1. Makedoc.exw
- Posted by doncole2009 Jun 28, 2009
- Last edited Jun 29, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Don Cole
2. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jun 29, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Is that the same makedoc that is distributed with win32lib or someone elses?
3. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by doncole2009 Jul 01, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Is that the same makedoc that is distributed with win32lib or someone elses?
Yes I don't understand 'MAKEDOC Usage'
Am suppose to type something at start/run/cmd or am I supposed to go to a specific folder and then type something?
What should I type?
Don Cole
4. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by Dan_M Jul 01, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Is that the same makedoc that is distributed with win32lib or someone elses?
Yes I don't understand 'MAKEDOC Usage'
Am suppose to type something at start/run/cmd or am I supposed to go to a specific folder and then type something?
What should I type?
Don Cole
If I'm not mistaken, (haven't used or tried to use makedoc for a long time), then:
you have probably set up your computer such that when you click or double click on *.exw source files, the Euphoria interpreter will "run" the clicked on source program; and, if so, you probably clicked on "makedoc.exw", and got the 'MAKEDOC Usage' message,
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
What that message means is, when you tried to run it by clicking on it, makedoc.exw has looked at your folders structure, and found where you have put the Euphoria interpreter, and where you have (apparently?) put makedoc, and is telling you what you might type in a CMD window, relative to YOUR folders structure, so as to cause the Euphoria interpreter to run "makedoc.exw", and then allow makedoc to then read in the indicated <source> file, and then write out the resulting documentation, either into the same folder as the <source> file, or into another folder as indicated by [-outpath=<path>]. I'm not sure how to use the remaining parameters, though.
An example might be:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe runs the interpreter runs makedoc
win32lib.ew causes makedoc to make a doc from win32lib
and it would be typed into a CMD window like this:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw win32lib.ew
I suspect that if you added -outpath=e:\euphoria\makedoc\
to the end of the above, makedoc.exw would put the resulting index.htm into the same folder as itself (or maybe it would do that anyway, rather than default putting it into the same folder as the source, not sure)
I hope I haven't misunderstood you question, nor insulted your intelligence, nor given you wrong information.
5. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jul 01, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Is that the same makedoc that is distributed with win32lib or someone elses?
Yes I don't understand 'MAKEDOC Usage'
When you say "Yes" are you saying that it is the makedoc.exw that is distributed with win32lib and it is not someone else's makedoc?
Am suppose to type something at start/run/cmd or am I supposed to go to a specific folder and then type something?
What should I type?
I ask this question because the "usage" you displayed is nothing like the usage message you get with the makedoc that comes with win32lib. That usage message just says ...
So I'm trying to make sure that you and I are talking about the same makefile program.
6. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by doncole2009 Jul 02, 2009
Hello out there,
Could someone please show me an example of a properly typed command line for Makedoc.exw.
I don't understand:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
Is that the same makedoc that is distributed with win32lib or someone elses?
Yes I don't understand 'MAKEDOC Usage'
Am suppose to type something at start/run/cmd or am I supposed to go to a specific folder and then type something?
What should I type?
Don Cole
If I'm not mistaken, (haven't used or tried to use makedoc for a long time), then:
you have probably set up your computer such that when you click or double click on *.exw source files, the Euphoria interpreter will "run" the clicked on source program; and, if so, you probably clicked on "makedoc.exw", and got the 'MAKEDOC Usage' message,
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw <source file> [-outpath=<path>][-prefix=<prefix>][-index=<index.htm>].
What that message means is, when you tried to run it by clicking on it, makedoc.exw has looked at your folders structure, and found where you have put the Euphoria interpreter, and where you have (apparently?) put makedoc, and is telling you what you might type in a CMD window, relative to YOUR folders structure, so as to cause the Euphoria interpreter to run "makedoc.exw", and then allow makedoc to then read in the indicated <source> file, and then write out the resulting documentation, either into the same folder as the <source> file, or into another folder as indicated by [-outpath=<path>]. I'm not sure how to use the remaining parameters, though.
