqn)-p+2..$] 
     return fqn 
   end if 
end function 
object list 
list= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(list) then 
  for i = 1 to length(list) do 
     if length(list[i]) then 
     end if 
  end for 
end if 


Thanks, I'll give this a try.


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9. Re: test if a program is running

GeorgeWalters said...
jacques_desch said...
GeorgeWalters said...

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

sample code tested on windows xp pro sp3 using euphoria 3.1 exwc.exe

-- how to get all running processes names 
without warning 
include dll.e 
include machine.e 
include wildcard.e 
constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
constant psapi=open_dll("psapi.dll") 
constant iGetLastError=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
constant iEnumProcesses=define_c_func(psapi,"EnumProcesses",{C_UINT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iGetProcessImageFileName=define_c_func(psapi,"GetProcessImageFileNameA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iOpenProcess=define_c_func(kernel32,"OpenProcess",{C_UINT,C_INT,C_UINT},C_POINTER) 
constant BUFFER_SIZE=4096 
global function GetAllProcessesNames() 
object fnVal 
atom pBuffer, pCount, pHandle 
integer bCount, try, p 
sequence pids, names 
  pCount = allocate(4)  
  -- first get processes ids 
  -- to ensure we get all processes ids we try until count is  
  -- smaller than buffer size. 
  while bCount=BUFFER_SIZE do  
    pBuffer = allocate(try*BUFFER_SIZE) 
    fnVal = c_func(iEnumProcesses,{pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,pCount}) 
    if not fnVal then 
      return -1 
    end if 
    bCount = peek4u(pCount) 
    if bCount = try*BUFFER_SIZE then 
       try += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  pids = peek4u({pBuffer,bCount/4}) 
  -- now open each process to get an handle to and query for is name 
  for i = 1 to length(pids) do 
    if pHandle then -- query process name 
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) 
       if fnVal then 
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} 
         p = find(0,names[$]) 
         if p then 
           names[$] = names[$][1..p-1] 
         end if 
       end if 
    end if 
  end for 
  return names   
end function 
function name_only(sequence fqn) 
integer p 
   p = find('\\',reverse(fqn)) 
   if p then 
     return fqn[length(fqn)-p+2..$] 
     return fqn 
   end if 
end function 
object list 
list= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(list) then 
  for i = 1 to length(list) do 
     if length(list[i]) then 
     end if 
  end for 
end if 


Thanks, I'll give this a try.


forgot something to the sample code, you should add the following lines.

-- add this binding 
constant iCloseHandle=define_c_proc(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER}) 
-- add this line after the call to GetProcessImageFileName 


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10. Re: test if a program is running

Will do. Thansk

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11. Re: test if a program is running

jacques_desch said...
GeorgeWalters said...

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

sample code tested on windows xp pro sp3 using euphoria 3.1 exwc.exe

-- how to get all running processes names 
without warning 
include dll.e 
include machine.e 
include wildcard.e 
constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
constant psapi=open_dll("psapi.dll") 
constant iGetLastError=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
constant iEnumProcesses=define_c_func(psapi,"EnumProcesses",{C_UINT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iGetProcessImageFileName=define_c_func(psapi,"GetProcessImageFileNameA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iOpenProcess=define_c_func(kernel32,"OpenProcess",{C_UINT,C_INT,C_UINT},C_POINTER) 
constant BUFFER_SIZE=4096 
global function GetAllProcessesNames() 
object fnVal 
atom pBuffer, pCount, pHandle 
integer bCount, try, p 
sequence pids, names 
  pCount = allocate(4)  
  -- first get processes ids 
  -- to ensure we get all processes ids we try until count is  
  -- smaller than buffer size. 
  while bCount=BUFFER_SIZE do  
    pBuffer = allocate(try*BUFFER_SIZE) 
    fnVal = c_func(iEnumProcesses,{pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,pCount}) 
    if not fnVal then 
      return -1 
    end if 
    bCount = peek4u(pCount) 
    if bCount = try*BUFFER_SIZE then 
       try += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  pids = peek4u({pBuffer,bCount/4}) 
  -- now open each process to get an handle to and query for is name 
  for i = 1 to length(pids) do 
    if pHandle then -- query process name 
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) 
       if fnVal then 
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} 
         p = find(0,names[$]) 
         if p then 
           names[$] = names[$][1..p-1] 
         end if 
       end if 
    end if 
  end for 
  return names   
end function 
function name_only(sequence fqn) 
integer p 
   p = find('\\',reverse(fqn)) 
   if p then 
     return fqn[length(fqn)-p+2..$] 
     return fqn 
   end if 
end function 
object list 
list= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(list) then 
  for i = 1 to length(list) do 
     if length(list[i]) then 
     end if 
  end for 
end if 


genius. Works with eu4 too


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12. Re: test if a program is running

jacques_desch said...
GeorgeWalters said...
jacques_desch said...
GeorgeWalters said...

