Re: test if a program is running
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Jul 16, 2009
ChrisB said...
Thanks, but yes it is, unless you meant somewhere else
forgot something to the sample code, you should add the following lines.
add this binding
constant iCloseHandle=define_c_proc(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER})
You had actually added this in your previous post and I included it in the test rtn. Here's a code snippit.
for i = 1 to length(pids) do pHandle=c_func(iOpenProcess,{PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,0,pids[i]}) if pHandle then -- query process name fnVal = c_func(iGetProcessImageFileName,{pHandle,pBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE}) c_proc(iCloseHandle,{pHandle}) if fnVal then names &={peek({pBuffer,fnVal})} p = find(0,names[length(names)]) if p then names[length(names)] = names[length(names)][1..p-1] end if end if end if end for
However mine still crashes on the 3rd time. Any more ideas?