An example might be:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe runs the interpreter runs makedoc
win32lib.ew causes makedoc to make a doc from win32lib
and it would be typed into a CMD window like this:
e:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe e:\euphoria\makedoc\makedoc.exw win32lib.ew
I suspect that if you added -outpath=e:\euphoria\makedoc\
to the end of the above, makedoc.exw would put the resulting index.htm into the same folder as itself (or maybe it would do that anyway, rather than default putting it into the same folder as the source, not sure)
I hope I haven't misunderstood you question, nor insulted your intelligence, nor given you wrong information.
Thank you Dan,
That's exactly what I was looking for. Btw the default fold for the documentation to be written to is the folder that makedoc.exw is in. Unless you pick something else with the -outpath=<path>] option.
What I was trying to do was write a GUI with a browse button to select the files. But I couldn't figure out the command_line(). It uses fMain(command_line()) or fMain(arg). I couldn't figure out what to put in arg. Now I got it. I don't like using Command Line (cmd) very much. All that typing and if you make one little error you have retype all that stuff again.
Don Cole
And yes Derek the one you wrote or helped write.
Don Cole
7. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Jul 02, 2009
I don't like using Command Line (cmd) very much. All that typing and if you make one little error you have retype all that stuff again.
That's what the up arrow is for.
8. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jul 02, 2009
I don't like using Command Line (cmd) very much. All that typing and if you make one little error you have retype all that stuff again.
That's what the up arrow is for.
Which is nice when you have it.
However, on Windows 95/98, we have command.com, which does not provide that capability at all. (DOSKEY is included, which gets you a command history, sort of. But it isn't loaded by default.)
If you are using cygwin, and you run cmd.exe from inside of an ssh session, or you run cmd.exe inside of a rxvt or other xterm (Cygwin's port of rxvt can natively runs on top of the Windows, its also possible to run xterms in cygwin by installing Cygwin/X or connecting to an X server from over the network) then cmd.exe will not provide a command history (the up arrow literally moves you a line up, that is, it moves the position of the input cursor to be a row above the previous positition of the input cursor), and I know of no way to correct this.
It's rare when I have to deal with this stuff on Unix. (Only muLinux+ash have I ever had problems.)
9. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Jul 02, 2009
I don't like using Command Line (cmd) very much. All that typing and if you make one little error you have retype all that stuff again.
That's what the up arrow is for.
Which is nice when you have it.
However, on Windows 95/98, we have command.com, which does not provide that capability at all. (DOSKEY is included, which gets you a command history, sort of. But it isn't loaded by default.)
You have bigger problems in that case. Though doesn't it at least remember the last command? I thought you could use the right arrow to recover the command line.
Though Don's post seems to say that he's using cmd.exe, which also has tab based autocompletion.
10. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jul 02, 2009
Which is nice when you have it.
However, on Windows 95/98, we have command.com, which does not provide that capability at all. (DOSKEY is included, which gets you a command history, sort of. But it isn't loaded by default.)
You have bigger problems in that case.
Though doesn't it at least remember the last command? I thought you could use the right arrow to recover the command line.
Nope. Not on 95/98 (unless you use DOSKEY or similar).
Though Don's post seems to say that he's using cmd.exe, which also has tab based autocompletion.
11. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 02, 2009
However, on Windows 95/98, we have command.com, which does not provide that capability at all. (DOSKEY is included, which gets you a command history, sort of. But it isn't loaded by default.)
Whenever I was running Windows 9x, I always added DOSKEY to my AUTOEXEC.BAT. Viola! Automatic command history.
12. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jul 02, 2009
However, on Windows 95/98, we have command.com, which does not provide that capability at all. (DOSKEY is included, which gets you a command history, sort of. But it isn't loaded by default.)
Whenever I was running Windows 9x, I always added DOSKEY to my AUTOEXEC.BAT. Viola! Automatic command history.
Which was inferior to what cmd.exe provides, let alone what's available on Cygwin and Unix.
13. Re: Makedoc.exw
- Posted by doncole2009 Jul 02, 2009
- Last edited Jul 03, 2009
I see about the up/down keys. I didn't know about that. But you silll have to type all that stuff in at the begining.
My way with my Gui is:
arg[1]="e:\\euphoria\\bin\\exw.exe" arg[2]="e:\\euphoria\\makedoc\\makedoc.exw" arg[3]=getText(Editext5) fMain( arg) EditText5 is selected with a browse button. Easier. Don Cole