Sorry, rather stupid to not mention the environment. It's windows and I use win32lib. So what is the win32 api call that I should take a look at?

sample code tested on windows xp pro sp3 using euphoria 3.1 exwc.exe

-- how to get all running processes names 
without warning 
include dll.e 
include machine.e 
include wildcard.e 
constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
constant psapi=open_dll("psapi.dll") 
constant iGetLastError=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetLastError",{},C_INT) 
constant iEnumProcesses=define_c_func(psapi,"EnumProcesses",{C_UINT,C_UINT,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iGetProcessImageFileName=define_c_func(psapi,"GetProcessImageFileNameA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_UINT},C_INT) 
constant iOpenProcess=define_c_func(kernel32,"OpenProcess",{C_UINT,C_INT,C_UINT},C_POINTER) 
constant BUFFER_SIZE=4096 
global function GetAllProcessesNames() 
object fnVal 
atom pBuffer, pCount, pHandle 
integer bCount, try, p 
sequence pids, names 
  pCount = allocate(4)  
  -- first get processes ids 
  -- to ensure we get all processes ids we try until count is  
  -- smaller than buffer size. 
  while bCount=BUFFER_SIZE do  
    pBuffer = allocate(try*BUFFER_SIZE) 
    fnVal = c_func(iEnumProcesses,{pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,pCount}) 
    if not fnVal then 
      return -1 
    end if 
    bCount = peek4u(pCount) 
    if bCount = try*BUFFER_SIZE then 
       try += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  pids = peek4u({pBuffer,bCount/4}) 
  -- now open each process to get an handle to and query for is name 
  for i = 1 to length(pids) do 
    if pHandle then -- query process name 
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) 
       if fnVal then 
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} 
         p = find(0,names[$]) 
         if p then 
           names[$] = names[$][1..p-1] 
         end if 
       end if 
    end if 
  end for 
  return names   
end function 
function name_only(sequence fqn) 
integer p 
   p = find('\\',reverse(fqn)) 
   if p then 
     return fqn[length(fqn)-p+2..$] 
     return fqn 
   end if 
end function 
object list 
list= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(list) then 
  for i = 1 to length(list) do 
     if length(list[i]) then 
     end if 
  end for 
end if 


Thanks, I'll give this a try.


forgot something to the sample code, you should add the following lines.

-- add this binding 
constant iCloseHandle=define_c_proc(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER}) 
-- add this line after the call to GetProcessImageFileName 


I put this code in a program usine EU 2.4 (fixing the '$') and win32lib 59.1 and I get a machine level exception every time. What did this break??

	runningProcesses = getList() 
	if find("XCharge.exe", runningProcesses) then 
		tmp = message_box("Xcharge credit card process already running","",0) 
	end if 

It crashes at the message_box statment

A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement text = {88'X',99'c',104'h',97'a',114'r',103'g',101'e',32' ',99'c',114'r', 101'e',100'd',105'i',116't',32' ',99'c',97'a',114'r',100'd',32' ',112'p', 114'r',111'o',99'c',101'e',115's',115's',32' ',97'a',108'l',114'r',101'e', 97'a',100'd',121'y',32' ',114'r',117'u',110'n',110'n',105'i',110'n',103'g'} title = {} style = 0 or_style = 0 text_ptr = 16700528 title_ptr = 16691096 ret = <no value>

... called from C:\AcuTrack\source\cse010.exw:2518 in procedure processInvoice() tmp1 = <no value> tmp2 = <no value> fileNbr = <no value> msg = <no value> xchargeArgument = <no value> tranType = <no value>

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13. Re: test if a program is running

This is where it crashes in message_box

ret = c_func(msgbox_id, {c_func(get_active_id, {}), text_ptr, title_ptr, or_style})

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14. Re: test if a program is running

And in another program it crashes as well.

