Historical RedyCode, Revision 8

RedyCode is the IDE written in and for the Redy application environment. It will be released soon.

RedyCode uses a pure euphoria-written text editor with syntax highlighting. It can open "Projects" which manage folders of source code. A RedyCode Project is a folder that contains a .redy file (project settings file) and source files and subfolders that make up a euphoria program. A Project specifies paths to Euphoria binary files (eui.exe, eub.exe, euc.exe) and paths to include folders, so when you run a Project, RedyCode sets up the appropriate environment and runs the appropriate commands to run, bind, or build your program. That's the plan, anyway. RedyCode is still in a very early stage of development. Soon, the source will be available at https://github.com/redy-project/redycode.

Here are some screenshots of the work in progress:

RedyCode has a treebox on the left that shows projects that are currently open. Multiple projects can be open at the same time. Each open project appears in the tree as Source files and sub-folders, and Includes files and sub-folders. In the middle is the editor area, which has tabs at the top to switch between currently open files. On the right, a context-sensitive hypertext help is available to help you write code. There will be toolbars as well, but these are not working yet.

http://redy-project.org/images/screenshots/2015-12-20%2014_59_30-RedyCode.png http://redy-project.org/images/screenshots/2015-12-20%2015_00_08-Create%20new%20project.png http://redy-project.org/images/screenshots/2015-12-20%2016_38_51-RedyCode.png


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