- Posted by jjnick at Apr 29, 2001
* How does one close a DOS box after it's "Finished" - behaviour of "system_exec()" * The icon I assign in an exw, setIcon(), doesn't display in the switch application dialog, ie, using ALT-TAB. What do I do to fix this? * Is it possible to embed an icon into an exe? * Anybody create an installation program in euphoria? If not, what is a good installation program to distribute apps? * Dragging an ".EXW" file on top of a "EXW.EXE" shortcut on the desktop doesn't produce the bitmap for a button, yet, running "EXW.EXE" from an MS-DOS prompt does. Anything I should concern myself with? * deleteItem() does return a value, contrary to the win32lib HTML help . . . I was pulling my hair out on this one!!!