C:\EUPHORIA\include\win32lib.ew:23638 in function fDoKillFocus()  
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement  
    id = 53'5' 
    hWnd = 3475172 
    iMsg = 8 
    wParam = 3933936 
    lParam = 0 
    pReturn = -9987 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\include\win32lib.ew:24726 in function MessageProcessor()   
    pSource = -9987 
    hWnd = 3475172 
    iMsg = 8 
    wParam = 3933936 
    lParam = 0 
    id = 53'5' 
    lHandledEvent = 8 
    lTemp = <no value> 
    result = <no value> 
    lUserReturn = <no value> 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\include\win32lib.ew:24779 in function SubProc()   
    hWnd = 3475172 
    iMsg = 8 
    wParam = 3933936 
    lParam = 0 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\include\msgbox.e:90 in function message_box()   
    text = {88'X',99'c',104'h',97'a',114'r',103'g',101'e',32' ',99'c',114'r', 
101'e',100'd',105'i',116't',32' ',99'c',97'a',114'r',100'd',32' ',112'p', 
114'r',111'o',99'c',101'e',115's',115's',32' ',97'a',108'l',114'r',101'e', 
97'a',100'd',121'y',32' ',114'r',117'u',110'n',110'n',105'i',110'n',103'g'} 
    title = {} 
    style = 0 
    or_style = 0 
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15. Re: test if a program is running

Just a shot since I don´t have any sources right now, try giving a sequence with length > 0 as the title parameter, like "test".

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16. Re: test if a program is running

Well, I give up. This routine works by itself but breaks win32lib if you're using it. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable can figure it out.

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17. Re: test if a program is running


I used the above get processes code as an include, and wrote a small program

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v1.0.4 Build July-06-2008 
constant TheProgramType="exw"  
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
include processes.ex 
--  Window Window1 
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Window1", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300, 0, 0 ) 
constant List2 = createEx( List, "List2", Window1, 12, 16, 356, 204, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton3 = createEx( PushButton, "Show processess", Window1, 12, 228, 108, 28, 0, 0 ) 
procedure PushButton3_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
object proclist, void 
proclist= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(proclist) then 
  for i = 1 to length(proclist) do 
     if length(proclist[i]) then 
       addItem(List2, name_only(proclist[i])) 
     end if 
  end for 
  void = message_box("Items added", "", 0) 
end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( PushButton3, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton3_onClick")) 
WinMain( Window1,Normal ) 

And it did not crash. (Note, I exported name_only from the include too)

I'm using eu4 latest, win32lib 0704 (last unmodified package, not yet been updated)

Incidentally, remove the void = from in front of message_box, and the interpreter complains about expecting a procedure, not a function. (should be expecting a function, not a procedure, but I thought this behaviour had been squashed anyway. Strange)


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18. Re: test if a program is running

ChrisB said...

Incidentally, remove the void = from in front of message_box, and the interpreter complains about expecting a procedure, not a function. (should be expecting a function, not a procedure, but I thought this behaviour had been squashed anyway. Strange)

By latest, do you mean r2220? I can't duplicate this behavior.


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19. Re: test if a program is running

Yup, looks like I'm behind again.


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20. Re: test if a program is running

So, incidentally, where do I find the latest executables now (remember, I don't want to build them)


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21. Re: test if a program is running

ChrisB said...

So, incidentally, where do I find the latest executables now (remember, I don't want to build them)

This is probably the easiest place:


However, it appears that only linux is up to date right now.


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22. Re: test if a program is running

ChrisB said...


I used the above get processes code as an include, and wrote a small program

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v1.0.4 Build July-06-2008 
constant TheProgramType="exw"  
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
include processes.ex 
--  Window Window1 
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Window1", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300, 0, 0 ) 
constant List2 = createEx( List, "List2", Window1, 12, 16, 356, 204, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton3 = createEx( PushButton, "Show processess", Window1, 12, 228, 108, 28, 0, 0 ) 
procedure PushButton3_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
object proclist, void 
proclist= GetAllProcessesNames() 
if sequence(proclist) then 
  for i = 1 to length(proclist) do 
     if length(proclist[i]) then 
       addItem(List2, name_only(proclist[i])) 
     end if 
  end for 
  void = message_box("Items added", "", 0) 
end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( PushButton3, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton3_onClick")) 
WinMain( Window1,Normal ) 

And it did not crash. (Note, I exported name_only from the include too)

I'm using eu4 latest, win32lib 0704 (last unmodified package, not yet been updated)

Incidentally, remove the void = from in front of message_box, and the interpreter complains about expecting a procedure, not a function. (should be expecting a function, not a procedure, but I thought this behaviour had been squashed anyway. Strange)


It does not crash with me either running it the first time. If I click several times on OK and on the show processes it crashes, usually on the 3rd time in message_box with a machine exception.

