1. The Archive and 4.0

I have talked with Rob and Junko and Junko is willing to update The Archive script to contain some type of version status. We just need to decide what we actually want (within reason of course) and submit that to Junko. Here are some thoughts I have to get the discussion moving:

We could have checkboxes for version compatibility:

[ ] 3.0    [X] 3.1    [X] 4.0   [ ] 4.1   [ ] 4.2 

The problem there is what happens when we get to 5.0, 6.0, etc... That would begin to take up quite a lot of room?

We could have a free form text field:

Version Compatibility: [_____________________________________] 

People could enter text such as >= 3.0, 4.x, 5.x. The problem there is that if it is free form, people will do different things and make it hard to search.

We could have a minimum version number and maximum version number combo boxes (my favourite so far)

Min Ver: [3.0.1  |^]   Max Ver: [3.1  |^] 

The problem with that is you loose some fine grain control, for instance, what if it works in 3.0.1, 3.1 but 4.0 had a bug causing it not to function, but that bug was fixed in 4.0.1. Thus, your min version and max version says 3.0.1 -> 4.0.1, which includes 4.0 that it is known not to work in. Now, why this is my favourite so far is that I think the previous case will occur very rarely (hopefully never) and this idea, I think, will be easy to develop and maintain. All Junk has to do is add 2 fields to the current setup and give us a way to add new version numbers to the list.

Now, we run across one more problem... As said in the 4.0 Status thread, what about packages that no longer have an active maintainer. Let's say John Doe's package works great in 4.0, but he hasn't been seen for 5 years now. Who has the right to update that packages status? Can any registered user update the package compatibility flags? That would be my vote, as it can then be a huge group effort to get The Archive status updated. Another possible method is if during these updates to The Archive script, we can borrow functionality from ArchLinux's User Repository (user maintained packages). There, users have the ability to "Abandon" a package, making it free for the wild. Then a user can "Adopt" a package. Further, a user can request a "Take-Over" in the case that John Doe did leave and a package is out of date. Before a "Take-Over" can occur, the original author has to be contacted and given so many days, weeks to respond. They can either respond and "Abandon" the package if they do not want to manage it any longer, or respond and say "I'll update it myself, the package is still of interest to me, thanks for letting me know it's outdated." or simply not respond, in which the package will be given to that person who has requested it.

The benefit to the Abandon, Adopt, Take-Over method is that we are already sort of that way. Each package already has an owner. The other benefit is it keeps someone assigned to the package, maybe if for no other reason than to keep it updated to work in new versions of Euphoria, or to simply state that this package only works in 3.x (there are going to be many packages that are obsoleted by 4.0, due to it's new standard library. There will be no reason to make some of them work in 4.0).

The downside is that maybe people will not be as likely to update version information if they know that their name will then be attached to the file as maintainer. Maybe we need a combination of the two methods, or a totally new one that you think up smile

About maintaining versions for 3.x, 4.x, 5.x... Maybe instead of including a 3.x and 4.x directory in your .zip file, when you upload a new copy, if it's version attributes do not overlap previous ones, then it is considered a new file for that project. For instance, say there is a abc.e that does something really cool. It has a version for 2.5. You adopt it, update it to work in 2.5, 3.0 and 3.1. However, when it get's to 4.0, you make some really cool additions to it that was made possible by the standard library, or because of enums in 4.0, or some other feature. Now you upload a new script that the version flag is set to 4.0 only. Well, there is no overlap, thus, the system says this is the same package, but it should be a new file. The page may now look like:

Library: abc.e 
Description: Does something really cool. 
    2.5 - 3.1.1      abc_25_311.zip       Updated: 03/20/2008    [ Download ] 
    4.0 - 4.0.1      abc_400_401.zip      Updated: 02/12/2009    [ Download ] 

These are my thoughts on The Archive. Please let the discussion begin!


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2. Re: The Archive and 4.0


Jeremy said...

[ ] 3.0 [X] 3.1 [X] 4.0 [ ] 4.1 [ ] 4.2

The problem there is what happens when we get to 5.0, 6.0, etc... That would begin to take up quite a lot of room?

Would that really take up a lot of room? You probably know about DB design than me.

Also columns are needed for OS (DOS, WIN, Linux, BSD), and categories (as already defined). Can most databases not just add columns as required, so that you can add on additional version numbers?

