Re: Display message when loading
- Posted by Travis Beaty <travisbeaty at> Apr 17, 2001
Howdy Mr. Steward! > G'Day all, > How can I open the main window and display a progress bar as the data loads. > At the moment my data loads in the on_open routine for the main window but > it executes these statements before actually displaying the window. I know > how to use the progress bar just want something on the screen so a user > knows something's happening. The way I typically would do something like this is to create a special window for the progress bar, which could contain a label with something like "Now Loading. Hold your horses ..." You could open this window in your main window's onOpen routine; however, *do not make it a child of the main window!* It will need to be a parent window (aka the child is 0). AFAIK, child windows can only be seen when the parent is visible. Since it's a one time window, you could declare object variables in the onOpen routine to declare the controls, then destroy them at the end of the procedure, before the variables go out of scope. Hope I haven't confused you. Happy Hunting, Travis Beaty Claude, Texas.