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[[Projects based on Euphoria|Back to Projects based on Euphoria]]

==Common sites that refer to Euphoria==
* [[|Wikipedia Article about Euphoria]]
* [[| Euphoria Page]]
* [[|TIOBE Language Index]]
* [[|Euphoria version of 99 Bottles of Beer]]
* [[ | HOPL Online Historical Encyclopedia of Programming Languages ]] genealogy of over 8900 programming languages

==Euphoria-related sites created by users of Euphoria==

Feel free to add your own link. //Please make sure the topic of any page you add is primarily Euphoria.//

* **Derek Parnell** was the original developer of Win32Lib \\
See [[|the Win32Lib project on SourceForge]] for a recent version.
* **Judith Evans** was the original developer of the Win32IDE: [[|project on SourceForge]] \\
For an updated version see: [[]]
* **Ryan Johnson** is working on an IDE / GUI project called [[|Redy.]]
* **Greg Haberek** runs [[|]] (formerly run by **C. K. Lester**, see [[|oldsite]]).
* **David Cuny** of California has set up a [[|Euphoria Page]] with the latest releases of many of his GUI libraries and other programs. Several screen shots are included.
* **Michael Packard**, of Lord Generic Productions has [[|a site]] dedicated to the theory of making action games in Euphoria. Check out his //Crash Course in Game Design and Production//.
* **Igor Kachan** has a [[|Russian site]] as well as a backup of the RapidEuphoria website [[]]
* **Irv Mullins** maintains a cross-platform Euphoria/GTK wrapper for Linux, OSX and Windows at

* [[|Euphoria's Home Page]]
* [[|EUforum]] -- Users Forum
* [[|SourceForge Project Page]]


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