Can you try it multiple time?

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23. Re: test if a program is running


Yes, that's interesting, 3rd time for me too, here's the crash output

C:\EUPHORIA\include\msgbox.e:92 in function message_box() 
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\000_Projects\Tests\ShowProcesses.exw:28 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:3920 in function in 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:21608 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:22880 in function f 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24413 in function M 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24464 in function W 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\w32dll.ew:209 in function w32Fu 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24324 in function D 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24422 in function M 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24470 in function S 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\w32dll.ew:280 in procedure w32P 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24964 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:25192 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\000_Projects\Tests\ShowProcesses.exw:37 
--> See ex.err 
Press Enter... 

Then, to line 28 of the above program, add "Message", like

  void = message_box("Items added", "Message", 0) 

Then it takes 5 clicks, and its on the show process button, not the message button.

Here's the output now

C:\EUPHORIA\include\misc.e:36 in function reverse() 
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\000_Projects\Tests\processes.ex:79 in function name_ 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\000_Projects\Tests\ShowProcesses.exw:25 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:3920 in function in 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:21608 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:22880 in function f 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24413 in function M 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24464 in function W 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\w32dll.ew:209 in function w32Fu 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24324 in function D 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24422 in function M 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24470 in function S 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\w32dll.ew:280 in procedure w32P 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:24964 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\win32lib0704\include\Win32Lib.ew:25192 in procedure 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\000_Projects\Tests\ShowProcesses.exw:37 
--> See ex.err 
Press Enter... 

Think theres a memory leak corruption problem introduced somewhere, possibly by getallprocess() ?


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24. Re: test if a program is running

Weird. These sorts of seemingly-random machine error crashes are similar to what's been going on in our PDF display thread. My AcroView program seems to crash in weird places like when I call getOpenFileName() or when WinMain() tries to open the main window. getlost


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25. Re: test if a program is running

Well, the code is not calling CloseHandle, maybe you could try adding it to see if it helps.
CloseHandle: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724211(VS.85).aspx
Microsoft´s Example of getting process info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686701(VS.85).aspx


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26. Re: test if a program is running


Thanks, but yes it is, unless you meant somewhere else


forgot something to the sample code, you should add the following lines.

add this binding
constant iCloseHandle=define_c_proc(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER})

add this line after the call to GetProcessImageFileName



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27. Re: test if a program is running

ChrisB said...


Thanks, but yes it is, unless you meant somewhere else


forgot something to the sample code, you should add the following lines.

add this binding
constant iCloseHandle=define_c_proc(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER})

add this line after the call to GetProcessImageFileName



You had actually added this in your previous post and I included it in the test rtn. Here's a code snippit.

  for i = 1 to length(pids) do  
    if pHandle then -- query process name  
       fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE})  
       if fnVal then  
         names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})}  
         p = find(0,names[length(names)])  
         if p then  
           names[length(names)] = names[length(names)][1..p-1]  
         end if  
       end if  
    end if  
  end for  

However mine still crashes on the 3rd time. Any more ideas?

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28. Re: test if a program is running


Sorry, gets a bit confusing. It's Jacques code, not mine, once you start into Windows dirty innards I start to get a little lost.

Any more ides - yes, disable the button after two presses!


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29. Re: test if a program is running

ChrisB said...


Sorry, gets a bit confusing. It's Jacques code, not mine, once you start into Windows dirty innards I start to get a little lost.

Any more ides - yes, disable the button after two presses!

The problem is at the end of GetAllProcessNames(). There is a call to free(pCount), but that pointer was already freed.


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30. Re: test if a program is running

mattlewis said...
ChrisB said...


Sorry, gets a bit confusing. It's Jacques code, not mine, once you start into Windows dirty innards I start to get a little lost.

Any more ides - yes, disable the button after two presses!

The problem is at the end of GetAllProcessNames(). There is a call to free(pCount), but that pointer was already freed.


Wonderful, that fixed it for me. Thanks to all for taking the time.


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31. Re: test if a program is running

Yes, thanks, thats a useful include there.


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