Should there not be some additional to adding and categorising libraries - ie if you are 4.0 compatible, you must be all 4.x compatible. I can see where difficulties may arise because of contributions of applications, ie an application written with 4.4 may not work with 4.2 as it uses some feature of 4.4, but this could be accommodated by stating in the freeform description that eu 4.4 is required.

File ownership - as I said, if the owner cannot be contacted, or can and wishes to release the library / application to abandoned or free status, then it should be free for anyone to pick up. Personally I think sourceforge is too top heavy for this (though I know many others disagree), but I have picked up a couple of libraries from Ray Smith (much lamented loss to Euphoria) (sqlite and allegro), and while I don't exactly maintain them, I do keep separate repositories on wikispaces, occasionally change one or two lines, and happily accept modifications and additions (credited to the author of course), and update the files myself. I don't if this would be an acceptable model or not. There should also be an authorised person permitted to release the file ownership to the new adoptive parent.

Jeremy said...

About maintaining versions for 3.x, 4.x, 5.x... Maybe instead of including a 3.x and 4.x directory in your .zip file, when you upload a new copy, if it's version attributes do not overlap previous ones, then it is considered a new file for that project. For instance, say there is a abc.e that does something really cool. It has a version for 2.5. You adopt it, update it to work in 2.5, 3.0 and 3.1. However, when it get's to 4.0, you make some really cool additions to it that was made possible by the standard library, or because of enums in 4.0, or some other feature. Now you upload a new script that the version flag is set to 4.0 only. Well, there is no overlap, thus, the system says this is the same package, but it should be a new file. The page may now look like:

Library: abc.e Description: Does something really cool. Files: 2.5 - 3.1.1 abc_25_311.zip Updated: 03/20/2008 [ Download ] 4.0 - 4.0.1 abc_400_401.zip Updated: 02/12/2009 [ Download ]

Yes, I like that idea.


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3. Re: The Archive and 4.0

ChrisB said...
Jeremy said...

[ ] 3.0 [X] 3.1 [X] 4.0 [ ] 4.1 [ ] 4.2

The problem there is what happens when we get to 5.0, 6.0, etc... That would begin to take up quite a lot of room?

Would that really take up a lot of room? You probably know about DB design than me.

I suspect he meant in an interface. Presumably, the versions would be a lookup table, and there'd be a link table to allow a many to many relationship between contributions and versions.


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4. Re: The Archive and 4.0

mattlewis said...
ChrisB said...
Jeremy said...

[ ] 3.0 [X] 3.1 [X] 4.0 [ ] 4.1 [ ] 4.2

The problem there is what happens when we get to 5.0, 6.0, etc... That would begin to take up quite a lot of room?

Would that really take up a lot of room? You probably know about DB design than me.

I suspect he meant in an interface. Presumably, the versions would be a lookup table, and there'd be a link table to allow a many to many relationship between contributions and versions.

Yes, that is the case.


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5. Re: The Archive and 4.0

Jeremy, this may be easier than you think. When submitting a file, you could have checkboxes to select the compatible versions. When showing the files to the user, they could be concatenated to form something like 3.0, 3.1, 4.0. If the versions are consecutive, you could use string or character to denote that, like 3.0 ~ 4.0 or 3.0 .. 4.0.



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6. Re: The Archive and 4.0

There is another feature missing on archive, the listings shows the month and day, but ont the year.

About "adopt" a project. Many contributions are not clearly free software with GPL license. See, for example, how the archive keeps the original win32lib with a advice about existing an updated one.

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7. Re: The Archive and 4.0

achury said...

There is another feature missing on archive, the listings shows the month and day, but ont the year.

About "adopt" a project. Many contributions are not clearly free software with GPL license. See, for example, how the archive keeps the original win32lib with a advice about existing an updated one.

I'm not sure why you brought up GPL. Many libraries don't mention anything about their license. Win32lib is basically released under the zlib license, which is certainly open, and has fewer restrictions on what you can do with the code than the GPL does.


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8. Re: The Archive and 4.0

I got a message from Rob, and they have decided that we should just use the existing comments field to indicate version number compatibility, so, I guess "The Archive" will not have any enhancements any time soon. Sorry.


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