RE: win32lib: need serious help with Rebar

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> From: Dan Moyer [mailto:DANIELMOYER at]

> Peter,
> I thought "setVisible" would work to switch bands on/off, so 
> I altered a
> rebar demo that comes with Win32Lib to try it, but it only worked with
> controls on the bands, not the bands themselves, at least in 
> under v57.9.

No, it looks like you need to use RB_DELETEBAND and RB_INSERTBAND.  Here's a
reworked demo that mostly works, although the combobox doesn't get painted
properly until after it's been covered by another window or the rebar gets
resized (it won't really, because it's locked to the size of the window).
Also, the combo may lose its cy size, so you may want to play with that.  I
don't know what effect this will have on other controls, so you'll have to

-- ReBar.exw
-- Matt Lewis
without warning
with trace
include win32lib.ew

    Win     = create( Window, "ReBar Demo", 0, 20, 20, 300, 300,0) ,
    RB      = create( ReBar, "", Win, 0, 0, 600, 300, 0 ),
    Band1   = create( ReBarBand, "Band 1", RB, 0, 0, 100, 100, RBBS_BREAK),
    CB      = create( Combo, "", RB, 0, 200, 90, 25 * 6, 0 )

integer Band2
    Band2   = create( ReBarBand, "Band 2", RB, 0, 0, 100, 100, RBBS_BREAK)

    Tool    = create( ToolBar, "", RB, 0, 0, 300, 34, 0),
    One     = create( PushButton, "One", Tool, 0, 0, 50, 30, 0 ),
    Two     = create( PushButton, "Two", Tool, 50, 0, 50, 30, 0),
    Lbl1    = create( RText, "Edit1:", Win, 0, 10, 50, 25,0),
    Edit1   = create( SleText, "", Win, 50, 10, 200, 25, 0),
    Lbl2    = create( RText, "Edit2:", Win, 0, 50, 50, 25,  0),
    Edit2   = create( SleText, "", Win, 50, 50, 200, 25, 0),
    toggle  = create( PushButton, "Toggle", Win, 50, 150, 90, 25, 0 )
addToBand( CB,   Band1 )
addToBand( Tool, Band2 )

integer vis
vis = 1
procedure toggle_push( integer self, atom event, sequence params )
	integer void
	atom struct
	vis = 1 - vis

	if vis then
	        struct = struct_REBARBANDINFO(
            or_all( {   RBBIM_ID,       -- fMask
    	                RBBIM_STYLE } ),
            or_all( {   RBBS_CHILDEDGE, -- fStyle
    	        0 }),
            0,          -- clrFore
            0,          -- clrBack
            0,    -- lpText
            0,          -- iImage
            getHandle(CB),          -- hwndChild
            0,          -- cxMinChild
            100,          -- cyMinChild
            100,         -- cx
            0,          -- hbmBack
            0,         -- wID
            0,          -- cyChild
            0,          -- cyMaxChild
            0,          -- cyIntegral
            0,          -- cxIdeal
            0,          -- lParam
            0 )         -- cxHeader
		void = sendMessage( RB, RB_INSERTBAND, 0, struct )
		Band2 = subClassControl( {ReBarBand, RB}, void )
		repaintWindow( CB )
		setCtlSize( RB, 0,0 )
		void = sendMessage( RB, RB_DELETEBAND, 0, 0 )
	end if
end procedure
setHandler( toggle, w32HClick, routine_id("toggle_push"))

addItem( CB, {"One","Two","Etc..."} )

-- This routine ensures that all controls shift up/down if the rebar size
procedure onResize_Screen(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
   setRect(Edit1, 50, 10, 200, 25, False)
   setRect(Edit2, 50, 50, 200, 25, False)
   setRect(Lbl1, 0, 10, 50, 25, False)
   setRect(Lbl2, 0, 50, 50, 25, False)
end procedure
setHandler(Screen, w32HResize, routine_id("onResize_Screen"))

WinMain( Win, Normal )

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